Reality Steve


Podcast #408 – Interview with Dave Neal & Courtney Robertson (and Transcripts)

All right. There he is. Uh, reality, Steve folks, he’s getting breaking information. We’ll have to see what it is live on the channel here. Well, does he know something we don’t? Oh, I love it. I can see him on the phone right now. He looks like my agent. He looks like he’s doing my taxes right now.

He’s just crunch. He’s got a calculator folks. He’s holding a calculator. All right. I’ll read your super chats. We only have one of them. It is our good pal. Chris said, we love a public live. Take my money. Uh, for sure we will. Um, we will be live on Patrion right after this patron. com size, Dave Neal. And look, folks, I always say vote with your dollar vote with your support.

If you enjoy reality, Steve and I covering this. Make. Make sure to give him a follow, follow him on YouTube. You know what I mean? Uh, I’ve, I’ve been, you know, I’m, you know, some people have that scarcity mindset where they want to hold on to what they have. Steve’s been very generous to me as a friend. Um, as a, you know, talking shop, he’s introduced me to advertisers.

He’s a, he’s been a good guy. And I like to support my friends and I wanted to help him grow his channel as much as possible. So he’s got his YouTube channel where he’s been posting, I think his weekly interviews. So leave him a comment, hit the like button, all that jazz. Uh, look, there, there aren’t many incentives to cover this because the audience can be so toxic.

I mean, people will be upset that we’re even discussing it as if like, as if like my opinion holds any more weight than anyone else’s, you know? Um, but I do think. As I’ve said all along from the moment the show ended, look, we didn’t get to hear Devin side. You know, you could swap their names out, swap their genders out.

I don’t care. We did not get to hear his side and you might say, well, he had his chance. You know, no, he walked into the lion’s den folks. He walked into the lion’s den and that was it. Uh, Steve’s getting spoilers. I’m seeing what he’s saying. He’s saying the next bachelor. No, um, I don’t know what he’s saying.

So we’ll have, we’ll wait till he’s back, but, um, we love, maybe he’s, uh, pricing it, maybe he’s getting, uh, you know, um, Olive garden postmated to his house. I’m not really sure. I’ll be honest with you. I’m hesitant to read the public comments. Y’all were really rough to be quite honest. After the, uh, after show.

Yeah. And, you know, I’ve had to think of ways to, I’ve had to think of ways to do two things. A, protect my mental health and B, continue to be authentic and tell you how I feel about this. Uh, anyone can say whatever they want in the comment sections. I get that. I respect that, but it’s wild sometimes how people will take general good faith conversation and think I’m slamming Jen or whatever.

No, look, I’ve said this all along. When you break up with somebody, you’re entitled to go to your friends and say, Oh, that guy was the worst. We love you. But when you do it publicly, you are opening yourself up to the scrutiny. Take, take, look at it this way. I have a policy that like a moral policy to not talk about people’s wives and girlfriends.

In bachelor nation, if they’re not in that ecosystem, take Natalie joy. That is Nick files partner. I’m bringing her up because if she does something beyond her social media, that’s off putting, I’m not going to cover it because I wouldn’t want people to cover my wife. I want to protect people that didn’t ask for this.

Now, if Natalie were to. Be on a podcast and have a bachelor comment, then it’s fair game because you’re entering the, the, the blogosphere that covers the show. And that’s kind of like where we’re at. Like, if you’re going to want, if you’re going to be in this universe, we’re going to talk about it. So for Jen to make comments that Devin believes aren’t.

100 percent true. Or that he says, you know what? She says this. Here’s my receipt. You figure it out. I don’t blame him for that. For the people that have said, well, Dave, you know, he should just go away. I would like to look you right in the eye and say, what would you do in this situation? If you felt like you were misunderstood, if you felt like, you know, you could own up to problems that you had, but there were other things that, that you just weren’t guilty of.

Uh, it’s, you know, um, If you’re guilty of one thing, like he admits to following Maria, if you’re guilty of that, that doesn’t mean that all the other things you are guilty of. And sometimes you look at a situation like this and you go, did Jen fly too close to the sun with some of her commentary? Tessa says, thanks for being objective and authentic, Dave.

Natasha said, but he made her believe that he was a super loved boy and very supportive. So he lied to her. She picked him because he was safe and he wasn’t. Well, Natasha. Your opinion is welcomed, but that is a wild assumption of, we don’t know. So he’s saying, I loved her. She’s saying he pulled away. He could have felt as though she was demanding too much of him and he couldn’t live up to that.

You know, you have to remember, she goes on the show. She gets paid a lot of money. He goes on the show and he doesn’t get anything out of it. He has to go back to work. Right? So I don’t know what his work entails, but. I can imagine when you do go back to work and back to your real life. I mean, everyone’s been on vacation where you fall in love with someone, right?

