A couple of notes. I want to say about yesterday’s story regarding Sam McKinney. I put it in today’s column. That’s up on reality, steve. com. So you can check that out, but. One of the things that I put in there and one of the things that I mentioned on Sunday night was the fact that Sam knew and producers knew that he had to be home for his sister’s wedding because he was the officiant of it and It’s actually out there on social media like the day Facebook announced the 28 possible men for Jen’s season if you look, you know They put all the guys pictures out and then everybody can comment whatever they want You Yeah.
Under Sam’s picture. Now it might’ve been deleted. I’ve had this screenshot for three months. They might’ve gone in and deleted their comments, but Sam’s brother in law Ed wrote under one of it, wrote under the picture, best dude I know. Can’t wait. A couple other people commented, Sam’s the man, hope he wins.
And then some guy said, can we place bets on him? I’m trying to retire this year. Which Ed responded, Ed is Sam’s brother in law, he’ll have to leave the show to come marry Olivia and I in Costa Rica, so we can scheme something there, lol. Now, this is in my column today, they are probably hearing this on the podcast now, and I’m sure they’re gonna say, oh, that was just a joke.
Well, no, it wasn’t a joke. Because Olivia and Ed got married on Friday, May 10th. Jen’s season finale, her final rose ceremony day was May 16th. So, unless Sam was going to be like, hey sis, can’t be your officiant anymore, which I don’t think is, would have been the case. It was known he wasn’t going to win this season.
He went on and producers knew he was going to leave at some point. And I’m sure they knew just by the way Sam looked. Good looking guy. Got the first impression, Rose. We know how the show works, so you can even go check it out. Ed and Olivia have their own wedding page. They got married in Costa Rica. They have a whole schedule laid out between May 8th and May 12th.
I’m reading it right now, Friday, May 10th, Ceremony, Sueno Del Mar, semi formal, dressy casual attire, then cocktail hour, then dinner and dancing. They got married while GenSeason was still filming, so if you’re going to tell me that Sam was going to tell his sister, sorry, I’m not going to be your officiant because I’m on the show.
I just, I don’t believe it. I believe he knew before he went on the show and producers knew before he went. But he was always going to leave the show at some point, and he was never going to win. That’s just what I believe. And I think the facts back it up. Now, The other thing that I want to say is When I reported the story yesterday, Or Sunday night, And then talked about it in yesterday’s podcast.
I just want people to remember that I want people that are agreeing of what Sam did. I just want people to keep up the same energy for people that this happens to in the future, but the person in question is somebody that’s well liked. Not saying that Sam is hated, but he clearly has some detractors out there because the previews have shown that he might be a villain this season and he might be saying things that get under a guy’s skin.
So it’s already in the viewer’s minds like, oh, this guy might be trouble. So when somebody comes out like Rayleigh did and says things about their relationship and their past, it’s much easier for people to be like, oh yeah, yeah, I knew I didn’t like that guy. What I’m saying is, I appreciate that, and I appreciate a lot of you taking Rayleigh’s side, which you should.
But what I’m also saying is, in the future, we know this is going to happen. Some ex is going to come forward about a guy or a woman on this show. That person might be somebody that the crowd Over 50 percent of the audience already likes and they’re immediately going to dismiss it because it’s somebody they like and God forbid they can never do anything wrong.
So all I’m saying is this energy that you have against Sam because of what Ray Lee said, just keep it up in the future. Keep the same intensity, quoting Michael Irvin there. Keep the same intensity when it’s about someone that you actually like. Because it’s just showing a giant bias if you pick and choose who you choose to believe on their information that they give.
And I think that’s where, that’s where things get really misconstrued and it gets really upsetting because it’s like, wait a second, why do you believe this person and not this person when they provided just as much information as the other person? Well, the person they’re saying it about it, there’s no way they could do it.
It’s like, no, everybody that goes on this show, I, we’ve been saying it for years. Yeah. Yeah. You have to know they’re not going on this show for love. If they end up falling in love and getting engaged at the end, that is the exception and not the rule. They’re going on for other motives. Falling in love is probably 10th on the list of most important things as to why people choose to go on the bachelor and the bachelorette hell, most former contestants will admit it to your face.
If you ask them privately, most of them aren’t going to admit it publicly. But most will admit it privately. We all know this by now. It’s been going on 49 seasons. So just keep it in mind when this happens again to somebody that doesn’t have a villain edit coming their way by the show that it still could be true.
