What we’re going to talk about next is the rest of what I spent last night’s live stream on. And that is Jen’s episode by episode spoilers. And what I will say is this will be in written form tomorrow on the website because there is something that is going to happen tonight.
That’s probably going to answer all my questions. And that is the season preview that they show at the end of every first episode. They give you a three or a three and a half minute video with shots of all things that happened during the season. And I guarantee you. What they show in tonight’s episode at the end on the season trailer is going to answer the questions that I have, because there are just a few things that aren’t, I don’t have the exact elimination down.
And if I throw one person in an episode, then that throws off the rest of the episodes. But basically, you know, everything about the first three episodes and then. Episodes four and five in Auckland New Zealand are the ones where it gets tricky. What I do know is that 11 guys start in Auckland, New Zealand, and there are two episodes in New Zealand.
Episodes four and episodes five. Episode six starts with seven guys. So between episodes four and five, four people go home. I don’t know if it’s two and two. It probably is. It’s usually the way they do it. But there could be an episode where only one guy goes home and three go home on another episode. We don’t.
That’s what I don’t know yet. Now the tricky part comes Seattle. We know that three guys have had hometown. We had hometowns Marcus Devin and Jeremy Simon. Those are the three that we know had hometowns. I can tell you that Sam McKinney. Makes it to Seattle. I can also tell you that Grant Ellis makes it to Seattle and remember back when I told you on April 21st when they first arrived in Seattle, I got an email from somebody that said I saw the guys from GenSeason Actually, he said he saw a group of guys and then he saw them get into a black van and he realized Oh, that must be the guys from GenSeason.
He wasn’t following at all But he messaged me and said, I saw some guys get into a black van. I’m assuming this is filming for bachelorette. And I said, yes, I said, well, you go on my Instagram page, look at those guys and tell me who you recognize. And he only pointed out four guys. Obviously we know there’s more than four guys that were in Seattle, but the four guys he pointed out to me were Marcus, Jeremy Simon, Jonathan Hess.
Mitchell. Well, we know Jonathan Hess is not one of the people that he recognized because Jonathan has got cut before the show even started. So when I messaged him back, I said, well, you didn’t see Jonathan cause he’s not on the show. I said, but Jonathan, if you look at his picture and you look at Sam McKinney’s picture, they kind of look alike.
And I sent him Sam McKinney’s picture. He’s like, oh yeah, that guy had the guy that I saw had tattoos on his arm. So. That’s how I know Sam McKinney made it to Seattle among other reasons and then the other guy he identified the fourth guy He identified was John Mitchell But I didn’t tell you that at the time because I was like well this guy screwed up who?
Jonathan Hess was or he he screwed up who Sam McKinney was by labeling him as Jonathan Hess so I I don’t know if he’s getting the right guy. How do I know that he saw John Mitchell and he didn’t see anybody else? He could be right, but he could be wrong. That’s why I kept it private this whole time. So basically what we know, five guys, we know for sure.
Devin, Marcus, Jeremy, we know Sam McKinney was there. We know Grant Ellis was there. If he’s right about John Mitchell being there in Seattle and he saw him at the barbershop, that means there’s only one spot left. And that’s either Spencer Conley or Jonathan Johnson. Well, if you go back to the episode before Jonathan Johnson had his first one on one in Auckland, New Zealand, literally days before.
So unless Jen eliminated Jonathan Johnson on his one on one date where they took a helicopter ride and went to a winery, unless she eliminated him on that date, he’s our seventh guy. If my guy is right about John Mitchell. If he’s not right about John Mitchell, then that opens up some possibilities, but I tend to believe he’s right about John Mitchell, but I don’t know for sure.
What I am saying is, tonight, I honestly don’t really care about the first episode. We know what the first episode is every season. It’s literally the same thing. It’s like, okay, here’s an intro video of Jen. Here’s some intro videos of the guys, either while they’re exiting the limos or they’ll do it before the guys arrive a cocktail party.
Guys will pull her aside, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Rose ceremony. We’re done. It’s the same two hours every season, except for the two seasons where they had two leads, Byron Velvick and J and you know, Caitlin and Brit. Everything else. It’s the same thing on the first night. There’s not much you can do different on night one.
Now it might be a little bit different. Aesthetics wise, because they didn’t shoot it at the regular mansion. They shot it at the mansion that they used for listen to your heart, but whatever the case may be, the thing I’m looking forward to tonight is literally the last three minutes of the show, which is.
Show me the season trailer for the season, because I will be able to figure out if I see Jonathan in any shots in Seattle that confirms he made Seattle, which also would confirm he got the fourth hometown, because I can tell you, John Mitchell does not get a hometown. Sam McKinney does not get a hometown and Grant Ellis doesn’t get a hometown.
And the other three there do get hometowns, Marcus, Devin, and Jeremy. So if Jonathan Johnson is shown in the preview tonight in Seattle at any point. He’s your seventh guy, which means he’s the fourth hometown date guy. And it also means he made it to overnights because Jeremy was the one that got eliminated at hometown date rose ceremony.
