Man, just when you think things are gonna go swimmingly this season, another contestants ex decides to put out a TikTok and more and more gets revealed. Remember, this happened during Rachel and Gabby’s season as well. After the first episode, we all remember Kelsey came forward on a TikTok saying she saw the first episode and she found out the guy she dated for 1.5 years (Nate Mitchell) had a daughter. Which led me to getting in contact with her to make sure it was legit, and then she proceeds to send me a 32 page Google drive breaking down their whole relationship timeline with pics and everything. Well, same kinda thing happened Sunday when someone notified me of Raeley’s TikTok from last week. I reached out to her, she responded back, we got on a phone call, and what I relayed in my YouTube livestream Sunday night is what she told me.
Here’s the YouTube video of Sunday nights livestream. I talk to Megan Fox about David Gingras (Laura’s lawyer) getting back on Twitter after a 3 week hiatus and doing Gingras things, as well as give as much detail to the Sam McKinney ex who went on TikTok last week to describe their relationship. I spoke to her Sunday afternoon and relayed as much as I could from her. Go check it out and subscribe (the talk about Sam’s exes starts around the 59:00 mark)
I think the two main points to take from my conversations with Raeley and Sierrah are this:
1) Sam McKinney knew before ever appearing on Jenn’s season he had to be back home before filming was over because he was the officiant in his sisters (Olivia) wedding. Hell, even his bro-in-law (Ed) mentioned it the day the cast was announced. This was written in the comments on Facebook under Sam’s pics back in March. So yeah, when Sam knew he had to be back and production knew he had to be back, it’s kinda hard to take anything he says on the show seriously this season. Good thing the screenshot was sent to me back in March since those FB profiles are only up for 3 days before ABC takes them down once filming starts.
Olivia and Ed’s wedding was on May 10th. Google it. It’s all out there. Jenn’s final rose ceremony day was May 16th. So yeah, Sam was never making it to the end regardless of what anyone in his family is gonna try and peddle unfortunately. Just be honest about it. That’s all.
2) Sam using his contract situation about being on the show as a reason as to why he couldn’t tell Raeley until the day he left for filming he was gonna be on the Bachelorette, when after he got home, he told her that he felt Jenn lied, her feelings were all over the place, “and you’ll see that by who she ends up with.” I’m paraphrasing here since I didn’t hear the conversation between Sam and Raeley, but I believe Raeley when she tells me this because she provided evidence and receipts about their relationship. Raeley has showed me more than I ever needed to know about their relationship. It’s clear Sam just tells women what they want to hear, then makes himself out to be the victim in all of it. It’s unfortunate, but it’s what happened here.
Reader Emails will be back tomorrow as I have some saved from last week and then some that have come in since last Wednesday. But of course, I could always use more. Email me at or hit me up on IG or Twitter, and I’ll get those in tomorrow’s column.
Some Golden Bachelorette news for you. As reported on Sunday on my social media accounts, Joan had a hometown date this past Sunday in Wichita, Kansas with Chock Chapple, the guy who she went on her first 1-on-1 date of the season at Disneyland. I was able to identify him last week, figured he was gonna play a big role on the season, and now he’s made it to hometowns. We don’t know how many hometown dates there are on this show. Gerry’s season had 3 – Faith, Theresa, and Leslie. The flagship show as we know has four every season. We also don’t know what # hometown Chock’s was. 1st? 2nd? 3rd? Possibly 4th? All we know is his hometown was this past Sunday. Any new information I get I’ll pass on as soon as I know it.
Recap begins on Page 2…