You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality. See podcast. I’m your host reality. Steve, thank you all for tuning in. Good show for you today. Tell you what’s coming up tonight. Got a lot of stuff to talk about. I have a report coming out tonight. We’ll get to that in a minute and tell you when and where you can see this report. I want to talk about the ridiculous rumors about grant being replaced as the bachelor. We have an engagement in bachelor nation, not two people from bachelor nation getting engaged, but one. I have to talk about big brother last night because it was as silly as you can get, and spoilers on a big brother going forward this week.
And. You know, there was a nineties con this weekend in what city was it in? I don’t even know where it was. Sorry. It was somewhere. I want to say maybe it was Pittsburgh. I could be wrong, but there was a nineties con 2024, the Beverly Hills 90210 cast was there minus Tiffany Amber Thiessen, of course, nineties con and Kelly Taylor, Jenny Garth was asked, Hey, why’d you do the reboot of 90210 And her answer?
I don’t know. I never should have done it. Heh. Too late now. Anyway, we’ll get to all that momentarily. So, when I last left you on Friday, Devin had just posted two Instagram stories, and then taken them down. And then there was just a lot of stuff going on. There was the tick talk that was up for a little bit, and then it went private.
And I said, I was working on some things and just trying to figure out what I could report and where I was at in my reporting with things that have been told to me all season long. Well, what I can say is this tonight at six o’clock. 7 Eastern, 6 Central, 5 Mountain, 4 Pacific. Join me on my YouTube channel at Reality Steve and I am going to fill people in on the reporting that I was able to do over this weekend.
It was fairly extensive. There are, the reason I’m doing it on my YouTube channel tonight is because you need to see certain things and I’m going to share that tonight during this live. And this is something that I’m taking seriously and I don’t want to give you too much now. You’ll get it all tonight.
I will say that this is not some sort of over hype job. This is not something where you’re going to tune in and you’re going to be like, really? That was it. I don’t see any way that you could say that, but you know, maybe some people will, I don’t know how they’re going to react, but I think it’s very important.
I’ve talked to people about it behind the scenes. They all think it’s important. And. If I did not have the stuff that I need to show you, I wouldn’t have reported. I wouldn’t be talking about this. We won’t be doing a live tonight and I would just have let it go. I got necessary things that need to be shown and I’m going to show it tonight.
YouTube channel, seven o’clock Eastern time. I’m going to go live. That’s six central five mountain four Pacific for anybody that wants to watch it live. If you don’t watch it live, that’s okay. It’s still going to be on my YouTube channel once it saves and loads. So you can go check it out and then I’ll be talking about it tomorrow.
What I said on the live tonight, I’ll be talking about on the daily roundup tomorrow, because it’s going to be a major topic and this has nothing to do with Jen and just know that it has nothing to do with, I don’t know, dancing with the stars or anything like that. This is something that has been brewing all season and.
When I left you on Friday, I was like, look, I, I, I need to get stuff before I can go into any sort of detail. Well, I got most of it. So I want to share that tonight. So just keep that in mind. This is something that I think you’re going to want to tune into. So I’ll leave it at that tonight. My YouTube channel at seven o’clock Eastern time.
6 Central, 5 Mountain, 4 Pacific, going live, and you’re going to want to see this. One of the other stories you need to get to in Bachelor Nation is this report going around that Grant has been replaced as the Bachelor. No reasons given and the story was sent to me by at least, I don’t know, 50 of you. And you got to understand when you see stories like this, You have to go to the source and the source, the original source of this story was one of those clickbait stories that you see on Facebook.
It was by a website that’s never posted anything relevant ever has never broken any news ever. If Grant was being replaced as the bachelor, it would be front page news on every entertainment site, not your local Facebook group and not a Facebook link to your website. Didn’t have any sources. Even if you read the story, it doesn’t say why he was replaced.
It just said rumors. Then of course, there are people that want to get out in front of this and throw a bunch of shit against the wall, hoping stuff sticks and they can say, Oh, see, this is what I’m hearing. No, you’re not hearing it. You saw it on a website that didn’t even give any sources as to where this info came from.
Grant season starts filming this week. I’m guessing at the end of the week. Which means we’re going to be getting Grant’s women posted on the Bachelor Facebook page within a few days. I mean, if they start filming Saturday, the women should be going up Tuesday or Wednesday. If they start filming Friday, women will probably be going up Tuesday.
They usually do it about three days before filming starts. And then right when filming starts, all those women come down. You will have the first and last name and Instagram account of every contestant by the end of the day, whatever day those women go up. So just know that. Me and bachelor data will combine to give you all the names as soon as we can.
I’ve heard of a couple that are going to be on it, at least Instagram accounts. Some of them don’t have their full name on the Instagram account, so I technically don’t know their full name. I know a couple first names of women that are going to be on it. I can’t really tell anything about them because they’re private on their Instagram right now, but I’ve got a couple, maybe I’ll have some more before they release the women, but I don’t know when they’re releasing the women.
I just know it’s coming this week because Grant’s filming starts at some day this week. My guess, probably closer to the end of the week, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, somewhere around there. Hopefully I’ll find out what day it’s starting soon enough, but you have to understand a major story about. The lead of the show being replaced days before filming starts.
You know, that’s not true. If no legitimate sites are covering it, especially when you read the story or read the report or listened to the report on Tik TOK, no information was given. And if you just do any research, it was a clickbait story that Facebook posts all the time and it hooked people. Now people can say like, well, they weren’t reporting that it was definitely happening.
They were just reporting what the story was out there. It’s just as bad. You don’t report something like that. When it came from a Facebook clickbait article. Why what’s that going to do? It’s only going to get people up in arms and like, Oh my gosh, what’s happening? Is this re it’s like, just let it go.
This is something that would be reported by major outlets. Not to mention you think the show would pull grant off their page. Like, There’s nothing to the story. It came from a Facebook clickbait article. Facebook’s loaded with them and they did it again. So just know that also we found out yesterday, congratulations go out to Katie Thurston.
She is engaged to boyfriend, Jeff are Curry. He is a comedian. And believe mostly works out of New York. If I’m not mistaken, I thought Katie had posted something recently on a Q and A or something that she’s moving to New York. They got engaged a couple of weeks ago when they went to, I believe, Hawaii for vacation.
They were somewhere tropical. And people were speculating they got engaged cause it was a very romantic trip and Katie and Jeff both posted on their Instagrams yesterday, still photos and the video of her getting engaged. So, congratulations out to Katie and Jeff for their engagement. This podcast is brought to you by Mint Mobile.
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