You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Monday, this Labor Day Monday. We’re going to have a little bit of a shorter show for you today since I know it’s Labor Day and you’ve got barbecues to get to and whatnot.
So we’ll keep it fairly short, shorter than most. Daily roundups. We are going to talk a little bit about Jen’s finale coming up tomorrow night, since it is not airing on a holiday night. Something from the men tell all that we found out this weekend that never aired. We are also going to speak on Brittany Cartwright going on her podcast and talking for the first time publicly about her divorce from Jax.
She gets emotional. We’re going to talk about big brother, what happened last night, and we’re going to talk spoilers of what you’re going to see on Wednesday. And then one final thing, maybe a little more detail we got on the Artem arrest from dancing with the stars. A little bit more has come out and we’ll share that and we’ll get to all that momentarily.
So as we know, the Bachelorette is going to air their finale tomorrow night, three hour finale, which is live as well. They’re going to show us two hours from what went down when it got to the final two in Hawaii with Marcus and Devin, and then they’re going to intersperse live segments from the studio of what’s going on, probably have alumni there, and then We’re going to see Marcus on the couch and Jen and Marcus on the couch and Devin on the couch and Jen and Devin on the couch and all that stuff.
No different than it’s been in the past years. It’s going to be three hours and we’re going to get that. Probably going to get Joan as well on the couch. I’m assuming because we’ve already got an interview with Grant, maybe we’ll get Joan to speak on her season for the first time in an interview setting.
I do want to say this, I’m very well aware of what’s been said for the last, I don’t know, three weeks, four weeks there was a consensus online. I don’t know if I want to call it a consensus, because there’s probably a lot of people that don’t know about this. But, there are a lot of people that think that Jen and Devin have broken up post filming.
That could be true. It also could not be true. I’m just here to tell you, I don’t know. I’m very well aware of what people have been following. I’ve seen all of her likes on Instagram. I have heard the rumors that Devin’s friends are telling TikTok gossip mongers that they’re broken up. Very well may be true.
All I’m saying is, I haven’t heard it in terms of somebody came to me with any info. That doesn’t mean it’s not true. I’m just saying I haven’t heard it. So if we find out tomorrow night that Jen and Devin are broken up, I’ll be like, okay, I guess the rumors were true. If we find out that they weren’t broken up and they are still together, I’ll be like, okay, well, the rumors weren’t true.
Like if I had something to report, I would tell you, trust me, I’ve heard what people have been saying. I haven’t had anyone come to me with anything. And, you know, I, you know, look, I, I’m very well aware that a TikTok account out there is saying that they got an email from one of Devin’s, Devin’s friends.
And it’s been sent to me numerous times. And it’s the same thing I ask anytime someone says, Hey, someone else is reporting this. I say, the problem is I don’t know how that person chooses to vet their information. Did they ask, who are you? How do you know? What proof can you show me? You know, all those things, or did someone just send that person an email and they ran with it because they want to be right about something, which, like I said, they very well could be, I’m just saying I haven’t gotten anything.
Either way, I haven’t gotten anything that’s told me, yes, they’re still together, at least in the last couple of weeks. And I haven’t gotten anything that’s told me they are no longer together. Your guess is going to be as good as mine unless I find something out today, which I doubt it. So I will keep you updated if I hear anything, but if not, we’re going into this fairly blind in terms of where they’re at right now, but I don’t think anything changes from what happened in Hawaii.
I mean, there’s, that was April or excuse me, May 16th the final rose ceremony. Yes. I’ve heard what has been reported. I’m just saying, I haven’t been told anything. Nobody’s come to me and said this and yes, they’re broken up or yes, they’re still together in the last couple of weeks. Cause about three weeks ago, I heard they were still together, but that was the last thing I heard.
And ever since people were telling me, what about these rumors? What about all these likes on Jen’s Instagram page? That certainly seemed like she’s a single woman. I’m just like, I, I checked, I’m trying to find details and I, I’ve really gotten nowhere. So just wanted to leave it at that and we’ll see what happens tomorrow night.
One thing that we did find out over the weekend from Jen’s ex boyfriend, Matt Rossi, who showed up in New Zealand to try and woo her back, is that Matt Rossi took to TikTok and decided to tell everybody, Hey. I was at the men tell all they filmed a whole segment with me and none of it was shown. He put that on his Tik Tok where it looks like he is in the hotel room or something.
