Now for that hype job, I just gave golden bachelorette. We got to talk about the negative news that broke during the show last night. Came from bachelornation. scoop, and apparently Gil, he was the guy who came out of the limo. And tossed her a baseball and she caught it. And he said, you’re a catch.
And then we didn’t really see any more of Gil during the show. And he ended up getting a rose in the previews for what happens this season. We do here, we do see Gil crying in a future episode. I don’t know what episode it is about his wife, I guess that passed. He misses his wife or whatever. So bachelor nation dot scoop posted screenshots.
Of court documents that Gil last name Ramirez had a temporary, temporary restraining order taken out against him on June 11th. Superior Court of Los Angeles County, Superior Court of California County of LA. And they took screenshots of it and posted it after I got done watching all my shows last night.
That’s why I probably should have started recording this earlier. I was done with everything about 10 after 11, but for the last 45 minutes, I’ve been messaging with the woman who filed a TRO against Gil. I’ve been messaging with her daughter. Her daughter had sent me a message. 7 30 last night. I was in the middle of watching Golden Bachelorette wasn’t really checking.
And obviously, since I don’t follow her, it went to my request folder. I didn’t get to that until 11 o’clock tonight. So, and then I’ve since been talking to her and she said, yeah, I sent it to, I was told to contact you and contact bachelor nation dot scoop. So yes, I sent it to them. I guess she didn’t even know.
Cause I said, oh yeah, you were the one who sent the paperwork to bachelor nation. She said yes. I said, okay. Yeah. And then I started reeling off a bunch of questions that I had and she answered all of them. We’re still in the very early stages of this. There was obviously a TRO filed against Gil on June 11th.
Filming for Jones season started mid July. I don’t think Gil lasts more than two or three. He might go home next week. For all I know, I didn’t get into that with the daughter, just. Looking at things, it seems like Gil probably gets either eliminated next episode or episode number three. We don’t even know how many episodes there are this season.
They haven’t told us, but I don’t think he lasts more than a couple, a couple more episodes. But obviously this is still on the heels of what happened with the Devin situation. Now we have another contestant who had a temporary restraining order filed against him in June, left for filming a month later.
And was allowed on the show. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions right now. I still need to have more conversations with her. I think she said her mom is fine with talking to me, but. It’s late. I have two podcasts to record and open and close for another podcast. I have to label them and upload them.
I will get to this all today later on, but I just wanted to update you and let you know, I’m working on this one and you know, it’s, it’s terrible. And like I said, I do feel overwhelmed after everything that I went through with Devin and then literally three days later, we’re back dealing with this again.
But I just, again, I just want to get all the details. Correct. And make sure, Hey, this is what it is. I’m not, you know, I spoke with bachelor data who has, you know, showed me some stuff in regards to getting a TRO in the state of California is very easy. The burden of proof is very low. So that’s why I need to spend some time talking and figuring out anything.
Obviously I believe her story. She, you know, she felt like she was being harassed and stalked, but I don’t know any details of what the harassing and the stalking that she the mother claims to have happened because I have not spoken to the mother. I’ve only spoken to the daughter. So just wanted to update you on that.
And like I said, this is a lot and I might just, I might literally just let bachelor nation dot scoop handle it. I, I honestly don’t know how much in the weeds I want to get on this. It is out there. I’m not going to say like, Oh, this is nothing clearly. I’m talking about it right now. And I’m telling you there is a contestant this season who had a TRO filed against him in California on June 11th.
He leaves for filming a month later, and I’m finding out more and more details. I don’t know any of the details about why or what he did other than it was harassing and stalking, but I don’t know what that consists of with Devin. We knew it was in the paperwork. I’ll find that stuff out. I’ll report back.
And it’s just, again, it’s just the reason why it’s just so disheartening and it’s just so overwhelming. It’s just because it’s like the show isn’t learning anything and it’s just kind of a shake your head moment at like, good God, we’ve got to go through this again, now. Like, look, yeah, I understand. Gil doesn’t win.
He’s pretty much not relevant to this season. It seems like probably going home next week or the week after. I don’t think he lasts much longer than that, but just to have to deal with this and have to talk about it, it’s annoying, frankly, and you know, it’s annoying for me, I can only imagine what this woman is dealing with.
And, but again, I don’t know if he’s contacted her since he got back from filming what the harassment consists of. I don’t know any of that stuff. And. After just having gone through all this with Devin three days ago, the fact that I’m back having to deal with this, it’s just, it’s a, it’s a bit overwhelming a bit.
And, you know, again, the show, what are they going to do? You know, it’s just like, great. I, you know, the show is already done filming. Gil is a two or three episode guy. I, what, what do we do? I’m just like throwing my hands up at this point. What are we doing? We’re just gonna say to the show again. Hey, you fucked up again.
