Can Zach or any of the women say one sentence without using the word “like”?
Comment: I mean if we’re being honest, this is basically every season. I wouldn’t just limit it to Zach’s women.
Love the spoilers, you always bring the goods! And I’m hoping that Charity actually ends up being the “Bachelorette”, as you have said. I know everything can change, but she seems absolutely lovely.
Interesting thing about Kaity, and maybe this is just me being Canadian, but it seems like just watching the edits, that she seems to be well liked by the other girls and maybe that’s an indicator? For anybody who has doubts for your “intel” , I think the body language between the girls says a lot. If she wasn’t the final rose, she’d be the Bachelorette hands down.
Comment: Yeah this cast seems closer than any recent cast I can remember. Now, lets also remember that could fade quickly after Paradise. Or when people can’t benefit someone in some way. I’ve seen it happen a gazillion times in this franchise. Right now, it seems genuine. But I’m always cautious.
I’ve been watching this show since the very beginning; always feeling that it’s the last season I would watch. However, here I am again. There is definitely way too much crying! We even have Zach crying too often. Maybe they should establish a rule…………….if you cry during more than one episode you go home. Maybe they should increase the minimum age to attract and older group, or maybe their psych exam should go a lot deeper.
Comment: I have no issue with the crying by Zach or the women. I don’t think crying has to do with your age. Nick, Arie, and Brad Womack were Bachelors in their mid 30’s when they were leads and they all cried at some point. That’s a non issue for me.
Hi Steve – three random things – not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but don’t you think Greer is a dead ringer for a young Jade? Also, if you close your eyes and listen to Charity speak she sounds EXACTLY like Tahzjuan and lastly did they ever do just three hometowns – I think four is overkill. Thanks.
Comment: Never really thought of that when it comes to Greer, but now that you mention it, I can kind of see it. Tahzjuan’s voice isn’t familiar enough to my ears to relate it to Charity’s. And Gabby last season was the only time I remember them doing 3 hometowns.
Since I come to you for spoilers, you probably won’t be surprised that I look up American Idol spoilers too. This year there is a top 26 list I believe. I like to watch the editing to see how much screen time each one of them gets prior to making the top list, audition, Hollywood rounds, etc. You can tell who producers are hoping to make it to live rounds, because they push more time for those contestants, because as you say more screen time means more investment to the public as they start voting. Yes, I’m aware that the top 24-26 get spoiled every season for Idol, but thank you for not spoiling it for me. I don’t want to know. You’re right though, the show definitely knows people that get screen time early on and in the Hollywood rounds are people that the audience will develop more of a connection to and will vote for during the live shows.
I agree that any of the remaining top 4 would make great bachelorettes. They, for the most part have been drama free. I hopefully can look forward to more screen time for Gaby and Ariel in Paradise, so we can see even more of their personality!
Comment: I’d be shocked if either of them aren’t part of the first group of women down on the beach.
Group toasts…..should the lead not propose a “toast,” instead of a “cheers”?
Isn’t cheers a response to a toast? Never looked at it that way. Guess you’re right.
Have you ever found out if the lead role was offered and not accepted?
Or does the potential lead just always accept the role to your knowledge?
Comment: There will always be debate about whether Peter Krause turned down the role or they pulled it from him. He’s said publicly he turned them down. I’ve heard the opposite. So who knows what’s actually true.
Hi Steve! Any insight into next week’s episode? Who does he sleep with? Who blabbed? Who robbed them of their special time?
I read and keep up. Even went back and tried to search. I don’t see where any spoilers were posted about it. Maybe I missed it?
Comment: Well, that’s overnight dates, which doesn’t air until March 20th. Next week is Hometowns on Monday, and Women Tell All on Tuesday. But no, I haven’t heard about overnight dates yet.
Hey Steve –
The Challenge – I wish they had subtitled Turbo’s video. Essentially, they turned him into their version of Zingbot (“Pussy chicken!” instead of “Zing!”). I’m so over Turbo. If he never appeared on another season of this show, I’d be totally fine with that.
Special Forces – Hannah B is officially a badass, losing a fraction of a point for not knowing Danny’s last name (“Armadillo”). While this should boost her as an influencer, I don’t know if it will lead to anything else. My prediction that Kelly Monaco would be a superstar after winning DWTS has me cautious about such predictions. Dwight Howard clearly has issues with women telling him what to do – may have cost him the win. When he said he was ready to die/be killed, it seemed pretty sincere to me. Yeah, Dwight’s exit was kinda bizarre. It almost felt like his body was taken over by someone else. Zombie Dwight.
For fans of Love is Blind and The Ultimatum, I recommend the dubbed Brazilian and French versions.
SNL had some really good sketches but the singing couple was not one of them.
Comment: Yeah, that probably one of the poorer ones, although there were a couple good one liners. But that All American Girl Café skit was an instant classic.
Hi Steve
Do you think the fact that Gabi was reading How To Win The Bachelor while in the mansion was a factor in her not getting the Bachelorette gig? I know that only hard-core fans would know about that nugget of info, but producers may not want to add fuel to any online speculation about that? Or do you think it wasn’t a concern because most of the viewers would never even know about the book? I can see why the show wouldn’t want to mention the book thing, as they won’t like the gaming perspective that Chad and Lizzie have.
Because yes it’s all speculation but I feel like Gabi was a really strong contender for The Crown.
Comment: I don’t think it played a role to be honest.
Hey Steve. Never have emailed but on Mondays episode when Zach and kaity typed love poems to each other, I swear on hers it said “love, Katy”. We rewound it a few times and positive it was spelled Katy when her name is clearly spelled kaity. Did you catch that?
If that happened, then obviously she wouldn’t spell her name wrong so my theory is some staffer must have typed it and totally misspelled her name and nobody caught it. Anyway, curious if you noticed or could go back to check it out.
Comment: When I first got this email, I’d already deleted the episode and didn’t remember off the top of my head. Then as I was scrolling IG last night, I saw the @BachelorABC page put a picture montage from Budapest up on their feed last night and noticed a quick shot of the typewritten poems. So it was damn near impossible to screen shot since it’s literally shown for less than a half second. So I screen recorded that IG post, then paused it and took a screen shot. And here’s what it looked like:
Soooooooo, you’re telling me that Zach knows how to spell Kaity’s name but “Katy” doesn’t? Got it.
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