Reality Steve

The Bachelorette 21- Jenn

Bachelorette Jenn – Episode 3 Thoughts, Villains Changing From One Episode To the Next, How You Can Attend the Men Tell All Taping, & Your Daily Roundup 7/23 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

I wanted to hit on something on my YouTube videos that the one complaint I got from the Clayton interview had nothing to do with the interview itself. Thank you. But it had to do with the ads. T And like you said, like I said, I’m new to this YouTube thing.

I’m learning as I go, but I did not realize that the Clayton video, because I have you two premium, I don’t see ads when I watch anything on YouTube. So I was informed by a couple emailers and someone in the comments section that said, Steve, there was an ad every five minutes and I was like, really? So I got with somebody yesterday, geez, I got the hiccups.

I got with somebody yesterday that told me exactly how to manually put in my ads because basically I was letting YouTube do it. For all my videos, like once they’re posted, YouTube just does it randomly and it tries to find spots to put them in, but they are done so at random that it’s impossible to know how many they’re going to put in.

And I went to the Clayton video and there was literally 25 ads in there. So yeah, not that I doubted you, but I had no idea it was that many. So now I manually can put in ads and basically what you’re going to see on my YouTube videos is I’m going to put an ad in every 15 minutes. So if it’s a one hour video, you’re going to get one at 15, So you’re only going to see three.

There might be one at the beginning, the pre roll ad, but unless I just forget, which I’m, I don’t think I’m going to, the ads are going to be much more spread out. The Clayton video has already been fixed. So if you want to go watch it, not getting interrupted every five minutes by an ad, you can go watch it on my YouTube channel at reality, Steve.

But yeah, there’s going to be ads just every 15 minutes and I can manually put them in. Whenever the 30 minute video I did, remember when we broke down the season premiere the season breakdown that season trailer for Jen season, that’s only a 30 minute video. So I put, I think two ads in there, one at the 10 minute mark and one at the 20 minute mark.

So I went in and manually put in everything. So I’ll do that going forward. But yeah, that was, thank you for pointing that out to me. Cause I had no idea. Until I saw a couple of you mentioned it in the comments of that video. And some of you emailed me personally about it. So thank you for that. And like I said, I’m learning that’s the way it’s going to be right now.

Every 15 minutes there’ll be an ad break. So one of my favorite movies from the nineties, you know, me, I’m an eighties and nineties movie guy. One of them, one of my all time favorites and classics, just one of these. Teen nineties movies with arguably the one girl I had the biggest crush on in the nineties, Jennifer Love Hewitt was, I know what you did last summer.

Both movies that she was in were just, were they great on plot? No, but they weren’t supposed to be. Let’s be real about what those movies were about. Now they’re getting a reboot. I know what you did last summer. Reboot has reportedly cast it’s next. Cast Camila Mendes, Madeline Klein from Outer Banks, Riverdale alum Camila Mendes, and somebody else.

Little Mermaid actor Jonah Howard King, Broadway actress Sarah Pidgeon, and Atlanta star Tyreek Withers, also reportedly in discussions. Now, there are rumors that Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prinze Jr. are on board for this reboot. I don’t think that they’re the stars of the movie. My guess is they are going to be, well, I don’t know.

I mean, it hasn’t even been confirmed that they are, but the rumors are that they will be in a Sarah Michelle Gellar and Ryan Phillippe can’t be in it because they were killed, but we know that Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Pence jr survived both movies. And apparently they are going to be in the reboot, but what roles they have, we have no idea.

I can’t imagine they have major roles. I guess we’ll see. I’m down for anything that reboots. I know what you did last summer. I just, you can’t not have me down for that. I’m in, I’m all in. Count me in. JLH, Freddie P. Come back. Come back to one of the greatest two movie franchises ever. I know what you did last summer.

Such a great movie. They couldn’t trade. They could not find out and they could not track down this guy in a fisherman’s outfit who somehow appeared everywhere and walked everywhere, never ran yet. They couldn’t outrun him. It’s just so ridiculous yet so awesome. And speaking of so awesome. You can mute or fast forward this podcast now, if you don’t want some quick thoughts on Cobra Kai season six, you got to understand this show.

