
Daily Roundup 10/7 – Grant’s Season In Scotland, Big Brother Down To Final Week, Love Is Blind Thoughts, & Latest BH 90210 IG Account Has Me Excited

You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality. See podcast. I’m your host reality. Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Monday, a little bit of a shorter show for you on this Monday. Talk about grant season, not a whole hell of a lot to update. We will talk about big brother.

I’ll give my. Early. Well, I want to say early thoughts on love is blind, but I can’t give early thoughts when I haven’t watched it yet, but I do have a comment on it. And then I want to update you on what’s going on in the Beverly Hills 90210 world that’s on Instagram because we are approaching the greatest season finale ever.

I know a lot of you don’t agree with me. I don’t care. It’s the best one. Season six. Anyway, we’ll get to all that momentarily. So last week we had talked about the fact that grant season is moving to Scotland. And of course, yet again, I pronounce mispronounced a city that is in another country. I pronounced it Edinburgh, Scotland, basically pronounced it like it was spelled, but it’s Edinburgh.

I believe that’s it Edinburgh. So they’re in Edinburgh, Scotland. Now, last week when BachelorNation. com put up a notification that you could attend one of the dates in Edinburgh, they said Sunday, October 7th. And I relayed that to you guys. I told you if you happen to be living in the Scotland area or you’re close to Edinburgh, That you could email that email address I had given out and possibly attend the date.

Well, they said Sunday, October 7th. Well, yesterday was Sunday, but yesterday was the sixth. So they screwed up the day. The actual date you can attend is. Today in Edinburgh, it’s probably too late if you never emailed them in the first place. And again, I don’t know how many of you listening right now are in Scotland.

I could probably count on one hand, how many are listening from Scotland right now. So in the crazy sense that maybe you are living in Scotland and you want to attend the date. I guess it’s still possible, but you have to email them and you would have to do it by the time you get this. And the email address is bachelor audience requests at gmail.

com. They actually changed it on the website. When I had an originally posted it for you guys, it said Sunday, October 7th. Now, if you go on bachelor nation. com and if you go to, I believe audiences and Right. Audience. And then hit the drop down list. It will, or if you just go to audience, you click on current audience calls, click on Scotland audience wanted to be part of Grant’s journey.

It’ll say date information, Monday, October 7th, last week, they said that said Sunday, October 7th. So you can be a part of it. I do not know who got eliminated in. Madrid just yet. Yes, I am keeping track of, of everything. There has been some social media activity, but once again, social media never tells a hundred percent of the story.

I don’t know for sure who got eliminated in Madrid yet. I have heard rumblings though, about first impression rows. I’m trying to get that confirmed. But that’s where we’re at with grant season. My guess is they’re down to eight. I’m guessing that two went home in Madrid. I don’t know if it meant two at the rose ceremony.

If there was one during a date, one during a group date, we just don’t know yet. Again, when it’s filming, sometimes you get a lot of stuff. Sometimes you get very minimal, just like I’ve done for 15 years. Now you’re going to have your spoilers. I can’t tell you when, and I don’t know for sure. But you’re gonna get them.

You get them every season. So, just be patient, and we will definitely get to those once we can. Now, big brother. Last night, we are down to the final four, and the HOH winner was Chelsea. So Chelsea wins HOH, and we are going to talk about spoilers here. So, if you don’t want to know, mute it. If not, That’s okay.

I’m going to talk spoilers three, two, and one. We have no Wednesday show this week. So once again, I believe Thursday is another two hour edition and we’re going to see the power of veto. And that was one by McKenzie. Mackenzie is the comp beast of the season. Without a doubt, somebody put up an Instagram post and that is the ninth time Mackenzie has won a competition this year, which is pretty damn impressive.

She’s won four vetoes, two HOHs. She won America’s veto. In the first week. So I guess, I mean, that was a competition, so she did win that. And then she won the AI arena comp in week four and the AI arena comp in week six. So she’s won nine different competitions this year. Yet if she’s sitting there in the finals against Chelsea, I don’t know.

