As for last night’s episode, a few things I wanted to talk about. One, I want to talk about Tucker. I. They’ve been in the house a little over a month. He is either blatantly mispronouncing T CORE’s name, or he doesn’t care. And he has no respect for her because him constantly calling her to CORE.
That’s not her name. That’s not how she pronounces her name. I’m guessing he’s heard her name a thousand times in that house. Why does he keep calling her to CORE? It’s T CORE. I just, again, a lot of things that Tucker do annoy me. Last night, he lost to Cam. The power of veto came in second place, ended up having to do the whole trivia thing where at any point during the day or night, even in the middle of the night, BBAI asks him a question.
He has to give the correct answer. And he was in like a robot suit. However, at no point during the instructions, did it say you had to talk like a baby robot? Good God. Can this guy just tone it down to level one and not be on level 50 every single time he has a camera in his face? You cannot tell me you thought that A was funny, B was necessary.
It wasn’t. He could have just went upstairs, got the answer, and said, Oh, Statue of Liberty, the answer to that question. He didn’t have to go, The answer is Statue of Liberty. God, this guy. Just shut up already. Talk like a normal human being. Act like a normal human being. You don’t have to ham it up for the cameras every single time.
Oh, I almost turned the episode off last night. It was so annoying. He is the most annoying character I’ve ever seen on this show. And it’s not even close. Am I annoyed by Angela crying every single time something happens on the show? Yeah. The whole thing with her always reaching under her glasses, whether it’s sunglasses or her regular grasses, glasses to wipe her tears.
It’s just. Also bizarre to me. And that’s basically the whole Angela thing. And if she sticks around until Zingbot, you can bet your ass that Zingbot is going to talk, his thing is going to be about her crying all the time, but it’s just, that is her picture. Like if you were to do a BB comic of her later on this year, it better be of her with her hands under her glasses, crying.
That’s all she does crying over this, crying over that can’t beat you. She’s crying. Cause she got one of the, you know, had to do. Yeah, I’m sure she wasn’t thrilled that she had to pick up a hundred orbs. I get it, you had to finish it in 12 hours, you finished it in 9 and a half, walking 20 feet one way to pick up an orb and 20 feet back to dump it in a trash can.
Okay, I’m guessing you didn’t get it, but you have to cry over it. It’s just, at this point I don’t feel any sort of sympathy for her. Because I still see those clips of her and the way she talked to Matt and the way she walked by Lisa and imitated Lisa’s walk, just like, I’m sorry. I have no sympathy for, I know there are people out there that do.
I just, I just don’t, not to mention, I don’t think she’s a really good game player at all, either, which is she’s literally only there because the sixth street brought her in. She begged, she didn’t beg, but she was just like, can I be part of this? They wanted no part of her to bring her in. Just like T CORE said.
Just because she’s in our alliance doesn’t mean that I wanted her to be. She basically invited herself into it. I don’t need to, you know, she’s targeting people in our own alliance. Angela turned on Tucker because she was paranoid. T Core did the right thing by putting Angela up instead of Leah. Leah’s not a threat to anybody for anything.
Yes, she hasn’t been on the block yet, but she’s not a threat to anybody. So, T Core made the right decision. I just, I If Angela lasts long in this game, I mean, she might be gone tonight. You know, Tucker wins AI arena. I would eliminate Angela before I eliminate MJ. If I’m the house, why would you keep her?
There’s no way they enjoy her company, but I guess it’s almost like gameplay versus personal because gameplay wise, I think Angela. Is terrible, but that also means you take her to the end. You’re going to destroy her and you’re going to get a unanimous unanimous win because people aren’t going to vote for her.
I know she’s got two head households under her belt by the end of this game. I don’t think that’s going to matter. All right. Bachelor nation news. We knew it was pretty much a thing just by the way they had mentioned it in recent interviews. Susie saying that her and Justin were taking time off and reassessing everything and they respected each other and whatnot.
Well, Justin went on Ben and Ashley’s podcast yesterday and announced their breakup. He said, we are always on the same page about our relationship. When this first happened, we decided, Hey, we’re not going to make some joint post. We’re going to figure this out together. We’re going to keep it private. I’m sure people will catch on eventually and then we’re ready to talk about it.
That’s what we’ll do. We were on the same page about when we would want to talk about it and how we would go about navigating this. He said, it’s been really tough and he said, when, and then Ben said, Hey, whenever you’re ready to answer that question, we can’t wait to have you back here. Um, obviously Justin was a little choked up about it and look, breakups suck, public breakups suck.
Even more, this isn’t major news. We kind of knew this was coming. It was just a matter of when they were going to announce it. We don’t know any reasons as to why they broke up. I mean, Justin said more about how we handled the breakup, but he never got into who broke up with who, what was the reason it just, these two were posting all the time together, tick talks, doing all that stuff.
And then. All of a sudden it was just like at the snap of a finger, they just stopped posting. And when you’re in a public relationship, especially when it comes to bachelor nation, when you do post all the time with each other or tag each other in photos or tag each other in videos, you have to understand the second you stop doing it, the speculation starts because you can say all you want about, well, we decided to keep our things private.
This is our relationship. It’s like, Justin and Susie just proved to us When they stopped posting is because they were having problems not because they wanted to go all of a sudden decided to be private About their relationship the whole thing with Rachel and Brian for the longest time They were just never a public couple and what did Rachel say?
