Here’s my prediction and I could be way off on this, but here’s my prediction in terms of the twists that we’ve been given this season of three nominations. Tonight. We’re going to see, since we know that Lisa replaced herself and. Angela re nominated Matt. So Kimo, Kenny, and Matt are competing tonight.
And then we’re going to find out whoever wins. This competition is going to be saved. The other two are going to be up for an for eviction. Here’s my thing. I could be way off on this. I think three nominations is only lasting a few episodes. They made it seem like it was going the whole season. I maybe they didn’t say like, this is going to be the deal for the whole season, but I can’t imagine being down to five people and having three nominations.
Like, I think this is only an early season thing. What do you think?
I agree. I think it’ll be like a first four episodes kind of thing. The movie arena. This is also the thing. I think it was a, because production is like, you can tell that they’re really doing a lot this season to make it enjoyable and to get us to talk about it.
The games producers have been so fun. I’ve never seen any, we’ve never seen these games, like the upgrade games. They’re very new for the franchise. They’re a lot of fun. There’s something to give us more visual and also make the episode more exciting. So I think the BB arena is again, it’s another competition because they, we love competitions on this show.
We love to watch who’s going to win, how people can save themselves. So I think that this BB arena is another reason for them to have. To fill that block with like a competition to give it like, I don’t know, five minutes more of stuff that we can talk about. So I think that depending how the season goes, that they’ll only do it for like four weeks or maybe like six weeks if they need to.
But they’re, I mean, these house guests are giving us a lot. We don’t even need 10 competitions. Like they’re giving us a lot of like just random drama. So, you know, I think that the strategy part of the show could really take a forefront in this season. But I think that they have these extra competitions just in case they need to have extra whatevers.
And I’m guessing that Matt’s going to win the arena and I’m guessing that it’s going to be Kimo versus Kenny for the final, like, I think, I think that Kenny is going to go home tonight because I mean, he’s not really fighting for himself. He’s just kind of like almost given up on the feeds. He is acting like he doesn’t really care.
Whereas chemo is like building relationships. He’s not saying a lot, but what he is saying is like, I could be good for your game. I’m going to be your friend. I’m going to be there for you. And whereas Kenny is just kind of like, I don’t even care. Like Kenny’s just kind of given up. So I’m guessing we’re going to see Kenny go home tonight.
But you don’t expect the unexpected.
Yeah. And we don’t know, I mean, it could be, the comp could be something along the lines of what that first HOH challenge was, was that nothing to do with strength or. Balance or anything like that. It was just, Hey, basically slide this thing across a board and see if you get the most points.
So we really have no idea. Now, I guess my question to you is, do you like the three noms? Do you like this being a thing? At least for a few episodes,
I don’t hate it. Like, honestly, for me, I think it does make the game a little more interesting. You know, I think we saw like season 15 and 16, we had three noms and it was like, A little more interesting.
And it was like America got to influence the noms and then like, they’ve had three noms before and it does make it more interesting sometimes though, which is probably what’s going to happen on every season that we’re going to watch when they do three noms. You have one person that gets no votes because it’s like.
nobody’s even thinking about voting for them. You have one person that gets like one or two votes and then the other person is like the house votes or it’s just like the house votes for one person and it’s obvious that this person is going to go home. So I think that it’s interesting with three noms and a competition because the competition can determine the final two noms so the house can’t just, they can’t just vote as a house because the final competition is at eviction so it’s not like Because usually we, in the big brother game, you know, after the veto ceremony, you already know who you’re voting for.
So like the veto ceremony happens on Monday by Tuesday, everybody knows exactly who they’re voting for. We’ve already discussed it all day, Monday, all night, Monday. There’s very little change that happens on Tuesday or Wednesday, and by Thursday, like, it’s solidified. So, this competition makes it a little more interesting because there’s a chance that everyone says, I’m voting out Matt, I’m voting out Matt, and Matt wins the competition, Matt comes off.
Now the house is like, who do we vote out? I don’t know what to do. So that is more interesting. So I do enjoy that.
So my guess is this is the way it’s going to work now with the people in the house. And maybe they’re already talking about this on my live feeds. They know that Matt, so it happened in real time.
It happened on Monday where Lisa took herself down. And so Monday, so Monday happens. They know that Matt chemo and Kenny are the three that are going up and they have to compete in one of them is going to save themselves. My guess now is. Instead of in past seasons, we had two after Monday and everybody knew, like you just said.