So I want to talk about big brother, as we know, preparing, premiering on Wednesday this week, and hopefully I’m getting this right. Well, first off, we had our cast announced yesterday and found out what the twist was to this season of big brother. And that is of the 16 house guests. They are going to have the ability to vote in a 17th house guest, but that’s all we know, the house guests identity remains a secret, but So it’s like, there’s somebody that’s set to be voted in and they can either choose to vote them in or choose not to, but we don’t know if they’re going to be told, Hey, this is this person, or they’re going to know who they’re voting on, or they’re even going to know they’re voting on voting somebody in.
It could be just, Hey. You need to vote yes or no on something. We’re not going to tell you what it is, but do you, do you vote yes to a surprise to the season? Like we have no idea we will on Wednesday or maybe Thursday, but we don’t know because we know Wednesday we’re only getting the first eight introduced to us.
And on Thursday, the next seven introduced to us, it’s going to be an 89 day season. The season does not end until mid October, the last few weeks of the season, it’s going to have a very wonky schedule because survivor will have already started about a month earlier. Survivor starting on September 18th and that’s going to take up 90 minutes on Wednesdays.
So big brother believe for the last month of the season is not going to be airing on Wednesdays. It’s just going to be Thursdays and Sundays. The finale is going to be Sunday nights and Sunday night is going to be the finale. I think it’s October. 18th. Let me look at my schedule here. October, maybe it’s the 13th.
That’s a Sunday. Anyway, the other thing I want to mention is from what I read now, I, I think this is from a legit Big brother source or Instagram account, but it does say that the house guests are going to move in one day before the premiere. So they are look, it’s looking like they’re going to be moving in today.
Both groups, both groups of the house guests are going to be moving in today. It’s just going to be split up into two different episodes. We’re only going to see the first eight when they film that today, we’re only going to see the first eight on Wednesday. And then the next eight on Thursday, and then.
I’m assuming that’s when the twist will be revealed to them and the live feeds are going to begin on Thursday right after the second episode ends. So there’s a lot to go over here. I know a lot of people are doing cast breakdowns and studying these people since the cast was released yesterday. The 16 people, we’ve got an undercover cop, we’ve got a cocktail server, a celebrity ship, a crochet business owner.
We have a former. Like I said, there’s a video clerk in there and do we know any of these people? No. I mean, I, you know, they’re not former reality people. I don’t know. I haven’t done any deep dives on any of these contestants. I’m sure the Rob has a podcast people have and the other people who. Study this show way more than I do.
Maybe they’ve come up with stuff already. I don’t know. Has anybody found an old tweet or an old video from one of these people that is already going to cancel them? Probably like I haven’t looked too deep into it, but I will say that I would think that the 17th house guest is a, is an alumni. I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t be because why would they be voting on somebody they don’t know?
So unless the whole thing is, are you, you have to vote yes or no on a surprise to the game. And they don’t even tell them it’s a 17th house guests. Like we, we don’t know if they’re voting on something they actually know about or just voting on a sub had to have a surprise this season. And I’m guessing, look, if they say I, if let’s, let’s just say they leave the person’s name out and they say, are you going to vote yes or no to a surprise to start your season?
I’m guessing all of them are going to vote yes, because why wouldn’t you? You know, I, I know people will be like, well, it might not be good for the game or whatever. They’re going to vote. Yes. Cause they, because it would just be such a giant letdown, especially if it is a former alumni, someone that’s well liked and somebody that the audience wants to see play.
And this group just says, no, like, I just don’t see that happening. I got to believe whatever, whoever this person is, they’re going to get voted into the game. I’m sure. But we’re going to have so much big brother to talk about on Wednesday and Thursdays podcasts for sure. And obviously I’m not a live feed guy.
I will read stuff. I’m sure I’ll hear stories if something major is happening on the live feed. So I will always give you a heads up about live feed information that I’m talking about. I try to stick to what airs Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday, but yeah, there’ll be times if something breaks like it always does.
There’ll be, there’ll be somebody in this cast that says something stupid or says something racist or says something homophobic during the live feeds. It happens every season. We know it’s going to happen again. It’s just a matter of which person it ends up. Being, and then we’ll discuss it at the time.
Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you remember you got to hit play, that’s the only way it counts as a download. Sports daily will be up in an hour from now. Check that out if you’re interested, but again. Thank you all for listening.
Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.
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