Reality Steve


Podcast #399 – Interview with Suzana Somers, @BachelorData on IG (with transcripts)


You are listening to the reality. Steve podcast with your host reality. Steve. He’s got all the latest info and behind the scenes juice on Jen season of the bachelorette and interviewing some of your favorite reality stars. Now here’s reality. Steve. What’s

up, everybody. Welcome to podcast number 399. I’m your host reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in great show for you today We’ve got one of my favorites bachelor data Susanna Summers She’s bachelor data on Instagram. She’s going to come on today’s episode. And we recorded this yesterday and during it, we had breaking news.

You all know about it now, but it was breaking news yesterday while we were recording. And we talk a lot about Jen season. Did you hear about Jen’s ratings for Monday night? We also talk about that. We’re We talk about so many other different things regarding this franchise, influencers, how it’s affecting the show, how the show is being edited, how the social media team is doing in the ABC network with this show, a lot to get to, and we’ll get to all that momentarily.

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Visit one of their 1, 400 plus locations, order online or through their app. Before we get started with Susanna from BachelorDate on Instagram, a few things to go over here and that the daily roundup was posted a couple hours ago. And today is a big day in daily roundup history. Why? Because it was exactly two years ago today, July 11th, 2022, that I started the daily roundup.

And I said, I’m going to give you a daily show Monday through Friday, 20 to 25 minutes, and I’ve yet to miss an episode. Now I don’t want to jinx myself. Obviously if something bad happens or whatever, obviously, you know, we don’t want anything like that. The plan is to never miss a show. I think if a show is going to be missed, it’s going to deal with audio issues.

Like it’s not uploading, something’s going on. My computer just craps out, even though that shouldn’t happen. I just bought a new computer. What I’m saying is I think the only way you don’t get a daily roundup posted in your podcast feed every morning, barring something, you know, tragic happening is something happens with the audio.

That’s the only thing I can think of. So I expect it to be there. Money through Friday every day. And one thing that I said on the daily roundup that I want to repeat here, this daily roundup doesn’t happen every Monday through Friday for the last two years without you, the listeners, because I see the download numbers.

It’s worth it. Time is money. If you guys weren’t listening, I would have stopped by now. So thank you to you guys who have all listened, who. Tune in whether it’s every single day, three days a week, one day a week. It doesn’t matter. I see the numbers. You’re a very consistent audience. I never have a giant spike really in my daily show.

Now the Thursday show Sometimes because it’s all dependent, I get it on the guest. So sometimes that’ll spike, but my daily show in season or out of season, out of season, it goes, it goes down a little bit and that’s understandable because there’s just, you know, people coming for bachelor and bachelorette news.

And sometimes I just don’t have any, nothing going on, but. In season, you know, since the season started this Monday, the three episodes that I’ve seen the downloads on this week, definitely a little bit of an uptick, but all three days have been the same. It’s not like one day has been better than the other.

So it’s just, you’re just a very consistent and loyal audience and that’s all a host like me can ask for. So again, thank you very much for that and happy two year anniversary on the daily roundup. Let’s hope in 2026 on July 11th. We’ll be talking about four year anniversary and not having missed a show.

I did an Instagram live, a YouTube live last night on my live stream. On YouTube channel, Reality Steve. Go check it out. It’s only 25 minutes long and it’s a straight breakdown of Jen’s trailer. The one minute that started the episode on Monday night and then the four minute trailer that aired at the end of the episode.

And it is something that definitely needed to be done on YouTube because it’s all visual. Doing it on audio, you would have been like, huh, what? I can’t see anything. Who are these guys? I don’t know their names well enough yet. Go watch it. It’s I put it in yesterday’s column. It’s in the episode by episode spoilers, or just go straight to my YouTube channel and watch it there.

And it’s, you know, it says bachelorette Jen’s season trailer breakdown. And by the way, I didn’t address the fact that I had on a flux capacitor shirt last night. Somebody mentioned to me like, Hey, you didn’t talk about your shirt. Remember, I’m going with a new shirt. Every time you see me on YouTube, I’m going to have a new shirt on.