My guess now is they say, okay. Okay. If Matt wins and takes himself off, we’re voting chemo. If Kenny wins between Matt, it seems like it’s just going to be that at least that’s the way I would think it would go because you can’t wait until we find out who wins, because it’s like you said, it happening on eviction night and it’s just going to be minutes, I guess, before we don’t really know how many, how much time is going to pass, but that’s a live show.
So it’s not going to be too much time. So my guess is now the discussion is okay. If chemo wins and the final two up for eviction are Matt and Kenny. Here’s the route we’re going, because we know at least in recent seasons, it seems like the first four or five, maybe even six evictions are pretty much all unanimous.
Maybe the person gets the person evicted gets one vote because they have a buddy in the house, but it all seems like, cause nobody wants to rock. House. House and be like, wait a second. No, I’m just, I’ll just go with the house. So it seems like that’s gonna be the discussion. Has that been happening on the live feeds that they have said like, okay, we know the three.
Yeah. If Matt wins between chemo and Kenny, here’s where we’re going. Has that been happening or no? Not yet.
That has been happening on the feeds. They’ve been saying between chemo and Kenny. They’re voting out Kenny. Okay. Some people have been saying like, I mean, I don’t really care if chemo goes home. So they do kind of leave it up in the air, but they’re also the ones that are saying that are like, what are you going to do?
I’ll vote with you. So it is the vote with the house mentality. Then the conversation is really been between Matt versus Kenny. Do we get rid of Matt? If we can get rid of Matt right now, because Matt’s a strong player, Matt’s a guy, like when they’re whispering, the conversation is like, shouldn’t we just.
Get rid of Matt. And that is what’s happening. However, because I think people are a little bit scared because they know this AI arena is going to happen. They think Matt could possibly win. I think people are a little scared to just come forth and say like, Matt’s going home, that’s it. period and why I another reason why I like all of this with the competition and the three nominees is because You also see on big brother seasons where it’s like on Tuesday or whatever day of the week or right before eviction people are just like you’re going home.
I don’t care I don’t have to talk to you and you like see you later. You made your bed So people are just like, they’re, they are already knowing they’re safe, but now there’s a chance where it’s like, well, you don’t know, like there is a chance that this person could still stay in the game. So you do kind of have to play a little bit differently.
And so I do like that. I like that they incorporated that with, especially with this arena thing. I think it’ll be interesting. Plus it gives them another way to win safety without an HOH or a veto. Now we have three chances to win. If you don’t win for three chances and you can’t talk your way off the block, like, sorry, you just need to go
Basically from Monday to Thursday. Yeah. You can’t just sit here and ignore somebody knowing that they’re going home on Thursday because they could save themselves on Thursday. I guess my question is, you mentioned this has happened three noms in seasons 15 and 16. How did it work back then? Not like this, right?
Where one of them could save themselves or no.
In 15, cause Alyssa kept winning America’s MVP or something where she would vote someone up. And I think it was like, I can’t remember how they did that one, but then on the 16, see, this is a problem. I don’t remember. I should like, I feel like I need to like go back and Google it or look it up.
But I think that they, when they’ve done the three noms before, it was always like, A very obvious everyone who was going home and it was never like a discussion of the other person There was never even like a talk. It was just like the third person was like a super con, right? It was just like there’s no reason for them to be up there.
They were just like On the block and it was either this person or this person
and it was only a few It was only a few episode thing. This wasn’t a whole season thing of three. They’ve never done
it for a whole season No, because you can’t I mean like you said like you can’t come down to final five and be like hey Now there’s three noms and two people are voting and it’s like what so yeah, they always usually start And they also, you know, they stop a lot of these crazy twists at jury.
So once it comes to jury, a lot of the crazy twists just kind of stop anyways, I think to make it more of a, like even game kind of.
So I think one thing about this season in the, in the first week and just kind of getting everything going for me, like I said, I don’t watch the live feeds, but I will go on my for you page, there’s, you know, clips that are posted all the time that.
When I come across it, I can’t not watch it. I’m like, Ooh, what are these two talking about? And I’ll read some of the Twitter accounts that recap what’s happening on the live feeds, but I haven’t, I’ve dabbled in it here and there. So I’ve heard about things, but I’ve also, you’re way more dialed into what’s going on in the live feed that I am.
