Reality Steve


Podcast #412 – Interview with Sharon Tharp, Entertainment Reporter (with transcripts)

Another first time guest on the podcast this week as Sharon Tharp from “The Exclusive” podcast comes on to talk about the latest in reality TV with focus on Big Brother, Survivor, & The Challenge. The podcast almost didn’t happen as Sharon happened to be down in Florida yesterday dealing with Hurricane Milton, but seemed to avoid the major portion of it and was able to record. She’s been covering the Big Brother franchise for over 10 years now and even attended the live eviction a few weeks back when Quinn was evicted, eliciting a response from him when he first came out on stage. We talk about that plus our remaining 4 players heading into tonight, along with some Survivor and Challenge talk. You can catch Sharon’s exit interviews with the evicted contestants on her IG (@exclusivelypod) or on her “The Exclusive” podcast. Thanks again to Sharon for coming on, especially during yesterday’s hurricane.

Today’s podcast also now up on my YouTube channel. Go watch & subscribe here:

You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)

(SPOILERS) I begin by talking how this podcast almost didn’t happen, how the Golden Bachelorette got tricky with their editing, my thoughts on “Love is Blind” episodes 7-9, & a death in the 90210 family. Then Sharon joins me (8:37) to talk about how she got into her coverage of Big Brother, the Quinn shout out she got on the live eviction, Survivor, The Challenge, & more.

Instagram – @sharontharp

(SPOILER) Your Daily Roundup covers the weekly podcast coming up today, Golden Bachelorette editing tricks, Love is Blind’s episodes 7-9 and the audacity of some of these men, & another death in the 90210 family.

You can listen to that podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in here:

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)


You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I’m your host Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. A good Thursday episode for you. Tell you what’s coming up on the weekly podcast. We are going to talk about the golden bachelorette from last night. Love is blind.

I did watch all three episodes yesterday, episodes seven, eight, and nine. If you don’t want to know what happens in those, you’re going to have to fast forward and just come back to it another day. And then I’m also going to talk about a death in the 90210 family. That happened after I recorded yesterday’s podcast, or I hadn’t heard about it until after I recorded yesterday’s podcast, but somebody that I obviously wanted to point out and we’re also going to talk about survivor as well, and we’ll get to all that momentarily.

So yesterday, what happened was this. I put out an Instagram story to send me your questions about the weekly podcast, where I was just going to do a Q and a, because I had a guest scheduled for yesterday that was lined up and they were in Florida and they were keeping me updated on what was going on and they said, I’m going to have to delay it, but I didn’t know if that meant delay it.

For another week or delay it yesterday. And so when they said, I’m going to have to delay it, I just said, well, let’s get some emails in here and I’ll answer those if this person doesn’t come through. Well, they did end up coming through and it is Sharon Tharp of the exclusive with Sharon Tharp podcast covers big brother.

She has for over 10 years now, used to work it us weekly as well. And She was able to do the interview. It’ll be up on my YouTube channel at, you know, 9 15 a. m. Eastern time it goes live on my YouTube channel and it’ll be in your podcast feed on Apple podcasts and Spotify So what I’m gonna do is thank you to all those who did send in emails I will save those for either reading them during a future Daily roundup in the next few days either tomorrow’s daily roundup.

Maybe I’ll use it for and Maybe early next week You Or I will save it for next week’s Thursday podcast. I haven’t decided yet, but I got enough there to where I could probably spread them out over the next few daily roundups and include at least one or two in the next few daily roundups. So I just wanted to let you know, that’s why I put that Instagram story out there.

I did not know if Sharon was going to be able to make the podcast. And she did. We recorded a. About six o’clock last night, Eastern time. So she was recording from, even though she lives in New York, she was with family in Vero beach and she said it started to get a little hairy. There were some tornadoes that were a couple of miles wide and she didn’t know if she’s gonna be able to make it.

So I just wanted to have a backup plan, but she did, we recorded it. Good conversation, good big brother talk. And we will be airing that in a couple hours on my YouTube channel and in your Apple podcast and Spotify feed. All right. Golden bachelorette last night. Couple of things that I wanted to point out.

Well, we know now why the previews for last week showed chalk leaving, but I. Understand that because I just give you spoilers and I don’t give you reasons how I know it to be true. You just have to take my word for it. But there were two things that stuck out about the whole chalk leaving last night.

Number one, as I said in last week’s podcast, after the episode aired, when everyone was like, I thought you said chalk one, he leaves next week. I said, all you gotta do is go back to the season preview that aired at the end of episode one. And you clearly saw that chalk was in Tahiti. So. As of last week, I didn’t know that he left because his mother died, but I said, whatever it is, he obviously comes back because I don’t know how much more clear I could be that he won this thing.

