Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/11 – What’s Happening On Grant’s Season That Hasn’t Happened In Almost 15 Years, Monica From “Love Is Blind” Speaks Out, Decision Is Made On “Big Brother,” & Answering Your “Reader Emails”

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality C podcast. I’m your host Reality C. Thank you all for tuning in on this Friday. Good show for you. We got an update from Grant Season. Something that hasn’t happened in almost 15 years is happening on Grant Season as we speak. We’ll talk about that.

We’re also going to talk about Monica explaining why. Everything went down with Steven where things stand right now. Monica and Steven from love is blind. She went on Nick Vial’s podcast. Also going to talk about big brother last night, and then I’m going to get to your emails. The last half of this podcast will be your emails that you sent me when I thought I wasn’t going to be able to have Sharon Tharp as yesterday’s podcast guest.

So we will answer some of those emails on the back half of this podcast, and we will get to all that momentarily. All right, let’s start with this. So I don’t have. A detailed update on what’s happening on grant season, yet I have a major update regarding that. And that is this. We’re at hometowns.

Hometowns start today for grant season. You’d be like, Steve, how is that even possible? Yeah, I, I didn’t expect it myself, but they start today. So today, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday. And Thursday of next week are your four hometown dates and you’ll be like, has that ever happened before? Well, it hasn’t happened since 2011, which was Brad Womack second season.

The bachelor season has always had seven episodes and the seventh episode is the episode before hometown. So hometowns has always been episode eight since Brad’s second season of the bachelor in 2011. Ben’s last episode, episode seven, was in Belize. I’m just going to go in order. Sean’s seventh episode was in St.

Croix. Juan Pablo’s seventh episode was in Miami. Chris Soule’s seventh episode was in Iowa. Ben Higgins seventh episode was in Indiana. Nick’s was in Bimini. Ari’s was in Italy. Colton’s was in Denver. Peter’s was in Peru. Matt had, even though Matt never left the Nemecolon resort in Pennsylvania, he still had seven episodes before hometowns took place.

Clayton’s seventh episode was in Vienna. Zach’s seventh episode was in Hungary and Joey’s was in Jasper, Alberta, Canada. So yeah, it has not happened in 13 years. Now you could ask me why? My guess is this. An emailer brought this up to me, and I think this is the reason for those that aren’t sports fans, just know that ABC is televising the college football playoff this year.

Well, the college football playoff has been extend extended to 12 teams from four and assuming the bachelor is going to air on Mondays in January. ABC has programming football programming every Monday in January on January 6th, the January 13th, and the college football national championship is already slated for Monday, January 20th.

So they couldn’t start grant season earlier if they wanted to. And if they still went with the same amount of episodes that a normal bachelor season gets. His season would be airing into April, which they’re not going to do because they are going to keep the bachelorette on the same schedule that they usually do, which is start filming it the week, the bachelor finale airs.

So now it looks like Grant is getting nine episodes. He’s going to get these five episodes, the three in LA, the one in Madrid and the one in Scotland. Those are his five episodes before hometowns. Episode six will be hometowns. Episode seven will be overnights. Episode eight will be The men tell the women tell all and episode nine will be the finale.

And if you go nine episodes out from January 27th, which I’m guessing is going to be the start date for grant season, you get a five, six, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Looks like we’re going to get around the 24th of March would be grants finale unless they double up, but it cannot start on a Monday in January earlier than January 27th, which would be the latest it has ever started.

And that’s probably why they cut episodes because they’re not going to go into April with the bachelor season. So that’s where we’re at now. You’re probably asking, well, who’s in the final four, Steve? I don’t know. There are two that I think I’m pretty sure of, but until I get all four, I don’t know the one, the two that I’m hearing aren’t till well, actually they could be today.

That’s the thing. I’ve only heard two names, but I don’t know the days, so it’s very possible. Like we say, you know, I say it every time when it comes to hometowns. It’s hit or miss once again, they might film right in the center of downtown, wherever today for whoever’s hometown date and everybody might see them and it might be public and we’ll all know within seconds of filming happening there.

Or it could be like Clayton season where I believe none of the, none of the hometown dates ever got out. It was just, they were filmed in locations that never were seen. For Zach’s. I think we got two or three of the four, but Clayton’s, we got zero. It’s once again hit or miss, but there is a hometown date today.

I can’t tell you where to look because I don’t know who’s left. I have heard two names. It’s possible, but we’ll see. Maybe I can get those finalized for you. But hometown’s start today, which means Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday of next week will be the four hometown dates, and I will keep you updated on anything that I hear.