I’m hearing that there’s a. Matt, MJ, Leah Alliance there. What is the main Alliance happening right now? At least in the first week, not that it really matters. Cause that’s a great question.
So there is the collective, so there’s this collective and it’s like half of the house. I’m trying to find the exact names of all these alliances, but I can’t find the, I don’t have a picture of it, but, so there’s, there’s a lot.
There’s this like half of the house alliance. It’s called The Collective. Then there’s like this trios alliance. And then that, I think that’s like Chelsea, Cedric, and someone else. And then there’s like the Leah, MJ, Matt alliance. And then there’s a Lisa alliance with Leah. Leah and Lisa have a final two.
And then Angela’s in like A bunch of alliances, but then she got kicked out of a bunch of alliances And then there’s like some bros alliance and the bros alliance is like cam and tucker and
all the beefy guys
Yeah, the beefy the workout bro
workout boys. Yeah. Yeah the
workout bros and then then there’s also like I think cam is an alliance with chelsea So, and Cedric, Cedric and Chelsea have like a final two.
So I think there’s just like, Oh, the have nots just made an alliance last night. So I think that’s Quinn cam Quinn cam. There’s two other people in that Alliance, whoever the have nots are. So there’s a lot of like side alliances, but I think what’s like the majority of the house is the majority of the house is kind of all under the, the idea that they could get rid of Matt.
They’re all up for it. They’re all like, Saying, is this like the best idea and if they can get rid of Matt, I think that that’s kind of what the girls are talking about. So, Mackenzie, MJ, is like, she is happy, but she’s also like, I don’t want to be, Grouped with Matt like we’re not in a showmance. They haven’t like solidified anything So I think she is I think she likes him and like it’s very obvious that the two of them get along and they’re working together But she doesn’t want to like just go like she doesn’t want to go out of her way for him week one So I think that That’s kind of going on there.
The girls are kind of all saying like, shouldn’t we just kind of get, if we can get rid of him, shouldn’t we just kind of get rid of him? And that’s a very fair argument because he is a big guy. And like, if there’s a physical competition, he could win. The guys are not leaning toward that way. I think a lot of the guys are like.
Just kind of like let’s lead toward Kenny and then Kenny is like throwing himself under the bus He’s just like falling on the sword. He’s like, whatever. I don’t care. I did my thing. I came into the house He got in a fight with Angela Angela was like you’re not gonna fight for your right to be here then you don’t deserve to be here and He’s like I am fighting i’m doing what I can do, but he’s like, what am I gonna do?
I’m not gonna like argue with everyone to keep me if Nobody wants to keep me. So he’s making good points. Angela’s kind of like yelling at him, going off on him. He should fight, he should probably fight more for being in the house. But again, I understand his point of view. He’s like, if they’re going to vote me out, what there’s nothing I can do.
Like people are just gonna like keep lying to my face. So I might as well have fun and get to know people and enjoy the experience while I can. Which makes totally a lot of sense. Then there’s Cam who Cam is like. Okay, I’m not going to really tell you why you should like Cam is like, sorry, not Cam.
Kimo is like, you should definitely keep me, but I’m not going to tell you exactly what I’ll do for you, but like, I will work with you kind of thing. So Kimo is not like necessarily making a ton of alliances right now, but he’s definitely like doing the work. He’s telling people why he wants to be here, why it’s important to him, what, like what he can do to be in their game and work for them.
It’s kind of up in the air. It depends if Matt wins, then Kenny is definitely going to go, but you never know.
Yeah. I think the weird thing is, you know, week one, you’re just getting to know everybody. And I don’t even know if I even understand Angela’s noms. Like, I don’t know why she put up Lisa chemo and Kenny.
I know she said like she talked to gameplay with them the least amount, and maybe that was a legit reason. But when she literally was upset with Matt in that room during the, during her.
Yeah, she couldn’t put that up.
Why didn’t she put him up, like, in the first set of moms, you know?
I think she, I think she got intimidated by him.
And I think she was like, oh crap, he’s right, I don’t want to have him on my bad side. So I think she did get a little bit intimidated by him. And then, I think Kenny, she feels, I think she views Kenny as like an easy person to put up, but also like he was the final other person with her in that competition.
So she probably does feel a little bit like if he’s going to go head to head with me, I want to be the one that’s going to win. I don’t understand her chemo nomination, unless it was just legitimately, he didn’t talk to her. He’s not really. He’s not really going out of his way to talk a lot of game to people.