With that said I had a flux capacitor shirt on because the flux capacitor is what makes time travel possible. Just remember that. So we get into it with Susanna today, and that is the ratings for Jen’s season. Talked about that on the daily roundup. They were big. Like, Way bigger, I think, than anybody expected and absolutely blew the premiere episode from charity season last summer, right around this time out the water.

So good news for Jen. The other good news that came down yesterday, and it actually happened while I was recording with Susanna. She just broke in and just decided to say, Oh, breaking news, Steve, bachelor in paradise coming back. It’s coming back next summer. Still got to wait a year, but they announced yesterday, ABC at the T at the TCA announced bachelor paradise coming back summer of 2025.

What I can tell you is it’s not going to be at Sayulita where it’s been for the nine seasons, because. They are under new management and it’s not going back to that resort. Unless somehow ABC talked them into it. I don’t think that’s the case, but we’re 11 months away from bathroom paradise filming it.

So we don’t need to sit here and discuss possible locations or where they’re going. We’re not going to hear anything until probably next April or May. So, but the good news is we now have confirmation. We all thought it was coming back. I figured they were just taking one summer off and that’s exactly what they did.

But going into next year, that means you’re going to have four different seasons of men and women to choose from. You’re going to have Joey’s women, you’re going to have Jen’s men, you’re going to have the next bachelor’s women, and you’re going to have the next bachelorette’s men. All being chosen for next season of bathroom paradise.

I hope they change up the format. It still kind of sucks to me. You can’t be bringing in people in week five and expect them to stay together or break up and give them this ultimatum. It’s just dumb. I’ve got some golden bachelorette news as well. That is in that daily roundup today and claim to fame.

Season three premiere. I Googled somebody and it took me three seconds to find out who they’re related to. It’s the only one I know. It’s the only one I want to know. I want to see it play out, see who’s related to who, but I did find one of the people on that show by a simple Google search with three words.

So, if you don’t want to be spoiled, just mute that part or fast forward through it. Anyway there’s a lot to go over in the daily roundup. So check that out. Sports daily obviously was posted an hour ago. This podcast, again, brought to you by Tropical Smoothie Cafe. They believe you deserve a little vacay every day.

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All right, let’s get going. Podcast number three 99. Let’s bring her in. You know her as bachelor data on Instagram. It is Susanna Summers. One of her multi time appearances on this podcast is going to talk about Jen’s premiere for Monday. Susanna, thanks for coming on.

Thanks for having me.

Congratulations on, what is it, 400 episodes?

I know next week. 400 episodes. That is like, I don’t think 3 99. That’s special.

I don’t think most people that listen realize like how much work and effort goes into not only having a podcast, but like. Consistently creating content on a schedule like that. It is very impressive.

I mean, how many people in bachelor nation have we seen fire up a podcast in about eight episodes, they’re done. Like I can name five off the top of my head. You know, so

I think the podcast graveyard is larger than the number that are, are currently active. But I think on that topic, the one that surprised me the most recently is that Hannah Brown ended her podcast recently.

Did you hear about that?

Well, according to her, it’s the end of a season. She’s going to start another season, but I’ll, I’ll believe that when I see it. This it sounds like, even though she said it’s the end of the season, I have a feeling she’s done.

Yeah. It’s just my guess. Which is a shame. She, she got pretty good, like numbers on that podcast from what I could see publicly.

But anyways, props to you because that’s, that’s a crap ton of work.

Thank you. And I don’t want to pat myself on the back even more, but that is just my Thursday podcast. If we add in the fact that today, July 11th, when this airs is the exact two year anniversary of my daily podcast, which is every day, Monday through Friday.

And I’ve never missed a day for the last. Two years, not to mention my sports podcast, which started about a year and a half ago, started in January of 2023. I’m, I must be close to a thousand podcasts since I, since I started this thing. So yeah, no, it’s crazy. Yeah. The 400 or the three 99 that is everyone’s listening to today is just my weekly Thursday one.

Cause I started it in December of 2016 and gosh, here I am now. So anyway, enough about me, let’s get to you. You posted after Monday’s premiere that I think something that was probably a little bit surprising, and I’m curious to get your thoughts on it, if you have any theories as to why, but you posted the 24 hour Instagram growth of Jen after Monday’s premiere.

