Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/9 – Grant’s Early Season Group Dates, DWTS Horrible Judging Decision Last Night, Love Is Blind Notes (No Spoilers), & My Restaurant Pet Peeve Happened Again Yesterday

All right, let’s talk about Dancing with the Stars last night, because there’s obviously a lot of criticism for Gene Simmons being a judge last night, and rightfully so.

Here’s my issue. I have no problem with guest judges, part of Dancing with the Stars, we’ve seen it every year. However, my rule, and I think probably a lot of people agree with this, when it comes to guest judges, it should be somebody in the dance world. It should be a former pro, like Max. It should be someone like Rosie Perez, who’s a choreographer herself.

Someone like Mandy Moore, who’s choreographed numerous Dancing with the Stars numbers. Gene Simmons, I get that it was hair band night. Hair, metal hair night, whatever you want to call it. That doesn’t mean that you have to bring on a judge who clearly was ogling over the hot women on the show. And can add nothing to a judging critique or score because he’s not a dancer.

It was just idiotic to have him there. Honestly, it was just dumb. There’s no point. Bring on a guest judge, make it somebody who’s an actual dancer or a choreographer. The other thing that I have an issue with, and not necessarily an issue, I’m just kind of over the hair metal thing. Now, did I listen to hair metal bands?

When I was in high school, yeah, I did white snake poison. I listened to all those, but I’m just so put off by, you know, anytime somebody is doing hair metal stuff, especially the intros for dancing with the stars, I get that. This is like the universal symbol for hair metal, but the thumb index finger and pinky up in the air as you.

Rock your head up and down. It’s just like when everybody does it, can, can we just, can we think of something different for this? Just it’s like, everybody’s doing, oh, and the tongue out. Yeah. We’re going to do the tongue out. We get it. You’re a hair metal. Okay. I don’t know. Can we just think of something better for hair metal stuff?

I think every single person in the intro did that with their thumb, index finger and pinky and did the tongue out and did the head bob. I understand, I understand, this is what we’ve always done when it comes to a song like that, and music like that. But, I just wish we could come up with something else.

Because when everybody does it, you’re not original. And, the wigs, or whatever, but the costumes on this show are great. I’ll never, I’ll never put down the costume department on Dance with the Stars. They have some of the best costume and makeup people in the industry. I’m just, I guess, not a huge fan of this as one of the theme nights.

Because the music itself doesn’t necessarily have The musicality for ballroom dancing, I guess. I don’t know. I just, this, the night sucks for me. That’s basically what I’m trying to say. I just, just get rid of this one. I don’t think they’ve ever done. Have they ever done a, um, hair metal night? I don’t think they have.

I mean, it could have happened once in 33 seasons. I don’t remember every single theme they’ve ever done, but I would just get rid of this theme. I think it’s dumb. That’s just me. Not surprised that Reginald went home and not surprised that Eric Roberts went home. Let’s be honest. I mean, we love Reginald.

It’s great but when you watch people like Jen and Chandler and Joey dancing out there and then you see Reginald Bell Johnson. I just honestly think If they are going to cast an older person, they have at least one or two every year. So it’s not like, Oh, why did they cast him? Look, we get this every single year.

I just think if you’re going to cast somebody of that age, make it somebody who has a dance background, because I understand that Reginald is doing the best that he can, you watched him for three weeks, come on, everybody. Like, what was the point? Of him doing what he did out there. He can’t move. You want least one.

I mean, I I’d be fine with a, with a ringer. I’d be fine with someone 60 or 65 that used to be a ballerina because at least I know they can compete. He was out there and I look, I have nothing against the guy. I’m just saying it just didn’t look good at all. And it’s because of his age and he can’t move.

Yeah. Emma’s dancing all around him. She’s a professional and she’s dancing with him. Who is, he’s almost the dance equivalent of Frankie Valley. What he’s doing around that right now is coming out there and barely moving his lips. I mean, that’s what he was. Don’t I, I I’m separating Reginald Ville Johnson’s likeability from his dance ability.

