Reality Steve

Reader Emails

“Reader Emails,” Susie Talks About Her Relationship with Justin, Rachel On Her Engagement Day with Bryan, & Your Daily Roundup 8/7 Transcript

Photo Credit: ABC

You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality. Steve podcast. I am your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Wednesday, a couple of bachelor nation stories to go over with you. Susie talks about her relationship with Justin kind of cryptic, but kind of laid it out what’s going on.

Rachel talks about when she got engaged to Brian on the show. And how not happy she was, but how scared she was. We’ll dive into that. I saw something yesterday that made me feel old as hell. And we’re going to talk about big brother heading into tonight. There will be spoilers talked about it. So I’ll give you a heads up before we get to that, but I definitely want to talk about big brother, because whatever you thought of the first two weeks of the season, a lot of people said not much was going on.

This whole season has been flipped on its head in the last three days, based on everything that I’ve read and the clips that I’ve seen, so I will go over that. And we’ll get to all that momentarily. Let’s start out with this Susie and Justin. We know they went public as a couple earlier this year. I think it was back in January, maybe February says six months ago in the story.

So I guess that would be February anyway. Susie appeared at the 73rd annual miss USA pageant in LA this past Sunday, and she walked the red carpet. Justin was. Not with her and she was asked about her relationship with Justin. A lot of people have noticed that Justin hasn’t been part of any of her posts recently and she said About the relationship, you know, we started out as friends Here’s the thing we started as friends.

It was cool, but it was all pretend Yeah, yeah. Oh wait. No, she didn’t say that She did say, though, we started out as friends, so what’s more important for us was that we just respect each other, love each other through whatever our relationship became, which is something we decided even before we ever dated was friendship first.

We think so highly of each other, we respect each other, so that is the forefront of everything. She said, going from friends to lovers with Justin has been, quote, so complicated. She said, I feel like in all my past relationships, except for times when people have done something horrible to you, it’s so hard to explain because you want to be friends, but obviously you love that person.

So again, it comes down to setting boundaries for yourself, or for your relationship with that person, or the public, or for whatever it is. Okay. She continues. She admits that she understands why people speculate. She says, I feel like our career, our careers, people are going to have questions. I totally get it.

And the podcast topic is kind of like hot topics in bachelor nation. So I totally get them speculating. She’s talking about Ben and Ashley speculating on their podcast last month. It’s really confusing because Justin and I haven’t said anything publicly. So that’s just something I think is bound to happen when you’re in a public relationship.

Yep. She also said she’s been intentionally coy about the status of their relationship. Quote, at some point, it’s important to set boundaries for yourself, for your partner, for your relationship. I think we’ve just kind of been keeping things more private, obviously more private than usual while we figure things out for ourselves, either individually or together.

End quote. All that word salad pretty much means these two are no longer together. And for whatever reason, they just don’t want to say anything just yet, which is their prerogative. They can do whatever they want, but if they were a happy couple, Susie wouldn’t have just given four paragraphs of word salad To an interview, just asking, Hey, how are you and Justin doing?

It would be a pretty simple answer if everything was okay with them and they were still together and happy. I don’t know at what phase of their relationship they’re, they’re in. If she’s already broken up with him and they’re just figuring out how to release a statement, if he broke up with her, I don’t know any details about this relationship.

One thing I do know is I’ve always liked Susie. I love Susie. Like she is somebody from this show and this is somebody that I’ve never spoken to in my life. Over the phone. We’ve had a few email exchanges. The first time I ever was in contact with Susie was during the whole Sasha incident, the woman who claimed she slept with Clayton, even though she wasn’t even in the same state as him.

I contacted her. I think Susie might’ve reached out to me first and said, thank you for not running with this story. And then we just kind of went back and forth a little bit, but that’s really been it. I’ve never spoken to her. I’ve never met her, but I’ve always held Susie in very high regard. I’ve just always.

Felt watching her on the show, kind of how everything went. I’ve just always liked her from afar. Like, obviously I don’t have no, I have no ties to her whatsoever. Like no, no talking to her, never getting to know her too well. I’m just saying from afar, just always liked her. And with that said, I don’t understand what they’re doing here.

It could be business related. It’s very possible. Maybe. They still have to do some business deals, and that’s why they don’t want to announce a breakup, but they haven’t posted anything in over a month together, so I would think if they had business deals, they would have had to have done something in the last month with those partners.

So I’m not really sure what’s happening here, but what I do know is that was a lot of word salad. And when you say things like

be keeping things more private, obviously more private than usual, while we figure things out for ourselves, either individually or together, I think it’s pretty clear that they are no longer together. And I just want to leave it at that. If you’re coming here for tea, I don’t have any, I don’t know anything about their relationship.

I follow Susie on Instagram and me, like many of you who follow it a lot more closely than I do, have been saying for weeks, like it is weird that they don’t post, she just took a girl’s trip, never mentioned Justin once during it. So. You know, we know how this goes because they were a couple that posted all the time together.

