Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 9/3 – News On Jenn’s Finale Tonight, Weekly Podcast Guest Is A First-Timer, Nikki Garcia Hosts Live Event Days After Husband Arrested, Jax Taylor, & Two Back To The Future Stories

Interview coming up podcast number four Oh seven, a couple of things that I want to say about this. Number one, I’m supposed to record this on Wednesday. I don’t want to jinx it.

So I don’t want to give the name up yet, but I will say it is someone who is a former winner of this show. A former winner of a bachelor or bachelorette show. Someone I’ve also never spoken to before. So that’s coming up on podcast number four Oh seven this week, which you were able to watch on my YouTube channel and also listen on Apple podcasts or Spotify.

The other thing I want to say about it is this because I have an early flight out Thursday morning. I’m going to get everything out midnight central time. So at midnight central time, you are going to get the daily roundup. And then about 15 minutes after that, maybe 30 minutes after that, you’re going to get the sports daily.

And then around 1 a. m. central time, you will get the YouTube feed and the podcast. Audio podcast of podcast number four Oh seven. I just want to get it all out of the way because my flight is at 8 AM and that’s usually right around the time that my sports daily is going up and the weekly podcast is going up on Thursdays.

So I just want to have it all out there. So I’m going to put it up early. You’re welcome. That’s coming on Thursday. I’m supposed to record it tomorrow and let’s just keep our fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong there. And. If it doesn’t, well, put it this way, no matter who I end up recording with, I tell you right now, if something goes wrong with this, then I will just go to one of my standards, probably just call Dave Neal and just say, Hey, Dave, you want to record the podcast?

And we’ll do that on, uh, we’ll do that on, on Wednesday sometime, but it’s still going to go up. I’m just basically telling you, I want it all out there so I don’t have to do anything on the Thursday morning while I’m driving to the airport, going through security, doing all that stuff. I’m leaving at eight o’clock in the morning and I don’t want to do stuff on the plane, even though yeah, I get wifi on the plane, but sometimes like one out of every, I mean, I only fly American, I’d say one out of every 10 flights that I’m on American.

Sometimes there’s just no wifi. It just says wifi not available on this flight. So I don’t want to take that chance. So I just want to get it all out there. So you’ll have daily roundup sports daily and podcast number 407, basically hitting your feeds between midnight and 1am central time, Thursday morning.

So maybe you saw me tweet this out yesterday because I had totally forgotten that the Joey chestnut Kobayashi hot dog eating was a thing. Mono E Mono contest was happening on Labor Day, you know, there was that whole thing back in July because Joey Chestnut has always competed in the Nathan’s hot dog, 4th of July eating contest on ESPN.

Well, this year he had signed on with a, uh, thing called impossible dogs or something like that. And Nathan’s, it didn’t coincide with what Nathan’s hot dogs were, so they didn’t let him compete in Nathan. So he said, all right, well, I’ll just. Build a show around Kobayashi, my biggest rival in this hot dog eating world, even though they haven’t faced each other since I think before 2010.

Anyway, they had an event that was live on Netflix yesterday from the Luxor in Vegas. And a couple of weeks ago, maybe it was about 10 days ago. We had found out that Rob Riggle comedian, Rob Riggle and Nikki Garcia were going to be the host for this thing. I had totally forgotten that Nikki was a part of this hell, even when everything broke with Artem last week, there was nothing even brought up in any of those stories that said, Nikki is supposed to co host the hotdog eating contest on Labor Day, totally forgotten about it.

And then I turned on the contest yesterday on Netflix and there she was. Obviously there’s nothing to, there’s nothing to speculate from it. She obviously didn’t talk about it. She didn’t act like, you know, something was wrong. She was co hosting a hot dog eating contest. So she had to act like a host. It was never brought up once, nor did I ever think it would be, but it was just awkward watching it because what happened with Artem happened.

What Thursday or was it Friday so close to this, you know, four days earlier, Nikki easily, I don’t want to say easily could have gotten out of the contract and said, look, I just had this major thing happen in my life. I don’t want to put myself out there publicly. She could have easily, again, I just said easily, even though I don’t know if she could have easily done it.

But what I’m saying is I think maybe the organizers would have understood. If Nikki did not appear at this event and did not do her hosting duties, I don’t think they would have been like, screw you know, you committed to us like she’s obviously going through a lot right now and something that just happened less than a week ago and now she’s got to put on a happy face.

For a bunch of hot dog eating fans. Like I applaud her for doing it. I’m just saying she didn’t need to, and I’m sure there probably was a way to get out of it. She has her reasons and it was professional of her to go through with it and act like, You know, nothing had happened and there was nothing going on in her personal life, whatever the case, it was still kind of awkward to watch because you just don’t think it’s going to happen that soon for her when she hasn’t even addressed any of the things that are being reported in the media from her and her husband from last week.

So. Yeah, it was awkward to watch. It was probably even more awkward to watch a guy shove 83 hot dogs down his gullet in 10 minutes. I mean, he absolutely shattered his own record. Joey Chestnut’s record for 10 minutes of eating hot dogs was 76 and a half, and he pounded 83 of them yesterday. Kobayashi broke his own record.