Everyone’s been on vacation where you’re, you’re getting free daiquiris. You know, I remember, I remember one time back when I was a young whippersnapper, uh, and, um, I remember, Oh, by the way, reality, Steve just made a big facial gesture. Oh my gosh. What could that be? I have no idea folks what that could be, but reality, Steve just did that.

He just did this in the background. So I kind of feel like, Oh boy, either, either Olive garden just announced that they’re shutting down. Maybe they don’t have, um, maybe, maybe they’re no longer doing unlimited breadsticks. I don’t know what it could be. Um, but I do tell people this, um, there’s a, there’s a book called the courage to be disliked and it’s like, I have to stand by my thoughts and opinions on things.

People can decide, Oh, I’m the worst. I have the worst take possible, but. I encourage people to re listen to what I’ve said, watch this play out, and realize, if her truth is here, and his truth is here, I don’t know if the truth is 50 right in the center, or if it’s closer to her or closer to him, but I guarantee you, it is not everything she has said so far.

That’s what it comes down to. So, um, yeah, Steve’s clearly the, um, Oh, it turns out they’re bent. You know what? Uh, we have a breaking news. We have, um, here, everybody. As we wait, how are you?

I’m good. Sorry. It was, I’m in the man cave and man. I’ve been following along and Devin really fumbled the ball on the apology.

So, to use a football reference here, we’ve got one of the greatest villains of all time, if not the best looking villain of all time. And I


to use the v word here because you’re so likable in real life. Um, uh, how does it, um, coming from the villain standpoint, You, you did not, your season, was there any thought about getting your truth out there?

Like, like, what would you have done differently if you were Devin here?

Here’s the thing, I’m playing Devil’s Advocate because I have been in his shoes. I’ve reached out to him, I’ve reached out to Sam M. Um, and here’s the thing, you come off the show, you get no media training. I know in some of the text messages, Jen said I have media training.

But when you’re a contestant on the show, you’re kind of, you know, thrust into this and I don’t know. I mean, you have to figure out like what’s the best way to do it. And it’s really hard to defend yourself when you’re coming off a show and everybody just saw this whole thing play out the way that they wanted it to.

So I feel for him, I really do. I think the apology could have been better, but I did read through everything. And I wanted to say that I think the show. Makes the leads do so much PR and so much promotion. And Jen was saying things like I’m exhausted and it puts a lot of strain on the relationship after, um, yeah, just the special engagement.

Yeah. You know, I always tell people we don’t have enough empathy here because no one knows what they go through. If anybody in bachelor nation. Knows what they go through. It’s someone like you or Tino or somebody who doesn’t feel like their full story was told. Um, can you say that?

Cause Tino messaged me the other day and he’s off social media for his mental health and he’s happy in a relationship.

And he said, do you have his number? I just. It sounds like he didn’t watch, but he’s like, from what I’m hearing, it seems like that’s exactly what happened to me. You know, I had Tina on the podcast. You’ve met him. Great guy. So happy for him. He’s in a happy relationship. But, um, he told me stuff offline that I can put myself in Devin’s shoes.

Uh, when you’re in that hot seat, It’s, it’s really hard. I mean, I could have, I could have read receipts from Ben to like, you want to, I wrote a book about it. Here’s the thing. And then I put it all in the book. Um, but you, you want to defend yourself, but you also don’t want to come off like an ass hat because you can’t really blame the edit.

It’s just like fine dance. If you want to like scream your truth from the rooftops, but unfortunately the way it played out. It doesn’t seem like he has a last stand on and his like, he might, he needs help. He needs some help with media. I messaged him like phone a friend. Like I can help you navigate through some of this stuff.

Yeah. Uh, like, like Steve and I were saying, it was a failed launch of his first chance to speak. Um, if I were him. I know Steve said he, you know, maybe go on Nick files podcast. If I were him, I probably would have done this straight to camera thing. I just would have formatted it in a, in a more bulletproof way.

Uh, like you would in the courtroom to say, everything I’m going to share with you is irrefutable, my opinion. It’s not going to make her look bad. I’ve redact, redact, redact. And unfortunately he left ammo in the gun. Metaphorically, that could be used against him. He left, he’s

doing, you know, I mean, he’s never had a.

before. And that’s where I’m playing devil’s advocate. And he fumbled, fumbled in the

goal line for sure. Now to speak about Tino, he had the personality type to say, I’ll walk away from it. I’ll go surfing. Not everyone does that in today’s world. People like you can try to avoid the nasty stuff online, but people send it to you.

