Reality Steve


Podcast #399 – Interview with Suzana Somers, @BachelorData on IG (with transcripts)

So I’m glad you brought up love island is the fact that it is a very popular show. And I’m curious on how it does versus Bachelorette stuff, ratings wise. And, you know, it’s on Peacock, so it’s not, you can’t, I don’t want to say it’s comparing apples to oranges, but streaming services is just different than network TV.

What have you seen in Love Island versus Bachelorette stuff?

Yeah. So let’s talk a little bit about the history of Love Island. So there’s the UK version and then the U S version, the U S version started in, I have these ratings pulled up. There it is. 2019. So that aired July through August of 2019.

And the first three seasons of Love Island USA, it was on CBS. So good news, when it was on CBS, I have all those ratings numbers. And if we look at those seasons, They didn’t do the best. So, Season 1 did the best. It had between, like, Episode 1 had 2. 6 million viewers and it hovered around that 2 million mark all season.

And then Season 2, it was, like, around the 1. 5 mark. Season 3, it, it was around the 1. 5 to, like, upper 1. 5. Like close to 2 million, but it didn’t do great. Right. Especially compared to the UK version, which was so much bigger. And what we’ve seen each year is that Love Island UK has always had more people talking about it and more followers.

Until this season, so I decided to get into this season this year, especially since my life is like, got my life back together now that my knee is recovered. I’m done with my tonsils. I was like, great. I have the time. I’m gonna, I’m gonna do it this year. And we have been tracking it. But I started to see some mumblings on TikTok when it came to UK versus USA.

So if you don’t know what happened this season, it’s season six. Oh, seasons four, five and six and move to Peacock. So we don’t have the ratings data. We, we, they don’t put out. So. This season, the host changed. So, before this season, it was Wells Adams wife, Sarah Hyland. But this season, now it’s Ariana Maddox, which, if that name sounds familiar, it’s from that whole Vanderpump Rules scandal that happened.

It was called Scandaval, where Ariana’s Boyfriend, husband I’m blanking right now if they’re married. They were

in a nine year relationship.

That’s it. Boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend for a few months and like literally in their house. At times. So, it was a really big scandal.

Ariana came out as the hero. He, he came out as the villain. She went on to Dancing with the Stars. She was a big star there. And then she was offered the host role for Love Island USA Season 6. So that alone already had some, like, momentum for people to watch USA this season. But then, at the beginning of both UK and USA, around that same time, I started to see a lot of discussion online of people talking about the women cast for Love Island UK.

They were all fairly young, like early 20s, but the amount of work that they had done on their faces everybody was just, these are their thoughts, not mine. Everybody’s discussion on TikTok that I was seeing had to do with how the work, the fillers and everything had really aged them. I’m a big proponent, if you want to get your face done, get your face done.

I’m not here to judge you if it makes you happy. But there was a lot of conversation online about that. So, then within like a week or two, I, I started a week behind. But we were taking all of the data. We had all of the contestants in the spreadsheet. We were taking the data every day. A week later, I started it.

And it was, this season’s actually really good. So everybody’s been saying that this season is way better in the USA versus the UK. So that’s where we’re at. That was probably like a five minute answer to your one question.

By the way, I haven’t been watching love. I, like I said, it’s too much dedication for me, but how has it been?

Cause I hear and I see all these people getting off the show and immediately going on podcasts, which again is great promotion for the show. Obviously ABC controls, you know, where their contestants go. They basically can only go on. Bachelor happy hour or Nick or Caitlin’s for the most part, if they’re fresh off the show or even people that are still on the show.

Yeah, it’s just, it’s just dumb, but it is what it is. We know that they’re never going to break away from that, but I just see all these love Island people everywhere doing interviews, doing podcasts, and everybody’s talking about how this season is so great. And Casa Amor was just a total shit show. Have you enjoyed it?

Has it been good?

Yeah. So I’m catching up. People might be like, how is she behind and vote? Like this is her full time job. Y’all whenever I’m working on data, I can’t have a podcast on. I can’t have TV on. So just a disclaimer, I am a bit behind. I I’m posting a bunch of data today on this though. So Love Island USA, it’s doing fantastic this season.