And his caption on his Tik Tok says when they made me come to the men tell all rehash everything out just to cut the whole segment out again. It’s not like they haven’t done something like this before. Hell for bachelor in paradise, they will fly contestants to Mexico and sit them in a hotel for two weeks and never put them on the show.
So Matt, welcome to this franchise. Unfortunately it happens. So, and what happened to you, a free flight to LA to film a segment and didn’t get used. Okay. I think people who were flown to Mexico and sat in a hotel room for two weeks and never even got on the show are probably a little bit more bummed than you are.
But those are the pits buddy. And that’s what you get for going in business with this franchise. Didn’t get put on the show. Sorry. Your segment got cut. Let’s move on to the Valley. Brittany Cartwright addressed on her podcast, I guess on Friday, or maybe it was over the weekend. She addressed her breakup with Jax and filing for divorce.
And I just wanted to play what she said for you. So you hear it and I’m not just paraphrasing it. So this is what Brittany said on her podcast.
We’re going to start off with the elephant in the room. Okay. So it’s been a big week. I’m sure everyone listening has seen the news online by now that I filed for divorce from Jax.
I unfortunately can’t speak on details because everything has been heavily documented on the show since we happen to be filming right now, you will see how everything plays out once the show airs, but I will say this. This season has been the most difficult season I have ever had to film. I never imagined I’d go through something so personal and painful while having the world watch.
I’m not saying this for anyone to feel badly, because I know that this is the life I chose, and I’m so fortunate in many ways. But I will always want to be real with y’all. Many have said online they think this has been a publicity stunt for the show or to garner ratings and it’s the furthest thing from that.
My decision to file wasn’t made lightly or quickly. It’s taken me many, many years to get to this point where I’ve gained enough courage. and strength to do what was best for me. Get myself out of a toxic relationship and ultimately see my worth. It’s been very difficult but I’m stronger than ever and my motivation is my son, my cruisy, who deserves a happy and healthy mommy.
Moving forward, Jackson and I will be doing the podcast separately. Thank you all so much for the support. I love you very much and I hope that you enjoy an episode that has some of our Best memories together from the past and stay with us because we will get this together soon And I love you guys and just hang in there with me.
Thank you. I think we’re gonna
start off. Okay, so that is the statement from britney and Obviously, she got emotional during it and she said, there’s nothing she can really go into because you’re going to see all the details play out on the episode. And one thing I want to point out about that statement is, and this isn’t any shot at Brittany because I’m guessing that was probably tough for her to say, but she was clearly reading that whole statement.
I mean, it was almost, you could almost see her eyes moving. Across the page reading that. But like I said, no shot at her. I just wanted to point out to you who may maybe not have picked that up, but she was 100% reading that whole script. And while I wish she would have not written it out, it doesn’t change the effectiveness of it.
It’s just, she read it. And I think. As we see season two of the Valley play out, it makes me think, I mean, you know, this, she wrote this or she did this Meg, this speech, what on Friday on her podcast, which was August 30th last year, I don’t think the Valley started till March. I really hope the Valley season two is a lot earlier than March of 2025.
Because that’s a hell of a tease that we’re going to have to wait seven months to get this. I understand that filming started about a little over a month ago for the valley season two. I’m sure it only films from, I thought July 17th or July 18th was the date that I heard. And I’m sure it only films for six to eight weeks.
I just can’t imagine us waiting until March to see this thing. Seems awfully long and not that we won’t care about the Brittany and Jack’s divorce by then, but so many things will have happened by then. Hell, Jack’s might’ve moved on to somebody else. Brittany might’ve moved on to somebody else. It just seems like, can we turn this around by like, I don’t know, late November, early December?
Can we do that? I really, or at least the first of the year. Let’s start this in January. I just don’t want to see something that’s filmed over the summer. Start airing in March of 2025. That just seems way, way too long, but I’m glad that she addressed the fact that it’s not a publicity stunt. It’s not for ratings for the TV show.
And as I said last week, as I said, when I watched this season of the Valley, he treats her like dirt. She should have gotten out of this relationship. She probably should have gotten out of this relationship a lot earlier than she did. He’s not a good guy. And even though I did not watch previous seasons of Vanderpump, every headline I saw about the guy was never positive.
And just in this season, just in one season of reality TV and myself seeing Jax Taylor for the first time on television, he’s insufferable and. I can only imagine what it was like being married to that guy. She experienced it and she couldn’t last anymore and she got out. So good for her.