Talking with two names synonymous with the Bachelor franchise today for podcast #209 and that’s “Here to Make Friends” podcast hosts, Emma Gray and Claire Fallon. Only Emma has been on in the past, so it was great to finally have them both on. We definitely touch on a couple sensitive topics within the franchise. Emma and Claire, who also work for the Huffington Post, talk about how they choose to cover certain stories when it comes to this franchise. Always good to hear from journalists about how they decide, and what information they need, to determine how they will cover a story. We’re going through one right now in the franchise which we talk about towards the end. A very interesting conversation that I know you’ll enjoy. As always, if you’d like to respond to the interview, please include Emma and Claire’s Twitter handles (@emmaladyrose & @ClaireEFallon) in your replies. It was great having them on this week and they will definitely be on again in the future. Enjoy…
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
(SPOILERS) I begin by briefly going over last night’s IG live with Ashley Spivey a couple notes happening in Bachelor world. Then Emma and Claire join me (5:29) to talk about this week’s “Bachelorette” episode, how they’ve viewed the Clare/Tayshia double “Bachelorette” this season, the fan base getting more and more toxic, and how they choose to cover rumors/stories regarding this franchise, including a recent one we’ve recently spoke on about.
Twitter – @emmaladyrose
Twitter – @ClaireEFallon
Instagram – @emmaladyrose
Instagram – claireefallon
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Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is “RealitySteve,” or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you next week.