He seems like he’s more of a listener right now, which is also, it’s smart. You know, I’m not calling him a floater. We haven’t determined who the floaters are yet, but he’s kind of like, he’s listening, he’s in the rooms, he’s telling stories, he’s trying to build relationships with people in a different way than just constantly gaming.
And then Lisa, I also think. She said, Lisa was the last person. Lisa even said to her in a conversation, I was the last person you talked to. Why didn’t you give me that same, like respect that you gave everyone else. And she’s like, I was tired. I was slack asleep. I did it, you know, making excuses, but that probably is actually just what happened probably had nothing more to do than just the fact that she was the last person in there.
She probably had already talked to everyone, made all these like side deals. And Lisa wasn’t part of the collective site. Like, I don’t think Lisa’s in that nine person Alliance. So it’s just like, okay, well, if this is the nine person Alliance, I don’t want to piss them off. If this, you know, I’ve got to do something else.
Now I know we’re early, we’re only a week into filming, but you’ve watched a lot of the live feeds. You’ve seen these people interact. Do you have early season favorites in terms of who you like and who you think is playing a good game a weekend? And then the flip side, who do you think is just not a good player or probably isn’t lasting long in the game early, early, early favorites and early eliminations, even though we have no idea who’s going to win.
I love I, I love I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, Lovely because for a few reasons, one, she’s a Rachel fan. So that’s obvious. Lisa did her work when she was nominated. She went around and took every single house guests. Like she literally pulled every house guests aside and said to them, this is what I can do for your game.
This is why you should work with me. Don’t vote me out this week. She did the work. Then she went out and won that veto. We saw her talking to every person, so she’s strategizing, playing the game. Then she goes out and wins the veto. So she’s like really putting in the work. She’s also like very pro female Alliance, very pro female winner.
I love that. I think the girls are strong this season. And I think that Lisa is like really doing what she needs to do. She’s maybe doing a little bit too much. Cause she is like taking on that role of everyone’s coming to her to talk to her and she’s telling them how they should be playing the game.
So she’s. Maybe gonna get in trouble, but she’s one of my standouts. I like Leah. I like you know, I really liked that little Cedric. I didn’t know what to think of him because yeah. And he’s so cute and fun and like has a ton of energy and. He just is like, you know, I don’t know. He just is like fun. I like, I like, I mean, I really like them all.
Generally, I think they did a great job of casting this season. I like that the, the, the house guests are very raw and they’re very open to talking. They’re very open to saying their feelings and how they feel and how someone, a certain person’s making them feel, which I think is interesting because we never see that.
That’s, that’s one reason why the feeds are so chaotic. Like, Rubina yesterday called out Leah on the feeds for, Leah was like, said something like poking fun at her and she’s like, I don’t think that that was okay because you were poking fun at me. And she’s like, that’s just how I relate to people. She’s like, that’s fine.
And like a different situation, but not in this game. So I like that they are coming out and saying things to each other like that. Like they’re actually like not scared. To tell each other how to treat, how the respect that they want or how to treat each other. But I do think Angela is just a little bit, she’s chaotic.
It’s great for TV. It’s great drama. I love it. Like, don’t get me wrong. I love it, but I think she’s trying to win an award. And that annoys me
I’m like, I want her to be real. Don’t be fake, you know,
you know, we’ve been talking for. I think about 45 minutes here already, and obviously we’re not going to cover everybody because everybody is still in the game at this point, but one name that hasn’t been brought up, I don’t think once of all the things that you’ve talking about with alliances and maybe I missed it, but one name that hasn’t been brought up once by you is Brooklyn.
And here’s a, you know, I, are you. And not that you were excluding her for any reason. I’m just saying like, wow, Birtland’s name hasn’t been brought up. I have no idea. How is she doing on the feeds? Are people seeming to like her? You know, you can probably relate to her. She’s a mother. She’s got three kids.
How is she coming across?
Because I have the feeds running. I work from home. I have the feeds running most of the day and I barely see her in any of these conversations. I barely see her in the rooms. It’s like. Quinn is in a ton of conversations. Quinn is always like telling stories or, you know, talking game.
Tucker has been in a ton of conversations on the feeds, telling stories, talking game you know, telling Angela to act like, like she’s going to put him up as a renom. So Tucker is up in it. Brooklyn has not really been up in the drama. Neither has Rubina, but like. Yesterday there was just that moment with Leah and Rubina that was interesting.