Sometimes good friends will send it to you thinking, Oh, did you see what they’re talking about? You, you cannot avoid it sometimes. And, um, it’s, I mean,

Matt Falcone and during that time, he was like texting me, not knowing it would hurt my feelings. Like Courtney, everybody’s saying this about your dad, but I’m like, stop sending me this.

This isn’t helping. I’m drowning here. Like, you know, and you do get depressed and that’s why I want to. Tell people, like you said, to have empathy because I was. severely depressed and, you know, you just never know what someone’s going through. And Tino messaged me and he’s like, I just want to reach out and just offer any support.

And he’s like, you, you’ll never know how much you reaching out to me, uh, meant to me and my family. So,

you know, I think it’s so kind of you. You’re, you’re such a sweet person. I think it’s so kind of you to To try to talk to people that everyone else is trying to distance themselves from now. Um, you know, because we don’t

have a horse in the race.

Like if they want to come on my podcast, that’s fine. But like, it’s also truly to help because I was drowning and I didn’t really like even my friends, like you said, like people calling and it’s just a really dark place to be. And I don’t, yeah, he could have handled it better. And you know, I, the, by the way, I want to, I have my raciest rose here award.

I got on them, and I want to offer this to Jen, because first of all, can I talk about the sexting? I’m wearing something a little bit more flirty today. She inspired me. I’m like, I don’t know if I’m sexting right. Sorry to switch, but I’m like, I’m trying to test a mirror at work today.

Courtney’s ready to have another baby.

It looks like.

But no, I mean, you know, the tape and he shared some things that he didn’t know was in there. Like you said, what a, should a, he should go. I don’t know if he’ll go on Nick’s podcast. He’s trashed him. That’s the other thing is he’s clearly reading reality. Steve, he knows what people are saying about him.

Like, would I have talked to Trista Sutter after my season? He’ll know she trashed me. Hi Steve, good morning, sunshine.

Man here. No, no. I was, um, so we were watching real, I was watching reality Steve from backstage here and it looked like Olive garden was getting canceled or something. What was the commotion?

Oh yeah. Uh, my bank calling me three times in a row to tell me fraud alert. Somebody was ringing up. 500 at Best Buy, 2, 000 somewhere else. And did you add someone to your Zelle account by the name of so and so? No. Well, someone logged into your banking account this morning and tried to purchase. Did you, did you approve these transactions?

No. I’m like, Jesus. So now I have to get a new bank card sent out to me. Somebody was basically running my stuff in, uh, in Georgia. And they’re like, are you in Georgia right now? No, I’m in the middle of a podcast with Dave Neal. Damn it. It could have been Devin for all we know. He was

committing fraud. Um, so I don’t know if you heard Courtney here, but you know, no one, no one knows more reality.

Steve, you’ve also been in the, in the, um, in the firing lane, you’ve had to deal with a lot of public scrutiny. Uh, Courtney, was it worse? Is it worse now? So you’ve got a nice little, like a sort of sample size here. You were You were really on the spotlight as a, as a, uh, very, um, sort of, uh, debatable person, not in real life, but as far as the show’s edit goes.

Is it worse now as a content creator dealing with, with the vitriol that exists now or back then?

Oh, hands down and all the stuff gets washed out to see it really does. And then it’s like, I always joked about like, I hate to say it, but like Whitney Houston died, I was on the cover of us weekly paparazzi following me for months.

Steve knows this and Whitney Houston passed away. And then I was like, I finally got some relief from the tabloids. Um, But you can’t win them all like you have to he needs to get, um, some help and I’d be happy to share my contacts. You know how I am. I’m much like you, Dave. Like, I have people in media like he needs almost to do like an interview where he can write out what he says.

Like, he needs some damage control. And that’s what PR is for. And you know what Jen? Has that and I if I had to guess this is a new take as well, they’re probably not letting him do any podcast. I know contestants that have been in his shoes and the villain. They didn’t let me do anything. So that’s why I was like, I’m gonna write a book when my contracts up.

Um, they’re probably not letting him talk. They probably won’t even let him talk to Nick Vial to be quite honest with you.

He did delete both of his Instagram reels, so.

Yeah, oh, I’m sure he got a cease and desist from Warner or somebody. I’m sure Jen hopped on the horn and was like, you know, it’s defamation of character.

And I could have probably sued for that when they showed my skinny dipping scene without the sensors on. I’m surprised that they showed her nip slip on after the final rose. We haven’t even talked about that.

You know, I never saw that. People saw that I was too. I didn’t catch it. But, um, you know, not to make it a whole legal thing, but it’s not defamation.

If it’s real, it might be a violation of his contract in a different way. We don’t know what that is, but that’s a good point. I mean, Rachel Kirkconnell, I was begging her to like, come out and talk in the show where they’re doing certain


They silence you, whether they have a right to or not.