So Tuesday night around, I think eight o’clock eight, eight o’clock to eight o’clock or something like that. 24 hours after the it’s after the show ends, I’m assuming. And then you compared it to Joey’s 24 hour growth after his premiere and Jen outdid him by about 54 followers. But the point being. She gained, you know, 14, 700 and Joey was like 14, six and change.

And I mean, that’s a pretty big deal. Can you think of anything you can attribute that to?

Yeah. You know, it’s been really interesting because I, if anybody’s been reading my coverage between sub stack or even just my Instagram feed, I’ve been kind of trying to prepare people when it comes to numbers for bachelorette versus bachelor, because looking historically, it.

You know, the chances were, were that Jen was not going to see anything close to Joey for a few different reasons. So, there’s three major factors that contribute to ratings and social media growth. So, the first one is Bachelor vs. Bachelorette. So, going back historically, we’re going to be looking at data since 2008.

Now, people might be wondering, why am I choosing that number? So, before 2008, the structure of the show was very different. Not only, like Episode to episode, but like we had three seasons of The Bachelor or four seasons of The Bachelorette and then they stopped for a few years and then they came back in 2008 and it was in 2008 that we saw the the 10 week structure of the show that we’ve seen for so long that like 10, 10 rose ceremonies, basically, but going back to 2008.

Bachelor seasons have always had higher viewership ratings when you look at the season average compared to Bachelorette. So there’s a few different reasons for that. The first is the time of the year that it’s on. Bachelor is on in the winter when everybody’s stuck at home because it’s cold and everything and I say that fully understanding I live in Colorado and we travel most in the winter but the majority of people here in the U.

S. don’t travel as much in the winter as they do when summer comes around. And spring second. And a lot of people are like, Oh, it’s just, it’s so misogynistic that bachelorette doesn’t get as good of ratings as bachelor does. I think people are thinking about that in the wrong way, though. Bachelor when people tune in, the people who watch this show, the audience is primarily women on the bachelor, the majority of the people that we’re watching are women.

It’s not the lead. If you look at screen time of the the lead versus the contestants and who’s the focus, the majority of the screen time on The Bachelor goes to women, and then on The Bachelorette where you have one woman and then 25 to 30 men, the majority of screen time is going to go to men. So I think a lot of people are like, oh, that’s so misogynistic that they didn’t have Bachelorette, you know, for so many years back in the early days.

And, you know, it’s so misogynistic that Bachelorette doesn’t get as many views as The Bachelor. And it’s, you have to remember, like, people are watching to see the love story of the lead with the contestants. And when you’re watching majority men, you know, that’s also going to play a factor into it. So time of the year, The people that were watching that all is going to factor into it But then all of that goes out the window when we’re talking about race So if you have a lead that’s a person of color historically every single lead who was a person of color Their ratings their social media growth was lower than their white counterparts so if you were to compare matt james to peter weber or rachel, lindsey to JoJo Fletcher, you know, The Bachelorette the year before, or even Rachel Lindsay to Becca Kufrin.

Becca Kufrin’s premiere, like, she didn’t see the normal dip that we see every year like season to season. She was on par with Rachel Lindsay, which means Rachel Lindsay was disproportionately lower than she should have been had she been a white lead. So. All of that to say, when we’re looking at Jen and everything I had predicted, you know, I, what I was most interested in, because I knew she wouldn’t get the numbers that Joey had for his premiere.

And I was thinking she wouldn’t see the social media growth that Joey saw. She didn’t have the numbers that Joey had for his premiere, but there was a big increase compared to Charity, which was the number I was more interested in. Charity had a really big dip in her premiere numbers compared to Gabby and Rachel.

She lost over a million viewers compared to Gabby and Rachel’s premiere. Jen gained almost 700, 000 viewers compared to Charity’s premiere. Absolutely amazing.

Yeah, no, that’s huge because we just found out, I mean, the ratings came out yesterday, and we see that Jen got 2. 6 million viewers for her premiere, whereas last summer, Charity’s premiere, which was right around the same time, first or second week of July, Maybe she was third week.