But they’re just, the girls, a lot of the girls are just kind of hanging out. K Tor, same thing. Hasn’t really been up in the drama. She’s kind of like, hanging out. Like, just kind of, she’s definitely listening. So she’s very, she’s another one that people go to to listen and talk. But she listens and she doesn’t really say anything.
Seem to have a lot of things to say, except I hear you. And so I think she’ll probably go really far.
Yeah, I mean, I, I just,
but Brooklyn hasn’t like, she’s not really doing much. Are you a Brooklyn fan? Cause you, you, she’s from Texas.
No, I, I just hadn’t heard her name and I was just like, I wonder what’s going on.
Because like I said, and even as I said, my for you page and any clips I see on Tik TOK. They never seem to have Brooklyn in them. Like, like you said, she seems to just kind of be a ghost there. You’re watching the feeds all day and you can’t even remember anything that she’s been involved in. Every time I see a clip on TikTok, I don’t see her anywhere.
So that’s why I was like, Hey, how is she doing? Am I missing something? But apparently not. Apparently she’s just there, just a wallflower at this point.
She’s not really talking. I don’t really see her a lot doing a lot. But I know it’s funny cause I know she’s friends with cat to cat done. Yeah, I saw that on
cats like preview.
She’s, she knows her,
told her to like chill and to kind of like take it easy. The first few weeks
told her that she, that she told Brooklyn don’t play like I did. Yeah, exactly.
Like maybe like, just told her to like, yeah. Take it easy. Like just chill out the first few weeks and you’ll make it once you make it to the jury, then you can start to play more.
I don’t know. Brooklyn does kind of strike me as someone that is kind of just trying to chill out. She’s not even really in the episodes a lot either because she’s not really just not involved, like just tanning, you know,
not, yeah, not seeing her in any, I don’t think she’s had a confessional yet in two, three episodes.
Maybe one really small. But yeah, it’s just, it’s still the first week. We know so many alliances that are put together early end up failing. So there’s so much more of the summer left. We still got probably 80, I don’t know, 83, 82 days by the time this airs and something along those lines. It’s, there’s going to be so many twists and turns that we don’t even know about yet.
So it is. You know, it is early to get in on all this stuff, but obviously you’ve lived it, you know, it, and it’s just, it just seems like it’s been a crazy week and watching Angela’s meltdown last night on Matt and even watching it beforehand, you know, on the live feeds when people were posting it.
It’s just like, my gosh, this just seems way too chaotic for literally just days into the house.
I was like, I think this was Saturday morning or something. I literally was like, I can’t remember. I think I was at the gym on the treadmill and I was just turning on the feeds. Cause I was like, Oh, I’ll just like, listen to the feeds, whatever.
And like these house guests, it was 9am for them. They haven’t even had coffee yet. And she’s like, she’s like yelling at them. That was one thing Brooklyn was, it, it was funny. Cause Brooklyn was like in a towel coming out of the shower. Like, she was just like, what is going on? So there’s, there’s your Brooklyn moment.
But I think it’s interesting because they were like, literally just woke up. She came down. From the HOH room and like, just started going off for no reason. It was like nothing started it. They weren’t talking about it. She just woke up with admission.
Yeah. And like we said, it’s so early on and maybe Matt completely rubbed her the wrong way and she doesn’t like him and she thinks he’s scheming and she didn’t like.
Whatever he said to her in the room, it’s not like they were 30, 40, 50 days into this thing. And it’s been a constant, my gosh, this guy’s getting on my nerves. It’s only been a few days at that point. There’s no way you could be that upset at somebody
a few days. And that’s
what I think. She’s like at playing up for the camera.
I really, I think she’s playing this up for the camera to try to get on another season or another show. Cause she’s just, you know, She’s doing so much that it’s like, and I’ve been on so many of these shows that I feel like I can tell when someone is being, and I’ll see, you know, I work in casting. So you can tell when someone is like saying something just to like have that quote or have that like diary room quip and they know it’s going to make the show and then you can tell when someone is like having a legitimate breakdown and like having a legitimate moment.
So I think that that was her. Intention was just to kind of like start some drama.
Well, this is a perfect segue into that was some great big brother talk. Thank you. I want to segue into your into your role in working in casting, because I saw that you posted the other day. Those in the bachelor world are very well aware.
