Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 8/9 – Big Brothers Eviction Episode, How Is Tucker Ever Going To Lose, & A Fun Friday Chat With Courtney Robertson

? You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality Steve podcast. I am your host reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in a good Friday show for you. A fun Friday conversation with Courtney Robertson. Before we get to her, I’m going to talk a little bit about big brother last night.

The live eviction show. We’ll get to all that momentarily. This podcast is brought to you by Prolon Life. A lot of people are learning about the benefits of fasting, including weight loss, mental and physical performance, gut health, but worry about the whole not eating part. And that’s why Prolon was created.

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We do talk a little bit about Monday’s episode of the bachelorette, because something that happened on Monday also happened on her season. So I wanted to get her take on that, but we talk family, we talk that we even talk about being the final one on the show and what Rachel Lindsay said earlier this week that we talked about on the podcast where she said she was more scared once she was picked at the end and got engaged and she was excited.

But before we get to that, a little bit of talk about last night’s eviction episode. Tucker again, wins the BB AI arena. He’s now won back to back BB AI arenas and a power veto. Like who’s going to beat this guy in a comp. Like, it seems like it has to be a comp like that very first one where you slide a disc across the table, because that’s not something that I think anybody in the house has a significant advantage over anybody else.

The second I saw that complex and I’m like, Tucker’s going to win this and anything where there’s a timed event and you have to run through some sort of obstacle course, I feel like he’s going to win that. I just. He’s going to be very tough to get out. And we already know Quinn controls next week. If he doesn’t win HOH on his own, he controls the noms and he controls the renoms.

Tucker is going to be up there again. He’s going to have a chance to win power of veto, and he’s going to have a chance to win BBAI. So I just can’t imagine even if he gets put on the block every single week, he’s got two chances to take himself off with power of veto and BBAI. So unless they get rid of one of them, this guy is going to win one of two every single week.

That he’s on the block. And I just don’t know who’s, I don’t know who’s good at competitions. Nobody else seems to be any good. I don’t know. It’s just really, really weird. And it seems like it’s setting up well for Tucker, but maybe they’re going to do something to change up the game because him getting two opportunities every single time he’s on the block is almost unfair because he’s going to win one of the two.

I can’t see him losing both, especially since it doesn’t look like anybody else in that house is a good. Did you see how badly Tucker beat Kenny and Quinn last night? Quinn had like 8 balls in there, and Kenny had less than 10 as well, and Tucker had 22. Like, it wasn’t even close. So, that’s really the only thing to come out of last night other than Tucker looks like a complete fool with his eyeliner and his mohawk and his painted nails.

It’s just like, stop mugging for the camera for fuck’s sake. Jesus, this guy is so extra. And then just screaming. And I understand he, he won and he knew people wanted him out of the house and he won, but he’s just like, so angry and bitter they did, they did show some of the fight he had with Cedric after the power of veto ceremony, but that fight lasted five minutes, it was online.

You could have watched it. Go look for it. If you want to just go to. Big brother on Twitter. You’ll find it somewhere. It was five minutes long and it was just Tucker berating Cedric. And as I thought Cedric was right the whole time. We saw the clip 90 minutes before the power of veto ceremony. He told Tucker, we don’t have the numbers.

Use the veto on yourself. And Tucker said, I don’t care about the fucking numbers. I’m I’m doing it. She’s like, okay, but he just told you. So don’t tell him he didn’t tell you again. That’s now three things where Tucker’s like, I’m right. And you’re wrong. He told Lisa, I know you have the second upgrade. She didn’t.

He told everybody, my friends tell me I have the best balance in the world. He fell off the balance beam. He told Cedric, I, you didn’t, you never told me to use the Vito on myself or else I would have. We literally see the footage of Cedric telling him. It’s like, that’s why I don’t like the guy, not to mention the acting, the mugging for the camera.

It’s just, it’s all a bit much for me. And the guy’s completely infatuated with himself, but come on, it’s just, it’s so much. I’m so over this guy. I hope somehow, some way somebody beats him and only has one chance every week. To take himself off. But I mean, we know next week he’s going up because Quinn’s going to control how head of household, regardless of, of if he wins HOH or not.

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