If it’s Spencer in Seattle, then he’s your seventh guy, which would mean Jonathan Johnson got eliminated in episode five on his one on one date. If you were to ask me right now, I think Jonathan Johnson is the guy who makes it to final four because he did get a. He did do very well on the stripping date.
He quote unquote won the stripping date, then got a one on one in episode five right before Seattle in the previews. We see them in the helicopter. We see them at the winery. It just would seem weird if she did eliminate him, but I’m not ruling it out. It is possible. Maybe he just was not a great conversationalist who knows, but if he is shown in Seattle anywhere, that means he’s the fourth hometown and he’s the third overnight guy.
And he finished his third this season. So keep an eye out for that on Jonathan. That’s all I’m going to be looking for. Maybe they’ll show Jonathan in Hawaii. Maybe they’ll show Spencer in Hawaii or on a hometown date. We won’t know, but my guess is Spencer either got eliminated on his one on one date in episode three, or.
Where they went a helicopter ride to the 12 apostles. He got eliminated on that one on one or he made it through and got eliminated in episode four, episode five, because you can’t have both of them there in Seattle because six other guys are accounted for. So we will watch tonight. That’s all I care about.
Watching tonight’s episode is just get me to that trailer. That’s all I want to see. Get me to that trailer and I’ll be happy. And then once I can get my answers to that in the trailer, I’m assuming I will, it’ll all be laid out for you in tomorrow’s column. Probably not going to recap the episode too much.
It’s just going to be the spoilers to this season for Jen in written form. So you can always go back to it and see it. And then I’ll be able to place for the most part, all the eliminations and all basically the only thing I won’t have. That is who went home in episode four and who went home in episode five.
I’ll know who’s in each episode, but I won’t know who went home in which episode. I just know when episode four starts, they had 11. When episode six starts, they had seven. Four guys go home in those two episodes. I don’t know. Crucify me for not having which for, you know, which two or three go home in which episode not going to be a big deal.
You’re going to have your first three episodes laid out and from episode six on laid out. So I’m sure we’ll get some answers tonight. I’m almost positive. We will. They do it every season. And finally, just wanted to end with this. So Jason Priestley did an interview with us weekly last week. And he talked about the fact that him and Doherty, Shannon Doherty had some really good sexual chemistry on the show.
They’ve talked about this before. He went on her podcast back in January and they talked about it and they said, Nothing ever actually happened between their characters. Well, clearly they were brother and sister on the show. That would have been really weird if they were hooking up on the show, but we know how these high school shows were, especially in this day and age in the nineties with this hell unsaved by the bell.
We’ve heard that basically everybody on that show hooked up with somebody else outside of screech. Mario hooked up with all three women, I believe at some point, and so did Mark Paul Gosselaar. So, It wouldn’t be surprising. So Jason previously during this interview was asked by us weekly, Hey, did they ever ask you to tone down your sexual attention on set?
And he said, no, no, no, not at all. But when he was on Shannon Doherty’s podcast, let’s be clear back in January, he did make some jokes about it. And he said, there were a lot of bizarre things that happened between us. And then Shannon said, Brenda and Brandon were always so interesting because we had an interesting relationship.
There was this sexual undertone of Brenda and Brandon. And that to this day is hysterical. They claim that they never hooked up. It’s kind of hard to believe that they didn’t. And he said to us, we look, we used to make jokes about it all the time. Shannon and I had a lot of fun making that show together.
One of the other reasons we had so much chemistry is because we genuinely liked each other. And so we were all young and having fun and we all had a lot of making that show together, fun, making that show together. And the fact that we all liked each other as much as we did, I think really came across on the show.
And he did this interview because him and his wife are set to open a Pilates International location in Nashville in the fall. So he talked about it, but to say back in January on Shannon’s podcast, that there were a lot of bizarre things that happened between us. I can’t imagine anything remotely bizarre that didn’t involve a hookup.
You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if these two hooked up. I don’t know why they just, maybe it’s because out of respect for his wife, I totally understand it, but this is, it’s not like we’re saying he’s interested in Shannon now, or they’ve hooked up since then or whatever. I mean, this was 30 years ago. I just find it funny that the brother and sister on the show we’re dating or they never said they were dating, but when you say there were a lot of bizarre things that happened between us, what could be bizarre unless they were hooking up yet?
We’re playing brother and sister on the show. You know, come on. Somebody’s got to have an answer to this, right? Somebody maybe have said something in the past that Jason and Shannon hooked up 30 years ago. Had to, right? Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts.
Also rate and review. Go check out my YouTube page. If you want to watch last night’s live stream sports daily, we’ll be coming up in an hour from now. If you’re interested in that, obviously we’re back tomorrow with another daily roundup and all your spoilers will be laid out on my website, reality, steve.
com. So look forward to that. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow. Enjoy the career. Everyone.