Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/4 – Grant’s Season Moving On To Scotland This Weekend, Chock Seen Leaving In Next Week’s Preview, Big Brother’s Too Long Eviction Show, Survivor, & Nikki Bella Granted A Restraining Order Against Artem

Big brother last night, what we expected to happen did by a vote of two to zero.

Chemo, you have been evicted from the big brother house. It wasn’t a surprise. Obviously he made pitches and they’re going to have to show you his pitch that he made and made you think that, Oh, someone’s going to flip. But ultimately we kind of knew he was the one that needed to go. If you listened to my podcast or watched it with Terran Armstrong yesterday, if you watch it on YouTube, chemo had three votes.

If he makes the finals. T Core’s voting for him, Robina’s voting for him, and Angela’s voting for him. So all he would need would be one more. Now, I don’t know if he’d ultimately would’ve gotten that other one, but if you’re Cam, or Chelsea, or MJ, You can’t take that chance. And I think they knew that they, I think they knew if he got to the finals, he was automatically getting three votes.

Now, do I agree with him getting three votes? No, I understand people vote for their friends in this game. Totally get it, but sorry. It’s just not, I just wouldn’t have voted for him. And I liked the guy. I thought he was one of the more entertaining characters this season. But I just, I can’t, and it’s not because he was on the block seven times, Taylor Hale won it and she was on the block six times, but I just didn’t see him a great social game, obviously well liked in the house.

He didn’t have a major screw up, but. And I, and I’m sure the big brother historians, you can tell me that there have been people that have won the show that never won an HOH. I just can’t get behind anybody that can’t win an HOH all season long. Now I totally get the argument you would make. Isn’t that amazing that this person made it to the final two and didn’t even win an HOH?

I guess. But for me, if I was a jury member taking everything into totality, even if I liked the person that was sitting there, if they did not have an HOH on their resume and somebody sitting next to them had two, three, or four of them, I’m sorry. I don’t care if it was my best friend in the house. I’m voting on overall gameplay, social play and gameplay.

I’m taking into account and I would have just voted for somebody who had multiple HOHs under their belt, but that’s just me. I understand every jury is different. Every person who votes is different. They all have their own criteria. There’s no set criteria for voting for somebody to win big brother. I get it.

I just personally wouldn’t have voted for chemo if he got to the final two. But I know that there are three votes that would have been sitting there for him because they were his BFFs. Absolutely T CORE and Rubina vote for him. And Angela probably does too. Shit. Angela made her thoughts known last night when we saw our first glimpses of the jury house.

She definitely doesn’t want to see McKenzie or Chelsea win. So she absolutely would have voted for Rubina or chemo if they were there. Oh, Rubina might still get there. Rubina has to win HOH or she has to win power of veto. Or else I would, I would venture to guess that she’s gone because if Mackenzie, if I just can’t see Mackenzie going after cam now, they have been saying we want to be the final three, her, Chelsea and cam.

So we’re being a basically has to win one of the two or else she’s gone. So I did watch survivor from the other night, a good episode. I really thought. With how much screen time Roam was getting, how cocky Roam was being, and how many times Roam was saying, I’m running this game, might as well call it, you know, if, if Boston Rob is the godfather, then I’m the godson.

I was just like, okay, when we get an edit like this, This is either this guy’s gone this episode, or this guy’s going to end up winning. I can’t see any, obviously it’s way early and it’s impossible to predict what’s going to happen the rest of the game. But I, I don’t see Rome winning this game. Usually people that are that outspoken about how great they are don’t fare well.

And you kind of knew he was staying in Wednesday night’s episode just because he had an idol and he had to use it. So the only way would have been if somehow they convinced him not to use it, or somehow they convinced him to use it on Genevieve and blindsided him. I didn’t see that happening either, but do I think he’s long for the game?

Certainly doesn’t seem like it by this edit. It’s almost too over the top, but I think we’re headed with what? Four people have been eliminated so far. Yeah. Two or is it only three? Maybe it’s only been three weeks. Yeah, I think it’s only been three weeks, so we’re still probably a few weeks from the merge.

I you know, not everybody’s name is in my head right now. You know, you got Rome, you got Genevieve, you got Andy and others. I, I don’t want to sit here and have to think about it, but good season so far. Survivor will always be my favorite show. It’s very hard to be like, Oh my God, these first four episodes were just out of this world because there’s just so many people.

And we know that there’s better gameplay coming and more cutthroat as the game dwindles, its numbers down to eight people, seven people, six people. That’s when it really gets cutthroat, but these have been a solid first few episodes. Better than last season when we had literally the first four episodes were some of the worst gameplay we’ve ever seen.

At least this gameplay has been pretty good so far. So I have no issues with Survivor thus far. And I could be wrong that it’s only been three eliminations. I’m just trying to remember right now and I feel like all three tribes now have one person gone. Don’t think anybody has two. That’s why we’re at three.

