Let’s talk about big brother from last night. You’ll hear Rachel and I discuss it and podcast number four, one.
We recorded it on Tuesday, but we know in real time, Rachel is a live feed recapper. So we didn’t record it having watched last night’s episode, but we knew what happened in the power of veto and subsequently anything that possibly happened thereafter. So if you don’t, if you haven’t watched last night’s episode and you don’t want to know, then I would just suggest fast forwarding through this next segment.
But when we recorded, we were very well aware because it happened on, I think Monday. That power of veto happens that Lisa had one, she’d taken herself down and Angela put Matt up on the block last night. We finally saw what everybody’s been watching on the live feeds and everybody’s been talking about this Angela meltdown on Matt, which the more you watch it and the more you even see it play out on TV.
It’s so uncalled for, it’s so unnecessary. It’s not like she didn’t have. In her mind, a reason to call him out. I’m just saying the way she did it was so theatrical in front of everybody. It needed, didn’t need to be done the way it was done and to constantly go at him for his crazy eyes, that’s just rude as someone who’s a mother who was on Dr.
Phil and had a daughter that wouldn’t speak to her husband. Like, why would you go on TV, national TV, a very popular network show that’s been on the air for 26 seasons and just be mean to somebody about their eyes, something that they cannot control. You know, if it was his temper or something like that, absolutely.
You can call him out for his temper. I still would have done everything behind closed doors, but her obsession with his crazy eyes just makes her look crazy. I’m sorry. She is 100 percent in the wrong on this and watching it play out last night, I thought was even worse. Like, I saw the whole thing on the live feed clip, but even watching it back last night, seeing other people’s reactions, she had just joined an alliance and now she’s paranoid that everybody is after her.
Like, you’ll hear Rachel and I talk about it. I don’t think there’s any chance that Angela lasts past the next episode, and if she does, those people are idiots. Cause, I mean, what I’m saying is, she should at least be nominated. If she ends up winning in the arena, then obviously she’s going to stay. But what I’m saying is she should at least be nominated.
And I can’t imagine how she wouldn’t be. Cause we know she can’t win HOH. However, the fact that Quinn told her about his upgrade, she can now use that as blackmail and say like, Hey. If you don’t save me and you don’t pull this, I’m going to tell everybody about your upgrade. So it is very possible. She somehow gets out of it.
I just don’t think she’s very long for this season. I really don’t. I just, who wants that type of energy around in the house? Nobody. Basically everybody, there wasn’t one person, at least that I saw that agreed with the way she handled it with Matt. They all seemed to like Matt way more than they like Angela.
She’s gone. She’s going to end up being a non factor overall in this season. And she should be who wants to play with somebody that has that type of energy and is that erratic and blue something that badly out of proportion. You know, I just don’t see any way they keep her around any longer than they need to.
Now, like I said, she could be up for nomination and when the AI battle every week in the B in the AI arena. The battle arena, whatever the hell they’re calling it she could, like I said, make Quinn force Quinn to use his upgrade on her or else she’s going to out him to the other ones and everyone else in the house about his upgrade.
Very possible. She could do that, but there’s a part of me that’s just like, I don’t think any of that’s going to happen. I think she’s gone next week or the week after. I don’t think she lasts more than three or four episodes this season. She showed her colors. Nobody seemed to appreciate what she did. I don’t even think an apology at this point would go over well.
She can blame it on lack of sleep or whatever, but still, that’s somebody that three days into filming two or three days into filming. That’s how she’s acting. I would just get rid of her. How could you not also on big brother? We saw that Lisa won power Vito shook herself down. Obviously you knew Angela was going to put Matt up and now Matt, Kenny, and chemo, one of them’s going home.
And we’re not going to know until tonight because they’re going to compete in the BB arena. AI arena. I’m going to get that right one of these times. It’s a, is it the AI arena or the BB arena? I don’t know, but apparently that’s going to happen minutes before the vote happens. So how does it, the voting go down?
Are they all talking about it beforehand? And they’re like, okay, if Matt wins and chemo and Kenny, or we have to vote for, this is who we’re voting out. If chemo wins and Matt and Kenny are the two choices, here’s who we’re voting out. If Kenny wins and chemo and Matt are the two choice, you know, Are they all planning out anyway?
My thing with that is first off is tonight’s episode live because last night at the end of the episode, when they teased coming up tomorrow night, the three nominations competing, don’t they usually say, doesn’t the announcer say tomorrow night? Live on big brother. He didn’t say live last night. So I’m curious.
I thought Thursday shows were always live, but maybe I’m wrong. Or maybe they, maybe tonight’s just doesn’t happen to be live, but we’re going to get plenty of live shows later on this season, I just know for a fact, the announcer didn’t say live tomorrow night and maybe he just forgot and it is live. I’m not sure, but this, I just thought all Thursday shows were live and maybe because everybody knows Thursday shows are live, he doesn’t have to say live, but Unless I’m completely forgetting, I thought he always said at the end of Wednesday’s episode, watch, you know, tomorrow night live on CBS.
I could be wrong. Like I said, I’m still new to this show. It’s only my sixth season outside of the Christmas games or reindeer games or whatever. And what was the other one? And then I watched all three of the celebrity seasons, but doesn’t look like that’s coming back. But yeah, I, I did notice that at the end of last night’s episode.
He didn’t say live tomorrow night, but it probably is, right? It’s gotta be. And we have no idea what kind of competitions these are going to be. It’ll be really interesting. You’ll hear Rachel and I talk about it because she’s been paying attention more on the live feeds than I have. I didn’t know some of the things that were happening with these three nominations between Kenny chemo and Matt.
She certainly got some opinion on who she thinks is going home based on what’s been happening on the live feed. So again, if you don’t want to know what’s been happening on the live feeds, then I guess I would suggest not tuning into today’s podcast number four Oh one, both on Apple, Spotify and YouTube.
Obviously I want you to, it’s up to you, however you want to do it, but we are covering it all in today’s podcast. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports dailies coming up in an hour from now, two hours from now, it’ll be in your Apple podcast feed, Spotify feed, and it’ll be on YouTube at 9 15 AM.
Eastern time. Podcast number 401. My interview with Rachel Riley, Viegas winner of season 13 of the big brother show, along with she’s appeared on fear, a fear factor. She’s celebrity fear factor. She’s been on the amazing race twice. She’s been on traders season one. She’s been on snake in the grass. She is a reality TV vet.
That’s for sure. You’ll love Rachel. She’s been on this podcast a couple of times, and it was great to talk to her again about one of the more chaotic first weeks in big brother history. So thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it, and I will talk to you tomorrow.
See you.