Maybe she was like July 18th, whatever it was in July or no, she was June 27th. She was the last week of June. Either way, she got 1. 9 million and you know, that’s a big difference for a show that everybody’s familiar with. They know roughly when it’s airing, starting at roughly the same time to get 700, 000 more for Jen than charity last season.

That’s huge for Jen.

It is important to note that Charity’s premiere, it did air at 9pm, I don’t know if you remember, they like tried that out for the first few weeks of the season and then they bumped her back to the, the normal time.


But the numbers that I’m looking at, I mean she had, Charity had 1.

9 million viewers for her premiere, I know that that does factor in some streaming. It doesn’t factor in like 3 or 4 days after, but it does, Factor in streaming for I think the first 24 hours so that is an important caveat, but we had never seen an episode Get under 2 million viewers before so it was it was really bad for charity.

I mean even looking michelle Michelle lost 700 000 viewers compared to katie’s premiere But also time of the year is super important michelle I mean she had everything against her and then on top of that You Her season premiered in the fall. It premiered in October and ended like a few days before Christmas, which it’s a really tough time to be competing against football.

I know it’s different audiences, but a lot of people only have one TV in their household. So that does impact people being able to watch the show.

Yeah. And I think the other reason, I think one of the other reasons, maybe we can attribute just the bachelor gets better numbers in the bachelorette, like I said, I think, I think the biggest thing that you said is, is timing and it’s just right when the new year starts, it’s like, okay, we know it’s January to March every year, summer, people are traveling, stuff like that.

It’s also their flagship show. It’s the one that’s been around the longest. It’s we were on, you know, Joey was season 28. And Jen is season 21 of the bachelorette. So it’s just not that people aren’t used to the bachelorette by now. It’s got 21 seasons, but just knowing this is the flagship show, the bachelor franchise, it’s just been around longer, you know, it’s just kind of way to look at it.

Yeah. Something else I noticed too was, you know, during Joey season, I, I don’t read all of my comments, but a lot of reoccurring comments that I saw throughout the season on my page alone, where people saying. You know, Oh, I, this is my first time watching since Chris Harrison left, you know, it’s, and the way that people word it is important to kind of give me like a read on like what’s going on each season when people say that they haven’t watched the show since Chris Harrison left versus, Oh, I haven’t watched.

Since Matt James season or since 2020 or since I stopped watching a few years ago The specific verbiage there tells me a lot that a lot of people came back to watching the show who had left around the racial Controversy and didn’t necessarily agree with it And also, I mean you press on their profiles and you go look at their profile bios and it tells you a lot about the person That then when you when Jen was then announced as the bachelorette the The backlash, I quite literally had to turn off comment notifications the night that she was announced because it was just so hard to see so much negativity on my phone, like, when I was trying to disconnect, you know, like, go to bed at three in the morning the number of people that were complaining about it not being Daisy or Maria like, to the point where, like, I, I, like, I was also one of the people that was like, Hey, You know, Alison, one of the twins said Maria was offered it and turned it down.

Normally I wouldn’t have shared that, but I felt like everybody saying. I wish it was Maria or Daisy really detracted like, you know what I mean, it took away from Jen’s moment that I was like, guys, like, stop trying to fight so hard for Maria here. Like, she was offered it and she didn’t want it. Okay. So like, let’s let Jen have their moment.

And I feel like that was also taken with mixed messages, but it was just so hard in the moment to see so much backlash against Jen that it was really hard to be optimistic about the data for her season. If that makes sense.

Yeah. And then the data ends up coming back really well after, you know, it’s only been one episode, but the growth from last year’s premiere, like you said, charities premiere, the fact that she gained almost 15, 000 followers in 24 hours, it seems like people are into it.

And that’s, it’s, it’s great. I mean, look, we saw the LA times article and what they wrote about how their need to improve the racial diversity on the show and people can say what they want, but. And people can think it’s corny and cheesy, but what Jen is saying in her interviews that she’s done on GMA and Kelly and Mark, by the way, Kelly Ripa hates this franchise, like with a passion.

I don’t know why they put her on. Why

do they keep sending their, their people onto that show? It is so bad every time she

hates it. She absolutely despises the franchise. I, yeah, I don’t get it. GMA makes sense. I get it. They’re going to throw softball questions or whatever, but the point being Jen saying the things that she’s

breaking news.

