Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 7/19 – Clayton Reaction From Yesterday, Another Hometown Date Identified For Joan, Big Brother Night 2, Claim To Fame, & Laura Owens Lawyer Loses Again

Let’s get to it big brother night 2 premiere by the time you’re listening to this the live feeds have been turned on as I’m recording this they haven’t been turned on yet because I think Julie said 10 p.

m. Pacific time So it’s about an hour and a half from now So I can’t give you any updates of what happened in the live feeds and and whatnot but I will probably go to one of the accounts just to see if anything major happened overnight and And Again, I got to be careful about reading live feed stuff all season long because I like checking in here and there But I don’t want to know who wins head of household or power of veto But we do have some early season people whose games can be benefited because of what they did in the first challenge and some people who are shit out of luck first Order business is we got to meet our second group of eight contestants playing this season.

You got Quinn, who’s a huge super fan, even has a zing bot in his room. And Jesus in the second episode of the season, I already had to hear zing bots name and him tell an awful joke. Brooklyn, who is a former Mrs. America, Matt, Lisa Leah, who gives herself the Nickname of, well, not a nickname, but she self proclaims she’s a chubby chaser.

She likes bigger guys. Cedric is 21 years old to core and Kennedy or Kenny. So they did the same exact thing. So this is what I was confused about when I said last time, I’m like, wait, these eight are going to go into the house. Aren’t they going to see the other eight already in there and talk to them?

And, and the other eight can inform them of what they did. Well, no, they sequestered the other eight and had them in a room isolated. So the new eight. Quinn Brooklyn, Matt, Lisa, Leah, Cedric to core and Kenny all come in to the house. And it’s literally the same exact episode as Wednesday night’s premiere.

They have to go outside immediately and they have to vote on whether or not they want Ainsley to be the 17th house guest this time. On Wednesday, it was a four, four split vote. This time it was only two people that voted for her and six people against. So same exact thing. The two people that voted for her had an opportunity to advance in the game or get an advantage and the.

The good thing was, for them, you’re only competing against one other person because only two people voted yes for a 17th person. So, six people played the other game where you finished in last place and you have something working against you. So, what happened was Quinn And somebody else with the two people that voted for a 17th player Ainsley to come in the game and Quinn ended up winning his comp coupled with McKenzie from last night, Quinn and McKenzie now have advantages, but we don’t know what they are.

We do know. That Chelsea and Cedric finished last on Wednesday and Thursday. So they are at a disadvantage. They cannot win HOH because they can’t participate in it and they cannot participate in power of veto. I think there was one other thing that they couldn’t do in week one. I think, I think they can’t vote.

Yeah. I think they can’t vote at the first eviction either, but they can be evicted. So that doesn’t bode well for them because I guarantee one, if not both of them are probably going to be this week’s nominees. You know, I, I, I’d be surprised if at least one of them wasn’t, even though I have no idea what’s going on in the house already.

Maybe they have made friends or whatever, but they’re, they’re in trouble. We don’t know what McKenzie and Quinn’s advantages just yet. We’ll have to pay attention. I’m sure it’s coming up, but just keep that in mind. But essentially it was the same exact episode as Wednesday night, except different challenges.

They had to do same exact thing. And again, the BBAI theme. All A. I. is doing is doing Julie’s job. B. B. A. I. is literally the one that’s going to inform them, I guess, Hey, here’s your next challenge. Here, I’m gonna read you what you need to do this week. Here’s the costume you have to wear for a week. I mean, it just, they hype it up like this is major thing and A.

I. is gonna control Big Brother. And it’s just like, no, it’s just a computer generated voice that’s gonna tell them what to do in the house. It’s so simple. I mean, it’s literally no different than the voice that tells them over the loudspeakers to do what they need to do every other season. It’s just now, I guess they’re going to see that computerized version of Ainsley.

And I guess Ainsley is a famous YouTuber. I don’t know. That’s what I thought I read. Or maybe a tech talker or something like that. The girl that played Ainsley, either way, we don’t have a 17th house guests coming in. It’s just Ainsley, the robot, and she’s going to talk in a computerized voice all season to tell them what they need to do.

Whoopie. Claim to fame aired on Wednesday night. I finally got around to watching it yesterday and. So we’re 0 for 3 in people guessing. Wednesday was a double elimination, and I don’t remember the names of the actual contestants, but one of them was the niece of John Stamos, and the other one was the niece of John Cryer.

And I don’t even remember their names that got eliminated, but that’s three times they’ve had to go up for elimination, and the person guessed the right answer. Incorrectly. And I don’t remember the guest. I remember first in week one, they guessed Shane. I believe his name was, was somehow related to Forrest Whitaker.

That was wrong. And that the person that guest ended up being related to Robin Roberts. I think she was Robin Roberts niece. And then last night, like I said, the two people that got eliminated were. The nieces of John Stamos and John Cryer, but John Cryer played a little bit bigger of a role because he ended up picking up his niece showed up in a limo right in front of the mansion, picked her up and it had ducky on the license plates.

And you all know my affinity for pretty and pink. It’s the theme song to the daily roundup from that movie. The theme song to the weekly podcast is from that movie. It’s by the rave ups. It’s in the bar scene about halfway almost exactly halfway through the movie when Andy and Blaine Had a bad time at a party at his house because Steph was drunk and you know what I’m talking about So they end up going to a place that she hangs out at a lot Which is totally not a place where someone like Blaine would normally go Ducky is there all upset and the Rave Ups are playing in the background.