If you don’t know the format, it’s. Basically, Bachelor in Paradise the Casa Amor that you mentioned Steve, I’m sure you know what it is, but Casa Amor, it actually happened on Bachelor in Paradise, they stole this format twist what was it, two seasons ago that they did on Bachelor in Paradise?

It’s where It’s where so basically Love Island is a show where a bunch of people come on, date each other, and there’s competitions along the way, and you’re trying to get in a relationship so you can win the cash prize at the end. That’s like a very basic summary. But partway through the season, what they do is this Casa Amor twist where they split up the men and the women, just like they did on Paradise two seasons ago.

They put them in different houses, they can’t see each other, and then they bring in new people for each house. So the women’s house gets a whole new cast of men, and then the men’s house gets a whole new cast of women. And they keep everybody separate for a certain amount of time. And then when they come back together, there’s a ton of drama, you know, of the people who chose to be with their new people, or some people decided to wait it out to go back to their old person, but the other person didn’t.

So that’s what the Casa Amor twist is. Now, let’s talk about how Love Island USA season six is going. Like I said, we don’t get the data on Peacock, man. If I could have one of those Nielsen logins, I would, I give, I think I’d give, like, one of, one of my, like, organs for it. One of my non vital ones. So what we do have to compare to is this tool called Google Trends.

Google Trends is a tool created by Google that allows us to explore data on what people are Googling. So it’s the closest thing that we can get to getting a read on how ratings are going this season. So it’s really cool. I went into Google Trends and first I’m just looking at Love Island USA. So anytime people are searching Love Island USA, Now, people might be wondering, like, oh, well, how do I never Google Love Island USA, I just go Google Love Island.

It’s really cool, Google Trends, like, on the back end, Google knows what you’re talking about. And it’s also related searches. So, like, for the Bachelorette, if I Google Jen Tran, like, that’s Bachelorette USA. Like American TV show. Like they group all of that together. So let’s talk about the data I’m looking at and Steve, I texted this to you.

I’m hoping to make a video today on this too. So if you’re listening along, I’m going to try to create a video so you guys can see these charts too. It is a chart that shows interest over time. So I’m looking at 2019 until today. And basically the way that this chart works is it’s a line chart that shows like Peaks and valleys.

And the y axis is from 0 to 100. So, interest over time are basically numbers that are going to represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart during that given time range. So, a value of 100 is going to be peak popularity for that term in that time range. You might be wondering, like, why doesn’t Google just tell us how many people are Googling this?

Man, I wish that they would, but there’s got to be some Google. Google. Some internal reason why they don’t release this information, but they basically give us it’s like a gosh What’s the mathematical word for it? They basically give us a really good way for us to see popularity over over a range of time Compared to itself.

So if we look at seasons 1 2 3, which remember we have that data from CBS seasons 1 2 3 4 5 That peak interest over time, that number is below 25%. And this season is spiking up to a hundred. So if we’re looking at the ratings for Love Island from the first two seasons, I would say that probably the numbers that we’re seeing for season six are anywhere between, like, three to five million viewers.

Now, again, this is a very rough estimate. But season six is significantly more popular and relevant than any other season has been for Love Island USA. So then the other thing we can do in Google Trends is we can actually add another search term to this chart to compare it to. So I added next to Love Island USA, I added an additional search term of The Bachelorette.

And this is the Bachelorette specific to the U. S. version, not to, like, any other countries. And I’m looking at the last seven days, and it’s really interesting. Monday night, when Gen Season premiered, you, basically this bar chart shows the peaks and valleys of Love Island, and then there’s a different color line, the red one.

On the screenshot I sent you, the, the search terms for the Bachelorette and Love Island USA for Monday night were pretty much equal. Bachelorette was just a little bit ahead.

Yeah, I’m looking at it and I’m like, Oh, that is interesting. I did see the Bachelorette is a little bit ahead there. And I mean, like I said, obviously I’m going to cover the Bachelorette and not Love Island, but.

Those streaming shows, whether it’s love Island or love is blind or too hot to handle, there’s just so much better social media wise. And they let their contestants. Promote so much better than they do for the bachelor contestants. I mean, hell you can’t even get your phone back until the official cast list is released.

