Okay. Let’s get to the episode by episode spoilers that were revealed in the trailer last night that aired at the end of the episode, the biggest one, the first one, and I tweeted it out.
It’s the only picture I tweeted out from the trailer last night and put it on my Instagram story. It’s also on my Twitter is it confirmed that Jonathan Johnson is the fourth hometown date because there’s literally a shot of them in the backyard. Jen is in very casual clothing, like a white tank top and jeans.
She would never wear that on a one on one date during the season, nor would she wear it on a group date. And it’s clear that they’re sitting in the backyard because there’s a wall behind them, and that doesn’t look like anything you would see in Australia, New Zealand, or Seattle. So, just know, That they confirmed Jonathan Johnson got a hometown date, which also means Jonathan, Jonathan Johnson.
And if you don’t remember him by name yet, because you’re still learning the names, he’s the one that was in the hospital gown all night. He gets a hometown date. He’s our fourth hometown date. And that also means that he gets to Hawaii and final three because Jeremy Simon is the one that gets eliminated after hometown dates.
So your final three are Jonathan Johnson, Devin Strader, and Marcus Sjoberg. One of the other big things that was revealed in the trailer, and this goes back to something that I said on my live stream last night. We see Jen talking to the guys at a rose ceremony and saying, and they, before they showed her talking to the guys, we see her somewhere kind of Sitting by the water and some guy walks up behind her and she’s like, Oh my God.
Then she starts walking away and freaking out. And then she, the very next scene, we see her telling the guys at a rose ceremony, someone from my past came back today, earlier today, and he wants to participate. He wants me back. He wants to be on the show. So first things first, her ex, his name is Maddie Rossi.
He is at the Maddie Rossi on Instagram. He clearly tweeted about it, or he clearly put it on his Instagram story last night, about five minutes after the trailer aired on GenSeason. Last night at the end of the episode, there is an Instagram story on the Maddie Rossi. It’s a picture of his dog on the bed looking at him.
And the caption he wrote was, can we change the channel? So just, just know. Her ex, Maddie Rossi is the one who shows up now. When does he show up? I can tell you that the rose ceremony that she tells the guy that guys, that is episode number four rose ceremony in New Zealand. So he shows up the day before she tells the guys at the rose ceremony.
And based on everything else I have, the rest of the season, He doesn’t last. She eliminates him right there. She clearly doesn’t give him a rose and he continues on because he is not in episode five anywhere, and he certainly isn’t in Seattle and he certainly isn’t in a hometown or overnight. So it’s just one of these things where he comes on the show, wants her back.
She says no, and he’s home, but he comes and he, and he ends up going home, but. Episode four is where he shows up in Auckland, New Zealand. So just know that now, the one thing that I mentioned last night, remember when I was talking about, I had heard something about the, this whole thing about something that’s, you know, never happened before.
Well, what I was told, and I said, look, I, this is something I was told, but I have no way to confirm it. I can say it now. The thing that I heard was something about Jen’s ex coming back. I was under the assumption, when it was told to me, that this was at the end of the show. And I was like, okay, well that’s, like I said, it’s a very, I go, this hasn’t happened before.
A variation of it had happened before, because Becca Kufrin’s ex showed up when she was in the final two. But a lead’s ex has never showed up. At the end of the show, Jojo’s ex showed up during her hometown date on Ben’s season, but that was when she wasn’t elite elite’s ex has never shown up at the end.
So that’s what I thought it was when I was told, Oh, Jen’s ex shows up. I was like, okay, but clearly it was, it’s in episode four. So that’s not the thing that they’re talking about when it says, you know, Something like this has never happened before. So back to the drawing board on that, I’ll see what I can find out this season about what this, you know, surprise ending is.
We did see when the show opened last night, Jen at the final rose ceremony with looks to be Devin, because the picture I gave you on the live stream of Devin on Sunday night. And I tweeted it out again last night is of him in an off white or a tan suit. And when she’s telling somebody at the final rose ceremony, I can’t have you propose to me.
You can see the arm of the guy that she’s talking to and it’s clearly a tan suit. I highly doubt Marcus and Devin wore the same color suit to the final rose ceremony. So clearly she was talking to Devin in that again, though. I don’t know what it is. Just like I didn’t know when they showed Joey’s thing at the beginning of the season last year of him standing there and crying and Walking away and taking off his jacket Making you think that he ended up alone.
It’s like, look, I know Joey doesn’t end up alone, but I can’t tell you exactly what this scene is because I didn’t know what it was, what it was insinuating was that Joey ended up alone and we knew that he didn’t, it’s just, okay, what was this thing? Jen telling a guy at final rose ceremony, I can’t propose to you.
The consensus seems to, or I can’t have you propose to me. The consensus seems to be that she’s going to propose to him. Hell, maybe that’s it. Maybe that is it. It’s never happened before. In the history of the show. So maybe that is it. And maybe that’s what she tells Devin. And then she turns right around and proposes to him.
Could be it. I haven’t heard one way or another what it is. The thing that I was told, like I said, I thought was the ex showing up at the end and when it came to the final two, but that’s not it because Maddie Rossi shows up in episode four, the, the day of, or was it, she’s telling the guy at the rose ceremonies earlier today.
So yeah, he shows up the day of the rose ceremony in Auckland, which is Well, there’s two episodes in Auckland episode four and episode five that rose ceremony that he, she says a person from my past showed up today. That’s episode four rose ceremony and clearly she doesn’t allow him to continue on and date, which makes sense.
I’m sure she surveyed the guys. She was, you know, had 11 guys roughly left at that point. And probably just told them, you know, what do you guys think? I’m sure they were all like, this would really suck. Like he already had his chance with you. And again, you know, this is just put together by production.