You missed another one What are you people doing over there? And that’s all we can do because they’re so far up their own ass We’re now what 72 hours removed from my report on Monday night And not one person, not Claire Freeland, not Jason Ehrlich, and not Bennett Grabener, the three people that were heavily quoted in the LA Times expose back in June about how they were going to change things, and we failed Matt James, and we failed putting more Asian American men on GenSeason, and if you don’t like Asian representation, if you don’t like interracial couples, maybe Bachelor Nation isn’t for you.
We’re going to vow to do better. Those three have literally not said one word about the Devin story. And if they haven’t said anything about the Devin story, do you honestly think they’re going to talk about this? Come on now. And that’s what’s so frustrating. I’m just throwing my hands up. It’s like, great.
Here’s another story. Everyone. I just, I don’t know what else to do at this point. I’m very, very frustrated. I’m getting overwhelmed by all of it. And I appreciate people coming to me because they feel comfortable coming to me. I get it. I really appreciate the fact that I’m the guy, but I can’t, Say that I’m not feeling a little bit overwhelmed at this point by it.
So I will report whatever I get and but it’s like it’s not like I have any say in the production of this show or can contact anybody over there or I just don’t know, and this show has just done a horrible job of their vetting process and everything, and they’re not addressing anything. The whole thing just fucking sucks.
And I doubt anything’s gonna change. And I don’t want to sit here and tell you, you know what, boycott Joan’s show because they allowed Gil on the show. Because you know what, that’s unfair to Joan. She wants people to watch her season, and let’s face it, it’s not like she picks Gil. It’s not like Gil is relevant.
So I don’t know, cover your eyes when Gil’s on the screen or something and just move on. And if you, you know, like I said, I mean, there’s still details I need to find out here, but he’s not going to be lasting long. So I don’t think you should boycott Jones season and just not watch it anymore. I know that’s a way to get back at the show, but it’s also kind of unfair to Joan, isn’t it?
She didn’t do anything wrong. Wasn’t her fault. So yeah, I don’t know. I kind of throw my hands up now. I haven’t even gotten to a survivor and big brother. So survivor, there isn’t a ton of talk about in the first episode. It was two hours. And I feel like with the two hour opening episode, and I think every episode after this, or maybe the first two or two hours, and then every episode after that is 90 minutes.
I do think though, those two are episodes in the beginning. I mean, in the past, they’ve always been one hour. A lot of them. And with two hours, I feel like I know a lot of people’s names and because they spend a lot of time at the tribe and we’re getting to know names, you know, with John and Andy and oh God, I’m already blanking on some of the names, but obviously they were the ones that tribal council John, who was from.
Pod saves America podcast, which I have heard in the past. I’m surprised that he’s the first one out, but I just, It was a good episode. I feel like I, I feel like I learned a lot about the contestants that are there. Like in terms of, you kind of got a feel for who’s a good player, who’s a super fan, who’s going to be annoying.
The Andy stuff was just bonkers, literally. That was just one of the weirdest episodes. And it might be, look, I’ve never been on the show. I’m sure dehydration plays a major part, but he was so out of it. I was just like, what is he doing? What is he saying? I think he was con I think his own brain was confused about what he was telling Jeff once he stood up and said, I, you know, this is my best friend, John.
I’m going to throw him. I was thinking about throwing him under the butt. Like, it’s like, what are you hallucinating right now? Are you aware of what’s coming out of your mouth? It was just such a weird scene. And then of course it was so obvious he was going to go home. That he got zero votes and he ended up staying in the, get rid of John because John wanted to what?
Get rid of Anika. Is that what it was? I just, sometimes I don’t get this show and we had that last year. What was it? Couple tribal councils in a row the guy was begging to be sent home and everyone’s like no We’re not sending you a Quinn right quit Quint Who was the Q? I’m losing it. Swear. I’m losing it tonight.
Q with the Q skirt. Remember? He’s just like, man, send me home and nobody would send him home. Do you really want to, did you really need to send John home over Andy last night? What the hell was that? And he’s, he’s a loose cannon. Why would you want someone like that out there? I don’t know. I, but obviously there’s more stuff that we don’t know about.
Maybe there was other conversations that happened, other things that happened, but it just, as a viewer, I’m like, why did they send John home over Andy? Andy completely lost it. He’s not somebody you can trust. Anyway the one, the other, the other thing that I noticed about the episode, the tribe names.
Lavo, Tuku, and Gatta. You know me, I have zero memory retention when it comes to this show. I’ve seen every episode of every season of Survivor. It’s my favorite reality show. But once the season is over, I pretty much forget everything about it. I couldn’t tell you any tribe names from the past if you asked me on the spot.
If I, if you gave me five minutes to think about it, I could probably come up with a few. But when I hear Lavo, Tuku, and Gada, I’m sure I’m wrong on this, but I could swear all three of those tribe names have been used in the past. I’m sure I’m wrong, but I, when, when he’s like, Oh, you guys are Lavo. I’m like, hasn’t there been a Lavo before on this show?
Hasn’t there been a Tuku or maybe it was a Tiki or maybe it was a Taku or something, it just seems like those three names have been used 17 times as tribe names on this show, but I’m sure I’m wrong Lavo. One of my favorite restaurants at the Venetian. By the way, when I was there a couple of weeks ago, it was boarded up.
