You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. A good Friday show heading into the weekend where you’re going to discuss Jen on Nick Biel’s podcast. Some of the things that she said, not too juicy, but it looks like at least from her end, this is pretty much over.
Stuff happened on social media last night. I will get into it in case you missed it. Cause I don’t know if a lot of people saw it, but there is stuff going on behind the scenes, not having to do with Jen, but everything having to do with Devin. Stuff has resurfaced and I’ll tell you what I can at this point.
We’re also going to talk about big brother last night. First episode, Julie Chen has ever missed. A eviction that pretty much we knew was coming and where that leaves the rest of the season, in my opinion. We’ll get to all that momentarily. So first I want to start out with the fact that Jen went on Nick Viall’s podcast and she said a lot of things, but she didn’t get into anything too juicy.
She’s very well aware of Devin’s 13 minute video that got posted twice and then he deleted twice, but her comments on it pretty much let you know where she stood. She said, look, he’s already wasted six months of my life. I’m not going to give him another second, let alone 13 minutes. She said she had no idea why somebody would do this, let alone somebody she was engaged to that were released private texts between the two.
She said it was such an invasion of privacy. She felt so betrayed, so disrespected. By the way, this is coming from a summary from a bachelorette windmill. I did not listen to it because. You know, I don’t really have a good feeling about Nick So I just I cannot listen to that guy’s podcast unless I need to get exact quotes But pretty much there are so many outlets out there that do recap it.
So I just went to bachelorette windmill. Thank you She said she felt so betrayed And so disrespected by what he did. She said, I have a problem with him releasing texts without even telling me. And he conveniently blurred out certain things and didn’t blur out other things that were very, very private.
Like my mom’s on the internet, dude. She said, Hey, he’s allowed to have his side of the story. He was in the relationship too. He has all the rights to say what he wants to say, but he had time at the after the final rose to say it. And I didn’t hear much of anything that day. What I don’t condone is invading my privacy.
All. Valid points by Jen here. She basically said everything happens for a reason. It’s been a blessing in disguise. She wants it to be the last time she talks about Devin. And it seems like she just wants to move on from it, which is very noble of her. I don’t know how realistic that is because she’s going to constantly be asked about it.
Hell, as long as she’s on Dancing with the Stars, it’s going to be part of her video packages. I mean, shit, probably some of her video packages, if she lasts three, four or five weeks. They’re probably going to be replaying the fucking proposal again and showing clips of her with Devin. And then if she makes it to, you know, most memorable year, probably will be this year and what she went through and it’s going to make her a stronger woman and she’s glad this happened to her, like you can pretty much see the narrative already.
But the more stuff about Devin that starts to circulate and the more stuff You know, as I said yesterday, I don’t know exactly where his head is at and what his next step is. I can’t imagine we’re not going to hear from him again, because right now the lasting impression Devin has left on America. Two Instagram videos where he completely did not consent to releasing text messages, private text messages between him and his former fiance, including texts that had sex in them from her.
Like, it was just, I’m sorry, you can’t convince me that this wasn’t one of the lowest things you could have done, and it made him look good in any way. There’s only one person in this two person relationship that released texts, and the only ones I’ve seen are the two sexed ones, the one he said about me, or the one where Jen said, You’re not sleeping and reading reality, Steve.
And then there was one other one I saw, but there were apparently over a hundred in the, in that video, which was recorded, so it’s out there, even though it’s not on his Instagram page. It’s just a really, really classless thing to do. And you know, could Jen have gotten in the weeds a little bit more on Nick’s podcast?
For sure she could have, but the more she goes into it, the more I think this thing kind of continues. She’s just like, look. When you look at it right now, pretty much most of America hates Devin and everyone feels sorry for Jen. And she’s about to be on a very popular reality show. Like she’s not only winning, she’s kicking his ass.
Like she’s got her foot on his throat and she’s kicking him in the nuts right now. Like she’s winning to take a line from Charlie Sheen from, 15 years ago, winning. She’s winning. Devin isn’t winning. He’s losing. He’s taking a giant L in all of this. So it doesn’t really make a lot of sense for Jen to continue talking about it.
And maybe that interview with Nick, she’s laying it out there. Like, look, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Yes. She’ll have to address it on dance with the stars, but I guess I’m talking about like podcasts and interviews. I she’s made it clear. Like this guy wasted. She said, this guy wasted six months of my life.
I’m not giving him another 13 minutes. I’m not going to sit there and look at it, but obviously people sent it to her. So I think at this point, it’s probably smart of her not to address anything. Now, stuff came out on social media yesterday on Tik TOK. A TikToker from Devin’s past posted some very, very offensive messages he got from Devin back in the day.