Bachelor in Paradise has been officially announced coming back 2025. Woohoo! Next summer.

Where was it announced?


Where was it announced? Twitter?

Instagram. Sorry to everybody who’s listening right now.

Well, we’re not live anyways, so it doesn’t matter. They’re hearing this Friday, and I’m sure it’ll be out there by now.

But let me you know what? Let me let me go on my phone. We’re gonna do this live. I’m gonna, I’m gonna repost it out. Is it on Bachelorette Is that

it’s it’s been posted to a bunch of their feeds, ABC, bachelor in paradise, all of them.

I hope

everybody’s enjoying seeing this little insight.

We’re all like going to our story.

My phone is connected. Oh, whoops. I’m on bachelorette ABC. I don’t see it. It’s not. So it’s not on that one yet.

I opened up my Instagram feed and it was like the first thing that came up. This is amazing news and good news, especially for everybody who’s been asking, like, why won’t they say anything?

What, you know, and it was really frustrating for a while. Like, why don’t they just make an announcement?

Okay. I just paused it there for a second so I could get and send that out to my Instagram followers. But I forget where the point that we were on and the point that we were making, but we’ll just move on to the next point here.

Something I think may have helped. Jen’s premiere, whether or not you think he actually watched the show, the fact that Ryan Reynolds with 51 million followers did a caption saying basically a paragraph caption promoting Jen’s opening episode of the bachelorette and giving his thoughts. Like I said, it could be some sort of Disney synergy here and some PR person just cut and pasted an email to him and said, Ryan, put this on your.

Instagram story. We have no idea whether he watches it or not. It doesn’t matter. He’s got 50 million followers and that’s kind of how it works in the internet content world is if, you know, you see somebody wearing a certain hat or a certain shirt or whatever, it’s just promotion. So Ryan Reynolds with 51 million followers says I watched the Bachelorette.

I thought the first episode was great. Guarantee people who never cared to watch The Bachelorette will watch it because Ryan Reynolds promoted. I think that helped.

It was so specific too. And I don’t, I don’t know if everybody heard this or saw it, but there was a commercial during the premiere promoting a new Marvel movie.

If people aren’t in the, in the Marvel world, this is going to be crossing over with Deadpool, which is played by Ryan Reynolds, AKA Blake Lively’s husband, AKA besties with Taylor Swift. It all ties in. Yeah. And. And then the the movie crosses over with wolverine which is from the x men universe It’s like one of marvel’s most anticipated movies The premieres have also shown us that it crosses over with the loki tpa storyline So that those were all like mega big franchises and I mean ryan reynolds first off his caption I mean it goes into depth about like jen’s mom might have been the highlight and then he talks about You He throws a dig at the character that plays Wolverine about Australia and Melbourne.

And he’s like, Oh, a little bit of a low light there. It’s such a funny caption. But the commercial was hilarious. Like they filmed it just for the Bachelorette. And Ryan Reynolds has 51. 7 million followers.


Like, That’s insane.

That’s what I’m saying. It doesn’t matter if he watched it and he believes any of that stuff that he wrote in the caption.

It doesn’t matter. 51 million people think he’s interested in the show. And that’s going to get them to be like, Hey, maybe I should check this out. Ryan Reynolds likes it. It’s no different than if Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift posts something that she likes or Kim Kardashian or whatever.

Yeah. And on that topic, one of the other big factors with ratings that I didn’t mention was media buzz.

So let’s think back to when you had your first big spoiler, Steve, during Jason Metz next season, right? That’s the media buzz around you dropping that spoiler and people tuning in to watch the end of a season. I’ve looked back at the ratings, like the ratings really did climb up towards the end of the season just because people wanted to see what happened.

Right. Media buzz is everything. And we saw Jen go on call her daddy. I know you’ve talked about this in your, your daily podcasts where. Call Her Daddy is the second largest podcast in the U. S. and globally on Spotify, which is Massive and I know that there’s going to be two camps here. There’s going to be people that are going to be like, yes, that’s so amazing.