So yeah, hometowns begin today. Obviously there’s false reports going around out there by Instagram accounts that or Johnny come lately’s posting stuff that just isn’t right. They didn’t post that hometown star today. They also posted people that they have wrong. I can tell you that much. So deal with that as you please.

If you have not watched episodes seven through nine of love is blind, which released on Wednesday, then you might want to fast forward this segment. But Monica. Went back on Nick Vial’s podcast. He literally had her on early in the week and then after the episodes dropped Wednesday, he brought her back on because we had no idea that was coming, which was, Hey, Steven, just all of a sudden decided to start sexting an ex and talking about very dirty things to her, Monica found them and she ended the relationship.

Now, when Monica was asked about her engagement to Steven, she said on Nick’s podcast, they still occasionally keep in touch. It’s something that we continue to work through and you’ll hear more at the reunion. We are in communication, not often, there’s not a lot of depth there by any means, but we communicate.

And, she basically said, remember, this started filming in October of 2023, we are a year removed from all this happening. So, essentially what happened was, Stephen had left to I think go to the bathroom, and, She was expecting Taylor and Garrett to text them because they were coming over to deliver cookies and The text came up and she decided to look at his phone and then she saw a conversation with somebody else She said Steven and I were hanging out having a great time and he stepped into the bathroom It text popped up that we were waiting for from Garrett I went to click the message and next thing I know I’m in his text and I see a girl’s name This was not something I was expecting from this person I At all.

There was a second where I literally remember thinking, should I click on this? No, don’t be crazy. She said, she scrolled through a bunch of messages. She was taken aback about the explicit content. She said, I couldn’t breathe. I’m not kink shaming. I just didn’t know this wasn’t the person that I was sharing a bed with.

By any means, I was taking this experiment so seriously, like I was really in love with this person. She went on to say never in a million years would have expected that he would have done what he did. Such a big part of our relationship was just talking through my trauma. I was thinking about marrying this person in a matter of weeks.

So I was not holding back. You don’t have a chance to leave a stone unturned. Like you have to address everything. And then one of the texts she said she found was him telling the other woman, I wanted to be treated like a piece of meat. She was like, what the hell? How did we get here? How did we get to this point in the conversation?

The whole drunk at, at a sleep test was an was an excuse. If you’re going to take a sleep test, you can’t be drunk because it would completely screw with the testing that you’re doing. She just said, wait until the reunion. She says she thinks Steven is a good person. She said there are still major conversations to have during the reunion, which is on October 30th.

She said, I would really want to understand if truly and genuinely he was being honest. Did he come on the show of actually leaving with a wife? That’s my biggest question. I think he would have been happy to leave with a girlfriend, but I don’t think he was looking for a marriage. I think the reunion is going to be wild.

And I think that’s what everyone else is seeing. That’s what I saw. I almost felt like he wanted to get caught because that was his way out of this relationship without telling her to her face. The God’s honest truth, which was he never wanted to be married. He probably just wanted to go on this show. He even made a comment about he’s going to have all these women in his DMS a year from now, looking to suck his dick.

Anybody who says that clearly, clearly doesn’t seem to have the right intentions in mind of actually marrying the person that they said they wanted to. So we’ll see how it plays out in the reunion, but holy shit. I mean, Steven, what were you thinking? Big brother last night, the eviction episode. Mackenzie did what we thought she would do.

She would stick to her three person Alliance that she’s been talking about for a while. She decided to take herself off the block because she won power of veto. She put Rubina up there and then eliminated Rubina. So your final three heading into finale night on Sunday is cam Mackenzie. And Chelsea also on finale night.

We now know who is going to be the moderator to talk to the jury as Dr. Will has stepped down after 10 years, by the way, Dr. Will is on next season of dealer and Odile Island that was announced yesterday, along with Parvati and. Some guy that won bachelor, I mean, not bachelor Survivor Australia, and then everyone else is just a regular person.

But Taylor Hale is going to be the new moderator to talk to the jury that we’re going to see on Sunday night, winner of season 24 and former podcast guest, Taylor Hale. By the time you listen to this, maybe the winner of round one of the final competition of the season will have been happening or will have been already determined the time of me recording this.

It hasn’t been, I haven’t seen it anywhere who won round one. So, but I’m sure you can find out this weekend. If you check and you find out today, if you check any of the Instagram or Twitter accounts for big brother. This podcast brought to you by Prolon life. Everyone’s talking about the benefits of fasting nowadays, weight loss, mental and physical performance, gut health.

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