We just don’t feel the need, we have to share our relationship with other people. Come to find out during this divorce process, the reason they didn’t post had nothing to do with we just don’t want to share publicly. They basically didn’t even like each other. Like, they were not in a healthy relationship whatsoever.
That’s why they didn’t post. So, if you do start out posting a lot, just know, the second you stop, people are going to speculate, and you’re going to have to deal with it. So, the one thing I do appreciate, and I’m not being rude, Sarcastic here whatsoever. The one thing I do appreciate is the fact that they decided we’re not going to do a joint post because I’m sorry, I don’t, I don’t care for the joint posts.
It just doesn’t do it for me, especially when it’s the same thing from each and they just repost each other. And it’s just one joint statement. Honestly, I would, if you’re going to do posts about a breakup, I think each person should do their own. It’s almost like a, you know, look, they don’t owe us anything.
They don’t have to do anything, but I appreciate the fact that Justin and Susie admitted that this is something that we didn’t want to do. We didn’t want to do a joint post on Instagram. I don’t know. They seem. Somewhat impersonal to me. They seem disingenuous to me to do it that way. So kind of a weird flex that Justin and Susie decided to quote unquote officially announced their breakup by Justin going on Ben and Ashley’s podcast.
I mean, Susie’s got a podcast coming out, I believe next week, a new podcast for her. I’m sure she’s going to talk about it on that, but I don’t know. Maybe you take the Instagram and do a video just seems like. Like Justin and Susie decide to say, Hey, okay, now we’re going to do it. Everybody seems to know that we’re no longer together because they haven’t been together for at least a month.
And they, you know, I guess when they were putting their heads together, just kind of an odd flex, they decided let’s do it on Ben and Ashley’s podcast. And we’ll let you do it, Justin. I don’t know. Different strokes for different folks. I wouldn’t have gone that route and it’s, it’s not because of like, no, you should’ve come on mine.
I know Justin and Susie aren’t going to come on my podcast. I’ve never spoken to Justin in my life. I’ve had maybe three or four Instagram DM exchanges with Susie and it was back during when she was with Clayton. So it’s been what, two years? So I don’t have any sort of relationship with either of them.
It has nothing to do with why didn’t they do it on my podcast? It just seemed weird that this is how they went out officially. I almost think. They should have done not a joint Instagram post, but each of them do their own Instagram posts. That seems to hit a little bit harder and a little bit better. At least for me, it does.
And finally, claim to fame two hour finale last night. How about the fact that the guy that everybody that was been watching the show all season long thought he knew nothing about anything in regards to who was whose relative Adam just nails it and gets McKenzie and gets HUD. And gets there to HUD, as you know, from the very beginning, I said, before the show even started, that’s John Mellencamp’s son, Teddy Mellencamp’s, he is Teddy Mellencamp is his aunt member at the beginning of the season.
I was just like, I just want to know who these people are related to. I don’t need to sit here and watch every episode. And I directed you to that tick tock the guy on tick tock who knew all the answers back in week two. By the way, he was right about all of them. Shane, Marlon Brando, Mackenzie is Trace Adkins daughter.
Hud was John Mellencamp’s son and Adam was the nephew of Michael Bolton. So he had that after episode one, I think. So that guy was, that guy nailed it. He is the reality Steve of claim to fame. Um, I did read that Hud and Mackenzie are quote unquote hanging out after their, after their season three fling.
So good for them, but I just, I kind of fast forwarded through a lot of the episode because last night was my fantasy football draft. By the way, my team’s awesome, but I’m not going to talk about it. I will say, here’s the one thing I’m going to say about my fantasy team. The guys that are on my bench to start the season are probably would probably win any fantasy league in a, in 2019.
I mean, when, when your bench consists of. Aaron Rodgers, Ezekiel Elliott, Tee Higgins, and Keenan Allen. I mean, that’s a 2019 fantasy football winning team. Those quarterbacks, that running back, and two receivers. Are you kidding me? Those are my bench guys this year. And one thing that I did do, by the way, is We have an auction draft and that’s the way all fantasy drafts should go.
If you’re still doing snake draft, unfortunately, and look, I’m very well aware snake draft is what a majority of fantasy football drafts are doing. All I’m telling you is if you do an auction draft, you’ll never go back to a snake draft. It’s just that I just don’t think enough people have been turned on to it yet.
With that said of my first eight players that I drafted, six of them all have the same bi week. Week six. So I’m basically not even able to field a team that week. Cause I have to replace six guys and those are my best players. So it’s not like I have to put those guys on the bench and yeah, I can replace them with guys on my bench, but I have six guys out that week.
I don’t have enough guys on my bench to replace them. So I’m basically taking the L in week six, although based on. The schedule, I’m playing the worst team in week six based on his, um, roster that he built last night. He’s, his team sucks. So maybe I could actually beat him sitting a kicker and sitting one of my running backs and just not even playing anybody because I want to have other guys that can fill in.
So anyway, you don’t care about my fantasy team, but. What was I, what was I saying? Oh, claim to fame. Two hours. Didn’t need to watch the whole thing. Fast forwarded through a lot of it, but very impressive of Adam to name HUD and McKenzie’s relatives when it seemed like Adam was so clueless all season long.
Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review. Don’t forget. Daily roundup coming up in an hour, not daily roundup, the sports daily coming up in an hour from now, and then at 9 15 AM Eastern time, it’ll be in your podcast feed. It’ll be on YouTube, a YouTube channel, reality.
Steve 24, go check it out. It is podcast number four Oh six with Tommy Bracco from season 21 of big brother. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
See ya.