They’re for sure trying to tell you, we will mess your day up. If you, you know, like, Oh, really

sleepless night, a really bad night last night. And also Jen, she’s probably giving him the business as well, but yeah, I mean, not to like yard sale too much, but these are just my thoughts because I know. I asked for certain things and they shot everything down for me.

I had no platform. I finally got Twitter, but by then it was too late. Like I was like, okay, well I’m going to write a book about it. And they didn’t like that either.

Well, you know, one of the other things just to jump in here is the fact that Jen’s on dance with the stars right now. Like she’s having to deal with this.

I’m sure she was in rehearsals all day. And he’s got a whole PR

team though, that, you know,

Yeah, anytime that she had to take a break in rehearsals yesterday, I guarantee she was on her phone like, What’s the latest? What did he say? What did somebody just send me? I, I, you know, I feel bad for her because you want to concentrate on what you’re doing right now.

I understand that he’s not going to take that into consideration when he puts out his statement. Like we said, he has every right to defend himself. He just We think he just went about it the wrong way. Just wasn’t the right thing to do. And now that he’s deleted it twice, it’s like, okay. Well, it’s already out there.

Yeah, it’s already out there. But for legal purposes, I’m sure that they said you have to take it down. You know,

Courtney, what’s your thoughts on the people that say no one wants to hear from him. He shouldn’t speak. Just go away. What’s, what’s your thoughts on silence versus him, even if he did it the wrong way, trying to share his truth.

You know, I know you touched on this earlier about it or Steve, you did. I listened to your podcast this morning about being similar to Laura Owens. And, you know, I love my true crime and this, this isn’t a crime, but I think that there are two sides to every story playing devil’s advocate. I just think he needs a better approach and I would love to hear the full story.

You know, I think it’s easy to jump on and pile on, but there’s more to the story. He’s a Tino. Okay. Just went surfing and he was like, this is not good for my mental health. And he, everybody deals with things differently. I don’t think he has the ego. It’s just going to sit back and take it. I think that, um, I think he needs to share his side of the story.

And I did read through the text and I did see him making an effort. Again, Steve, I don’t know if you heard this. I feel like they like work these people, like the. The leads, like, in the PR after the show, I think that that affects the relationship too. It affected Ben and I’s. He was doing, going to these events and showing up at, you know, bachelorette parties.

And, uh, you know, she’s seeing her saying like, I am so exhausted. I haven’t eaten in a day and all that stuff. I think that was more interesting for me just because I lived that with Ben being exhausted and doing all this promotion. I think the show needs to give these people a little bit of a break.

Great, uh, to work on the relationship. And I think that that affects a lot of the relationships now she’s on dancing with the stars. So even if it were to work out, I think that would have crushed it.

Dancing with the stars, even though this is not an opportune time, I think you couldn’t be doing anything better. Like it’s so, so good for her.


can just go work if she, it’s a good example. And you know, we’ve seen these problems with Caitlin Bristol where people can’t get off their phone and, and, and feel the need.

And it’s, and we all feel that way. You know, I woke up to change the baby’s diaper at 3 a. m. Yesterday. And there was a, there was a subreddit thread about me and I didn’t need to see that. And I didn’t click on it, but I was like. I should be sleeping right now. And there’s a whole group of people online that hate that.

I’m trying to figure this thing out. And you just have to like, some people are better at saying, Hey, what you think of me is none of my business. And then there’s a lot of people pleasers out there. I don’t know which Darren, uh, Devin falls into, but he did mention that he was sort of like introverted, but I I’m guessing from the outside looking in, it’s an anxious avoidant, but.

Where he pushed away as much as possible. And someone like Jen, who might be codependent pushes towards someone who’s pulling away. And it’s that vicious cat, you know, mouse chase that happens.

And she’s a little racy. Here’s my racist rose for her. I mean, I’m inspired. I mean, I think that, that you saw that come out, what you’re saying, if I’m hearing you correctly, is it came out in like a, uh, I don’t want to get hate.

I don’t shoot the messenger. I’m just

Courtney. What? Right. Right. Right. When I rejoined, were you saying that you sent Umberto a sexy tech, a sex today?

No, I just don’t. I think I’ve been doing it wrong all these years. No, my texts to him are like, do you want to meet in the bunk bed later? Like I want to like step up my game.

I’m like, I’m wearing my elevated loungewear right now. Like she can use this to empower people too. I mean, It’s, it was, it’s entertainment, I guess it was entertaining. We were on a group text. I’m like, my jaw was on the floor. What about you, Dave? I don’t, I was texting all wrong all these years. Apparently.