Now you might say, well, Steve, this was a long time ago. Yeah, it was 2017. This language wasn’t acceptable in 2017 and it’s certainly not acceptable in 2024. However, that guy went private on TikTok. So it’s not out there publicly anymore. Do I have A video because it was sent to me. Yes. So there is other stuff floating out there.
And I, and I, and I will say this remember after the finale or the night of the finale, I said, I got an email in regards to Devin. Which was something I hadn’t heard all season, but I was like, I’m trying to find out more information. But if this person doesn’t want to come forward, there’s nothing I can do.
I can’t run with accusations that I don’t have proof of. That’s what message boards do and form their opinions based on lack of proof of anything. That’s why. It’s impossible to deal with something like that. There’s no nuance. It’s everything is just black and white. I heard all the accusations all year long.
Doesn’t mean I don’t believe them, but I’m not going to talk about them and throw that out there against somebody when I don’t have any proof. And I haven’t spoken to anybody involved in any of those accusations as much as I tried to get somebody. So I’ll let reckless people. And the hypocrisy lie with people that do run with stuff like that.
Now, after the finale, when I got this stuff, tried to follow up on it, reaching dead ends, certainly something was told to me, something was told to me that puts Devin in a nother negative light, but I cannot deny that. Report the story until I get some sort of clarification and some sort of proof that yes, that this, this did happen.
Do I believe it happened? Yeah. Based on who told me and what they told me. Yes, I do believe it’s true, but there are plenty of things I’ve been told that I do believe are true that while in the past I would have run with it without proof. You know, me, I got to vet stuff better and this is what I’m waiting for to vet stuff.
Now, the stuff that came out last night is stuff that I heard about back in May. The show was still filming when I first heard about this and I was like, this isn’t good. However, in fact, I can tell you May 4th is when I got the first DM about it. So about two weeks before the final rose ceremony filmed, I was told about something from Devin’s past from back in college.
But once again, it led to a dead end. I couldn’t get ahold of the person that the story involved. Well, that story resurfaced again on Tik TOK last night. However, it’s kind of been, I don’t want to say shushed, but there are, there are so many people that. are aware of the story. And what I’m trying to do is get to the subject involved in that story.
And I just need to see what I need to see. I need to see proof, which I guarantee you they have. And I need to talk to this person. Now, what I will do is keep this person anonymous. As long as I talk to the person involved in the story, If they say, look, I’ll tell you what you need to know, but I don’t want my name out there because I know people are going to attack me.
I’m totally fine with that. I will report an anonymous story. If they want their name out there, obviously I’ll do it. But if I, at least if I talk to this person, like I’ve had three people now tell me the story. So do another thing, do I believe that it’s true? Yes, I do. But I need to speak to the subject involved.
And once I can speak to them, I can say, I spoke to this person. They wish to remain anonymous. Here’s their story. I will be their mouthpiece if they want to remain anonymous. That’s fine. Because at least I know I spoke to the person in question. I know her name. I know her Instagram account. I have reached out to her.
I’m waiting to hear back. When I reached out to her on Instagram, I saw that she followed me. So hopefully they will speak to me. And when they do, let me just say that this story, Is probably, well, it’s not even probably it is 100 percent worse than the story I heard on finale night. And this isn’t going well for Devin.
It’s not going to get any better. And I’m not teasing this because I really don’t, you know, I really do think I will somehow be able to relay this story. I definitely want to talk to this person, but there are, there are other things in play here where. I might be able to show some things, okay? It’s the best way I can put it.
So, if I can talk to this person, boom! It’ll be the easiest reporting ever. Because I can be like, talk to this person, here are the notes, here’s exactly what they told me, what happened. Obviously, Devin will know this person spoke to me, because it’s first hand information. They can still remain anonymous, because they don’t need to be attacked online, or people coming forward and whatnot.
Because that’s what people do as bad as you might think Devin is, there are going to be people that defend him, friends, family. And if I put this person’s name out there, hell, they might do it because they’re going to know who I’m talking about since she is a person from Devin’s past. And the person who posted on TikTok is a he from Devin’s past that there was some awful, awful direct messages exchanged.
I wouldn’t even want to say exchanged. I’m sent from Devin attached to his account. Not good. That person’s Tik TOK was up for, I think, I don’t even know how long it was up for yesterday, a couple of hours, and then that person went private. So again, trying to get ahold of people behind the scenes. So this doesn’t have anything to do with Jen, nothing to do with Jen.
This is stuff from Devin’s past, nothing to do with Jen. She’s living her best life right now, rehearsing for dance with the stars, posting very funny videos with Sasha. I’m getting a kick out of some of these videos that she’s posting, but once. And if this comes out, will she be asked about it? Of course.
Why wouldn’t she be? She’s the woman that was just recently engaged to him. Very easy to brush off and just be like, Well, glad I dodged that bullet. I mean, that’s basically what her answer should be. Which I believe she said on Nick’s podcast yesterday. And I think she’ll just say that going forward.