Just some notes here in regards to the Fan Appreciation Party, the podcast schedule the next couple weeks, and thoughts on the WTA last night:
-Get your “Reader Emails” in for tomorrow’s column. Barely have any right now, but I’m guessing you have a few questions/comments after reading today. Email me at steve@realitysteve.com and it’ll be in tomorrow’s column.
-We are about 40% filled for the Fan Appreciation Party June 3rd at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. So still spots open. If you’re interested in attending and you’re out of state, your flight itinerary is your admission into the party. If you’re driving, your hotel booking is your admission. If you’re local, you just have to promise me you won’t flake since I’m holding spots for you that could’ve gone to someone else. Only thing I need from anyone attending is a screen shot of your vaxx card, which I immediately delete. No mask mandate in Vegas right now, but just wanna take the extra precaution. If that doesn’t suit you, then that’s ok. You don’t need to attend. There will be an open beer and wine bar the whole night and food will be provided. Been two years since I’ve been able to hold this party due to COVID so it’ll be nice to finally start this yearly tradition back up again as a thank you to my readers/listeners for your support. Email me ASAP if you’re interested in attending as spots are filling up.
-The podcast schedule the next couple weeks will be a little different. This week’s podcast will drop on Friday morning since we will be talking “Joe Millionaire” finale, which airs on Thursday night. We will have someone from that finale on to discuss everything that went down. Then next week, the podcast will drop early Wednesday morning as I leave for Vegas that day as I have my annual March Madness trip. That’ll also be with a “Joe Millionaire” contestant I believe and, hopefully, someone else as well. So Friday and Wednesday will be the next two podcast releases.
-With me leaving next Wednesday, I know that’s gonna throw a complete wrench into things in regards to the “Bachelorette” and the probably release of the men on the season. I’m sure we’ll be getting the “official” announcement of our “Bachelorette” on next Tuesday’s finale episode, and a good chance she’ll meet 5 of her guys like they’ve done in the past. So my guess is the next morning (since it happened last year when I left on Wednesday for Vegas March Madness), is they will release the potential men for her season on their FB page. So I will have to tweet those out as the day goes on with their name, IG page, and any basic info I get on them. I hate the timing of this, but, it’s something that I realize I have to accept. I’ll always leave Wednesday of March Madness week, and that’s gonna be the day they release the guys.
-The WTA was just disturbing on a lot of levels. Not to mention highly edited. Two things I spoiled last week weren’t even shown. They never showed the segment of Salley up in the hot seat, nor did they show the video of Shanae calling Elizabeth a CU Next Tuesday. I guess they figured they had enough Shanae footage to last them a lifetime, no need to pour salt into the wound. The whole thing was a trainwreck. While I didn’t agree with some of the things the women said in their retaliation to Shanae, I don’t feel sorry for her one bit. She deserved everything she got. She had 3 months to sit on it and still did nothing to apologize or sound remotely remorseful for. That’s some serious personality issues there. So clearly she doesn’t care. And if she doesn’t care how she treats people, then we shouldn’t care how people treat her. As long as death threats aren’t involved or harsh name calling. Shanae called them every name in the book, so even that might be debatable.
-I can’t believe Shanae’s explanation for why she thought Genevieve was an actress. Because she hung out with Bachelor Nation post show, she automatically jumped to the conclusion that makes Genevieve an actress and she slept with Aaron? Are you kidding me? And people don’t think Shanae should get called out for that? Even if Genevieve DID bang Aaron after she got back from filming, which she says she didn’t…who cares? What does that have to do with anything? People are allowed to live their lives once they’re off this show. They don’t have to curl up in a ball and never have a social life until you say so, Shanae. What a delusional and unstable retaliation that was. Went to the slut shaming card just off an assumption with zero proof. Nice.
-The whole “who cried and when” angle with Sarah and Clayton is so tired and lame, it’s not even worth discussing.
-A few of you have asked me about Sierra and Teddi both saying stuff alluding to the ending of the show and how they know. I’m pretty sure producers planted in their ears to say something to give the audience a heads up for what’s to come. I honestly don’t think they know and what I posted today I’m pretty sure they’re hearing for the first time. I get the impression that a lot of them were pretty certain Clayton is single and based all opinions and assumptions off that.
So for those unaware, tonight is the overnight date episode, but we probably aren’t getting to the rose ceremony based on the promos they’re running. It’s most likely gonna end with that dinner convo I posted on page 1 of Clayton & Susie, her getting up a leaving, and Clayton melting down with producers. Then next Monday & Tuesday is the 2 night live finale where coming in and out of commercial breaks they’ll have live segments in the audience. Expect alumni to be there and they will definitely kill a few segments talking to the likes of Joe & Serena, and Becca and Thomas, etc. You know those people will be a part of it. Then you gotta figure the last 20-30 minutes or so of Tuesday’s episode will be the “official” announcement of our next “Bachelorette” (I hope to find out before then), a sit down with her, then probably the introduction of 5 of her guys like they did in the past with Rachel, Becca, and Hannah’s seasons.
Gonna be a hell of a day. Maybe I’ll go live later on IG to discuss this even further and answer any questions you may have, even though I gave you everything I know in this column. If I’m up to it, I’ll do it later today so keep an eye out for that on IG.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.