Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

Bachelorette Jenn – Episode 3 Thoughts, Villains Changing From One Episode To the Next, How You Can Attend the Men Tell All Taping, & Your Daily Roundup 7/23 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

-The thing about Devin at this point is, he may not be your cup of tea (he’s not particularly mine), but at least he’s honest about who he is. He’s loud, he’s confident, even bordering on cocky, but every time he’s with Jenn it’s all about making her feel special. Now, the one argument I’ll absolutely listen to when it comes to Devin is “Is he just telling Jenn what she wants to hear because he’s a smooth talker and he just wants to win, or, is he actually sincere.” That’s definitely a conversation to have, because my answer right now is I don’t know. A part of me thinks he just wants to win. But, his actions WITH Jenn, and more importantly, her reaction to HIM, clearly show she has absolutely zero problem with Devin at this point and has gone out of her way each episode to make time for him and is clearly into him. And in the whole Devin vs Sam M. debate all season, we already know who ends up winning out in the end, so watching Sam M. continuously go after Devin and how much he hates him and we KNOW that Devin outlasts him, is making Sam M. look worse and worse by the episode. Because this feud isn’t ending anytime soon, yet, we know Sam M. lasts three less episodes than Devin, so it’s all gonna be for naught when Jenn ultimately sees right through Sam M. and eliminates him.

-I don’t think anyone can watch Jenn and Sam M. right now and see anything deeper than surface level attraction. That’s it. He looked absolutely hammered at the group date after party and, I’m sorry, why isn’t he being called out more for his behavior with her during his alone time. I know they had a stripping date earlier in the episode, but to just put himself on top of her and have her uncomfortably have to sit there and take it? Like, what? Jenn was being nice in that situation but all the signs to me pointed to her wanting to push him off her. Nothing about that was appropriate or comfortable to watch. I guess kudos to Jenn for handling and not making it a bigger issue, but I don’t think anyone can convince me that’s the position she wanted to be in. Dude, stop making it all about your physical chemistry with her. You’re showing your true colors. I know Sam M. has his 1-on-1 date next week so maybe we’ll get something more out of him, but at this point, knowing what we know about his actions pre-show, and what he’s said about Jenn to people since he’s been back in texts that I HAVE, it’s clear he’s totally butt hurt Devin lasted longer than him, his ego can’t handle it, so he just trash talks Jenn. Class guy I tell ya’.

-So I’d say that’s enough about the Devin/Sam M. feud. We know where it’s going, I don’t see how anyone can look at Sam’s behavior and think he’s in the right and is acting great on this show, regardless of how much he’s annoyed by Devin. He’s probably being egged on by producers as well, but he’s falling for it since it’s all he keeps talking about. Just a bad look overall. You can tell he’s an alpha male, his ego is out of control, he has a very high opinion of himself which he’s not shy to share, and it’s just giving off some bad vibes. Couple that with what we know about how he was never gonna last to the end because of his sisters wedding he officiated, what he was telling other women before and after the show, he’s just not someone anyone should be propping up this season. And I think we’ll see Jenn get there once she’s not blinded by him being “hot” and them having just a sexual attraction to each other. Zero depth.

-The other story last night was Aaron finding out he got accepted to flight school and he needed to make a decision to leave the show or stay on. I mean, was this even an option? He could say all he wants on TV about not passing up an opportunity with Jenn, but that was totally unrealistic to ever think there was even a remote chance the guy was gonna pass up an opportunity of a lifetime, and one he’s wanted to do since a kid, to continue on a silly dating show for a woman he’d known a week. Lets be real, there was no decision to make here. He was never gonna stay regardless of if she gave him the group date rose or not. He was gonzo. But yet, even on his way out, he throws basically every other guy under the bus without naming names, and Jenn isn’t happy about it. Geez, could HE have handled this any worse? The answer? No. Man, does Jenn have any good guys on her season? Dylan, Grant, Spencer I guess? None of who even make the final four. But hey, her journey, her decisions. Remember, the theme is Jenn is in control now. Great. In control the insane asylum apparently.

-Did you notice that a couple times when Jenn was alone with a guy either at the group date after party or the cocktail party, she had smeared lipstick talking to certain men? I did. It’s not like her lipstick wasn’t on correctly and all over her face, but you know when you kiss a girl with lipstick on, even if she reapplies it afterwards, like above her lip you still see it’s a little red? I noticed when she was sitting with Austin on the group date after party, her lip was a little red from having kissed Jeremy already. And then I noticed when she was with Devin at the rose ceremony cocktail party, same thing. Her lips were red before she kissed him from having kissed Sam M. or possibly multiple men before him. Just something I noticed. Figured I’d point it out to those who aren’t as eagle eyed as me. It’s ok. I blame your parents.

Oh hey look! Next week we have more of the men arguing with each other, with Thomas going after Sam N., and Sam M. and Devin still battling it out. Can’t wait. Then again, it is kind of amusing watching guys bury themselves on TV and being completely unaware of how they’re coming off. Because you just KNOW Sam M. thinks he’s the cats meow and probably just enjoying the attention he’s getting, regardless of if it’s negative or not. Get ready for a few more weeks of this because it’s not stopping anytime soon.

DAILY ROUNDUP 7/23 TRANSCRIPT begins on Page 4…

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