You can hear both of those songs clear as day And it’s just weird for the longest time, those songs stuck in my head. I saw that movie in the eighties and I said to myself in the eighties, I don’t know why, or maybe when I got to college and I was like, I realized that’s what I wanted to do with my life was be on radio.

And I told myself if I ever get a radio show, I want my theme music, this to be some of my, either my theme music or my bumper music coming back in and out of commercial breaks and stuff like that. And then when podcasts came around, I was like, okay, this is what I’m going to do. And I emailed the lead singer of the rave ups and he gave me permission.

That’s why I’m allowed to use it. And I, it’s just so weird how things have worked out, but so yeah, claim to fame has already eliminated three women and they’re over three and trying to guess on who’s who they guessed Antonio. They guessed that Miguel was related to Antonio Banderas. That was wrong. And they guessed that somebody was, Oh, related to Dustin Hoffman and that was wrong.

So, Oh, for three, I actually liked the show just because. Like I said, the only one I know is HUD because I Googled HUD has a very odd name and I Googled HUD son of singer and immediately popped up. He’s the son of John Mellencamp, which means Teddy Mellencamp from the Beverly Hills, or I think it’s the Beverly Hills housewives franchise is also his aunt.

So I don’t even know who they’re going to say, Oh, that was the other thing. Someone got a clue for HUD on Wednesday night and it was, it had cherry bomb artist. And the person who was trying to solve it said, Oh, cherry bomb was sung by this group. I didn’t know John Mellencamp sung a song named cherry bomb, but he did.

And so they’re going to use, they’re not going to use Teddy Mellencamp as this person’s celebrity relative. They’re going to use John Mellencamp. But would I expect any of those youngins to know John Cougar Mellencamp saying cherry bomb back in, I believe it was an 80s song. Probably not. So he’s going to be tough for them to guess.

I got to believe nobody’s going to get HUD all season long. And finally, just one update to make since we had Clayton on the podcast yesterday, there was some news that came down in the case and that is Laura Owen’s lawyer, David Gingras had filed a motion to have the judge removed, which has not been ruled on yes, but basically to have the case dismissed and whatnot, and judge Mata ruled against it yesterday.

In a one, you know, member, I told you about this last week. I was like, gingers put together a 32 page motion and judge Mata denied it yesterday with one sentence and just said, it’s been denied. And. Exactly what I told you was going to happen happened. I said, watch, I think I said this on Sunday’s live with Megan Fox.

I said, look, once this gets denied, because we know he’s not going to get a change of judge and we know he’s not going to win this latest motion. Once he does get denied and loses yet another motion, I guarantee he’s going to put a tweet out or he’s going to put another blog post out and just say, Oh, Not a big deal.

Totally expected. Just a formality. Nothing to see here. And that’s exactly what he did another just rambling blog post yesterday about the Arizona court system and the legal system about why judge mod is ruling and Denying his request for any of that stuff means absolutely nothing. It’s like great It’s like I cannot believe a word this guy says he’s literally one of the worst lawyers I’ve ever seen Every single thing that he gets shot down on, he just dismisses like, Oh, not a big deal.

No, I knew like, Oh, this is, but you don’t understand. We might’ve lost this, but we’re totally going to win this. Like, how many times do you have to say that? The ironic thing about all of this is that. All he keeps doing is making fun of the justice for Clayton crew and calling the names and how little they know about Arizona law and all it’s doing is distracting from the fact that he’s getting his ass handed to him in court, losing basically every single motion that he files.

It’s unreal. All he does is keep losing, but then he turns it around. He just gaslights anybody who reads his tweets or his blogs to tell you, it’s not a big deal that he keeps losing or any focus on, on other things. So you don’t focus on the fact that he keeps losing. The guy can never admit defeat. And I guess, look, if you’re a lawyer, you always want to be right.

I guess you kind of have to have that mentality that. I didn’t lose. It’s just a technicality or a formality. And that’s pretty much what he tried to put on his blog post yesterday, that this is all about Arizona law and none of you understand Arizona law and I do. And you’ll understand that judge Mata shouldn’t even have ruled on this and she didn’t sign it.

So that means it’s irrelevant. I’m just like, I can’t. Looks great on paper. All I know is he keeps losing and he’s going to lose again. He’s not going to get a change of judge and he’s not going to win an appeal. Period. End of story. But he thinks he’s going to, and I’m telling you right now, here we are on July 19th.

I guarantee you when he loses his appeal, he will blame it on something else. He will blame it on the Arizona court system. He’ll say we did this and they weren’t fair and they were biased. He’s already thrown it out there that the judge is biased. So when he does lose, he just goes back to that and says, see, I told you before this, before they even made a decision that they were biased and look, they made a decision and it’s totally biased.

I mean, this is straight out of a politician’s playbook. Unreal. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts, also rate and review, but you got to hit play. And it’s the only way it counts as a download. If you did not get to watch the Clayton interview on YouTube, go check it out this weekend.

You got plenty of time. It’s an hour and a half long. Go check it out. Hit the like button, subscribe to my YouTube channel, leave a comment. If you’d like, I might get to some of the comments in the replies over the weekend, but sports daily, we’ll be up in an hour from now, go check that out again. Thank you all for listening.

Thank you for the support and enjoying the YouTube channel thus far. I really appreciate it, and I will talk to you on Monday.


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