I mean, not in your phone back get on your Instagram and turn it public until like, you know, Usually in the past, once filming was over, the whole filming was over. Like if you went home episode one, you had to come home and leave your Instagram on private until all of filming was over. Whether you went home episode one or whether you were the winner now, you have to wait even longer.

You can’t go back on your Instagram and make it public until the cast list officially comes out on usually ew. com or people. com. It’s just, it’s crazy. Why? Start promoting it as early as you can once filming is over.

Yeah. And I think also The Bachelor’s kind of gotten itself in a tough place because of how they’ve trained their audience.

So hear me out. I think it, listen, I started watching back in like the Jake Pavelka era. I think Jake was my first season that I watched live. And I actually, that’s, that was the season I found your your blog. Cause I, I couldn’t wait. Like Hulu, it wouldn’t come on for a few days after it aired. And I was in college and I was like, I need to know what happened.

So that’s how I found the spoilers. But back then there was this narrative that was set so much so that Courtney Robertson wrote a book around this narrative


that, you know, People are constantly accusing each other on the Bachelor franchise of not being there for the right reasons. And, you know, I’m sure that a big chunk of this was Mike Fleiss doing, and such an emphasis on getting people who are just there for love and blah blah blah, and like, Listen, if somebody’s listening to me on your podcast, they’ve probably heard me come on here and rant about this excessively.

So my apologies if you’re hearing me say this again. People don’t go on reality TV just to find love. Because not a single sane person in 2024, maybe back in 2002 when this show started, anybody who knows how to pick up a computer, a phone, and Google something before they sign away their life to this insane contract Anybody who knows how to Google is going to see how this show can absolutely destroy somebody’s life if they go on there and end up being a villain.

And it’s not just those people. It’s, you know, something that I struggle with seeing is the number of people who go and sleuth, like, the family members, and it’s like, Oh, well. So and so’s parents both post in support of Trump and blah, blah, blah. Like they must be MAGA. And it’s just like, listen, if you were to judge people that way, you would think that I’m MAGA.

Like my parents are Trump supporters, you know, and it’s like. Not every single person is the way that their family members are. And the point of this is all to say, like, when you go on reality TV, you’re not just signing yourself up for that, but you’re signing your family up for that criticism. And there’s, especially right now on the internet, like everything’s so divisive.

There’s no place for nuance. Like people don’t take into account that like. There are a lot of conversations that happen with family members. A lot of family members have changed their views. Like I have a family member who changed who they voted for from the first Trump election to the second, like, and there’s so much there that people don’t realize, but they will take down somebody just based on what they found on their family members and.

You know, sometimes, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. A lot of times, those, those things that they find do end up leading to the fact that a contestant has said something horrible in the past or has these controversial views. But, going back to the original point, when people sign up to go on reality TV, they’re signing their privacy and their family’s privacies away.

You know,

and you don’t think that you are, but you should know by now, 49 seasons in 28 bachelors and 21 bachelorettes, you, you gotta know at this point, yeah, you’re going on, you’re signing a horrible contract, but people are going to dig up every single thing they can on you. It’s just the way exactly,

you know, and like I, I ended up, I met somebody a few weeks ago here in Denver.

And they said that they had gotten to the point of being offered a contract to go on The Bachelor franchise as a contestant. And then she talked to her friends about it and all of her friends were like, don’t do it. Like, you know, like, Anybody who’s gonna go on the show, they’re gonna talk to their friends about it.

Somebody’s gonna warn them against it. So, Going back to that original point, like, in 2024, if you’re going on reality TV, you are going on TV for fame. You are. Like, there’s no way around it, and, like, unfortunately, the franchises really pigeonholed themselves into this narrative that every season, like, I still see it, I still see it even on my page, the number of people that are like, I like the person with the smallest follower count because they’re here for love, they’re not, they’re, they’re hope, they’re excited for maybe the potential of finding love, but When they go on this show, especially The Bachelor, this season, they’re one of 25.

The odds are against them. So like, they know that chances are they’re not going to be the final person. But I don’t think that that makes people, I don’t think that makes them a bad person for being there partially for fame. You know, it’s, it’s, It’s a nice positive that might come from putting yourself up to that public scrutiny.