I said it to Dave and Dave said earlier, like, while he shouldn’t have posted those texts, like I wasn’t surprised that Jen sent, uh, Sex to her fiance, like they’re long distance. So I, it didn’t surprise me in the least. What surprised me was he posted them. Like that shouldn’t have never been seen by the public, but to think that two people in their twenties that are engaged and just met on a reality show or are yearning for each other’s bodies.

Like I totally get that. And that’s all

you do at the happy couples. For the most part anyway, because we read about

that in your book, Courtney, we know all about that,

you know, I love spilling tea and hey, we’re all adults here.

How does the happy couple work? Do you immediately like, uh, do you walk straight to the bedroom or is it like, do you get appetizers?

Cause don’t they give you free food? Cause if it were me, I would be, I would, I would put my food order in. Then I would say, well, they’ve got 20 minutes before they get here. That’s enough time for a 10 minute massage. And you know, I’m not, I’m not a marathon sprint, you know what I mean here? So

you can’t go outside.

Usually they have like amazing pools or hot tubs. So I mean, it’s a pool. Stealth thing, which was kind of fun, but I had my fake name and his fake name in my phone. I liked her fake name by the way. Coco Chanel. I was Kate Middleton when I was just touch on that, but you, you get there and you’re so excited to see them.

I would like set the mood, light some candles. I got there once before him up in, um, like the Bay Area, Bay Area. And I put on like Bon Iver and yeah, I mean, it’s just, we had a full on a grocery store list from Whole Foods. You name it, we cooked it and wine. Really nice wine. And then you just, you know, I even said like sometimes there was just not much to do.


Yeah, you watch you, you watch TV and play board games, right? And yeah, and we wanted to paint

one day. It was like we sent felt at the handlers. Its Mansfield out Mansfield. Great guy. He had to travel with me too. So they fly you first class. It’s that is like, I would say like hopefully that they utilize that because that’s like the best time, the happiest time we ever were, um, in the relationship, I would say.

Before reality really slapped us in the face.

Yeah. Yeah. Look, and I’ve addressed this ad nauseum. I just feel like these relationships don’t work out in some ways because the fairytale that was created on the show can’t be lived up to, you know, find me. I, you know what? I met my wife on a bus. Okay. Meet people in the low expectations.

And then you can work your way up to a studio apartment. Finally, we got a three bedroom, you know what I mean? Like we met meet on a sticky floor of a bar somewhere. Don’t meet in Hawaii. You can’t follow Hawaii. Now we are at an hour and we’re only a third of the way through this video. Should we bail on the video?

I mean, everyone can watch it. It already exists online. Uh, do you have any, I don’t, does he say anything? Should we play the last few seconds? Like is it? Yeah, but fast forward to like the last two or three


Oh, sorry about that. Okay. I’ll play the last, let’s play the last two minutes of it. And, um, you know, we don’t have to share, you know, because there is a lot of redundancy.

Like I said, it just was not done very confused by here. Here we go. Last, um, here’s the last two weeks in

regards to this whole clubbing with Jeremy thing. Um, as I said before, I was in New York city on business, uh, to meet up with a client, Jeremy and I had been in contact post show to hang out. We had scheduled a meetup while we were there.

Um, and that was that. I also have friends in the city that I’ve known for a long time. Some of them I even went to college with. So, um, I really don’t think that’s prevalent, but you know, I’m, I’m just going to go ahead and, you know, release that information as well. So, um, Again, it wasn’t a week after our breakup either.

It was a week prior to AFR. Um, I really just want to clear the timeline on that, because again, as I said on stage, I felt like everything was kind of being condensed, um, down to a certain point, and that’s not true. Yeah, being on the show and rewatching the episodes back is something that most people, probably a lot of people will not and can never understand.

Um, I had to clearly watch myself play second to someone else and, and, and that’s okay. You know, we moved on from that. I wasn’t her first choice. Uh, but again, a relationship is two people and that’s part of growing together, you know? Um, I don’t fault her for the feelings that she had towards Marcus, but, you know, um, I wasn’t informed of that even, even during our relationship, I was only made aware of that during, uh, the decision of me communicating less post breakup after a breakup almost a month later, you know, so that’s, that’s hard to go through and, you know, at that point in time, I felt like my decisions were reaffirmed in, in, in breaking up with her in the first place, you know, I felt like I made the right choice.

So yeah, maybe I was a little. Yeah. Okay,

so the point that he’s making here is, oh, I second fiddled it to Marcus or whatever, but the problem was the final rose ceremony was May 16th. They obviously dated from May 16th until August 1st, the episode where he’s claiming like, you know, I don’t know, wherever he wants to claim hometowns, overnights.

