You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality seat podcast. I am your host reality. Steve, thank you all for tuning in a good Thursday show for you. Big day today, three podcasts, as you know, every Thursday. We’ve got podcast number 406 coming out in a couple hours. I will tell you who that is with bachelor nation.
We have another breakup, although we kind of knew this has already happened or was coming based on their social media activity, but became official yesterday, Justin and Susie have called it quits. We are going to talk about the two hour episode of big brother last night. We’re also going to discuss.
Claim to fames two hour finale last night, a lot of stuff to get to today. And we’ll get to all that momentarily. So let’s begin with this, by the way, tomorrow on my sports daily, I’m having Jordan Rogers on the podcast. Yes, that Jordan Rogers, Jojo Fletcher’s fiance. And unfortunately there is no bachelorette talk whatsoever.
It’s straight sports, but. Jordan is an excellent analyst on ESPN’s SEC Saturday night game. This Saturday night, he’ll be broadcasting Kentucky hosting Southern Miss, and he’s been the lead announcer or the lead analyst on SEC Saturday night for the last, I believe, four years and just great college football talk and.
About 30 minutes after I recorded with him and I understand he wasn’t gonna break it on my podcast But he has started basically a I don’t know if you want to call it a web series I guess it’s more of an Instagram series, but he’s also putting it out on Twitter where he’s just talking football on video yesterday He released the first set of videos Which is the top 10 quarterbacks in the SEC and it’s called the weekend.
What is it the weekend? CFB. So it’s not the full word weekend. It’s T H E the W K N D C F B the weekend football college football. It’s on Instagram and he’s going to do it every week. Talk about college football, break down tape. Discuss the games from the past weekend, discuss the upcoming games on the weekend in today’s in tomorrow’s podcast, by the way, it’s just a look ahead.
It’s an overview of college football this season. It’s a look ahead to some of the big games this weekend, Notre Dame, Texas A& M, Clemson, Georgia. Penn state, West Virginia, Miami against Florida. Some really good games this weekend. So I talked to him about that, but he is an excellent, excellent analyst. I’m glad I’ve gotten to know him a little bit more over the last couple of years, and just goes to show that even as much of a thorn I was in Jojo and Jordan’s side back in the day, you own up to your mistakes.
You take accountability for it. And people. Forgive and forget, you know, and I appreciate that on their end. All right, let’s talk about what’s coming up in a couple hours. Podcast number four Oh six. It is a big brother breakdown with season 21’s Tommy Bracco. And Tommy came on in the first time he was on my podcast was in 2020.
And during that podcast, I was dating cat at the time and we surprised him because cat was over at my place at the time I was recording with him. Obviously it was pre planned and we had her surprise him. She called him out for why’d you, why’d you, why’d you rally the votes to get me evicted out of the house?
And it was a fun time. I had not spoken to Tommy basically since then and After talking to him in today’s podcast, which will be appearing on your podcast feed on Apple podcasts or Spotify at 9 15 a. m. Eastern time. It’ll also be up on my YouTube channel. You can check that out. That’ll be up at nine 15 Eastern time as well.
It’ll go live on YouTube. And as always, once it goes live, right at eight 15, it’s set to upload them, the interview is set to start. There’s a two minute countdown at eight 13, but nine, 15 a. m. Eastern time. If you tune in right when it is going, you can participate in the chat, but I suggest at any point, go there, leave a comment, like it, subscribe, would really appreciate you as we build up the YouTube channel.
This is only my sixth one that I’ve done, but I’m really enjoying it, getting used to it, and I do like actually looking at the people and talking to them when I interview them, but, um, that’s coming up in a couple hours. Tommy is great. Him and I basically have the same opinion of Tucker. And he has a little bit of a different take, but we both have this, man, what is he doing as good as he is?
And if he makes it to the end, he’s going to win. But we both think that this house, these house guests are absolute idiots if they have a chance to get him. If he somehow doesn’t win AI arena tonight. This house somehow, this house has a chance to get them and they would be idiots to, if he’s up there against Angela and MJ wins AI arena tonight and it’s Tucker and Angela, you gotta get Tucker.
