Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 7/22 – Bachelorette Jenn Episode #3 Tonight, A Crazy First Week In The Big Brother House, Claim To Fame Being Spoiled

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I’m your host Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in a good Monday show for you. We are going to talk about the fact that it was no live stream last night. Briefly go over that we are gonna discuss briefly episode 3 tonight of Jen season of the Bachelorette a lot of big brother talk to go over from last night and The craziness that happened over the weekend Man, I’m sucked into the live feeds.

And I’m also going to talk about claim to fame a little bit more because on Tik TOK, apparently there’s somebody who has figured every person’s relative out and I read it and I saw it all. I, I, I, all right, we’ll get to that momentarily. Tropical Smoothie Cafe wants to celebrate summer with you this week only.

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I had some family stuff come up that I just wasn’t gonna get back till about 730, 745. My time, which is central time. And I just didn’t want to push it back to eight because that would have ran into big brother. And yeah, so I just decided, and that came up about two or three hours beforehand, so that’s why I put it out there, but expect it to be back.

It will definitely be back next Sunday night, barring something crazy. And we will have a guest. And just kind of go over a lot of things going on in reality TV and pop culture. I don’t know who the guest is yet, but I think I have an idea, but we’ll see. But. It’s not going to happen very often where I don’t do a YouTube live stream on a Sunday nights.

But when I was thinking about it, once I did end up canceling it, I was like, you know what, there isn’t a lot that’s happened in bachelor nation this week. Really? I mean, the Rachel Brian stuff, I didn’t really touch on it too much this week because there isn’t really much to add to it. We know the basics, Rachel and Brian are going through a divorce.

She requested the judge. Allow her to pay him 10, 000 a month. He requested 16, 000 a month and the judge settled on basically 13. Now, Brian also took to Instagram over the weekend to show that he has been teaming up with a divorce coach and he’s releasing a three part Instagram feed story about. His working with this divorce coach.

I don’t think it’s a great look. Divorces are pretty much supposed to be private. You don’t want it to play out publicly. I don’t really know why he’s doing this, but then again, I didn’t watch. His part one, which he released on Saturday. I can’t imagine I would watch it and be overly impressed by it. And like, Oh yeah, totally.

See why you release this. I’m sure there’s some sort of exchange working here as to why he’s doing this and releasing it in three parts. I, but again, I’m not going to throw my two cents in. About what I think about it. Cause I didn’t watch it, nor did I read any sort of recap on it. So I just think the whole idea of playing your divorce out on social media in three different Instagram posts is a little extreme.

I know he did get called out by Kevin Wendt, who is Astrid’s husband, which. I get why Kevin did it. Astrid is Rachel’s friend, so of course Kevin is going to side with his wife, who’s friends with Rachel. I get it. But what he said wasn’t wrong. Like, man, he didn’t have to do this. Now, Kevin easily could have taken that to Brian privately.

Like Brian said to him, like this could have been done in a DM. You didn’t need to call this out publicly. So again, it’s just, you’re going to take sides on whoever you like. If you like Rachel, you think what Brian’s doing is terrible. If you like Brian, you think he has every right to speak his mind publicly.

It’s just, again, there’s no winning. So I’m not throwing my two cents in there about this video. I just think personally, if it were me, I just would. If I’m going through a divorce, probably wouldn’t do it publicly over three videos. Hey, that’s just me not going to spend any more time on this until we get more facts about what is going on.

And maybe there’s going to be a racial response to this. I’m sure there’s going to be some sort of shade thrown his way. I can’t imagine she’s going to take this and Rachel thinks this is a brilliant idea. We’ll just have to see what is said next. But as we said, when this thing first went public, this is only going to get uglier.

There’s nothing about this that is going to be a good look. I don’t think for either side, really. It’s just bad all around that this is being played out in public. Unfortunately, episode three, tonight of the bachelorette, they are still in Australia tonight. We get a stripping date. What a surprise. This show is going to have the men stripped down into their underwear.

Is there a season I need to go to bachelor data with this. How many seasons in a row have we now been on The Bachelorette where at least one date during the season had the men stripped down into either bikini briefs or their underwear or whatever it’s got to be what 10 in a row now, like, come on, Yosef’s daughter is watching tonight’s episode.

You can’t do this. I just. They love putting the guys in bikini briefs or have them in their underwear or hell have them not have any bottoms on. I I’d love to know how many seasons in a row we’ve had at least one date of this. I think. I mean, I might’ve been exaggerating with 10, but I think it’s at least five off the top of my head.

Can I remember every single date for every single season? No. I do know for charity season last summer, there definitely was one, right? The Barbie date was kind of that you had guys in bikini bottoms on that date. Correct. I thought they did. And if it wasn’t that date, there was probably some other date, but yeah, they just love putting the guys in their underwear.

We’re going to get that tonight, and it’s also going to be the date where Sam Najad, the virgin is going to declare his love for Jen, which is just utterly ridiculous. You know why? Because in the first episode, we don’t really ever see him talking to her. And he’s clearly saying this because a producer put him up to it because Sam, you’re not in love with Jen.

Seriously. Just shut up. It’s so ridiculous. Stop being three episodes in and less than a week into filming and telling a girl you love her when you haven’t even been on a date with her. You’re just making yourself look even more and more ridiculous. Then we have a four on one racing date, which is Austin, Aaron, Brian, not Brian.

That was who I originally thought was on the date, Austin, Aaron, Jeremy, and Hakeem. And, and then Spencer gets the one on one where they take a helicopter ride to the Twelve Apostles touristy location. And then they go somewhere for the night portion, and they make out, and they get a fireworks show.

But it’s going to continue tonight. And I think tonight after tonight, we’ll be able to shape these, you know, episodes four and five coming up in the next two weeks, because that’s where I have the actual eliminations. Like, I don’t know exactly who goes home each episode. I just know who goes home over the course of two episodes.

And we’ll see how many make it. Cause for the longest time, I thought 11 made it to New Zealand, but with Spencer making it through and 11 other guys accounted for in future episodes. Screenshots from the season preview. It means that I got to think 12, make it to New Zealand, unless I totally missed something, but I do think 12, make it to New Zealand.

Three get eliminated tonight. And that’ll be Thomas Asano and Hakeem goes home this episode. And then the whole thing with Aaron herb, you know, I said it at the end of my column last week. The spoiler at the beginning of the season was that Aaron had to leave because flight school called him and said he needed to be back in Mobile, Alabama for flight school or else he was going to miss out on this opportunity.

But the preview doesn’t sound like it’s anything like Aaron got some sort of phone call. To leave the show. So maybe they’re just going to heart, you know, maybe that’s what happened behind the scenes. I know that is what happened, but it looks like Aaron is getting sent home because he’s talking too much shit about the other guys and Jen sends them off because we clearly see him at the rose ceremony, talking about the other guys saying, these guys aren’t here for the right reasons.

She said, you can’t just drop that on me and not name names. He’s like, nah, I just don’t want to say any names. That’s obviously going to get him sent home. So what I was told. Is also true is that he had to leave for flight school, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to be the reason they’re showing him getting eliminated tonight.

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