You know, the Karate Kid movie is a major part of my life. Just like back to the future, I’d say back to the future is a little bit ahead of the Karate Kid trilogy in terms of how many times I’ve seen them, but I’ve seen them both. I mean, countless. So when I originally heard Cobra Kai was being made and.

Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence are going to be a part of it. I’m like, okay, I hope they don’t screw this up. And you know, my thoughts on the revival and making this into a TV show 30 years later, I’m like, I cannot believe how good it is. I thought there is no way it could be something that I would enjoy this much.

And season six. Wow. The one thing I don’t like about it is how long they’re stretching it out. July 18th, they gave us the first five episodes. November 15th is going to be the next five episodes. And then sometime in 2025, are they going to be the final five episodes? Then we know there’s already been a karate kid movie that has been shot already with Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan that’s coming out in May of 2025.

I don’t know if it’s still in the Cobra Kai Canon. Maybe we’ll find stuff out as we get closer to that movie, but we all know, even though Cobra Kai is ending next year in 2025. You read any interview that the writers of this show have done and they’ve absolutely hinted at the fact that this series While the Cobra Kai name series might be over they’re gonna have a spinoff if it’s about Just the kids and you know, Daniel and Johnny move on and it or they focus on Just one of the kids and they do a spinoff of that We have no idea but there will be more stories told Kai universe Season six Enjoyed the first five episodes.

Absolutely. You know, the, the, the last scene, the ending, so, so called twist of Tori joining back with Cobra Kai and joining with Kreese. I mean, I, I think, at least I did, I think a lot of you saw that coming, right? Like there was, it was obvious when Tori walked out of Miyagi Do. The second we saw Tori in the parking lot with Kreese, we knew that she was going to eventually go back to him because he wanted her back.

He was, she was eventually going to go back to him. And then when we saw that her mother died and they wouldn’t let her fight anymore. And basically, she left Miyagi Do, and then we see Kreese’s team walk into Seikai Teikai Tournament, and there was a space open. You had to know that she was walking in to that team, right?

I hope you did. I know the next five episodes are probably going to focus a lot on the Seikai Seikai Teikai Tournament? Then it’s just like, okay, well then what are the last, cause they’re not going to do 10 episodes at the sake I take I tournament. So it’s like, what are the last five going to be about?

And we’ll get some hints once November 15th rolls around. But man, you know, once Cobra Kai came on, it was at, it loaded up to net, it loaded in Netflix at 2 AM central time last Thursday morning. I set my alarm. I went to bed at midnight, set my alarm for 1 55, woke up and watched all five episodes from 2 a.

m. To 4 45. And then I’m like, great, now I got to wait four months until the next five, you know, that’s the part that sucks. I don’t really understand. Look, I understand it’s their last season and they want to extend it as much as they can, but I think this is a little excessive waiting. Making people make for waiting, making people wait four months.

In between episodes one through five and six through 10, and then probably another three to four months between episodes six through 10 and 11 through 15. I don’t know. And I’m probably just saying that as a frustrated fan, because I want to see the whole season. You know, I don’t want to wait a course of basically, it’s going to take nine months to watch a full season.

And it’s just like, why not just give us the whole season? Like you did the first five seasons where it’s just here. You’re all your episodes. Here’s your 10 episodes. Boom. Don’t know why they couldn’t have done it with that said enjoyed the first five episodes. I I if you’re gonna ask me what was the best scene it had to be Johnny at the slumber party with Sam and Tori, right?

like That was the funniest scene But it just it’s been great all around and just I’m just disappointed I have to wait so long for the next one Yeah Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but please hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download.

If you miss a day, hit play. Go back and hit play. It’s the best way you can support this podcast. The sports daily comes out in an hour from now. And in two hours from now on reality, steve. com, you’ll get my thoughts on last night’s episode and you’ll get the transcript from today’s daily roundup. So go check that out on reality.

Steve. com coming up in a couple hours. Again, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

See you.

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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