Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 9/18 – The Devin Story Gets Worse Not Better, A “Statement” From The Show (Sort Of), Defenders Of Devin Are Clueless, A Tweet From Production Becomes Suspicious In Light Of Recent News, DWTS Night 1, Big TV Night Tonight

I said in the open of the podcast that I had some questions about things that popped up on social media, and this brings me back to the night of the finale, and this was tweeted out by Robert Mills. Who is the, I forget his long ass title, but it’s basically like executive producer of alternative programming at ABC.

He’s the one that kind of puts all those game shows and reality shows on ABC. Do you remember what he tweeted the night of the finale? When Devin was basically putting his foot in his mouth all night long, he said, well, Devin, you had the opportunity to confess if you did anything else to Jen post proposal, hashtag the bachelorette.

Now, I don’t know if Robert Mills is ever going to do an interview. My guess is no. But don’t you think this needs to be now answered by him considering what has come to light in the last 36 hours. So let me read that again. He said, well, Devin, you had the opportunity to confess if you did anything else to Jen post proposal.

So is he saying we were made aware that this guy had a restraining order against him and he never told Jen post proposal. That’s the way I took the tweet. It very well could be, he was just referring to something else, but that’s the way I took the tweet now, knowing this and now having proof of this. So I think he needs to answer for it.

Will he probably not because this show is just not going to address certain things. Will he address it? I really don’t think so. And I think he should, because to me that screams, you guys heard about it and yet you’re putting it on Devin. Hey, Devin, you should have said something. But then two weeks have passed, and then the story breaks when I put it out on Monday night.

So, I want to know, did Robert Mills know? And look, I’m not sitting here saying the show knew the whole time. I do not, I’ll say it, I said it Monday night, I said it in yesterday’s podcast, I’ll say it again today. I do not think the show knew about this pre filming and during filming. But I do think at some point post filming, Which ended May 16th and they sat up there on the couch on September 3rd, from May 16th to September 3rd, I got to believe somebody in production had been told that there may have been a.

They had heard they either knew for a fact, or they had heard rumblings about a prior restraining order taken out against Devin by an ex in college. And that’s the way I took that tweet. So why is he tweeting that out in September? Basically saying, Hey, you should have told her you had plenty of other things to tell her.

And it’s just frustrating because I know he’s not going to answer this question. He’ll never come on this podcast. I don’t even bother asking. He’s never going to come on this podcast. He used to go on Juliet Lipman’s podcast all the time. I don’t think he does that anymore. I don’t really know. And I’ve, I can’t remember the last time I heard him really do an interview about this show.

He definitely does them on occasion, but. Someone needs to ask him this. And if we’re talking about what people are asking ABC and what their response was to the story that was broken ew. com got a quote, Kristen Baldwin did an excellent job following up and running the story and she asked Warner brothers for a statement.

And in her story, she said a source close to production tells EW. Quote, we take the safety of our contestants very seriously and make every effort to conduct thorough diligence as exhaustive as our vetting process is. This protective order did not surface in our searches. Pretty much exactly what I expected them to say.

They’re not going to say, Oh yeah, we knew we didn’t think it would get out though. Of course not. So that just came from a source close to production. It’s still over 24 hours now, and nobody from the show has addressed this exact situation. Allegation. Not even allegation. Just fact. That happened. Court papers works.

Documents show it happened. So they haven’t come out and said anything yet. And I’m wondering, will they, because that’s not good enough, honestly, as exhaustive as our vetting processes, apparently it’s not exhaustive enough. If this slipped through the cracks, you know, it’s just such a BS answer. And it didn’t even come from a named person who works in higher ups for this show.

This was a source close to production tells EW, which means the main people, the people that were in that LA times article, Claire Freeland, Bennett Grabener, Jason Ehrlich, they didn’t read, they didn’t give an answer. Why aren’t we hearing from them? Why aren’t they answering about this? It’s it’s mind boggling.

Now, the other thing is they have a third party company that does their background checks. But they still hire that third party company. So it’s still ultimately on them. However, that third party company, just like they have an onset psychologist that reports to them, we’ve been over this before the onset psychologist is paid for by NZK, the production team behind the bachelor and the bachelorette.