Um, that was all after they broke up. So he can’t say that, Oh, I saw you being close to Marcus and I saw you saying all this stuff to Marcus. That’s why I was pulling away. No, no, no, no. Because those episodes aired in August. You guys were already broken up in August. So that’s like, yeah,


Yeah. The timeline there isn’t adding up if he’s using the, Oh, I was watching the Marcus episodes and all of a sudden I know I’m seeing this for the first time.

Wait a second. I’m taking second fiddle. I. I never thought he was taking ever taught when I watched the show, that Jen was more into Marcus than she was into Devon. Him saying that he took second fiddle to Marcus. I don’t buy that for a second. She. Was into him the whole time. She defended him in the very beginning when the guys were turning on him.

And, oh, now my camera went out.

All right. We’re lost camera. We still got your audio. That’s all we need. So Chris Jenner said this, and by the way, our, our, uh, maybe the guy who stole your bagging counts, so Chris Jenner posted this and Chris Jenner is a good friend of ours who covers the Laura Owens trial.

She’s really good with picking through things. And she said, Jen is the one who literally tried breaking up with him. First over text in June, he was hurt after that and you can see it in the lack of heart emojis from that point on until the second time she did and then she continues and says, after the second time she broke up with him over text, he was very hurt and stopped saying I love you as much but still texted her daily.

Now listen, this is the thing that people haven’t really been able to relate to. Pieced through because his text, his, he shared, he shared too much information, but this would be the type of thing to share. Like, Oh, you think I’m the bad one for breaking up with her? Here’s where she first broke up with me.

And then you could be very specifically sharing that. I think that would help the perspective. It does feel like when they fight, she breaks up with him. And it’s kind of like, That, um, you know, like, you know, we’ve all been in those relationships. I mean, I mean, to be quite honest, my wife’s broken up with me probably 35 times, but I mean, I go, sure, honey.

Okay. I’ll go cook some dinner. Uh, but, uh, you know, some people, they push you away. They pull you away. It’s toxic as hell. Uh, but 2024, you know, we live in a toxic world. Um, Steve, do you want me to add you back in? Let me just, I don’t know if you want. Yeah, you might as well. This is. Where’s

Stephanie Parker, by the way?

She was going to hop in. Oh, I see. I thought so. Maybe not. I

don’t know. I didn’t get a text from her. Um, but anyhow, let’s go. We’re at the last one. Let’s play the last minute here.

A bit more calloused leading up to, uh, the last couple of weeks towards AFR, but it wasn’t intentional. It wasn’t. You know, something that I felt like I was doing out of malice, you know, it was just an important thing that I felt I needed, which was space.

And, and, you know, as hard as moving on from a relationship is, you know, that is a part of life. And I was trying to go through those avenues of life for myself and figure those things out for myself. Overall, I’m not trying to play the victim here. I really, really don’t want that. I’m not having this video made intended for that.

Um, I’m just really here to try and explain my feelings and my side of the story, because again, my truth, I feel is important in this situation too. Um, the things that were said about our relationship were, uh, expressed incredibly inaccurate, and, um, I just wanted to do my best and felt it was best to speak on the circumstances of the situation.

Um, And to Jen, I really, really am sorry for the way things play out. My intentions were to never hurt you. And I’m sorry for that hurt that I’ve caused.

It begs the question, right? Do you, if you love somebody enough, do you let that, do you like, do you stay quiet and let the, and take the hit? I don’t know.

I bet you have 100 people if they were in this scenario would try to get their truth out there. It just wasn’t executed. Right? I mean, I don’t know what else we can say about that. Um, Steve, you’re on the

horn. I’m going to go look for his number. Maybe we can cold call him soon. I gotta go guys because I gotta go get the baby.

H has got to go to work. Thanks for having me.

She’s got her casual. What did you call what you’re wearing?

Elevated lounge wear.

Uh, the, from the elevated podcaster, Cornyn Robertson. Thank you. And I put him

on today. Tasha knows about that.

All right. We’ll have a go until Umberto. He said, hi. I’ll just give him some, uh, you know, some extra, uh, Red Bulls for tonight.



All right. There it is. Courtney Robbins. She doesn’t even, she just closes her laptop. I love it. What a mom. She doesn’t even sign out. She just shuts her computer. I think she’s still there. Um, anyhow, anything, do we leave anything on the table or did you, did we get it all?

Well, I missed about 10 minutes in the middle, but I think he probably covered it.

Uh, you know, like I said, it’s, I said this on my podcast this morning. Am I on audio wise? Yeah, yeah. I can hear you. Okay. Um, it’s just, it’s not Laura Owens ask because Laura Owens, uh, is a criminal and she’s being investigated criminally. But my whole point was that I was trying to make was, it’s just very hard to believe.