Yeah. Cause we know at this point, you know, it is not, there’s nothing wrong with going on this show. You know, I think, I think a lot of the other arguments that people say, and I’m sure you’ve heard this is, Oh, they just cast a bunch of influencers now. Actually, they don’t, they’re not influencers when they come on the show, they might become influencers after the show, but they’re not casting influencers because if they were everybody who’s cast, when you do your initial follower count, the second we find out who all these men and women are, they’d all be over a hundred thousand and every single season, you know, you and I talk about it.

If there’s 25 men on this season, I mean, you could go back to your numbers. I don’t think there was, there was. 20 of the 25 had under five or 7, 000 followers at the time of the announcement back in March. Like these guys are tiny and same with the women. I mean, you might say, well, women, you know, more people follow women.

I’m telling you, same exact thing. You know, the numbers, probably 20 of the 25 women that were on Joey season at the time of the initial casting back in, you know, September of 2023 when they first put them on the Facebook page, pretty much the only followers these women have. Are their friends and family and, you know, strangers, you know, it’s, it’s not, they’re not casting influencers.

They are casting people that eventually. Some become influencers. There’s a difference.

Exactly. And I think that’s where shows like love is blind, love Island, married at first sight. I think because these not married at first sight, cause that shows been around longer, too hot to handle. These other shows that are newer, first and foremost, a lot of them have these cash prizes that people are working for, right?

So like love Island they’re working for, I think it’s a hundred thousand dollar cash prize. These newer shows, because they haven’t been around, and they didn’t work this narrative in as such a big plot point, I think that they set themselves up less for failure. And on top of that, the people that they cast, And I think that that’s where we see people like going on Nick Vial’s podcast and like these doing all these interviews and making tons of content that’s going viral on Tik Tok.

If I look at Love Island USA season 6 and I just look at the initial cast. And how many TikTok followers they had when the premiere came, I’m seeing numbers like 300, 000, 800, 000, 75, 000, 20, 000, 30, 000. And here’s, here’s the big difference there is these people, when the show starts, they’ve already built a following.

Based on their own skill, they built a following because they already know how to make viral content that gets people’s attention, that tells good stories, that edits out the breath before they start a sentence so that they don’t lose people’s attention. And the Bachelor franchise, because they cast so many people who don’t know how to use social media, And they don’t, they clearly aren’t coaching them on how to handle their social media accounts.

You know, we’re not gonna see as much content going viral that’s gonna remind people that aren’t watching this show to watch it. And going back to that, like, villainization of people who watch this show, of the contestants who, like Daisy last season, the number of people who villainized her, I mean, I understand for, you know, people talking about her views, but for her making so much content, like, The big thing there is like so many people villainize people for wanting to become influencers, which Is nuts because like first off like nobody villainizes me in that process and like oh, but you’re different like you’re adding value Like you’re actually creating something that’s like worthy of being an influencer and it’s like no like all influencers are just creating content for entertainment and instead of it being in the hands of these big tv networks and and movie companies or like advertising revenue being given to You Magazines like Vogue, now, all of this money is now going to the hands of just normal people who picked up their phone and decided to start making content.

And unfortunately, people are villainized so much for it, but I think if anybody could choose a life where they don’t have to ask a boss for time off, or tear their ACL and have to have two knee surgeries and have to take months off from work. Like, I think anybody in this day and age, like, anybody dreams of that.

Anybody would love that. And I think actually going on reality TV is like the worst way to become an influencer unless you come, you go on one of these big shows because you have to be a good content creator, but there’s just such a villainization of it that I could Clearly talk about it for hours.

Well, it’s, it’s rooted in jealousy. I mean, let’s face it. It’s rooted in jealousy because the people that are commenting, I guarantee are in a job that they hate. And they’re seeing these people basically saying, wait, you can post a video. You can post an ad and make 10 to 15, 000, 20, 000 a post. Why I’m sitting here at my nine to five job, having to slave away and working for somebody else.

Don’t tell me it’s not rooted in jealousy. It obviously is just admit it and stop being mad at them for making content. Who cares? Like it doesn’t have like whoever does come off Jen season or Joey season and who makes content, whether it’s Daisy, whether it’s Kelsey, whether it’s whoever, it doesn’t affect your life, what they’re doing, it doesn’t affect you on any sort of day to day basis of what they’re doing and how much money they’re making.