I think he had His old record was 64 and a half. I think he ended up with 67. How would you, how would you feel shoving 67 hot dogs down your throat in 10 minutes and not even coming close to winning? Cause he would have beaten anybody else who ever competes on July 4th. The winner of this year, I think had less than 60 or it was like low 60s.

So I don’t know. We need to see Joey back on Nathan’s. On July 4th. He said he’s not against it. They just have to work out some contract details. The fact that he just ate 83, I’m just like, Holy crap, nobody’s ever going to touch this guy, but he just keeps winning every year. So it’s incredible. Really?

Yeah. Nikki’s appearance was definitely kind of awkward to watch for sure. Jack’s Taylor put up a post yesterday. On his Instagram and said a little over a month ago, I checked into an intensive inpatient treatment facility, scared of the unknown and what I would find out about myself after many years of knowing something was wrong, but not knowing exactly what it was.

I recently learned that I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and PTSD. It’s been a lot to process and an emotional time for me. However, I’ve come home to my son with a newfound sense of peace. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared for the future, but my focus is just trying to be a better version of myself than I was yesterday.

Mental health is a lifelong battle of not letting it control you, but rather you learning to control it. Thank you everyone who has reached out in support and who has shared their own personal struggles with me. Your messages have helped, have helped me more than you know. Look, I, I, I, there’s really nothing for me to add to this.

The timing of it is certainly, certainly something that not just me, but I think a lot of us, the fact that he’s going through the middle of a divorce, there’s custody at stake, and this is what he was just diagnosed with. I just don’t know enough details to make a comment either way. So I will just leave it at that.

But for those that didn’t know, that’s what he posted on his Instagram yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, do you know what yesterday was in back to the future lore yesterday? Was September 2nd. Do you know what happened on September 2nd of 19? Well, I shouldn’t say that it didn’t happen on September 2nd.

Well, let me explain this September 2nd, 1885 is the day. Marty McFly arrived back in time to rescue Doc Brown from being shot by Buford Mad Dog Tannen. Now, when he did it, when he left, it was November 12th, 1955. But he had to arrive in 1885 on September 2nd. So that was a momentous day in back to the future history.

I also want to point this out coming up this October, October 19th, to be exact. You know, every once in a while, when you go to the movies and during the previews, you see that thing, you see that, uh, advertisement for fathom events. It’s usually some philharmonic that’s coming to your city or they’re, you know, replaying a movie and you can come, it’s a movie from a while ago.

Well, on October 19th of this year, it is the 40 year anniversary. Of excuse me, 35 year anniversary of back to the future part two, which was released in 1989 so fathom events is going to commemorate the 35 year anniversary of the release of back to the future part two by re releasing it in theaters, it’s only showing on two nights and it’s only showing once on each of those nights, at least for my area.

And the second I saw that advertisement. Online. I went to fathom events. I typed in my zip code. It told me where it’s showing and it’s about five minutes from me and I already bought my tickets. So I am in October 19th, seven o’clock. I’m going to see the re release 35 year anniversary of back to the future too.

Now you also got to remember this. I have back to the future to saved on my DVR and I probably watch it once or twice a month. So it’s not like I haven’t seen this movie in a while and it’d be go. It’ll be cool to see in the theaters. No, I see it once or twice a month, but it still will still be cool to see in the theaters.

I mean, who doesn’t want to see Biff Tannen’s Pleasure Palace on the big screen again, kid, I own the police. Do you want me to recite back to the future too, for you? Cause I will the whole damn thing. So many great lines in that one. One of my all time favorites at times. I think back to the future too, is the best of the trilogy.

And yes, having the gambling aspect to it definitely, probably is the thing that leads me into that opinion at times, but ultimately, yeah, the original is just untouchable. I just get a hair up my ass sometimes. And I think maybe two was the better one. Sometimes when I watch it, I’m like, damn, that was good.

But now the original, you just can’t beat the original. I mean, it’s basically one long movie. They’re not like three separate movies. They all run together. It’s one long movie back to the future. The third one will always be ranked in third place for me, but sometimes I think it’s better than I originally thought.

I do like the way it wrapped everything up. I will give it that. I’ve just never been a Western guy and I never really cared about Doc Brown’s love life, but the older I got, then the more I watched it, the more I really actually started to understand the message. You might not think there’s a message in back to the future, but there really is.

And I started to appreciate it more as I got older anyway. All that to just tell you, yesterday was a very big anniversary in the Back to the Future canon. September 2nd, 1885 is when Marty arrived in the Old West to save Doc. And, I bought tickets. To the 35 year anniversary re release of Back to the Future 2 coming up on October 19th.

Because I’m an absolute psycho and I’m keeping Fathom Events in business. Because I feel like I’m the only one that goes to these things. I’ve done this, this is like the 5th time I’ve gone to a Fathom Events movie screening. I don’t know. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play.

It’s the only way it counts as download. I’m going to put all that stuff up on my Instagram feed in my carousel. Probably by the time you’re hearing this, you can go to my Instagram feed. I’m going to show you the 15 second promo that bachelorette ABC. Ran yesterday and then take still shots of the exact outfit that I’m talking about to where you’re going to see this was filmed, not in Hawaii.

And you’ll see that tonight at whenever they choose to air that during tonight’s episode, probably during, obviously the, after the final rose, uh, during the breakup. So sucks, but this is what happened. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you


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