And if Angela wins AI arena tonight and it’s Tucker and MJ sitting up there, you gotta get Tucker. You guys are going to lose this game. You have no chance of winning. And this guy, if this guy sticks around, you haven’t had a chance to get him out because he keeps winning AI arena or he wins power of veto.
Now, do I think he’s going to lose to Angela or MJ? I mean, I’d be stunned, but again, it all depends on the games. And I was trying to ask Tommy this during the podcast to see if he remembered off the top of his head. Or have all the AI arena games that have been played basically been timed games. There hasn’t been a trivia one or a true or false game has there.
I don’t think there has been. And if there hasn’t been, I just don’t think Tucker is losing to either of those women in a game where you have to complete something in a short amount of time, because anything that’s timed. Absolutely. Not only does he win, he’s blowing doors on people. It’s not even close.
So if you get a trivia game or you get a true or false game, I’m sorry. That evens the playing field. I just don’t know if they’ve done any of those for AI arena. We’ve seen it in power of veto. We’ve seen it in head of household, but I don’t think we’ve seen it for power of veto. Everything has been get something done in a.
The quickest amount of time you can. And Tucker seems to just kill people when it comes to this. So if it is another timed one would be shocked, shocked if he doesn’t win, but we shall see tonight. You’ll see, obviously you watch last night’s episode. You see the meltdown as Angela. Said I got to go after Tucker.
And the second you cross Tucker, you are finito. Now on tonight’s episode, before we get to the live vote and before we get to, well, before we get to AI arena and then the live vote, you’re going to see the aftermath of cam taking himself off the block and T Core putting Angela on the block instead of Leah, because Tucker basically throws a temper tantrum and says, I want out.
I miss my family. I miss my dog. I own an apartment in New York City. I don’t need the money. I don’t want to be here anymore. Nobody’s playing the game now. He said that right out After the veto ceremony, I gotta believe they’re going to show that as part of tonight’s episode, because it plants the seed in people’s heads that Tucker doesn’t want to try anymore, and he wants to quit, but the guy is way, way too self absorbed he’s way too into his legendary status in this game.
There is no way that guy’s going out as a quitter, not a chance in hell. And. The last I read on the live feeds was he absolutely is going to try and he’s basically done a 180, but I’m sure we’ll see his meltdown after the power of veto ceremony at the beginning of tonight’s episode. But yeah, he’s not going anywhere.
He would have to lose tonight to MJ or Angela. And not only does he have to lose, but he’s got such a stranglehold on everybody. I. You know, Tommy and I talk about this on today’s podcast. Like, let’s just say he does lose. Are these people so scared of him to try and cross him that they’re just not going to even try and eliminate him.
You have to, right? If he’s sitting there against MJ, sitting there against Angela, you have to go after Tucker. MJ and Angela are not threats at least right now to win this game. Still. 10 people left after tonight. So people can build a resume, but I’ve said it for the last week. Tommy agrees with me.
You’ll hear it in the podcast. This guy is going to win and he’s probably going to win unanimously, no matter who he’s sitting against at the end, based on what we’ve seen in these first six weeks. If he doesn’t win AI arena tonight, you have to get him out or else you’re all playing for second place.
Not that they can hear me. I’m it’s like I’m talking to them, but you understand there is zero chance. These people have a shot against him in the end. And it’s not just because he’s a comp beast. Cause some people say like, it doesn’t matter just about your physical game and your comp game. It also matters about your social game, but he strategically is doing stuff really well.
I will give him credit for the strategic strategic, the strategic stuff he’s doing. However, he’s very. Impulsive. He’s very erratic in his game. And obviously, you know, the whole cartoon character that he portrays on the show drives me up a wall. I can admit the guy is playing the best game of anybody there.
He’s got a bigger resume by far of anybody there. If I was in the jury, I would vote for him. And I don’t see how anybody, even in the next. Six weeks of this show can build up a resume. That’s going to beat him. I just don’t see it. Things can happen. I guess you never know any time he is on the block and hasn’t saved himself with a power of veto or an AI arena when you have to target him.
Period. End of story.