Maybe you’re not aware that the golden bachelor was nominated for an Emmy. You were involved in the casting for golden bachelor. Are you allowed to share like Some of the women that you, I don’t know, that’s so that you put through, or can you say women that you interviewed and maybe you suggested, like, I really think we should put her on, like, how much can you share of that?
So I work with the guys, so I worked on the guy side. So I interviewed. A ton of people.
So you were casting for the role of Gary, you were casting? Yeah, I, I
found, we, we found Gary. Oh. I was the first person to talk to Gary. Oh. So I, yeah, so he did apply. So, but I called him up and I was the first person to talk to him.
He didn’t wanna do the show. We talked for 45 minutes. I told him, you know, I met my husband on reality tv. You never know what’s gonna happen, like.
Really, really liked him. So I helped go, I helped with that whole process in the very beginning. But I will say like the guys, we had so many great guys that we interviewed, so many amazing people. I also just did Joan’s season and I talked to all these guys. I’m really excited. I think that a lot of the guys for Joan are going to be really good.
Like, yeah. I think it’s going to be a fun franchise to keep following. Cause I think it’s going to just keep getting better.
Yeah. Unfortunately, obviously we can’t talk about. Joan season because they haven’t even released the cast of the man yet, which I don’t think they’re going to release until her season.
Yeah. And you know, we, they didn’t release any of Gary’s women until I think the day after they had wrapped filming. And, you know, I’ve been spoiling Joan season up to this point. She’s down to her final three. I know that I spoiled the final four. So. She’s down to her final three right now.
I’m wondering, I mean, you know what, when we get off air, I’ll tell, if you want to know, I can tell you the four and you can tell me like, if you spoke to them, but yeah, I mean, we’re probably not going to get that until her filming wraps, but down to final three, she’s probably about, Seven to 10 days before filming is over.
So, we’ll see. Yeah. Yeah.
And I love Joan and I just, I’m so excited for this season. And I think, I think Joan will pick up forever. I’m really, I was really disappointed that Gary and Teresa didn’t work out. I really like. I would have never in a million years predicted that and I don’t know what happened there, but I would, I would have thought that they would have been together.
And I think that it kind of like did a disservice to the franchise because he was the first Golden Bachelor and like everyone was rooting for them. And I just felt like it was just so unfortunate that that happened.
Well, and obviously the other thing is happened so quickly after a nationally televised wedding.
I mean, you lasted two months and it just seems like there was a giant miscommunication there. These two didn’t talk things through. It sounded like because you don’t get married. In January and get divorced in March unless you just clearly did not talk about certain things, you know Yeah, and I don’t even
know I wouldn’t even say that like how are they so caught up in the moment that they were just like Oh, we’re just caught up in the moment of love and still in this whatever, where we’re just, okay, let’s go straight from the show to get married to do this.
Cause the show wrapped filming months before they got married on national TV. So it wasn’t like they didn’t have months to kind of prepare for it. I don’t know what happened, but I, I was really disappointed. I think John though, I think she’ll be forever. I don’t think she’ll like find someone. Just get a divorce and
kind of like the regular franchise, the bachelor franchise just has a horrible success rate, but the bachelorettes, because I just think the women who go on the show as the lead, I think the women just take it more seriously.
They’re not looking like we know the bachelors on the show are kind of just more interested in, Hey. If it doesn’t work out with this woman, plenty of other women that watch the show, I’ve got, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Like I can get so many women are now interested in me because I was the bachelor.
I don’t think women go in with that mentality. They’re not looking to be like, Oh, I can be the bachelorette and just be this total player and sleep around with everybody. Whereas the guys absolutely think that, I mean, would
you think that of a 71 year old man with grandkids?
Yeah, no, no. That’s why I’m just like, It was a communication thing with him.
Right. And I don’t know if it was like a bad choice at the end or what, but like, it was just something happened and it was really unfortunate because I would have never predicted the ending to their relationship.
So quick after a while.
I mean, I wouldn’t, I thought they were going to be forever too. I would have never known.
I was like, So lost in their love story, especially, but especially because I had talked to him from the very jump, you know what I mean? And it, from the very jump, it was just like the love story that you want to root for. So I’m really excited about Joan because I think we can root for her and it will Like not break our hearts.
I think the hopeless romantic in you, Rachel. That’s what it is. You’re a hopeless romantic and that’s great. I just, I just, it’s going to affect the way you see these relationships still knowing it is reality TV and because you are somebody who met. Their husband on a reality TV show. You know, it is possible, but you also have to understand you’re more of the exception than the rule.