Alright, I want to end with this and again I’m going to give you a trigger warning. Just to let you know because domestic violence will be talked about in this next segment and that is because Nikki Bella Excuse me, Nikki Garcia, formerly Nikki Bella, has filed a restraining order against her husband that she has filed for divorce against Artem Chekvintsev, and a judge signed off on it on Monday, and so we’re hearing about it now.

And she, we, we have some of the details of what happened that night when Artem was arrested in her petition. She said, Artem tackled me multiple times and pinned me to the ground while I’ll try while our child was pregnant. She says he was cut from dancing with the stars. So he grew quote, increasingly angry, snapping at me and yelling.

She said they had discussions about his need to control his anger. On the morning of the incident, he went off on her for how their four year old son’s English muffin should be toasted, screaming that she made her son a, quote, picky eater. Nikki says that she was so overwhelmed by him yelling at her, she threw Mateo’s toddler sized seven shoes toward Artem.

She says the shoes hit his leg but were so light, they couldn’t have hurt him. She says Artem grabbed Mateo, their son, by the arm and ran with him upstairs as he screamed, Mommy, Mommy. Not good. She says she tried to get out of the room. He opened the door, tackled her to the ground outside of Mateo’s room.

She says he grabbed her arms and held her on the ground for what felt like 30 seconds. She says he went back into Mateo’s room and closed the door. And she says she again, tried to push open the door and then he opened it, pushed her across the hall into their bedroom, forcing her onto the floor in their bathroom.

He says, she says he had his hands on her chest near her sternum pressing down. She says she felt like she was suffocating. She grabbed, and she says she grabbed his neck in an attempt to get him off her. The police came and Mateo told them, daddy hurt my hand. That’s not good. She also alleges he alleges he was physically violent back in mid 2023.

He grabbed me around my waist to keep her away from Matteo. She also claims there were numerous instances of verbal abuse. She says she doesn’t want her son to grow up in a tumultuous environment as she did. She just wants him to get help with therapy and anger management and for her and Matteo to have enough space away from him until he has bettered himself.

Those are the basics of what we found out yesterday when this report came out. Obviously just not, not good, but we also know, as we heard from judge Rachel Juarez on my podcast last Thursday, that just because she got a temporary restraining order, we know the burden of proof is very low. A judge just has to hear their case and basically has to take into account.

If this is all true, would I grant one? And when you get all that information told to you as a judge, yeah, you would say, if this all happened, I will grant a temporary restraining order. Then there are going to be a hearing and this is going to have to all be proven. So it’s not surprising. We know the burden of proof very low, but if this is all true, I’m not saying it is, and I’m not saying it isn’t, I don’t know, but this is what she has said in her temporary restraining order.

If this is all true, this is horrible. It’s. The fact that a child was involved here and you know, it’s kind of interesting about the media narrative about this. Remember when Artem’s story, well, not Artem story, but remember when we got the story of him saying, Nikki threw a shoe at him immediately. What did all of us think?

Oh my God. She threw a high heel at him and ended up being a seven year old shoe. What I mean, unless a seven year old shoe is thrown at you from five yards away at full speed. And hit your eyeball. I can’t imagine any seven year old shoe, seven years old, a seven year old shoe causing any sort of damage on anybody’s body.

And again, she did it seemingly out of self defense. So the shoe throwing, when that story was a headline that Nikki Bella threw a shoe at him, I guarantee that came from Artem’s PR people. Because why would that be a headline? Now we come to find out. It was their son, Mateo’s shoe. It’s like, okay, I mean, Oh, he’s four years old.

I’m mixing up his age with the size. It was a size seven shoe. Mateo’s toddler sized seven shoe was thrown. Okay. Mateo’s four. He’s got a toddler size shoe. Seven. That’s what was thrown at Artem again, unless it’s whipped into your face at point blank range and hits your eye. I can’t imagine a size seven toddler shoe causing any harm to anybody.

That shouldn’t have been a story, but clearly, because remember that story came out after the arrest happened. So it was obviously Artem’s PR team that immediately tried to get in front of the story to be like, Hey, well, she did this. Well, now we got the details of what she did. It’s like, okay. So obviously there’s more to come.

As we said, when the story first broke and both of them said, please respect our privacy, we’re not going to be talking about this. I said, it’s only a matter of time before we’re going to find out the details of what happened that day when Artem was arrested. And now we’re finding out at least what she is saying happened.

Now, I’m guessing when the hearing does happen, we’ll find out what Artem has to say in return. If this is true that their four year old told police, daddy hurt my arm, he’s screwed. That’s just not going to look good on his record whatsoever. So a lot more to come here. We will keep you updated on anything we hear.

Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily coming out in about an hour from now, yesterday. Podcast number four 11 with Taran Armstrong. Go check it out on my YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

Anyway, have a great weekend everybody, and I will talk to you on Monday.

See you.

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