And then there’s going to be the better people who will be like, Oh, the franchise just paid for her to be on. Well, first off, if the franchise paid to be on, I’m pretty sure that call her. Daddy has to disclose that it’s like a paid advertise, like the paid promotion. Podcast episode. But if that, if call her, let’s say call her.

Daddy doesn’t follow FTC and doesn’t disclose that type of information. Yeah. The amount of budget that the franchise needs to have been given for Jen to go and call her daddy and now The amount of budget that needs to be given to get Ryan Reynolds and what’s his name Hugh? Jackman to do this advertisement for the Bachelorette and then on top of that pay Ryan Reynolds To post about this advertisement on his feed the budgets must be So insane at disney after joey’s season because everything i’m sure you heard the same thing last year after zach and charity seasons The budget was not great It wasn’t things were not looking good for the franchise so much so that we only got golden bachelorette this year and we didn’t get paradise Right.

So i’m thinking that after Joey season there must have been so much hype so much buzz and the ratings must have been so good for disney and abc that number one They’re actually using bachelorette to get people to watch marvel and getting the women to come over to the marvel franchise But I just think that there’s so much media buzz that like even if you’re on the bitter side or if you’re on the go Gen you’re so amazing side like There’s, there’s, I shut down both sides, basically like things are good and it’s really exciting because 2023 was really hard for the franchise.

So I wanted to jump to something else that you cover a lot and I don’t know if you’ve looked into it yet for, because it’s only been three days since the premiere. Have there been any guys this season when you do follower accounts, has there any been any guys this season are buying followers yet?

No, not in this season, thank goodness, because I hate having to call that out.

And like, I, I mean, I, Bachelor especially, like Love Island I’ve gotten into this season, and I’m, let me tell you, I’m not up to date on Love Island yet. Like I, I’m a bit behind on it, but, Like, Bachelor, I watch these people like a hawk, and for me to actually say something like that, and for me to actually make a statement that somebody has some very suspicious gains, like, it takes a lot for me to say it, and last season, I had to say it, and I didn’t like having to say it, but this season, we’re doing good.

I actually, I was, I’ve been watching the influencer, Sam Nihad, Najat, I don’t know how to say his last name, and I don’t want to mispronounce it. The influencer. He’s already on TikTok. He has 280, 000 followers over there. He had he has 184, 000 followers on Instagram. He actually lost followers after the premiere, which is something I expected.

You know, I think this franchise, they, they are starting to like bring on people with bigger followings like Victoria. Victoria Jameson, James from VAC season. She had like 900, 000, which is smart of the franchise to do, but for people who are already influencers who go on the show for the first time, I think it’s actually going to impact them negatively because people followed them, not for The Bachelor.

They followed them for other reasons. So I think what we’re seeing with Sam in, Is that he lost followers because his fan base was like, we don’t care about all this bachelorette content. What the heck?

Well, I think it’s like you said, it’s almost like when you have that many, it’s almost like you can only go down and you know, his storyline of being a love virgin and I’ve never had a girlfriend.

I just don’t think. It doesn’t come across all that great. And like I said, his fan base is like, what we don’t do, go back to doing your videos. And, you know, here I am three days after the premiere. I don’t know if you’ve seen some of his feed posts on Instagram. It’s just like, He’s obviously playing a role.

He’s playing a character. He’s not still in love with Jen, but I saw today on his Instagram post on his Instagram feed, a picture of Jen in a picture frame up on his wall and he’s staring at it. And it’s a, I think it’s a two picture carousel and it’s just him scared staring at it or pointing at Jen.

And it’s just like, we know he doesn’t, you know, no spoilers here, but we know he doesn’t win, but he’s still like trying to engage with the audience. Like, Hey. You know, this is my girl now. I mean, this is a girl I’m going after. It’s kind of like my, my, my pet feed that I talked about yesterday, which is people who last one or two episodes on this show and just put on their Instagram stories, just reposting everybody watching them like, Oh, go watch my friend, you know, whether it’s guys or, you know, either the men or the women, it doesn’t matter.