And did you honestly think that some guy who got eliminated or had to leave in episode four, and I said was the winner. Do you think I was that far off? I mean, I’ve been off, I’ve definitely been wrong in the past, but it’s because I had number one and number two mixed up, or I had the person who got picked, not being engaged or something like that.

I’ve never been so far off where I said this person wins and they were actually eliminated in episode four. So I would just hope you had a little more faith in me than that. The second thing is even when I was watching it last night. And I was watching chalk talk about the death of his mother and him having to leave at no point.

Did he ever say I’m never coming back? Hell they didn’t even leave it open to where he said, I am coming back, which is different from when. When Joan left Gary season last season, when we were more watching the golden bachelor, when Joan said she was leaving, I think all the viewers had it in their mind.

She’s never coming back. Like it was made very clear that she’s leaving and she’s not coming back to the show. She’s not even leaving the door open to come back. When I was watching chalk last night, I mean, knowing the spoiler, I knew he wasn’t, I knew he was coming back. I didn’t think it would be literally 30 minutes later in the episode, but whatever I just, the way they were talking and the way chalk was talking and the way Joan was talking about how much this is kind of throwing a wrench into things and how much of a connection she had with chalk.

It was just so obvious he was coming back. Like even if you didn’t know the spoiler, you should have seen through that editing because he never made it seem like I’m never coming back. Even though he didn’t say it. It was, I don’t know, I just, the way I watch these shows maybe is different than a lot of people, but it was so, it was clear as day he was coming back.

I didn’t know if it was going to be this episode or next episode, but there was nothing in me. No, even knowing the spoiler that thought, Oh, wow, this is a really good job of them thinking that chalk’s not coming back. It was obvious to me. He was, I hope it was to a lot of you guys. The other thing that I found pretty funny about the episode last night is we got REO speed wagging.

Speedwagon singing. I can’t fight, can’t fight this feeling anymore, which brings me back to my high school days. It brings me back to gosh, even my middle school days when we had skate night, that was probably one of the more popular songs when it was couples skate and you had to go grab somebody’s hand and Hey, will you skate with me?

And have it be one of the more awkward things as a sixth, seventh and eighth grader skating around a rink with somebody that you really weren’t even talking to. You were just holding their hand as you guys skated around to can’t fight this feeling anymore. That that song definitely brought me back.

And then I had someone in high school that that was, I don’t want to sit here and say that was our song, but it It definitely played a role in a relationship that I had in high school. And that’ll always be a song for me. It’ll always be an all time classic song for me because of, of that person in high school.

It was just it was great to see REO Speedwagon there. And if I’m not mistaken, I could be wrong on the season here, but if I’m not mistaken, REO Speedwagon has performed can’t fight this feeling anymore on and after the final row show before. And I want to say. Was it Jake in Vienna? I know they’ve been on the show and performed before, and it was, and I’m pretty sure it was that song because what other songs did REO Speedwagon have that were more popular than can’t fight this feeling?

I know they had some other songs, but that was their banger. That was their one that everybody knew. REO Speedwagon. Why am I getting this vision in my head that it was played for Jake and Vienna at their, after the final rose? Am I way off on this? I could be. Does anybody remember this? Because I have this vision in my head of them slow dancing to Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore by REO Speedwagon.

And it wasn’t during an episode, during his season, it was on a live show. It was not during the season. And I know, because I remember Robert Mills, who is an 80’s guy like myself, who is, you know, the executive producer of this show. Head of alternative programming for ABC. He’s very much an eighties guy.

Like myself loves making eighties references on his Twitter account. I even remember him tweeting how excited he was to get REO Speedwagon on the show. Maybe it was during and after the final rose or a live show for paradise. I I’m just saying I, but I, Jake and Vienna is popping into my head. And I don’t know why.

And like they performed and the two of them like slow danced on the live show. Like that was their sendoff for being engaged. And obviously this happened before. They came back to the mansion and had their sit down with Chris Harrison. But maybe I should, I don’t, I probably should have Googled it or at least tried to find out, but it kind of popped into my head as I was talking about it.

But that’s my final answer. I’m going to go with REO Speedwagon performed at Jake and Vienna’s live after the final rose and Jake and Vienna slow dance to it. And now that I say that, I think I might be wrong because while I do think Jake and Vienna did slow dance to a live performance on there after the Fauna Rose, I actually think it was to, because Jake was a pilot, I think it was to On the Wings of Love.

One of those two is right. They either danced to Aria Speedwagon or they danced to On the Wings of Love. I’m positive. I’m right about one of those. So if someone wants to go research it for me, I’d really appreciate it. This podcast is brought to you by Prolon. Prolon is well, people talk about the benefits of fasting and the benefits of fasting or weight loss, mental and physical performance, gut health.

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