It seemed like, like I said earlier in his text, he’s picking and choosing. It’s kind of like when I would respond back to Laura and I would ask specific questions. Well, but Laura Clayton said this, what about this? What about this bump? And now all the, And she would just avoid that stuff and just talk in generalities back to me.

That’s what I feel like I’m getting from Devin. You know, he can share all the texts that he wants, but how do we know that other texts that he was sending her wasn’t chewing her out, being a dick to her, pulling away? Like it’s, it’s very convenient for him to put out this video and not tell the full story.

And he wasn’t specific about addressing certain things that Jen said. He’s just like, Hey, this is about, this was my side of the relationship. It was like, I don’t even. I just don’t see how that was a fair assessment of his side of the relationship when he was blacking out things in those text messages.

I it’s like, I, it’s very hard to just be like, Oh, gotcha, Devin. Perfect. Totally understand your side now. I’m just probably even more confused. And obviously there’s stuff that we don’t know that there is two sides. I just didn’t think he presented his side very well.

I hear you. And I think, I mean, to be quite honest, he’s getting a lot of good free advice from Courtney, you and myself, uh, redo, take your time, take a break, take a few weeks off, you know, and if you do want to share your side, I think do it long form.

Yeah. I mean, what else can you say? It was botched and, um, it’s a cautionary tale for people moving forward. But like Courtney said, it’s like, look, they’re not media trained. He, he didn’t know, you know, what he was getting into. And by the way, for anyone out there who thinks they would have done better, like you’re, you’re, you’re vastly underestimating the feelings of panic and sheer anxiety that come from having a whole internet hate you.

Um, so, um, anyhow, Steve, you got your YouTube channel. Everyone. So people can go subscribe right now and, um, any other things to promote?

No, just other than, uh, my weekly podcast tomorrow, it’ll be episode number four Oh eight is going to be this video, even though for the last 15 minutes, you don’t even see me.

Um, the audio will be in your, in your. In your podcast feed tomorrow for episode 408, it will be this podcast. Um, yeah, but what a morning. I mean, uh, you know, getting, when bank of America called me three times in a row, I was like, they, something must be going on. And yeah, some, somebody hacked into my account.

Um, added me as one of their, as one of my Zelle people. I’m like, they’re like, do you know this person? I’m like, no. They said, are you in Georgia right now? I said, no. They’re like, well, we have a 499 charge at Best Buy. We have 1, 500 at this place. I’m like. So now they have to send me out a new debit card.

Are they going to overnight it? And it’s just like, great. And I literally, I just had a fraud alert last month. I just got a new debit card in August of 2029. Now I’m going to have a new one in September of 2029. It’s just like, this is so

frustrating. Well, uh, last thoughts, how did it feel as a Swifty, uh, hearing her big endorsement?

I mean, I

knew that she was, uh, a Democrat. I did that. Didn’t surprise me. I guess maybe the timing, I mean, it was like literally right after the, right after the debate ended, almost like within what, five minutes, 10 minutes of that thing ending, she puts up her endorsement, not surprised at all. She, uh, she has vouched in the past for democratic people in the state of Tennessee, uh, that didn’t end up winning, but as you covered.

Uh, this is huge. This is a woman that, you know, increases the, uh, the GNP in cities that she goes to, to perform. So don’t think that, Oh, just because a celebrity endorsed Kamala Harris, that all of a sudden Kamala is going to win. It doesn’t necessarily mean Kamala is going to win, but this. This endorsement from Taylor definitely, uh, will go a long way for


And also, uh, I, I think she did a good job of saying, this is who I’m voting for, do your research, but you should vote, you know, and that’s what it comes down to and gave the

link to, and give the link to be like, Hey, this is, you know, she’s like, Hey, go register. If you aren’t registered, here’s the link to go register.

So, yeah, I mean, she can really do no wrong in my eyes, but, uh, No, I, I knew she was a Democrat. Um, I was wondering if and when she was going to make a public statement and, you know, she did it last night and I, I thought she did it well. It wasn’t, she didn’t sit there and rip Trump. She didn’t sit there and call him names or, you know, say what an awful person she thinks he is, it’s just like, I’ve done my research, I’m voting for.

Harrison walls and you make your, you do your own research. You vote for you want to, but I’m just putting, just letting you know, I’m putting my vote behind this party and here’s what you need to do. You definitely need to register. You can’t vote without registering. So here you go.

The last thing we, you know, the last thing we hopefully will find out from her before she goes to bed, does she watch reality?

Steve’s that’s I know.