So the more you complain about it, it just shows. It’s based in jealousy. That’s all it is.

Yeah. And if anything, it actually does benefit these people that they don’t see, like being, it’s more opportunity for people to be able to dig themselves out from a life that they were kind of born into financially.

You know, a lot of people graduate from college with tons of student loan debt, no financial literacy. And they have the opportunity now aside from the job that they’re given which again, they have no control over They can be one of the best interviewers in the world and they can still be turned down for somebody that just had a connection inside the company Anybody in this day and age can just pick up their phone and start making content And i’m the best example of that like i’ve never been on reality tv I I hit 10 000 followers before I went on any podcast you know like I It’s so possible And it’s something that is good for us as a society that there’s more opportunity for people to do this.

And it’s not at the mercy of a TV company and having to go on reality TV or having to get a job, that’s going to pay you that money. Like anybody can do it. I think that that’s amazing for society.

Yeah. You know, who’s not commenting on people’s pages and saying, Oh my gosh, influencers suck and I can’t believe this.

CEOs, CFOs, they’re not commenting. They don’t care because that’s what I’m saying. I don’t have

the time.

Yeah. People who have a plenty of time on their hands, which means, I mean, I can’t sit here and say everybody, but if you have a job to wear all day, every day, you can write on a message board or I don’t know, a place like Reddit.

Clearly you don’t have anything that is keeping you. Totally busy and making you high six figures a year. I’m sorry. You just don’t, it’s not

even just read it. I see it on Tik TOK to

comment sections in any comment sections, anywhere. Same thing. And the people that are complaining are not people that are highly successful in life.

They’re just not.

Yeah, and it’s like the only people that I’ll criticize and all of that are people who number one, buy followers, Harry Jowsey, and number two, people who do loop giveaways, because I feel like that’s a really tacky way to try to grow your fan base. There are some, I don’t think it’s like technically buying followers, because if you haven’t, I mean, And people probably know who I’m alluding to from last season.

Like Daisy’s been doing tons of loop giveaways. If people don’t know the structure of these, first off those loop giveaways, most of the influencers that you see on it that you have to like go and follow all of them to be entered in the giveaway. First off, the majority of those influencers have to buy into that loop giveaway.

It’s normally one big influencer who coordinates it and they have to spend Thousands to tens of thousands of dollars to buy into those. Which Some people might hear that and be like, oh, yeah They’re totally buying followers and it kind of is but then there’s an added Difficulty that after the loop giveaway ends you have to be good at making content to keep them and not have people unfollow you So I won’t criticize that as much i’ll criticize more of the people like buy bots You know like harry jowsey does.

Yeah But contestants, yeah, that’s the only way that, like, I’ll criticize people who, like, go on the shows whenever they participate or do, you know, really dumb tactics to try to grow a following. But, like, I applaud anybody who tries to, like, you know, like, go get your bag, sis, like, it’s, I love anybody who’s, like, trying to change their life, and work hard at it, like, people think that it’s super easy to be an influencer, it’s actually way harder, and people think it is, Easier than most jobs out there.

Like I’m not going to say being an influencer is nearly as hard as being a teacher a nurse or even an assistant or you know, a lot of people talk specifically about like firefighters or nurses or teachers and Like most jobs out there are probably harder than than being an influencer But I I don’t think it’s as easy as everybody thinks it is

well, I mean I I think when you look at it and you know, it’s Jealousy, resentment, anger, like I said, and the easiest thing if you’re, if you’re that bothered by influencers, the easiest thing, like we say all the time, just don’t follow them.

Like then, then you’re not seeing anything that they’re putting out, which gives you no reason to comment on them because you’re not seeing their content. I just want to hit on one other thing. This is, and this is along the lines of what we’ve just been talking about for the last 10 minutes because we have a new social media star out there and that’s the Hock to a girl.

I’m sure you know about her. Oh my God. And this is somebody that clearly was just out drinking one night on Broadway in Nashville, gets approached by one of these online Instagram guys. He asks her about what turns a guy on in bed. She says, you got to give him that hot toa and spit on that thing. And now she has quit her job at the, at the bed spring factory.