They’re going through a remodel. And then I went on the website last night and Lavo at the Venetian, one of the best Italian restaurants in all of Las Vegas, at least to me. Is opening up on September 30th. So what? 10 days, 11 days, it’s opening back up. But when I was there, it was boarded up because we were thinking of going there.
And I was like, Oh, guess we can’t. Where was I talking about Lavo and tribe names in Italian restaurants? Anyway, that’s what I mean. I just lose track of everything that’s ever happened in the past on this show. And I hear Jeff say those tribe names. I’m like, I could have sworn this has been a tribe name three or four times.
Each of those names gotta. Tuku Lavo. Maybe there’s been a got to, like I said, or a Tuka or a lobby. I think it just seems like it could be off by a letter. I don’t know. Again, delirious tonight and big brother. I have a confession to make about big brother. I think I talked about this on Monday’s podcast because Sunday’s episode had just aired.
And we found out all about janky world. And I’m like, good God. Are we. Five years old with this janky world bullshit. They got to sing songs. They got to eat pizza. They got to eat, they got to eat ice cream. They got to have dance parties. It’s show is so silly. I’m here to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I have done a one 80 on janky world.
I know every single contestant there hates it and I wouldn’t want to live in janky world. I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t wish that upon my worst enemy to go live in janky world for a week. I’m not saying. I would ever enjoy being in janky world. I’m just saying, I think it’s fucking hilarious that they have to break out into dances and they have to sing J a N K I E janky janky you love me.
Cause now I’m going delirious with that song. Don’t think that song isn’t running through my head. All the time now. I want them to stay in janky world for the rest of the season. I know they won’t, but I want them to because I think it’s funny. I think I, I get a kick out of seeing their reactions when they’re half asleep and The little robot pops up and says, sing along time.
And then they’re and how much they despise it. I love it as a viewer right now. I don’t know why in three days I’ve gone from, this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen to. I absolutely love it. I think it’s funny. I, I, and I hate most things about this show other than the game competency, the actual strategy and the alliances and stuff like that.
I enjoy that part of big brother, everything else, the comps kind of are, are cheesy and corny and stupid. You know how I feel about zing bot. Oh, Tev is dumb, but janky world. Bring it on. Give me janky every season. I want them in the backyard for a week eating pizza and ice cream and having dance parties and singing silly songs that will never leave my head until the day I die.
Now I want that every season. I’m sure I’m not going to get it because big brother producers apparently just don’t. Like us as humans certainly don’t like their contestants, putting them through that, like I said, I would never live there in a million years. I wouldn’t want that on my worst enemy to live there for a week, but damn it.
I’m enjoying the hell out of it now, watching them sing that song. So it’s okay. It’s okay to admit you’re wrong about things I’m admitting. I was dead wrong about janky world. I’m getting a kick out of it now. Anyway, thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts, also rate and review, but you got to hit play and only that’s the only way it counts as a download the sports daily is going to be coming up in an hour from now.
I still have to record it in two hours from now. Podcast number 409 with Cheryl Burke of the sex lies and spray tans podcast. She’s also a two time mirror ball champion for dance with the stars. Really made a name for herself in the podcast world over the last year. When she started this right around this time last year, I think I interviewed her on September 18th, last year, and it was right when she had released her first episode and then for the last year, she’s absolutely killing it.
How many times have you seen? A headline story on people or EW or us magazine or us weekly, getting a quote from something that happened on Cheryl’s podcast, we talk about that. We talk about other things. I only had 30 minutes with her because she was basically doing media for season two of her podcast yesterday.
And I was slotted in one 30 minute window. And so it’ll be up on it’d be in your spot of Spotify feed and your Apple podcast feed at right around eight. Excuse me, nine 15 Eastern time, and it’ll be up on my YouTube channel at nine 15 Eastern time as well. So go check that out. If you can, I really appreciate it.
Like subscribe to the YouTube channel, like it, leave a comment. Love having Cheryl on. I wish I could talk to her more. I wish I could get more time with her. And because we pretty much have to keep it to dance with the stars stuff. I went a little off track a couple of times. We played rapid 10 at the end.
And, but yeah that’s coming up in a couple hours from now, nine 15 Eastern time, it’ll be up on my YouTube channel. And shortly before that, or maybe after that, cause I never know when it’s showing up in my podcast feed, but it is set to be released in your podcast feed at 9 00 AM Eastern time, or that’s when it uploads, when it lands in your feed is random, I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but the last couple of days, the daily roundup hasn’t gone up a bit.
In my feed until about 6 55 central time, maybe even seven o’clock, seven Oh five. I don’t know what’s taking it so long to upload in the morning. Now, just want to give you a heads up. We’re at 30, 32 minutes of this, and this is one of the longer daily roundups, but so much with that golden bachelorette stuff and yeah, anyway, thanks again for listening.
I really appreciate it and I will talk to you tomorrow.
