-The Roller Derby group date is up next, and I know somewhere in LA, Nick Viall was getting a chubby watching this date because, well, he knows how to skate. And backwards too! This was basically just a clumsy mess of 12 guys playing a roller derby game where in the history of life, I truly don’t think anyone could possibly accurately explain how the scoring system on this game goes. Didn’t this used to be on TV and basically it was wrestling on wheels? Like, everything was pre-determined, the point system was made up, and it was essentially a scripted show for entertainment purposes? Hey, fits in perfect with this franchise. No wonder they decided to make this one of their dates. Like all the sudden the score was 8-7 and all I saw was a bunch of guys falling all over each other looking like they were wearing skates for the first time.
-Dustin ended up getting injured which, I guess, was the biggest “story” to come from this date. He got the first alone time with her on the 1-on-1 date and admitted something. He’s not like the other guys. He’s shy and quiet, where the other guys are more loud and assertive. I can’t imagine who he could’ve possibly been referring to. Well, the loud part definitely doesn’t fit Luke P. There really isn’t anything loud about him. But basically Dustin is telling her he didn’t already have a shrine built to her in his bedroom that he prayed to every night before coming on the show. And maybe, just maybe, made a voodoo doll and once he doesn’t get picked, might start poking holes all over it in a trashing, stabbing motion to make sure she’s cursed for the rest of her life. Just sayin’.
-Peter is next to get alone time with her and it’s kind of a repeat of what he said out of the limo, but just a longer version. He flys everywhere, he can take her with him, he put relationships on the back burner until his career was settled. You can also add him to the list of guys this season with the “like” verbal tic. He spewed out a ton of them in a short time. He even says he might’s flown her someday and she didn’t even know it. I mean, he does fly for Delta, so maybe he did. Or maybe Hannah is more of a Spirit Airlines woman. You never know. It’s possible Hannah likes booking really cheap flights then by the time all your fees and charges are added up for luggage, seat, height, weight, what month you were born in, and the amount of fingers and toes you have, it’s basically the same price as most other airlines. You ain’t foolin’ anyone Spirit with your dirt cheat round trip prices. When I’m paying a fee for, I don’t know, walking to your gate and sitting down, it’s kind of an issue. And do we really need the bright yellow planes? You’re like the dude at the gym who wears bright fluorescent colors in a sea of people wearing black or grey. Are you trying to show people up in the sky or something? That’s ugly. You’re ugly. Go away, Spirit.
-What group date after party wouldn’t be complete without some sort of drama? This one is caused by Cam. You know, Cam the guy who didn’t get a date this week? Yeah, he’s allowed to just show up for this date becauuuuuusssseeee….I’m not really quite sure. Connor S and Matthew didn’t have dates this week either. I’m sure they would’ve liked to be a part of something. Why didn’t they go? The whole thing just didn’t make a lot of sense, especially considering it’s episode 2. Like that’s unheard of. Maybe maybe we’ve had someone crash a date they weren’t on before, but none that immediately come to mind. But to do it in episode 2 where it’s a known fact that while filming is still in LA for dates in episode 2 and 3, there’s ALWAYS people without a date. So I’m not sure if Cam was aware this is how the show works, or, probably more accurately, the producers just decided to use Cam as a pawn in their game.
-In case you didn’t know, ABC stands for Always Be Cam. We know this because I counted four times this episode where he said it. Probably not the smartest move on his part, but again, this just reeks of producer intervention. Sure Cam went along with it, but no one just decides on their own “I’m gonna go crash a date. Take me there.” We see the ramifications of Cam’s appearance. He butts in on when Devin is talking to her and cuts his time short which, lets be honest, was anyone really on the edge of their seat wondering what Hannah and Devin were talking about? Probably not. The weird thing is once Cam interrupted the date, he hands her the flowers, and they immediately cut back to the guys being informed Cam showed up, they’re all pissed, then when we flash back to Hannah and Cam, we never see any of their convo. It’s over, they kiss, and Cam says “see you tomorrow.” So it’s clear production isn’t trying to show us any sort of connection between Hannah and Cam, they just want to show the aftermath of him invading the group date. If they did care, they’d show us what those two actually talked about.
-Then outside, Cam is filming his ITM’s while guy after guy comes up to him telling him they didn’t approve of what he did. It went kinda like this:
First it was Tyler, then it was Garrett, then Kevin the Destroyer was next. I don’t really know why, but that nickname seems to fit him. Go check out his Instagram and tell me that guy couldn’t squash your head like a grape if he wanted to. Kevin the Destroyer is not pleased with Cam appearing, lets him know as much, and it sets up a confrontation later at the mansion that gets quite creepy to say the least.