I’m not saying he wasn’t super likable. I’m just saying that doesn’t need to be part of this show. You can cast older contestants. I’m fine with that, but make it that older contestant who is active, who maybe even has a dance background. I’d be fine with that. I. I just felt bad for the guy out there because I’m sure he wasn’t thrilled with all these people 30 years younger than him Bopping around out there and doing flips and splits and and the guy can’t even you know, point a toe It’s just you know, that’s just the way I feel a little more on love is blind The next three episodes drop tomorrow Today, maybe they’re already out.

Maybe they drop it. I don’t know how Netflix does it. If they drop it at midnight, once it strikes midnight on Wednesday. Or if it comes later on today, I don’t know. Hopefully it’s during the day. Cause then I could finish them and actually I can actually talk about them on tomorrow’s podcast. But if it’s something that doesn’t drop till late Wednesday with survivor tonight and golden bachelorette tonight and challenge tonight, no big brother.

We know there’s no Wednesday show just Thursday and Sunday’s the finale. I just want to I just hope if it’s available during the day, I can watch it during the day and talk about it tomorrow. Something I found out online yesterday. I don’t know if you know this Tyler, who is in the relationship with Angela.

He’s got three kids and apparently he owes child support. What is the casting of these shows doing? I find it hard to believe now, obviously, maybe this was discussed in the pods with Angela. I can’t imagine he’s engaged to Angela and she has no idea. The guy’s got three kids. I’m just wondering why this hasn’t been a storyline for the public.

Like, don’t you think the public wants to know a little bit more about Tyler and his background? He’s got three kids. Yeah, he’s got three kids. And yet I don’t think that’s been brought up. I’m almost positive that hasn’t brought up once on the show. And he’s now engaged to Angela and they’re about to, you know, move in and go back to DC and live together.

But if they, the thing is, if they haven’t brought it up by now, I’d be shocked if they brought it up,

you know, episode seven, episode eight, why wait that long to at least address it for us? Very, very bizarre. I talked about Garrett’s glow up. He’s got long hair past his ears. Now people seem to think that that symbolizes he is definitely still with. Taylor. Because they think that she did him up like that.

Uh, the other one, obviously being Hannah, I don’t know if you’ve seen Hannah’s Instagram page or the stuff that has come out since she took to a Netflix premiere party last week. She has lost a significant amount of weight since the show aired or the show filmed, which was, I think right around this time last year, I believe it filmed in October of 2023.

So we’re about a year removed from when this was filmed. And yeah, she, if you go on her Instagram page clearly has lost, I don’t know the pounds just by looking at pictures, but it’s at least 20 or 30. I mean, it has to be based on what she looks like now. And I don’t know if she’s still with Nick Dorca.

I can’t get over his last name. Just look, I know he can’t, I know he has no say in what his last name is when he was born. I just. It’s funny that his last name is Dorka and no, he totally exaggerated his football career. First off, he said he was a punter. There’s no statistics of him, of him punting ever in college at William and Mary.

So he was a kicker, kick field goals, but I don’t know where he got this thing that he was a punter anyway. So those are the three notes that I saw yesterday. Hannah has lost. A good amount of weight since the show filmed, Tyler has three kids, Garrett has long hair. I’m sure there’s other stuff. I just feel like if I go searching for stuff, I’m going to end up reading spoilers and I don’t want to know who’s together.

I don’t want to know who got married. I don’t want to know who got dumped. I don’t want to know who’s still together. I don’t want to know any of that stuff. So I’m not openly searching for it, but those were on the list. Just coming across Tik TOK and the Hannah story was on E online. And finally, I want to talk about this again.

I’ve talked about it in the past and it happened to me again yesterday. I’ve never worked in the service industry. I was a host, the only restaurant I ever worked at. Actually, actually I did work in the service industry. What am I talking about? I worked as a host at the Olive Garden for three months in between the summer before my junior year of college.

And then in college during my senior year. No, it was my junior year. No, it was my junior year. I worked at a local pizza joint. I delivered pizzas, but there are some times where it was one of those pizza places that had about 10 tables inside where you can come sit and eat. But I usually was a delivery boy, but I got a few shifts.

