A wild first week in the Big Brother house, so who better to bring back to discuss it than season 13 winner Rachel Reilly Villegas. She definitely has some thoughts on Angela’s meltdown last night, the early season twists, how long they will last, what’s been happening on the live feeds, who she thinks will go home tonight, and much, much more. Always great to have Rachel on as a former winner, great to get her perspective. This podcast also up on YouTube, which I’ve embedded below. You can go and join the chat going on during the episode, leave a comment, and subscribe. I also go into my lack of camera presence and what I’m struggling with on the YouTube show. I’ll eventually get used to it and I’m gonna try some different things in the future episodes, but definitely struggling a little bit with, well, where to look when I’m recording with someone. I know, first world problems, but it’s something I’m not used to just because I’ve always been an audio guy. But we’ll get there. Bear with me. Enjoy the interview…
You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
(SPOILER) I begin by talking about how I’m adjusting to this pod also being on YouTube, Sam McKinney’s struggle with criticism, & break down what’s coming on Podcast #401. Then Rachel joins me (11:37) to discuss a chaotic first week in the Big Brother house, Angela’s TV past and subsequent meltdown on Matt last night, the early season twists, who she thinks is going home tonight, and much, much more.
Instagram – @rachelreillyvillegas
You can also watch on YouTube:
(SPOILER) Your Daily Roundup covers a first world problem I’m having dealing with the YouTube podcast every week, Sam McKinney clearly struggling with criticism he’s received, and Big Brother’s Angela with a meltdown for the ages.
You can listen to that podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in here:
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Thursday. Got a lot to go over today. We’re going to talk about what’s upcoming in a couple hours on podcast number 401. I’m also going to share with you as I’m still kind of working through YouTube and what I want to do and what I want to make it and how it looks.
I’m going to share something with you about the video recording of this and what I’m having trouble dealing with. First world problems. I know. We’re also going to talk about Sam McKinney as he’s a guy that is clearly naive to the process and already probably getting slapped on the wrist by the show because he doesn’t know how to control himself on social media.
Yeah, And we’re also going to talk about last half of the podcast. We’ll be talking about big brother last night as we finally saw the Angela meltdown on Matt got a lot of thoughts about that and what’s coming up in today’s podcast number 401 with Rachel Riley Viegas, who was the winner of season 13 of big brother.
We’ll get to all that momentarily. It’s a podcast brought to you by Tropical Smoothie Cafe. They want to celebrate summer with you this week. Only July 22nd to the 28th, Tropic Rewards members get a free Island Punch smoothie with bowl or food purchase, peach, guava, passion fruit, mango, and pineapple order in the app online or in cafe you’re on Tropic time now at Tropical Smoothie Cafe.
Podcast number 401 is coming up in a couple hours from now. I have it set to release on YouTube at 9 15 a. m. Eastern time. So go there. You can peer in the live chat. You can chat with each other, leave messages, whatever you want to do. Leave comments. I’d appreciate it, but that’s going to go live at 9 15 a.
m. It’s programmed to go live at 9 15 a. m. Eastern standard time. So. Go to that on my YouTube channel, YouTube, and click on reality. Steve, or do a search for reality. Steve, you’ll find my channel and something that when I was recording with Rachel and even last week when I recorded with, with Clayton is here’s the deal.
You know, I’m very new to video and the one thing with video, especially when I’m recording with somebody is on my computer screen, on my monitor, I can I see that person. However, my camera is attached to the top of my monitor. So when I’m recording with, let’s take Rachel for example, if she’s talking to me and I want to look at her and see her face along with, you know, I’m hearing her in my earphones, my earbuds.
But if I want to see her talking to me, I have to look at my computer monitor, which means I’m looking down from the camera. I’m not looking at the camera. So As I’ve done with Clayton and Rachel in these first two episodes, you’ll see when they’re talking and giving me an answer for the most part, I’m looking at the camera.
