I’d say hands down one of the best finales this show has ever had. Yes, I understand that maybe some people like it when the final 2 woman at the end gets mad, or is upset, or storms off or whatever. Because that’s usually what we see. But after 19 previous seasons of that, to see how Daisy handled herself during all of that was quite refreshing. When I first came out with the spoiler change a month ago and said that the thing they’ve been teasing all season was that Daisy goes to talk to Kelsey to tell her basically “it’s not me, it’s you” and then she comes to final rose ceremony to end it with Joey, immediately people got upset. Well, first they didn’t believe it since I had the wrong spoiler for 3 months, so clearly I couldn’t possibly have gotten that right. But then it became, “That’s so selfish of Daisy. She’s ruining Kelsey’s moment.” Without having ever seen the episode play out, immediately people were shitting on Daisy when I released that spoiler. I hope those people realize now what a gross overreaction they had was. Daisy couldn’t have handled herself any better, it was a women’s empowerment moment we’ve never seen on this show before, and in no way did anything Daisy did take away from Joey and Kelsey’s engagement. But will those people admit they were wrong? Of course not.
Here’s the crazy thing about the Daisy & Kelsey friendship and arriving at the final rose ceremony together. You can believe me or not, I have no reason to lie about this, but when I was told about the spoiler change last month, one of the first things told to me was “the final 2 show up together.” Still have it in text messages I exchanged with some people when I first heard about it. Problem was, I could never 100% confirm it which is why I didn’t report it. It didn’t seem far fetched at all especially after being told Daisy went and talked to Kelsey to tell her basically he’s picking you. But man, quite the moment last night to see them riding to the final rose ceremony together. Bummed that I couldn’t get that confirmed after being told that’s what had happened, but, so is life. It was a great moment for the show. I’m glad I was at least able to get the “Daisy talked to Kelsey” and “Daisy tells Joey she knows it’s not her at the final rose ceremony,” since that was the main thing the show teased from the opening two minutes of the season and what I was being asked the most for the first month and a half of the season.
We now turn our attention to the “Bachelorette” and how everything went down last night. I mean, I tweeted it out in the moment last night and I can’t imagine I was the only one thinking it, but when we saw how Daisy handled herself, and then to come out on stage completely done up with the full makeup, the hair, the dress, it really seemed like a no-brainer she was gonna be the “Bachelorette.” I gotta believe I wasn’t the only one thinking that. Not to mention, they’d already taken her off stage after her conversation with Joey, had her sit for two Joey & Kelsey segments, then to bring her back on stage AGAIN just seemed like the announcement was forthcoming. Hell, even the way Jesse brought her out again. I know he didn’t say “and our next Bachelorette…,” but it sure was a little confusing on how that whole thing was presented. Most people did think she was the next “Bachelorette,” and why wouldn’t they at that point?
To me, the whole purpose to bring her out again was to justify why she wasn’t going to be the Bachelorette. The audience needed to hear from her. Because if you NEVER brought her on stage again, and then just said our new Bachelorette is Jenn – people would’ve had questions. So the show seemed to know that America would want to know why Daisy wasn’t named Bachelorette, and that’s why they had her come on stage again. It’s her choice. It’s her decision. We have to respect that she just wasn’t in a place where she thought she could do it. That’s fine. BUT, by having that segment, while I’m sure everyone is happy for Jenn, you kinda undermined her as your Bachelorette. You essentially let the audience know that if Daisy wanted to be the Bachelorette, she would’ve been, and that Jenn wasn’t your first choice.
In addition, I wanna say this. Maybe it’s possible that Jenn only likes dating white men. Or black men. But even if that WAS her preference, the fact that they’ve given us 28 men for her season as possible candidates and ONE is Asian kinda proves that Jenn wasn’t their initial choice for Bachelorette. Because if you reversed the narrative, and you have a white lead that lets say is only been interested in dating other white people, this show STILL casts 8-10 BIPOC contestants. Jenn is an Asian American woman and you give her one Asian guy? Again, it might not be her preference. We don’t know. But even if it isn’t, when it’s been the other way around, you’ve cast more than one person of their same ethnicity. The whole thing just screams of “Jenn wasn’t our first choice.” And that’s too bad. I’m sure she’ll make a fine Bachelorette, but she’s already behind the 8 ball. And if you don’t wanna see a bunch of microaggressions and subtle racist comments about her being chosen, I suggest not going online and reading comments under ABC’s announcement.
As for the whole Maria situation, I’ll say this. Unless Maria addresses it personally herself, I’d stop it with the wild speculation. Lauren (one of the sisters that she’s friends with) told someone on IG last night that Maria turned it down. Yet Maria in an interview just 10 days ago after the WTA taping said “I’d be stupid to say no.” So either Lauren is making that up to cover for her friend who didn’t get the gig, or, Maria was lying at the WTA when she said that. Was Maria asked by production? Of course she was. But saying that Maria “turned it down,” makes it seem like the show was 100% set to go with Maria, she was their girl, they had a whole season ready and set to go with her, and she just said no. I don’t believe that’s what happened. We know they talk to multiple women, and it seems to me that they just chose Jenn over Maria. They’re allowed to do that. It’s ok Maria fans. You’ll live. She would’ve been a good Bachelorette as well. But just because she didn’t get it, doesn’t mean there has to be some narrative behind it. Maybe they just didn’t choose her. Maybe she told them she didn’t want to do it. I think there’s a difference between something you don’t think is a good fit for you and turning it down. I know they seem similar but there’s definitely a difference.
I know you Maria fans are upset. I get it. But lets not start spreading rumors and conspiracy theories that aren’t based on anything factual. If Maria wants to address it, she will. But until it comes out of her mouth, I wouldn’t believe anything you hear regarding why she isn’t the Bachelorette. This show made their decision, and we move on. Doesn’t change anything on my end. Whether it was Daisy, or Maria, or Jenn, my job remains the same – get the spoilers. And right now, that’s finding the last names and IG accounts of the remaining 9 guys, confirming if first night of filming is tonight, and then once travel starts in New Zealand and Australia, seeing if I can get any info from there and wherever they head after that. It’s wash, rinse, repeat for me. I hope people give Jenn a chance at least. But judging by the response already, I probably shouldn’t be getting my hopes up to too much.
Thanks again for another great season. You readers and listeners are what makes this all possible. Your podcasts will continue daily, and when there’s updates to give on Jenn’s filming, the info will also be posted here on the website to keep everyone updated.
Send all links and emails to: steve@realitysteve.com. To follow me on Twitter, it’s: www.twitter.com/RealitySteve. Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.