You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality, Steve podcast. I’m your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in a good Wednesday show for you forgot what day it was, sorry. We’ve got a lot to talk about here. We’re going to talk about what I’m going to be doing tonight. We’re going to also talk about one of my pet peeves when it comes to.
The start of every bachelor and bachelorette season, the golden bachelorette, which I went over yesterday briefly, but I, there was something that I filled in on my website, but I didn’t say on my podcast. I want to fill you in there. We’re going to talk about bachelor data’s Instagram stories from yesterday, Instagram feed posts from yesterday, and did you see who chimed in on the bachelorette season?
Premier. One of the most popular actors in all of the land, Ryan Reynolds had something to say about Jen’s premiere and we’ll get to all that momentarily. Let’s get started and I will say by doing this, there are no reader emails today because they just didn’t get it. Very many, I think I got four. So what I’m going to do is if you go to realitysteve.
com soon around, should be up around 9. 30 Eastern time this morning. I’ll Maybe a little earlier, maybe even nine o’clock Eastern time this morning. You can go on the site and it’s the episode by episode spoilers in written form for you. And it’s pretty much everything. It’s basically just episodes four and five where there’s a little things, not necessarily missing, but who goes home when in those episodes, but it’ll be explained there.
However, what I wanted to do, I was actually going to do this in the episode by episode spoilers today, but I decided, you know, it’d be easier to do it because it’s more of a visual thing and what I’m going to do is. Is I told you once I started my YouTube live stream on Sunday nights, I said, every once in a while, I’m going to do a live in the middle of the week to talk about something going on in bachelor nation.
Well, that’s going to happen tonight. So join me on my YouTube live stream tonight, seven o’clock central time. So eight Eastern six mountain. Five Pacific. Sorry if you’re still at work, it’s just, I don’t want to start it too late, but I’m going to do it at seven o’clock central time. So eight Eastern five Pacific live tonight on my YouTube channel.
Just go to YouTube and reality, Steve. And what I’m going to do is this shouldn’t be more than 20, 25 minutes. This isn’t going to be an hour thing where I’m taking questions or anything like that. We save that for Sunday night. That’s going to be the live stream on Sunday night. This YouTube show, this YouTube live stream tonight is going to be me breaking down the bachelorette.
Season trailer, the four minutes that aired at the end of the episode, because yesterday I rewatched it again and for all the pictures that I felt people needed, maybe some clarification on or where it happened, I sat there and I took a phone, I took a picture of my TV with my phone and I was just going to include those.
In the that was going to include that in today’s episode by episode spoilers, but I’m like, you know what, you know, what’s easier. I’ll put the written word out today on the episode by episode spoilers. And then after I record tonight, I’m just going to embed that video for people that want to follow along and do it that way.
Of just the things that you need to take a look at. And I can point out certain things when the episode started on Monday night, it started with an open of Jen standing there at the final altar with Devin, since we know what Devin suit looks like and saying, I just can’t have you propose to me.
Did you notice something about that? I’m going to point it out tonight. So this is something I’m giving away for tonight’s show, but when we rewatched that together tonight. You are going to notice that there is not one tinge of sadness in Jen’s voice when she’s literally telling a guy I can’t have you propose to me.
There’s not a tinge of sadness. There’s not a tear anywhere in sight and It almost looked like it almost looks like she’s about to crack a joke. I’m not saying, like I said, I don’t know what that scene is, but considering the way they teased Joey season last year, the same exact way, when the first episode opened up, it was the shot of him at the final rose ceremony, standing there at the altar with one rose on the table and him walking away.
Crying, taking his jacket off, talking to producers, and they wanted to make you think that he left single and nobody wanted him. Well, they’re already pushing that down our throat with Jen, that, Oh, she doesn’t know if she’s lovable enough. She doesn’t know if she’s good enough to be the bachelorette. And here she is telling a guy at the end, we, we see the conversation with Jesse saying, I got to do what I got to do.