You know, this guy didn’t, this guy didn’t book his own ticket to New Zealand and just walk on the show. Like this is all prearranged. That’s why I don’t think much of it. And the fact that he literally arrives that day and get sent home that day. It’s kind of a big giant nothing burger other than it looks really good in the trailer for the season and it gets people talking, but the Maddie Rossi on Instagram, you can go check him out and check out his act.
That’s who it is. And that’s what he does. The only other thing to go over. And like I said, I’ll, I’ll have it all laid out in written word tomorrow on the, on my website. Is this notion of, okay, who made final seven based on the trailer last night and based on what I talked about on my live stream, when I told you a guy in Seattle said, I saw guys getting their haircut and here are four guys that I noticed that I recognized.
One of them was Marcus, which we know was right. One of them was Jeremy, which we know was right. Then he said, Jonathan Hess, who was one of the original guys in the cast, but he never even made the final cast. And when I sent, I said, no, that guy never, it’s definitely not him. Cause he’s not even on the show.
What about this guy? And I sent him a picture of Sam McKinney. Yes. He’s like, yeah, that guy had the guy I saw had tattoos. And in the trailer last night, we clearly see Sam McKinney on the group date in Seattle. He’s kissing Jen. On the group date. So we know that Sam McKinney made it there. And then the other guy he identified was John Mitchell.
But at the time I told you, I said, I don’t know, this guy already screwed up identifying Sam McKinney. I have no idea if this guy identified John Mitchell correctly. And based on the trailer last night, he didn’t identify John Mitchell correctly. So I’m glad I didn’t put it out there that this guy said, John Mitchell made Seattle, John Mitchell made it to New Zealand, but he didn’t make Seattle.
That clearly was Dylan Bucker because we have photo evidence of Dylan Bucker in episode five at the group date rose ceremony. I mean, excuse me, the group date after party, because there is a shot that you can clearly see if you watch the trailer. Let me pull it up on my phone. I’m just going to, so I can get the guys, right?
There’s a picture of Jen sitting with six guys. They are Sam McKinney, Marcus Sjoberg, Devin Strader, Jeremy Simon, Spencer Conley. And Dylan Bucker. So she’s sitting with six guys and there’s a rose on the table. That means it’s an after party. Well, there’s two guys missing from that picture. And who would that be?
Grant Hill and Jonathan Johnson. We know Grant Hill and Jonathan Johnson had one on ones in episode five. So clearly that is from the group date after party in episode five. So we know Dylan Bucker made it at least to episode five. Seattle was the very next episode. And I mean, look, I have no idea about who the guy saw in the barbershop now, but he said he saw John Mitchell.
John Mitchell is a six foot four black man. Dylan Bucker is a very tall black man as well. Either this guy is completely out of his mind and can’t identify anybody. And somehow Spencer made it to Seattle and Dylan didn’t. But it’s like, okay, then what black guy did you identify at the barbershop? Because if it’s Spencer that made it to Seattle, the only black guys that made it to Seattle would be grant grant.
I keep wanting to call him Grant Hill, Grant Ellis, and Jonathan Johnson, who look nothing like Dylan Bucker or Mitchell. So it’s like, this is what I mean. My guess. Dylan, we know is on the group date after party in episode five. So is Spencer. I’m going to go with the fact that Spencer gets eliminated in episode five and your final seven in Seattle are now Devin Strader, Jeremy Simon, Marcus Sjoberg, Jonathan Johnson, Sam McKinney, Grant Ellis, and Dylan Bucker.
I guess you could swap out Dylan Bucker for, for Spencer Conley. It is possible, but I’m going to go with Dylan. Okay. I really do think it’s Dylan and not Spencer because I just don’t, I mean, yeah, I don’t have any evidence of Spencer or Dylan in episode six that was in Seattle. That’s the one thing I was looking for.
Do we have a group shot in Seattle? The only shots in the trailer that I saw, unless I missed something of Seattle were We saw clips of Jeremy’s one on one in Seattle where he’s pushing her through Pike’s place shopping cart. We see parts of Marcus’s one on one in Seattle and we see Sam McKinney on the group date, but he’s the only one they show on the group date and then they show Sam McKinney at the group date.
After party in episode six, where he tells her, but I love you. And she’s like, but why do you love me? And then we see her walk out. That is also in Seattle in episode six. So I wish we could have gotten an actual group shot of which men were in Seattle, but we know six of them, your final four, Devin, Marcus, Jeremy, and Jonathan.
We know Sam McKinney was there and we know Grant Ellis was there. Bucker or Spencer Conley. John Mitchell did not make. Seattle. He made it to New Zealand, but he didn’t make Seattle. So John Bucker John Mitchell is either eliminated in episode four or episode five. So basically what I’m going to have for you in the episode by episode breakdown tomorrow is all your eliminations up to episode three, episode four and five.
I know which guys go home in those episodes. I just don’t know which episode they go home in four or five. And then your breakdown from episode six on from seven down to one you have. So, basically you have everything laid out for you. Have all your one on ones and have all your eliminations. So we’re good to go there.
And it’ll all be, like I said, I just fell so behind tonight that I just to re I didn’t start recording this podcast until after midnight. I got to record the sports daily and I got to write some stuff in the morning. And. Yeah, so we’ll get your episode by episode spoilers In the webs on the website tomorrow.
So thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Please hit play. Like I said, sports daily coming up in an hour from now, we’re back tomorrow with another daily roundup, which we’ll go over more stuff in regards to this episode and what’s going on on Jen season.
So thank you all for listening. I appreciate it, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. See you.
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