I don’t think she wins. I think people are going to look at Chelsea’s game over McKenzie’s comp wins. Now with McKenzie winning power of veto, that means she has the determining factor of who goes to the final three with her and Chelsea. Because Chelsea, as we know, put up Robina and McKenzie. You saw that last night.

Chelsea wins power veto. Today is the power veto ceremony, which means she is going to replace herself with cam. That’s the only other person she can replace herself with. And she’s the only vote. So she can choose to evict Rubina and then Chelsea, McKenzie and camera, the final three, or she can choose, she can choose to evict cam and Chelsea, McKenzie and Rubina are the final three.

Again, we’re going to get that decision later on today. My guess is. Well, we know she’s going to put up cam that’s a given. Let’s see how much she can put up, but when it comes to the vote on Thursday night, probably I would think she’s getting rid of Rubina, not because she had promised a final three with Chelsea and cam, but if you’re McKenzie, you want to go to the final three and you want the people that you know, you can beat.

Cam hasn’t shown anything worth a damn in competitions this year. Why even take a chance? Not to mention you have a final three with him and Chelsea. I just can’t see any way she doesn’t vote out Rubina. Not that Rubina’s been any sort of comp beast either. She could probably beat her too. Probably beat her with her eyes closed.

And Cam. But, I think in this situation, Cam has just proven just to absolutely suck at competitions. So you want him in the final three, and you’ve got two chances to win one of those two final comps to put yourself in the final two. So my guess is that’s who she brings to the final three and Rubina is gone.

But I really think, man, I, maybe I’m just in the minority. I mean, after talking to Taryn on Thursday, you heard it. You’re thinking just like, I, why, why are so many people underestimating McKenzie, just because she had that bad HOH. I mean, I guess it’s possible. I certainly don’t think she has Leah’s vote after what she did to Leah during her HOH.

Yeah, that hurt. And maybe if she doesn’t have Leah’s vote, she doesn’t have Quinn’s vote. But now with that threesome of T Core, Robina and Kimo being out of the game, are they all leaning towards Chelsea or are they leaning towards McKenzie? I don’t know. I really don’t. And with Cam, if Cam does not make final two, who does he vote for between Chelsea and McKenzie?

I, I don’t think it’s a given that he’s voting for Chelsea, even though Chelsea likes him. I don’t know. I really do think Chelsea versus McKenzie could be a 4 3 vote and it could go either way. But Chelsea versus Cam is 7 0 and McKenzie versus Cam. Is seven, what should be seven? Nothing. If Leah still holds a gripe and wants to vote for cam over McKenzie, that’s just being petty jurors allowed to do whatever they want to do.

They can vote however they want to vote. They don’t have to have or live by a certain criteria. So she can do whatever she wants, but I think if it’s cam sitting there against McKenzie, McKenzie should win seven, nothing. And if you’re McKenzie or you’re Chelsea, do you, I know they’ve said to each other and you heard Taryn say it.

I believe Chelsea when she tells McKenzie. I want to be in the final two with you. He said, I believe her when she said it, but it doesn’t mean she can’t change her mind. And I think, you know, me, I’m still a fairly early, I’m still a, I’m still a novice when it comes to big brother, especially the end of the game.

So when they’re down to the final three, don’t they have two competitions? You have to win yourself into the final two. Isn’t that the way it works? And they have two final competitions and the loser is the one that gets eliminated. They don’t even do an eviction. Right? So I got to believe Mackenzie and Chelsea are going to win the final two because I know it’s not with with three people left I know it’s not just one competition and that person votes somebody out.

I always remember there being two competitions So I believe that’s the case Unless Cam pulls something out of his ass, which he hasn’t done literally for the last three months This is going to be a Chelsea and Mackenzie final which I’m totally fine with and I think we’ll get a really close vote This podcast is brought to you by Prolon Life.

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