She has gotten representation. She’s probably going to be doing podcasts. She’s going to be doing appearances. Now, some people are obviously bothered by this. Like, Oh my gosh, this is so ridiculous. We’re making stars out of somebody who just said one line on an Instagram that went viral. She got to go up on stage at the Zach Brian concert and sing into the microphone, like she was on a Brianna chicken fries podcast.

It’s just for doing basically nothing. My point being is like, okay, I don’t care that she’s getting attention. I don’t care that she’s got management. Now her staying power will be, does she do anything that is worth continuing to watch? Cause all we know of her is roughly what she gave in that video, which is.

You know what she said she does to turn a man on in bed. Great. So now that you’re going to become this bigger star and social media star, let’s see what you do after that. And let’s see if you have some sort of talent. Maybe she’s a great talker. Maybe she’s going to develop kind of a call her daddy type podcast or her old podcast, where it was just her and her friend talking about sex.

Maybe it’s something like that. But we don’t know. The thing is I’m not mad at it and I know a lot of people are, but this chick is absolutely exploding off of one line that she said while drunk out on the streets of Nashville one night, you know, it’s crazy.

Yeah, you know, it’s really interesting it I think what a lot of people need like pull your own opinions out of it all of this stuff be it talk to a girl or You know, even if we look at something like cnn versus fox something that has nothing to do with influencers In this day and age people’s attention is the most important currency And that’s why we see I don’t care if you stand on fox news or cnn side.

They both do that do it It’s this constant like the way that people The way that people consume content, it needs to be extreme and to keep people’s attention so people can make money. Now, again, like I said, people’s attention is a currency and people value each other’s attention very differently and not to get a little, I’m going to get a little woke here, but I think a lot of the criticism that comes for influencers, even women like the heart to a girl, which like, let me tell you, I swiped past like 10.

Versions of that video the first time I saw it. So I was like, why is this on my feed? This does not seem like content. I like to consume it hadn’t got to the point of her saying that And then my boyfriend was like, did you see all the hot two of it? And i’m like, okay fine If my boyfriend knows about a pop culture event It means I need to pay attention because he’s he couldn’t care less about pop culture worlds when it comes to people’s attention things like Men every single like once football season starts and not to criticize men You But like sports talk show radio on 24 hours a day, seven days a week, watching every single football game, flying out to Vegas to bet on the different sports teams, which I know you fall into some of this category.

So I don’t mean it,

I don’t

mean it as I don’t mean it as a disc. But, you know, there isn’t nearly as much criticism for content creators in the sports world, et cetera, because, like, I literally, we were at a local little bar at our old house here in Denver, and there was this older couple there, and I was working on taking screen time data, because my boyfriend wanted to go watch some NBA thingy.

And, like, here I am, like, at the bar on my iPad, like, working on content because I was, like, really strapped for time. And this man, like, I he was like, What are you doing there, ma’am? And I was just like, Oh my God. I was like, I feel like I’m back in Texas. But I was like, I’m working. And he’s like, That doesn’t look like work.

That looks like you’re watching reality TV. And I was like, Yeah, that’s, that’s work for me. And he’s like, Explain it. I don’t understand. How is that work? And I was like, Well, I, I talk about this show for a living and he’s like, why would anybody care? And I’m like, do you listen to sports radio? And he’s like, yep, every day.

And he like talks about the, the podcast or whatever sports radio he listens to. And I’m like, well, who cares? And he’s like, well, but it’s football. And I’m like, yeah, but this is reality TV. And he’s like, I don’t get it. And his wife was like, It was like, a lot of people watched that show, and I was like, exactly, just like a lot of people watch football.

And he’s like, but I just don’t understand, who cares? Like, who cares about your thoughts on the show? And it’s, this is what a lot of people don’t like, where, as Roman, I’m a little woke here. Like, this is, a lot of this is kind of rooted in the patriarchy and how men’s entertainment is valued more than women’s entertainment.