They all repost anybody who, who tags them in a photo saying they’re a still photo or video from the first night. It’s just like. I get it. You’re coming on the show to build a brand and you got, you want, and you want to make it, but when you only last one or two episodes, I’m sorry, you’re just, unless you’re a grocery store Joe, or unless you’re going to be on paradise, you have to wait till paradise happens.

You’re just not going to grow very much at all. If you’re a one, two, first, second, third row ceremony elimination. You’re just not.

Yeah. And this is the thing, like, you know what snip this portion of the podcast and post it to your stories as the teaser tag, all the contestants in this.


You know what?

Just like tag, tag their social media team. Here’s exact. Like if. Listen, I, I don’t, I’m not claiming to be an expert, like a social media manager or some brand specialist, but the big thing that I saw the contestants do well before 2020, back when we used to see insane numbers, is that the contestants truly understood that the content they make on social media, and the reason why people are following them, is because is because they want to see more about their lives.

Which is where I think the franchise is going wrong, not only with their own content creation, but not telling the contestants, like, here’s what you should, like, giving them some guidelines of this is what you should post on night one. You know, the first thing they should be doing is that with the lead, like, Jen, when they were filming her season, they should have been having her Film content for social media getting ready for night one Do not get ready with me while I get ready to go meet my guys exiting, you know Coming to the mansion tonight and we get to see her thoughts and her feelings like they need to give us a reason to Follow them And, you know, reposting your friends watching you on their couch is, it’s not gonna make us want to follow you.

And women are already at an advantage on the show, so if we look at the male contestants, they’re at a disadvantage. You, like, The reason why women go to follow these men is because, number one, they want to see more about their lives, they care about them. But, I mean, I hate to be, like, not materialistic, but talk about looks here.

The reason why women follow a lot of these men, like Tyler Cameron, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the majority of people who follow Tyler Cameron, it wasn’t to see his non profit work. Just a guess. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So, these men need to, the contestants and the leads, they need to be more strategic about the content that they’re making you know, I do like, Jen is doing a series on TikTok where each week of the show, she’s giving a Taylor Swift song that describes what she was feeling that week, but this is the content that should have been filmed While the show was, was actually being filmed, you know, having Jen, like, I get it.

They’re not gonna let them have their frickin phones. I get it. But it’s not gonna cost the franchise very much to have the producers give the lead, the contestants, their phones to film that content. Buy some, some iPhones that don’t have service on them so that they can just record content on that, and then put it in their media email.

that’s sent to them each week. If you don’t know this, the contestants get like an email every week with all of the media that’s going to be like for that week. So all the pictures that production took, like producers. There’s also like the, the official photos that we get, like us, us peasants see on their media page.

But the contestants get Like a whole folder that has all of productions photos like that producers take This is the type of content that they should be filming So then that way it gives people a reason to follow them now I know that there’s been some opinions in the past especially mike fleiss was there that like They didn’t want social media to be a focus, but these are the stars of their show.

So what they need to be doing is they need to help them make content that makes people excited to watch every week. Like look at, I’m sorry, this is such a long rant. Look at Love Island this season. That show is such a commitment. If you don’t watch Love Island, it’s on six days a week, an hour every night.

You see, you and I have talked about this. It’s a hard show to keep up with, especially you said big brother is about to start. So like, how do you keep up with it all? And that’s the thing. Love, Oh, first off love Island. It films and airs in real time, but like they actually focus on making their contestants stars.

Like they embrace it. Okay. Does that make sense? I have such a long grant.

No, it does. And. But for me, it’s just, it’s too much of a commitment. I can’t do, especially when it runs concurrently with the Bachelorette. You know, I know it started two or three weeks ago and I know it’s been on for a while and I think it’s only got maybe a week or two left.

I don’t know how much time is left, but it’s, you know, it’s, I think it’s a month long show and it’s, but it’s five or six days a week. I just don’t have that time to dedicate to a show, especially when. Like I said, you know, you said big brother starts next Wednesday night and that’s three nights a week that I got to dedicate.

I just, I don’t have the time to do it, but I know there’s people out there that do so I get it, but it’s just because it’s on streaming, you can get away with more stuff and they’re, they’re just so much better in their social media game. And you know, I wanted, that was the next thing I wanted to talk about.

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