I mean, it just, you know, you lucked out, you lucked out with a great husband and a great family, you know? But I wanted to end with this, something that I saw on your Instagram is what is the happening in 2025 with the cruise of deception? Are you a part of this or are you just, are you on it? Or explain to this what, what it is and what people can, who are interested want to become involved in this.
Yeah. So the cruise of deception is so epic. It’s a 50, 000 cash prize cruise. We’re playing a live action game of traders. It is going to be the most epic cruise you could have ever possibly go on. You’re going to play. So I’m a host. Janelle is a host. Trishel is a host. Stephanie pilot Pete. And apparently pilot Pete is bringing a surprise for us.
So that’s something to look forward to. Sandra is a host. So all of these celebrity traders, people are hosts on the cruise. We’re going to have our own teams. So we’re acting like the Allen coming on the cruise. The competitions are going to be super fun. They’re going to be like. Escape rooms and they’re all inclusive.
So it’s not, not something that someone couldn’t do or that you wouldn’t want to do. Some of them will be like a treasure hunt on one of the islands. And there might be like a competition, like zip lining or something on the ship. So the ship is beautiful. It’s a Royal Caribbean. We’re going to the Royal Caribbean private Island.
We’re going to Jamaica. We’re going to Haiti. It’s going to be like the dream cruise, but then there’s also this like traders game, full live action game that we’re playing. Each team has a hundred players. So you can, Oh, and then there’s also twists. You can get back in the game. But someone is winning $50,000.
So it could be a traitor or it could be a faithful but, or maybe it could be one faithful, we don’t know, a group of faithfuls, a group of traders, but someone’s gonna win 50 grand and play this game. It’s so much fun. We are going on it, it’s not filmed. It’s so anyone can participate. Buy a ticket to go on the cruise.
But I feel like it should be filmed. It sounds like a reality. Yeah. I
mean, I, I, that was my next question. Is this going to be filmed? Can we watch this? It’s
not, but if you’ve ever wanted to be on a reality show, this is like the best way to get on one and win real, real money.
And so how do you, how does someone sign up for this?
Do they go to cruise of deception. com or to go to,
yeah, go to cruise of deception. com. A bunch of traders season one contestants are also going, they’re going to be like helping out with the games and their job is going to be to like help the players kind of like navigate the game. So you might have like Amanda or Michael on your team as well, kind of like moving the game forward and helping you and helping the faithfuls and helping the traders.
Everyone, once we get to, oh, there’s a round table. So like, you’re going to be voting out your players. The game is, it’s really fun. It’s going to be a really epic, like time.
Does it, I mean, what’s the cost of someone to sign up? Is it anybody that signs up can play or you have to, you have to go through some sort of interview process to be on?
Anyone that signs up. So you just book a room on the cruise. I think the ticket, the room prices start at like 1, 500. It’s not like expensive at all. And it’s a two person cabin. I think that the junior suites are all sold out. So we definitely have interior state rooms that are still available. Some of the bigger suites are still available.
My team is almost sold out. So if you want to be on team, Rachel, go book it. Cause it’s almost sold out. Team Janelle is almost sold out. Bergie’s team is like. I think 80 percent sold out Stephanie’s team. So we have like the celebrity teams are getting sold out very quickly. But it’s going to be a lot of fun.
And like Trishelle’s playing, I mean, it’s, it’s just going to be playing a reality show with your favorite reality contestants for actual money, which is crazy. I’ve, I don’t think anyone’s ever done anything like this.
This is really cool. I mean, it’s a great idea. I’m glad I looked on your Instagram to see that.
And yeah,
it’s really, really exciting.
And you know, I wanted to end with that, but now that you brought it up, Trader season three, obviously it’s in the books. We don’t know anything about it. Maybe, you know, spoilers. I don’t want to know what happens. You do know what happens, you know, who wins and all that.
I don’t know who wins, but I do know a lot of spoilers, probably more than I should know.
I don’t want to know. And I don’t want you to share on this podcast, but based on what you’ve heard, are we in for, is this sounding already better than season one, season two? What are you thinking?
I think it sounds like it’s going to be a really fun season and it’s going to be a lot of a lot of craziness.