And this is where I think, like, I mean, talk to a girl, she, she hit up all markets. Like, I’ve been seeing memes about this everywhere. My boyfriend’s been seeing it too. Like, we’re very, my boyfriend and I, we consume very different content. Like, and that’s the thing, a lot of people will criticize, talk to a girl, or criticize women who watch reality TV and talk about how it’s such a waste of time, but going back to that, like, everybody’s attention is a currency.

In this day and age, like, again, you can pop off by going on a reality TV show, like Harry Jowsey did, and being a horrible person, and get millions of followers, while some of those aren’t real, he does get a lot of engagement on social media, and some of those are real. I think I saw Harry Jowsey was one of the content creators that was invited by the Olympics to go out there to cover it.

You know, like it’s, it’s one of those things that like people are going to make content. It might not be your niche. It might, you might not be the target audience for it, but there there’s business for it. Just like there’s business for people who care about data on reality TV shows.

Yeah. I mean, it’s, it’s out there.

There’s so it’s 2024. We can’t be living by this model. Yes. In the seventies and eighties, you went to college, you got out of college, you got yourself a job and you sat at a desk for eight hours. I mean, that’s just the way it was back then. That’s not the way the world works right now in 2024. You, there are so many other ways to make money rather than going to work for somebody else.

So again, this is a great topic. We can talk about it forever, but definitely got a, got a role here again, Susanna, thank you so much for coming on. I really appreciate it. You’re always a great interview. Number three, next time we have you on We’ll get to see you on video. How about that? So doll yourself up, wear your pink hoodie that you usually wear.

It’s always pink, right? You always have on a pink hoodie or a sweatshirt, right? Usually. Yeah,

I’ve been trying to work in some new colors, but yeah.

It’s like, it’s like when I see your videos, it’s like, yeah, it’s you. This is what I expect. Every time I see Susanna on my Instagram on a video, she’s going to be wearing pink.

And I think it’s just you. I think you should stick to it.

Have I told you the reason why I wear pink?

I don’t think so. No.

In my first director position that I had at a public school district, my boss, I was like wearing like a pink blazer or something. And my boss was a woman like full disclaimer, but she suggested that I wear like more professional colors.

So people would take me more seriously in the role. Not that I was struggling with it. Like this is like the suggested came out of nowhere. I mean, I was still like pretty brand new to the district and You know, I did change my wardrobe, but I was really frustrated cause I love the color pink. So ever since I’ve quit my job now, I try to wear pink as much as humanly possible.

I like it. I mean, like I said, it’s just it to me when I see bachelor data videos, it’s just, I’m so used to seeing you. In pink. It’s just, it’s kind of your brand the way I look at it, but not telling you not to wear other colors, but clearly pink is, if that’s your color, you should wear it. So again, thank you so much for coming on.

We will have you on video next time we, we bring you on the podcast again, thanks for the thanks for the conversation. I really appreciate it. And we’ll obviously be in touch here. Thanks for having me. Thanks Susanna. Thank you so much Susanna for coming on. Great conversation there. I had no.

I had no, I was never going to bring up hot to a girl, but when she started talking about influencers and people that, you know, all of a sudden come out of nowhere and, you know, make a name for themselves. It’s like, yeah, she’s everywhere. She’s been hired by management. She’s moved to LA. It’s like, if you think she’s stupid and you don’t, you know, you don’t care for her content.

Great. Then don’t follow her. It’s all, it’s so easy to just not follow it and not comment. So if you don’t follow somebody who does influencing. You’re probably not going to see any of their content, which means you’re probably not going to react to it. So to sit there and just rail on somebody, whether, you know, online or in comment sections or whatever, it’s just, it’s such a head scratcher to me.

I just don’t understand it. You’re not accomplishing anything. And frankly, it just, it’s counterproductive. Like do something better with your day than complain about somebody who doesn’t affect your life in any way, shape or form and how they’re going about making a living. That’s my PSA for the day.

Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review daily roundup was posted a couple hours ago. We talk about Jen and we talk about bachelor paradise coming back, which was broken on this show, even though by the time you listen to this, you’ll already know sports daily was posted an hour ago.

So again, thank you to Susanna for coming on. So for Susanna summers, I’m reality, Steve. Thank you. All for listening. I really appreciate it. We’ll be back tomorrow and I will talk to you.

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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