To say we’re in unprecedented times would be an understatement for sure. Clearly I did not end up going to Vegas this week for March Madness. But even before Vegas had a complete shutdown of their casinos, I wasn’t planning on going anyway. My trip was for March Madness. Once that was cancelled, I wasn’t interested in going. Then the casinos closed and, well, that ended up being the right move. And as you know, Clare’s season has been postponed, like most everything in the entertainment industry. It first came out in a press release on Friday, then Chris Harrison took to IG and told everyone they were postponing filming for at least 2 weeks. Now, I’m not an expert or anything, but I can pretty guaran-damn-tee you that “Bachelorette” production isn’t going to resume in two weeks. Two months maybe, but certainly not two weeks the way things are going right now. I know a lot of you want answers and how does this affect filming, and Clare’s guys, and “Bachelor in Paradise,” but the reality is, when we’re literally living hour-by-hour trying to find out how as a country we’re going to adjust to this, there are no solid, hard answers. All we can do is speculate at this time. However, some things that we do know are the filming schedule for this show and what it entails, so I will break that down for you in today’s column on Page 2. SPOILER ALERT – things don’t look great. But again, I preface that by saying none of us know anything about where this is headed. I’m just basing it off what projections are.
Lets get to a few things first before we dive into the possibilities for Clare’s season. I’m gonna hold off on “Reader Emails” until tomorrow and here’s why. There’s a chance that “Reader Emails” might be the podcast tomorrow. My guest I have scheduled will know today for sure if she can do it. If she does, then she’ll be the guest and I’ll have “Reader Emails” in the column tomorrow. If she can’t, it’ll be too late to find a guest for tomorrow, and I’ll just do “Reader Emails” for the podcast. You’ll know why if she’s the guest tomorrow it came down to the last minute. There’s a story that’s supposed to come out about her today in the news, so she can’t talk about it until it does. And no, it’s not someone from Bachelor Nation. But that’s the deal for tomorrow. Either she’ll be my podcast guest and “Reader Emails” will be in the column, or, “Reader Emails” will be the podcast.
So the biggest news to happen since we last spoke was the break up of Peter and Madison, which came to us late Thursday night. If you read my column on Wednesday or listened to the beginning of last Thursday’s podcast, you heard me say both times I didn’t even think those two would make it to the weekend. And they didn’t. So it brings up a ton of questions of how serious was this relationship to begin with and can you possibly even TRY to make the relationship work (like they said they were going to on the stage last Tuesday night), and then end it two days later. Not to mention, the next day Madison is hanging out with Selena Gomez and Peter is hanging out with his whole family telling everyone everything’s fine in his relationship with his mother. Something about all of this doesn’t seem right. To me, we knew these two were never going to last long term. Everybody saw that. But the quickness in which it ended, prepared written statement on IG from both that were about as generic as they come, then immediately posting stuff a day after the breakup? Yeah, there’s no way these two were ever serious about each other and really interested in making it work.
We can debate all day until we’re blue in the face on who was more serious about the relationship than the other, but I don’t think we’ll ever get a true answer to that since only those two know. But you can’t convince me that sitting up there on the stage 8 days ago saying you love each other and “that should be all that matters,” then two days later deciding it’s already over, that something doesn’t smell right. Either they were never in love to begin with and were just trying to convince themselves they were, or, what happened Tuesday night of Peter choosing to be with Madison wasn’t supposed to happen to begin with and took everyone by surprise. The email I got after the finale that I shared with you last week suggests the latter. Remember how I told you I got something that said “there could have been several outcomes tonight and I was truly shocked at that one.” Both of these two have moved on, they seemingly really didn’t care all that much about each other, and we’re probably never going to get the real answer. But the optics of it, to me, look horrible and not the least bit believable that Peter and Madison were ever going to give this a try.
The other major Bachelor Nation storyline that keeps popping up right now is Hannah Brown down in Florida right now with Tyler. You’ve seen the pictures everywhere of them at the airport with him picking her up Sunday night, then them on a boat partying, then them playing beach volleyball, etc. Sorry, but I don’t know anything more than you do which is, well, Hannah is in Florida with Tyler. Is she down there because they are such good friends and in this world crisis we’re in she HAD to go to Florida to spend time partying with her platonic friend? Ummmmm, sure. I know nothing about what’s going on between them, but looking at it from an outsider’s perspective, it sure does look like they’re “together” or at least trying to see what they can be. I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to see that. But hey, maybe they are strictly platonic and she traveled to Florida during a national emergency to hang with a guy who people WANT to see her with just because they’re friends. I don’t know.
So with the “Bachelorette” not filming or airing now (and probably not for a while), what does that mean for this site? Well, there certainly won’t be much “Bachelorette” coverage for a while, and that’s what you guys come here for. But I don’t want to disappear either. I’m going to write as much as I can, and I’ll throw in any Bachelor Nation related stories that there are to cover. But I doubt there will be many. I think when “Listen To Your Heart” starts up, I’ll probably now recap that just for the hell of it to keep myself busy. Because I’m sure that will be quite a shit show and easy to make fun of. In the meantime, I think getting podcast guests should be easier since no one should have too busy of a schedule going forward. But as for the site, even though there is nothing happening in “Bachelorette” world, I’m not going to disappear. Yes, my income is dependent on views to my site and I appreciate all of you that stop by. The good thing is Peter’s season has already happened and it was one of my better seasons yet in terms of viewership. But going forward, I’m still trying to figure out what content to provide during this downtime. Do I bust out an old season and recap it? Do I just do a “Daily Links” column again minus all coronavirus stories? Hell, do I start watching old 90210 episodes and recapping those? So many possibilities. I’ll figure it out, but, there will be content on this site even with “Bachelorette” out of production. I’m up for suggestions of what you’ll want. Let me know your thoughts.
Oh yeah, one last note that’s Bachelor Nation related. Remember when I posted this a couple weeks ago from Chad Johnson’s girlfriend?
Here’s Part 2 of the video…
— RealitySteve (@RealitySteve) February 24, 2020
Since then, both of them did an interview with E! together and now both of them have OnlyFans account (which you pay a monthly fee) to basically watch them have sex on camera and post nudes for their fans. So all support she garnered by filming Chad’s destructive behavior is thrown out the window now that she’s essentially back together with him. It’s sad, she doesn’t get it, and unfortunately never will until it happens again. And even then, she’ll probably take him back. She’s lost and unfortunately we haven’t heard the last of this toxic relationship.
Now, lets talk about Clare’s season…