So I think it’s going to be just as good as season one and season two. So far, I think season two was better personally than season one, even though I was on season one, but I think season three is going to be also people will be talking about it. It’s going to be hard to outdo Phaedra. I don’t know.
Like, can, can anyone do that? But like, we’ll see what happens. It sounds like season three is going to be crazy.
I think, and I think season two was better than season one, just for the sole fact that, You know, nothing against the regular people that you played against in season one, but I think people just like the cast at the whole cast is reality reality TV people and or athletes and celebrities and stuff like that.
I just, again, nothing against the 10 people that were on your season that you played against, but when the audience doesn’t have a connection to any of them, it’s just hard. Especially once we saw season two play out, which is like, we know all these people. I thought that Trishelle CT friendship that lasted, you know, going back years just to see them team up at the end.
I just, it was a really cool ending. I just, I love the way that ended. Trishelle is always been a favorite of mine from this franchise. So it was good to see her back on and, and when, so, I mean, just excited about season three when, and I’m, I’m, I’m blanking now. Was it January or when, when did your season drop the first two seasons?
What month?
My season dropped in January. Then in the beginning of January, it’s season two dropped in like the middle of January. They think, I think they announced it will be a January,
but I don’t think they
announced a date yet, but they did say like January, 2025.
Okay. So it is coming in January again.
Okay. And your season, didn’t they drop the whole season at once? And then season two, it was like, we’ll give you
like four episodes
for, and then it was,
and then it was like weekly,
weekly. Yeah.
Yeah. And I’m still, and I like that model
better just because I wanted to be able to like digest it. Like for me, it was so fun to watch, to binge watch season one, but it was like a lot, it was just so much all at once.
And everyone was just like. People were spoiling the winner because they were ahead and they, it was just like a lot, which is a good marketing move for the first season. But season two, I liked that it was like gradual and that we had to wait to find out who the winners were.
And it lets them build more shows in of like after traders or whatever, the after show, because you’re only giving after those initial four episodes, you’re only doing one episode a week.
So it gives people a week to just have more water, cooler conversation about your show. So it makes sense
do it that way. So anyway, Rachel, You’re the best to have on. I love having you on. I can’t wait to discuss more Big Brother as the season goes on. Cause I’m sure we’re headed for a summer of absolute craziness here.
Yeah. Thank you again for coming on. Really appreciate it. And.
Yes. Thank you so much for having me. This is so fun.
Okay. Bye.
Thanks so much to Rachel for coming on. Such a great talk about big brother. Really interesting to see what happens tonight because we have no idea what this BB arena is going to entail.
If it’s anything physical, you would think that Matt’s going to win, but. That would end up being unfair. If they make it physical, it should be something that every single BB arena match should be something to do with your brain, something to do with intellect or something even like the first HOH challenge of the season, where it has nothing to do with how big you are or how small you are, you know, just roll, you know, roll a plaque across a table and see what points it lands on.
It’s not going to be that, but you know what I’m saying? And I’m curious to see if they’ve all planned out, no matter who wins, who they’re voting out tonight, Rachel seems to think it’s going to be Kenny, because apparently Kenny hasn’t been fighting for himself in the house, which is weird. Cause if you watch last night’s episode, Kenny was like, I’m not going anywhere.
I’m going to be here all summer. But then I did see a couple of clips of him in the house, basically saying, Matt’s my guy and. Angela got mad at Kenny for saying Matt’s his guy. And it doesn’t seem like he’s trying and he’s almost giving up. So I don’t know really what’s going on. It seems like Kenny said one thing in his confessionals or diary room, and he’s saying something different on the live feeds.
It’s going to be really interesting tonight to see how this plays out. And like I said, on the podcast, I don’t think that we are going to have three noms for longer than three or four weeks. I think this is an early season gimmick and it’ll be gone by week four. Just my prediction. I’m curious if Matt does not win and save himself tonight, automatically save himself.
Is he going to be saved by the house or do they think, wow, we could get in, we could get one of the bigger, better players out or bigger threats out early. So I’m, I’m fascinated by how this is working and how, how this is going to go. So tune in tonight on big brother. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it.
As you know, this podcast is now up on YouTube. Go to my YouTube channel. Go to YouTube, do a search, Reality Steve, Reality Steve 24, it’ll bring up my channel. Go watch the video. Appreciate it. Leave a comment. If you watch it right when it goes live at 9 15 a. m. eastern time, you can even join in the live chat.
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Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you next week.