I probably got, I don’t know. 10 total shifts being a waiter there. And so I’m, this is, this isn’t coming from, Oh, me, Mr. High and mighty, Mr. Server guy, I’m going to lay down the law on how serving should go. No, but I’ve eaten at enough restaurants where something that has always bugged me is servers that don’t write down your order.

I have absolutely no problem if you’re not going to write down my order. However, if you’re not going to write it down, when you deliver my food, it should be correct because I mean, look, I’ve always said it seems like there’s no, there seems like there’s only a downside to not writing it down because if you get it right, it’s like, Okay.

I, I, I’m sorry. I wasn’t that impressed that you didn’t write it down. I’m glad you got my order right, but I’m not going to tip you extra because you didn’t write it down. It’s more about how you served me and how you, you know, your presentation and all that, you know, look, I tip 25 percent on everything.

And if it’s exceptional service, you get more, you really have to be a screw up for me to tip less than 25%. It’s just, I don’t, I know how tough the service industry is not even really having worked in it. So I will always tip. Well, I will tip bonus if. You go above and beyond, but I’m basically 20 to 25 percent standard for just doing your job.

Now you have to be like totally screw up either, you know, rude, never checking on me, taking forever. That might get you down to 15. I’m never going to walk out of a restaurant and not tip or, you know, give five or 10%, I mean, unless it’s just, I’ve been, I’ve never had it happen to me where I was just that bothered by a, by a server.

So yesterday, same thing, ordered something. They didn’t write it down and they screwed up three different things. And I still, I ended up giving them let’s see shit. I think, I mean, it didn’t, it bothered me, but it didn’t bother me enough to where I skimped them on their tip. It was a 16 bill and I gave him six bucks.

So I bought a tip. 30%, wait about 35%. But I just want to point it out to all servers. I don’t know why you do this. There’s only a downside, which is you get something wrong. And the second you get something wrong on an order that you didn’t write down. Of course, my answer is going to be, of course you got it wrong.

You didn’t write it down. And it wasn’t like I had all these add ons and all these different things. I just said, I wanted this type of pasta instead of this one. So that was wrong, and I made it, I mean, it was clear as day. So, I said I wanted rigatoni instead of spaghetti, and that’s it. And then, they screwed up one of the, they screwed up the three, it was three things that they screwed up.

They got my drink right. Oh, when I order you know, they they asked me about a salad. I like my salads plain, I just like a lot of tomatoes. So I was just like, on the salad, you don’t need to put everything on it, just extra tomatoes. They came with my salad, had everything on it. I’m just like, you know, I don’t know.

So either you were not listening or you thought you were listening. Well, clearly you weren’t listening because if I tell you, if I tell you this and then you don’t write it down and then you’d give me what I didn’t order. You clearly weren’t listening. There was one other thing they screwed up. It was small, but like I said, it didn’t, the reason why I didn’t bother me in terms of tipping them and marking them down on their tip was because I didn’t It’s not like it was crowded, people were running around and it took an extra 15 minutes for me to get that.

I mean, they took my salad right back and brought it out maybe a minute later. Like it just, it wasn’t a big deal, but it just irks me that if you’re not going to write it down, you might want to get it right. On something as simple as, no, I want the rigatoni instead of spaghetti. That’s it. It wasn’t like, I want you to go in there and I want you to check on the you know, the, the temperature of it.

And I want to, you know, just to have this little hint of basil. No, I was just like, I’d like the rigatoni instead of spaghetti. And for my salad, just give me extra tomatoes and that’s it. Nothing else on it. And it was that, and you know, both were fixed very quickly, but I just wanted to point that out. If you’re a server again, I have no problem.

If you don’t want to write stuff down. But you better get it right because the first thing any Any, any customer is going to do if you bring them something wrong, if you didn’t write down their order is, well, yeah, of course this is wrong. You didn’t write it down. So you clearly don’t have the memory that you, I guess you thought you did.

So frustrating. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour from now if you want to check that out anyway. Thanks again for listening. I appreciate it.

And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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