Yeah. Are they, are they, is she reading reality? See, before she goes to bed, I saw an interview with Selena Gomez. Where Selena Gomez says her and Taylor talk about Vanderpump rules with each other on texting, you know, see that that’s, so if they’re talking about Vanderpump rules, are we really that far removed that they could possibly be talking about reality?

Steve. And I will say this for Selena Gomez. When everything was going down at the end of Peter season, I remember the day after Peter’s finale, Selena Gomez was hanging out with Maddie Pruitt. So the fact that reality Steve is in that, there’s no way that Maddie Pruitt doesn’t know who reality Steve is.

And who knows that maybe she was talking about reality, Steve with Selena Gomez, who then indirectly talked about reality Steve with her best friend, Taylor Swift. This could be major, but I gotta believe Taylor Swift has heard of the guy that spoils the bachelor of the bachelorette reality, Steve, if you imagine

me a podcast.

Imagine your monetization the day after Taylor Swift endorses you. I’m going to be, uh, stealing 500 from your bank from there. Give me your cell, Steve. You’re rich. Well, we’ll talk, uh, the private chats have been insane. And, um, thanks again for, uh, joining me today and everyone can go check Steve out, of course, at his daily podcast.

And, um, yeah. Keep go any, any news on grants before we go any tea, any last, any new updates?

No, I haven’t heard anything. I know they start fairly soon. They usually start filming batcher between like September 19th through 20th, 21st around that time. So we are maybe. Uh, seven to 10 days away from Grant starting, uh, filming his season.

So I haven’t heard anything yet. I haven’t heard any contestants, but that should be coming soon because they usually release the contestants on Facebook about three days before filming starts, so Keep it, uh, keep it over there.

And by the way, I mean, what does this say? Like this, this culture from Bachelor Nation, the best person to benefit from this whole story is Caitlin Bristow.

Last week, everyone wanted her throat. Now everyone forgets she exists. So, you know, it’s, uh, the, the, the, the, uh, news cycle moves fast here, but, uh, that’s why we’re doing daily stuff. But, uh, thanks again, man. And, um, I’ll talk to you shortly. Thanks, man. Appreciate it. All right. Reality, Steve, everybody. That was it.

I’m going to go live on Patreon right now, patreon. com slash Dave Neil. And I’ll be giving you my behind the scenes thoughts over there. We have a thing called work with Dave. You can work with me, uh, literally just watch me get my stuff done. It’s five bucks a month. Patreon. com slash Dave Neil. You can also join for free if you want the free version and you’ll get updates as they come.

It’s kind of like a mailing list. It’s my way to directly interact with you guys. We’ve hung out at a thousand people in the chat all morning. So I appreciate. All of you guys. Um, and, um, yeah, you guys have been really great from what I saw. So I appreciate everyone hanging in there and trying to be kind.

We need more of that. We can disagree about things, but let’s keep bringing kindness to the world. Kindness and grace. It will get us far folks. Thanks again. And I’ll be back this afternoon for the rush hour podcast link in the comment section, if you want to listen to that free podcast, the rush hour with Dave Neil.

We’ll see you then. Bye everybody.

Thanks to Dave and Courtney, especially when I was gone holding down the fort. Dave obviously produces two podcasts a day on his bachelor, excuse me, his rush hour podcast used to be called the bachelor rush hour, but now it’s just the rush hour podcast he posts to a day.

He posts a morning one and he posts an evening one. So go follow him, sign up for those on. And follow him, subscribe to him on Apple podcasts or Spotify, wherever you listen to your podcasts, by the way, remember how I’ve always told you that it was like 88 to 90 percent of you listeners were listening to my podcast on Apple podcasts.

It’s dropped to 70 percent on Apple now, 30 percent of you, or I think 25 percent and then 5 percent on some of the other platforms are now listening on Spotify. Now that might have something to do with the fact that I have switched who I upload my podcast to. I upload through megaphone and megaphone is through Spotify.

So maybe they are promoting it more. I’m not sure, but I have seen the numbers. It’s only been for about a week. I think I started it last Wednesday, so not that it means anything to you, but I used to upload through simplecast now uploading through megaphone, which is owned by Spotify. And I saw the numbers for the last week, 70 percent on Apple podcast and 25 percent on Spotify.

So either way, whatever works for you. Just as long as you’re listening, that’s really all I care about. So, um, again, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts, Spotify rate and review when you can, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download either in Spotify or Apple podcasts.

Hell just hit play. And go in another room, do some chores, do whatever you need to do at home, do whatever you need to do when you’re on a walk or at the gym, just let it play. And that definitely helps the podcast the best way you can support the podcast. So for Dave Neal, Courtney Robertson, I’m Reality Steve.

Thank you all for tuning in and I will talk to you tomorrow.

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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)

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