They were posting tech talks and videos together. And unfortunately, when you do that at the beginning of your relationship, the second it slows down, you have to understand people are going to realize. Yeah, they’re not together. Probably they’re just waiting to announce it. And when Susie and Justin ultimately decided to announce that they are no longer together again, Like clockwork, we can point back to the last month or so when they went from posting all the time and posting funny TikToks together to posting nothing together and making comments about we need to figure things out.

Pretty much means they’re broken up and it sucks obviously having a public relationship and feeling the need to having to owe people Something because they invested in your relationship and a lot of people were happy for Susie and Justin But it is what it is people break up, especially in this franchise all the time breakups are not fun but Maybe she just should have avoided the question altogether instead of giving four paragraphs of kind of nothing.

Rachel Lindsay went on a podcast, not her own, but she went on Getting Grilled with Curtis Stone, the chef, and she talked about The day she got engaged on the bachelorette to Brian, she said, it felt weird. I can’t say excited was the word I was scared. I was like, Oh my gosh. Now I have to tell my parents that I got engaged because when I left to go do the bachelorette, I was like, don’t worry, I’m not going to fall for any of these men.

And I did. So I was terrified to tell them. She said, after he popped the question, he was excited. And she said, I was very quiet on the way home. I was weirded out. She said ahead of her stint before she became the bachelor. She did not think that she was going to get married. She said, after that first night, I was like, there’s potential here, but I was still like, there’s no way I’m going to marry this person.

And even when you get engaged at the end, it’s the scariest day when cameras shut down, but you have this ring on their finger and there’s this man. And for the first time you ride in the car together, you’re going to the same hotel room together. It’s like, this is the beginning of your new life behind closed doors.

She said. Yeah. She realized she and Brian actually had a lot in common and they were really good together. And I’m excited about what’s to come. She said that, you know, they tied the knot or whatever. And Lindsey said she learned a lot from Brian, but. The relationship ran its course, so she never got into the weeds of anything.

We still don’t really know why, but this interview is obviously a lot different than what’s going on in the court of public record when we can see all these paperwork and these files being. Shown in court documents in Los Angeles about how nasty their divorce is getting behind the scenes. She clearly called him a leech in a text message when she had to send him his first payment of 13, 000 a month.

So I don’t know when this interview with Curtis stone was recorded, but it was interesting to hear her say that. And I feel like I’ve talked about this a hundred times over the years. And I’ve said it, I’ve talked to numerous former final couples of this show that said, look. The engagement is a product of the show.

You don’t really know the person that you’re getting engaged to. You spend maybe three to four days total. If you add up all the time that you spent with that person from the beginning of filming to the end of filming, it’s maybe three or four days total. And you’re getting engaged to someone that you barely know and somebody that while you were getting engaged to them, you had just come off dating 25 other men.

And getting intimate with a few others and sharing make out sessions with numerous others. It’s just a very, very weird feeling. And the relationship doesn’t begin until the cameras turn off. When filming ends, that’s when the relationship begins. You’re basically at the end, just choosing someone that you like the best out of a hand selected group of men chosen for you by a casting department.

You’re just choosing the person that you like the best, but the show doesn’t Pretty much makes you get engaged. Do you have to know we’ve seen engagements not happen. Matt James didn’t get engaged. Colton didn’t get engaged, but it’s very few and far between every, every bachelorette has gotten engaged.

So, except for Jen chef, so 23 bachelorettes, even though this is season 21. 23 Bachelorettes, because Claire and Tayshia had their own season, and Rachel and Gabby had their own season, all four of them got engaged. So 23 people have held the role of the Bachelorette, and 22 of them have gotten engaged. So that’s what I mean.

It’s going to happen. And Rachel, obviously, she can say what she wanted to before the show about, I’m not going to get engaged at the end of this thing. She never dived into what’s going on. Exactly why she did then, but I’m sure a lot of it has to do with, you just kind of don’t want to let producers down.

Like they’re building a whole show around you. You just spent eight weeks with producers talking about your feelings every day. You’ve got a show to put out there to America and you kind of want to have this happy ending and you kind of have to give producers what they want. Play the game. So Rachel obviously ended up playing the game.

She got engaged, but she gave her real feelings. Like I wasn’t excited. I was scared. I would think that’s how most bachelorettes feel at the end of this thing, or even the woman that the bachelor proposes to, you gotta be scared because you really don’t know this person you just got engaged to. And you’re just hoping, all right, once we get back to our real life, I hope things work out, I hope we get along.

It seems like we did on this show, but this show isn’t real life. So good insight there by Rachel. Obviously she did not take any shots at Brian to be honest about how she was after she got engaged, kind of refreshing to hear this podcast is brought to you by prolon life. Prolon life has people learning about all the benefits of fasting, like weight loss, mental and physical performance, gut health, but people worry about the whole not eating part.

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