You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality. See podcast. I am your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Tuesday. Got some bachelorette finale news for you that I’m sure you’re all interested in. Got to talk about who’s possibly coming up on the podcast this week.
I just don’t want to jinx it. Nicky Garcia appears in public for the first time since Artem’s arrest last week, totally forgot about this event until yesterday morning when I looked at Twitter, Jax Taylor has a statement about what he’s going through right now. And I’ve got an update on one of my favorite movies from the eighties.
And how excited I am to go see it in the theaters again. We’ll get to all that momentarily. All right, let’s get started with this. Yesterday on the podcast, I had told you that I had not heard anything in regards to the rumors floating around that there was a breakup between Jen and Devin. Uh, I had seen the things that had been reported.
I had seen Jen’s likes on Instagram pages. But I was not told either way. I was not told, yes, there was a breakup. I was not told they were together. The last thing I heard was like three weeks ago or something like that. I was told that they, uh, that they were together and I just wanted to come out and say like, look, I don’t know.
And I have no idea if I’m going to find out in the next 24 hours, uh, what the situation is. If there is a situation at all, because we’re just so late in the game. And maybe me talking about that yesterday on the podcast is what spurred it. But I did find out in the last 24 hours, what happened it? Well, in terms of what the situation is, because I don’t have a lot of details, but I can tell you this, and this will go up on my Instagram feed as well.
This morning, once this podcast posts, Devin broke up with Jen post filming. Now. I don’t know when it happened and I also don’t know the reason for it, but we’ve only got a few more hours until we find out what about not 14 hours, depending on when you’re listening to this, this is going in your podcast feed at 7 45 AM Eastern time and at around nine or it’ll be about 10 15 when we’re about 15 minutes into the, after the final rose, who knows, but you know what I’m talking about is we’ll find out tonight.
So it’s not going to take long. I do not know why he ended, he broke it, broke it off with her. I can’t imagine him looking good in any of this because this is a guy that essentially love bombed Jen from hometown dates on, he clearly had no problem telling Jen over and over again, how much he loved her, how much he was in love with her.
He was practically begging her to say it back to him. She finally said it back to him last week before the final three rose ceremony said, you, you dumb idiot or whatever. Of course I love you. You idiot or whatever she called him, silly goose. And now come to find out they’ve broken up. Now, granted, remember the final rose ceremony was on May 16th.
Today is September 3rd, four months have happened. It’s not like this happened a couple of weeks ago and they didn’t even last two weeks. Now, granted, they didn’t even last four months, but I have no idea. Maybe it was something that he found out about her. Maybe he found out something about himself. I don’t know what the deal is.
I doubt I’m going to find out before tonight, but I was able to get it confirmed that yes, they are broken up. And the other thing that I can point to, I don’t know if any of you noticed this or saw this yesterday on bachelorette, ABCs, Instagram page, they ran a 15 second promo. Promoting the finale tonight.
And in that 15 second promo, there is a shot of Jen saying, I don’t know where I go from here. And then. There’s a picture of her in like pink pajamas sitting there. Well, the pink pajamas is from the morning of the final rose ceremony that was filmed in Hawaii, but this shot of her saying, where do I go from here?
And then there’s a shot of her in like a Brown jumpsuit looking down and looking pretty solemn. That was filmed. So we are going to see a breakup that was filmed post show, because I can tell you right now, this was not filmed in Hawaii. Now, all you can see in this 15 second promo is Jen standing there in a Brown jumpsuit next to a desk that has a chair pushed into it.
And that’s it. I mean, it’s just a white wall in the background. I’m just telling you that was not anywhere from Hawaii. She did not have that outfit on anywhere in Hawaii. And this is the first, um, you know, we kind of see of this and I’m just telling you this happened post filming post Hawaii, so they filmed something.
I, like I said, I don’t know when, and I don’t know the reasoning, but all I heard was after I made my podcast yesterday, no, it wasn’t Devin’s friends that reached out to me. There’s only one person in Devin’s camp that reached out to me ever since filming ended and that person is literally batshit crazy.
Maybe I’ll get into that once this is all played out and over and done with. Maybe I’ll get into it next week. Cause I got a busy week. You know, heading to Vegas on Thursday for the annual guy’s trip. Maybe I’ll get into it next week about this absolute insane person that blew my, blew my email up ever since about June or July.
And then in recent weeks, I want to say one or two weeks ago, started an Instagram account that is just totally, totally off the wall. I mean, almost Laura Owens esque, it’s that bad. And I don’t know what this person’s deal is, but I’ve dealt with them on email and I thought they were crazy at the time I told them that, and then they started an Instagram page and it’s just bizarre.
But like I said, let’s let the finale play out tonight. We’ll see that they are broken up. We’ll see that Devin ended it with Jen for whatever reason. And. Take it from there. Unfortunately, I, I’m curious now because here’s a guy that, like I said, I don’t know how this comes off looking good for him unless he found like, and I’m not, I’m not saying that I’ve heard any speculation about this.
I’m just saying unless he found out like Jen cheated on him and that’s why he broke up with her. I don’t see how you love bomb someone as much as he did from hometowns on. He started fairly early with his love for her considering none of the other three men told her that. And then he continually said it basically forced it out of her and then he couldn’t even last four months with her again.
I’ll leave it up to what we see tonight and then I’ll have a better thought process on what I think about the whole thing. But tell you right now, I can’t imagine it looking good for Devon. I think a lot of women and people that watch the show, we’re going to side with Jen on this breakup because let’s face it.
Jen absolutely fell for Devin on this show. And now it’s almost seeming like, again, I don’t know the reason, but just like I told you, there was something about him that made me think he was out to win this thing. And it wasn’t about finding a fiance. It was more about the alpha male in him wanting to win a competition and to not even last four months to someone that you got engaged to.
I’m just really curious to see what his answer is. Maybe it’s something deeper. Maybe it’s on her end. And that’s why he had to break up with her. I don’t know. But unfortunately you’re going to see that tonight. Just, just all around, not a great season to have your first Asian bachelorette, a woman that all season long talked about always picking guys who couldn’t be there for her and couldn’t give her what she wanted and continually fell short.
Now she finds a guy that proposes to her. They get engaged. And he doesn’t last four months and breaks up with her. Ouch. To say the least.