So yes, I’m hearing them, but it’s just a very weird feeling because I’m not trained in TV. You know, you look at news reporters, someone out in the field, whether it’s sports or just the news, they’re not looking all around, they’re not looking up, they’re not looking down, they’re not looking sideways when they report the news, they’re looking directly at the camera and they have their whole script memorized in their head and it’s like, that’s kind of impressive.
But me, 49 years on this planet who has no TV training whatsoever, it’s very hard for me sometimes. To carry on a conversation, looking directly straight ahead, because usually when I have a thought in my head or when I want to say something, I kind of look up, I kind of look sideways and I understand that you just can’t be looking straight ahead.
Well, news people do it, but I don’t know how to do it yet. So, the other thing is when they’re talking and giving their answer, I don’t want to be pretending that I’m not listening to them. And if I’m fumbling around through papers or trying to look at them on the screen, it doesn’t look like I’m looking at the camera.
So look, I understand this is first world problems, but for me, I want to make it look good. So I think next week I’m also going to try, like when I know somebody’s got a long answer, I’ve set them up with a long question. Then I know they’re going to go on for two or three minutes. I just might take myself off the screen and just make them the focal point because the recording that I use, stream yard that I use, it doesn’t do that thing where the person who’s talking gets.
The full shot. It’s just both of us on camera, unless I choose to do it differently. So I think that’s what I’m going to do is when I know the person has a long answer, I’m just going to take myself off screen because then I don’t have to sit there. And look directly at the camera because it is weird.
I’m looking at the camera and I’m focusing on the camera and I’m just hearing them in my ears. And when somebody is talking to you, normally you’re looking at them while they’re talking to you. And you can kind of comprehend it better. Not saying I didn’t comprehend what Rachel was telling me. It’s just a.
It’s just a whole mess that I was just never even thought of doing these YouTube videos. So I’m going to experiment with it. The thing is I have to remember I can’t start talking again until my bring myself back on screen. So I’m going to have to do that every time I take myself off, I have to bring myself back on screen and then respond.
So like I said, I understand this is first world stuff, but for me I want to make the video aesthetically pleasing and it’s just weird to me when they’re giving a two or three minute answer and I’m literally just staring at a. Camera, I can’t look down. I can’t look at them. I mean, I can, but I just, it looks weird.
Like I’m not paying attention. So just look for that in the coming videos. I’m just to experiment with stuff and maybe if it comes to it, maybe I will just stick with it and just stick with looking right directly at the camera. I don’t know, haven’t decided yet, but I will say that, you know, this is something to where absolutely I’m going to be looking at least for the first two episodes.
You’ll see, I’m just looking directly at the camera. And if I were to look down, I’m looking either at my notes or I’m looking at them on screen. And yeah, when you usually talk to somebody, you’re looking at them and watching their lips move for these two interviews. I wasn’t, I was just hearing them in my ears and you do kind of lose a little bit, but before we ever went to YouTube, all my Thursday podcast that I recorded with somebody is just over the phone.
It’s just like having a phone conversation with them. So I could look at my text messages. I could look at something on the screen. I could look at paperwork while they’re talking to me cause they can’t see me. So that’s the thing that changes with video. Anyway, podcast number 401 with Rachel Riley Viegas coming up in a couple hours from now, nine 15 Eastern time, it’ll be up and I will set it to release on.
Apple podcasts and Spotify at 9 a. m. Eastern time, because it usually does arrive in your feed till about 10 or 15 minutes later. So just plan on that round nine 15 Eastern time. It’ll be up both on your podcast feed and on YouTube. And then I will obviously tweet it out and put it out on my Instagram story to let you know both are up and running.
One thing that I didn’t talk about. At least during the video, but you’ll hear it in the beginning of the video is I do discuss the fact that the t shirt I have on this week interviewing Rachel Riley Viegas is the new evolution. X turn negators and X turns. Do not apply. I think you all know what that is.