So if the onset psychologist is being paid by the show, who do you think that they’re going to answer to? Who do you think they’re going to give information to the show? They’re not going to protect the contestants. So this third party. That actually has been hired to do the background checks for the bachelor and the bachelorette.

Aren’t they basically just going to tell production what production wants to hear and wants to know. I feel like now we need a third party to investigate the third party that does the background checks for the bachelor on the bachelorette. Because the show doing their own investigation is going to be like, well, this is the company that does it.

And they never told us about it. And this didn’t come up that protective order did not surface in our searches. Yet after my story broke numerous. Entertainment outlets. Hollywood reporter variety EW. We’re all able to pull the same exact documents that I could, and we’re able to now get this restraining order that I was told under was under seal.

Unbelievable. One question I had, I mentioned in the beginning about, yeah, Devin’s not doing Nick’s podcast. Nick would have been promoting it if he was, and nor should Nick give this guy a platform, but I am curious to see how Nick Bial covers this because let’s face it. There’s no way Nick covers this and gives me credit.

There’s no way, and that’s going to, and I’m definitely going to bring it up if he doesn’t because this guy absolutely cannot give anybody else credit, can never give a content creator credit, you know, and what’s ironic in all this is when I went on Nick’s podcast back in 2020, the one thing he said was, Steve, your reporting and the things that you say hold a lot of weight in this franchise, I think you just can’t run willy nilly with things.

Basically telling me to be a better reporter and ever since then I have been and yet when I do a story like this And I vet it correctly and I go through the proper channels. I guarantee when he talks about this Which he should, he’s not going to give me credit. He’s not going to say reality. Steve had a report about Devin and reality.

Steve brought the receipts and reality. Steve was the first to show the documents that are publicly accessible about what Devin did back in college. No fucking way. And if he does, we’ll absolutely say, thank you, Nick. I appreciate it. But am I holding out hope that he will? No, not a chance. Last night, night one of dancing with the stars.

Tomorrow’s weekly guest on the podcast is going to be Cheryl Burke. I’m recording with her today. That should be a fun interview. We only get 30 minutes because she’s got a lot on her plate and she’s basically. Pounding through interviews today for her own podcast and doing media. So we will talk about the first night episode, probably play a little rapid 10 with her at the end.

I had the, I did that with her last year and I thought it was a lot of fun and she seemed to enjoy it. So I got to think of 10 new questions, but her podcast, you know, remember we had her on right around this time last year, right as her podcast was starting to launch. I think I had her on after her first episode had aired.

You know, sex, lies, and spray tans, and it’s like That podcast has blown up in the first year. How many times you read a story on people or us weekly that came directly from that podcast. She gets so many good guests, so many behind the scenes stories, very, very happy for her success post show. Especially after the way they did her dirty and didn’t even ask her to come back and dance for that reunion for, for lens tribute show.

Definitely going to ask her about that. I know she’s bothered by it. She has talked about it, but I want her to talk about it on my podcast. And how much it did get to her. I don’t know what I’m going to do with the Artem stuff. If anything, it’ll be one quick thing. I’m not going to harp on this thing because she obviously is friends with Artem.

She lived with Artem earlier in her career, not as in a dating capacity, but when they were dancing. I believe overseas, I don’t expect her to offer any insight and I pretty much know what her answer is. That’s why I’m going to keep it short and simple and I might not even bring it up. I don’t know. We’ll see how the interview is going cause it’s just such a buzzkill to be talking about how great the first night of dancing with the stars was and then just be somehow transition into.

So let’s talk about this Artem situation. It’s like, nah, I almost don’t want to go there, but we’ll see. And just know if I don’t ask, it’s not because I’m afraid to ask. It’s because we pretty much know what her answer is going to be. And I, and I respect that. I, I understand the position that she’s in and I don’t want to make it uncomfortable for her.

As for last night, Joey let off the night and I’m telling you, he was way better than I thought he’d be way better. Like he’s still stiff, but that’s expected because he’s not a dancer. Maybe he’ll be. Get a little more loose as the weeks go on. But fun dance got all his steps down. But again, when it comes to the show, you know, if someone doesn’t have any dance background whatsoever, you can only teach them the steps so much, but does it flow out of their body?