And. And then we, you know, but it almost works backwards there because we see the scene at the final rose ceremony first of her telling Devin, I can’t have you propose to me. And then the next scene is her talking to Jesse, which happened earlier that day. And then the next scene of her in a hotel room, walking down the hallway and walking into a room that’s from Seattle.
So everything they showed you in those first three minutes is completely out of order. But the one thing that we do know is that was her final rose ceremony dress. That was in Hawaii. That was Devin standing next to her. But. When you tell somebody that and say, I can’t have you propose to me, you would think that she would be much more emotional about that, or she would at least have a tinge of sadness in her voice.
It looks like now, I don’t know what it is, but. I mean, it could be something literally as stupid as, I don’t want to, I can’t have you propose to me because I want to propose to you. They could have just left that part of the sentence out. I still don’t think that’s it. I know that’s the consensus going around that maybe Jen, the thing that’s never happened before that happens this season as the bachelorette proposes to the bachelor.
I don’t know. I mean, it’s a possibility. I don’t, I just don’t think that’s it, or it could be something as stupid as, I can’t have you propose to me because I want to give you the final rose ceremony, final rose first. I Then you can’t like, it could be something as stupid as that. You know, what we do know is it’s, they’re never going to show you the ending at the very beginning of the first episode.
So whatever she said is not what really happens. Meaning I can’t let you propose to me and that’s it. And it’s just like, Oh, okay. He walks away and that’s it. It’s just, we know the way this editing goes on this show, but we’re going to break stuff down. We’re going to talk about that scene. And then. We’re going to look at the four minutes that aired at the end of the episode, because there are some things in there that I want to point out, but your episode by episode spoilers will be up in a couple hours from now on reality, steve.
com. So go check those out with the premiere. The other night, two nights ago on Monday night, something that I wanted to point out and look, this happens every season and I say it every season. And it’s not like, it’s like, I get it. We know that this show is basically a way for people to increase their brand and get their name out there.
But it’s always just something that I chuckle at every season where men and women, so bachelorette, bachelor included people that go home first night. Second rose ceremony, even third rose ceremony who really aren’t a major part of the season and they know they aren’t because they got eliminated early and you go on their Instagram stories and all of a sudden they’ve got 25 Instagram stories, just back to back to back to back to back.
And all they’re doing is reposting people who tagged them while they were watching the show. And it’s like 25 consecutive Instagram stories of some guy that goes home on the first night of him just getting out of the limo. It’s just like, okay, you’re almost trying too hard at that point. You know, you don’t need to repost everybody posting the same clip of you.
Can we get something different? And look, it’s not just, I’m not, this isn’t just shitting on the men. The women do it too. It’s like, you know, I get it. You got, you went on the show to increase your brand and you went on the show in hopes that you could last long and build your Instagram following. But there are very, very few people, I’d say less than 1 percent of the contestants who have ever been on the show, maybe less than 5 percent who were first night eliminate tease.
And we’re able to gain a ton of Instagram followers. It just doesn’t happen. Now, if you get yourself to paradise and last longer than, yeah, but I’m talking about if you were just a first nine eliminating and never went to paradise, it’s just almost impossible. You can’t, you’re just not on the front of anybody’s mind.
Nobody has any reason to go look you up and start following you. So they’re trying their hardest. I get it. It’s just comical to me and every season I pointed out and I’m going to point it out probably when the next bachelor season starts next January whoever the bachelor may be Because women who are eliminated at the first row ceremony the second row ceremony are gonna be doing the exact same thing They’re going to be posting and reposting on their Instagram stories, people that are watching them, friends and family that are cheering for them.
Like, Oh, my girl is going to be on go watch her and just immediate repost. And it’s literally the same clip over and over and over again that people are watching. It’s just funny to me. This podcast is brought to you by Tropical Smoothie. Visit one of Tropical Smoothie Cafe’s 1, 400 plus locations, order online or through their app because Tropical Smoothie Cafe believes you deserve a little vacay every day.
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