That is season five of Beverly Hills 90210, Professor Finley and his new evolution teachings, which Kelly fell into because she had been in a fire and she needed a purpose in life and some whack job came to see you and gave some speeches and she really thought he had a great message. And Kelly ended up in a cult and the cult was called the new evolution.
Finley was basically out for people’s money. He forced, he shouldn’t say he forced, he coerced. Jenny Garth, Kelly Taylor into getting back in a relationship with Dylan McKay. Why? Because professor Finley knew that Dylan McKay had just come into a ton of money. Getting his money back from Kevin and Angela.
Why am I forgetting Kevin’s wife’s name? I think it’s Angela could be wrong. So she’s. Dating Brandon at this time, but professor Finley’s driving a wedge and gets Kelly to want to be with Dylan. Then she finds out Finley’s a whack job and he’s after people’s money and he has no interest in trying to save people.
He’s just trying to rip people off. I did want to say that my new evolution shirt is actually what I’m wearing in today’s in today’s podcast with Rachel. I did want to touch on this. The fact that Sam McKinney. We know the season’s villain now, clearly he is struggling with the social media aspect of this show and has probably never had anybody tell him anything other than you’re hot or you’re such a great guy.
Because he’s getting a lot of criticism and he doesn’t know how to handle it. And you can tell the show is telling him knock it off because on his Instagram last night, he posted a picture of him with his dogs and his caption was only focusing on what’s in my control. 100 I will always stand behind what I say and do.
So just remember that you only see exactly what they want you to see. Hashtag, there’s always more to it. So again, here’s a guy not taking on his own responsibility for his own actions. He’s blaming it on the edit saying it’s taking out of context essentially. And within five minutes he had already taken off that second sentence.
So now his Instagram post just says only focusing what’s in my control, which was basically the show telling him, dude, you can’t say this. You can’t say basically that it’s the editing that’s screwing with you. Because why else would he take that down? So obviously someone from the show got to him and told him to delete it.
So basically now he has his family doing his dirty work for him because his sister in the comment section underneath it writes, you only see exactly what they want you to see. Hashtag there’s always more to it. So he’s like, Oh shit, I’m supposed to take that down. Hey sis, would you write this for me to get my message across?
Like they’re not fooling anybody. Look, I understand he’s your brother and I understand that you want to defend him. I’m not even talking about i’m i’m admitting and I know for a fact there was frankenbiting happening In monday’s episode, but it was during stuff that were happening in itms We clearly saw what he said To certain people like we saw his face and we saw his mouth move and the things that he was saying either to devin or to The producers during an ITM.
So he clearly can’t handle it. He can’t handle criticism, which is not surprising considering the way he’s come off on the show. He thinks he’s God’s gift to women. He thinks he’s hot shit. He’s probably gotten away with a lot of his, a lot in his life because of his looks. So this is where I’m saying like, he’s already struggling.
And he’s blaming it and not taking any responsibility. So, as I said yesterday in the podcast, my advice to him is when you get to the men tell all just apologize. If you fight this, you’re going to look even worse. And I know Sam McKinney, nor his family is going to listen to a word I say. But I’m telling you, I’ve been doing this way longer than he has.
I know how to coach people in doing this. I’m not Game of Roses coaching. I’m just saying you want out of this and you want people to stop leaving messages on your Instagram page. They shouldn’t be doing it anyway. But constructive criticism is, dude, you’re coming across terrible on this show. You’re not coming across as somebody that’s remotely empathetic.
You’re coming across as a bully. Just own it. Say emotions got the best of me on the show. I did not realize that’s how bad it was. And I shouldn’t have said some of the things that I did. But no, he’s too proud. He’s too stubborn. You know, I say, you know, I say what I mean, and I’ll always stand behind what I say.
I can already tell he’s going to fight this at the men tell all, and I’m telling you, it’s going to be worse for him. Will he listen? Absolutely not. So the advice is out there. Chances are he’s not going to listen. This podcast brought to you by Mint Mobile. I love a great deal as much as the next person.
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