And for people who have a dance background, you just, you can see it. Joey had fun out there and that was the best part of his dance. It didn’t look like he was counting his steps. It didn’t look like he was struggling at all and didn’t look like he was in his own head. I mean, I’m sure he was, I’m sure he was nervous.

He was the first one to go of the season, but he did way better than. I expected him to, he got the best score of any former bachelor in episode one that had been on from grocery Joe to Sean, to Nick, to Chris souls, whoever else was on it. He had the best first night score 21. He got, he got three sevens.

So good for Joey. I voted for him 10 times. Also Jen Tran dot thought she did really well for her first dance. Obviously both of them are making it past week one. I voted 10 times for Jen as well. Although I voted for Jen, I didn’t vote for Joey until after I voted for Jen. Either way, it didn’t matter. I gave him both 10 votes, but for the Jen stuff, I can’t remember the last time I ever voted on this show.

I don’t even know if I ever have, I might’ve done it once for Chris shell. I can’t remember anyway with Jen, because I didn’t really understand the voting system. I thought you had, I thought if I put Jen’s name 10 times in one text that counted as a vote. For 10 votes, cause you’re maxed out at 10 votes on your phone.

You have to vote 10 different. You have to write Jen’s name, send Jen’s name, send and do that 10 times. So, and then when Tori spelling danced, I was like, well, of course I got to vote for Donna Martin. I put it on my Instagram. Sorry. If you didn’t see it, I typed in Donna Martin and it said, sorry, you have the wrong name to be exact.

What did it say? It said

sorry, we don’t recognize your response. Check the spelling or name and try again. And then I wrote Donna Martin graduates. Same reply. And then I voted for Tori 10 times. I was being a smart ass to the computer system over there at dance with the stars. Sorry, but come on. I think you should be able to say Tori and Donna.

It’s literally one in the same, right? Right. And finally wrapping up here, just an absolute banger of a night tonight on TV. I got, I’m going to go on Morgan Pease posted a podcast today. I got to record with Cheryl and then I’ve got literally what? I forgot the survivor is a two hour from here tonight.

We’ve got golden bachelorette for an hour and a half, and then I’ve got big brother for an hour. Lovely. So going to be a long day for me, for sure. Just wanted to let it, you know, those all start tonight. And then you’ve got the challenge, which I’m definitely not going to get to until tomorrow, but golden bachelorette, we’ll probably send out some live tweets.

Survivor. We’ll talk about it tomorrow. We’ll talk about Golden Bachelorette. I’m probably going to have some remnants of the Devon stuff that I didn’t get to the last two days, but for the most part, we’re just waiting to see if there’s any response from Devon or any official statement coming from the higher ups at ABC or an NZK, which would be Claire Freeland, Bennett Grabner, who’s an executive producer, Jason Ehrlich, who’s an executive producer.

So. I will keep you updated on all of that. We only have two women on grant season, which begins filming tonight. We only have two women from grant season that I haven’t found yet. Rebecca, even though I do have her Instagram account and Ella, those are the only two I don’t have. I added yesterday.

Finally found Radhika. It’s Radhika Gupta, which we’ve got two women with the last name Gupta this year, Alicia Gupta and Radhika Gupta. Gupta. And then who was the other one that I found today? Oh, Andrea. What is her? I put it up there. Oh, Andrea Vignolo from Miami, 23 years old. And oh, I got the last name for Kelsey, Kelsey Curtis.

So the only two we don’t have only two I don’t have last names of are Oh, just said Natalie Ella and Rebecca G. Maybe I’ll get those today. And then if you want to have access to these women and see their faces again, and their city and age and their Instagram handles, it’s just go to my highlights.

You can scroll through my Twitter feed, but there’s other stuff on there. If you go to my Instagram and go to highlights, it says grants women. You can just scroll through all of them outside of those two that I just mentioned, and hopefully I’ll get those. In the next day or so, thank you all for listening.

I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour from now. So go check that out again. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Go check out the YouTube channel. If you haven’t watched my report on demonstrators.

Situation. Go check out my YouTube channel Reality, Steve, and take a look at that and see what all the entertainment sites were referring to in their stories today. Again, thanks again for listening. I appreciate it and I will talk to you tomorrow.

See you.

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