Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/11 – What’s Happening On Grant’s Season That Hasn’t Happened In Almost 15 Years, Monica From “Love Is Blind” Speaks Out, Decision Is Made On “Big Brother,” & Answering Your “Reader Emails”


When I didn’t think that it or that I thought there might have been a possibility that Sharon Tharp wouldn’t be able to be on yesterday’s podcast. Sent out an Instagram story asking you guys to send in any questions you had and we’d go from there. ’cause I thought I was gonna answer emails for yesterday’s podcast number four 12, but she ended up coming through.

Hope you all listened to it, watched it on YouTube and you can check it out on my YouTube channel Reality Steve 24, leave a comment, follow and like it. Do all that stuff. Anyway. I still have all your emails that you sent in either through emailing me or sending me a message on Instagram DM. So let’s go through those and finish up this podcast answering a few of those that you sent in.

First one. Any news on Jason and Kat? I know nothing. I know nothing other than what everybody else is talking about. I see the same things you are. I have no insight to this relationship. This goes to something that I’ve talked about numerous times when it comes to couples who constantly post on social media, which Jason and Kat did once they decided to go public.

Couples that go public and post all the time and then all of a sudden stop. Of course, people are going to ask what’s going on with them. I haven’t done a deep dive. I know some people have said, well, they still follow each other. And there’s this like from two weeks ago or whatever. I’m not going to read too much into that.

What I do know is this couple posted all the time and now they don’t, I don’t know if that means it’s a breakup. I don’t know if that means they’re taking a break. I don’t know if that means they’ve been broken up for a month. I have no idea. I think where there’s smoke, there’s fire. I don’t think I’d be put it this way.

My opinion is I would be very surprised if everything is hunky dory and they haven’t had any issues and they are just as happy now as they were when they were literally posting videos every time they went out. That’s my opinion. Next one. Do you feel Jen is getting underscored on dance with the stars?

Well, not until this week when Gene Simmons was just being a perv and I just didn’t understand the point of having him as a guest judge. Next week we have a guest judge, but it’s Mark Ballas, which is like, yeah, exactly. Anybody who’s a guest judge on the show should be a former dancer or someone who works in dance choreography.

We don’t need celebrity guests who can’t offer anything. So, that’s exactly what Gene did, totally underscored Jen, and hopefully they’ll never bring him back. Do you agree with Britney and Leo not being aired on Love is Blind? I personally do because Britney seems to want to be an influencer, but I’m curious about other people’s opinion.

According to production of Love is Blind, They really only want to focus on the couples that they think A, are definitely making it or B, can provide the best TV. Now you can say Britney and Leo would have provided unbelievable TV in Mexico considering how awkward their engagement was. And you can clearly tell that Britney wasn’t into him.

You could say, well, gosh, they would have carried that down to Mexico. It probably would have been even more awkward and gray TV. Yeah, I agree. But then you have seven couples that you got to cover and you feel like, I, again, I’ve only watched last season and this season, so I don’t know what happened in the first five seasons, but it seems like six would probably be a max to focus on.

Right. Have they ever had more than six? That they focused on once they went on the honeymoons. So my guess is that played a role in that. They just didn’t want to have a seventh couple, especially a seventh couple that they pretty much knew were never going to last and they ended up being right. More love is blind questions.

Nick D still lives in his parents basement. How is this not a bigger deal? Thoughts? Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I don’t know why. Look, I don’t think Hannah and Nick are getting married. I just think they are way too young. I mean, well, she is way, she is way too young. And I think that they are way too different.

I don’t know who’s going to dump who. I don’t know if it’s going to happen before the altar. I have no idea, but I would be really surprised if these two end up getting married and if they did, I would say they’re divorced by now, you know, I just, they don’t seem like a match to me at all. They just seem like both very, very inexperienced in relationships.

And. Yeah. Very disturbing that he’s what, 28, 29 years old. He was so confident in the pods bragging about himself and he lives in his parents basement. And it’s not like it’s some palatial estate either. It’s like, here’s a room. They finally addressed Ramsey’s hair. I thought you would appreciate that.

Yeah, they did. And now I forgot what they said about it. He talked about it, right? Did he give a reason why he has the old Eldebarge haircut? Or I don’t even remember what his reasoning was for it. I still am not a huge fan of it. And then this last thing that they said in their email was Steven, what on earth?

This seems so strange and bizarre to do while filming a show. I hope he gets called out more in the reunion. Well, if you listen to the beginning part of this podcast or about Seven or eight minutes ago, you know, that this, I, I read you what Monica said on Nick’s podcast yesterday and yeah, we are going to hear more about what has happened since that night in the last year between Monica and Steven.

They have, they still are in communication, but she said it’s not very deep, but they are in communication. Next one. Who is your sleeper couple to win dancing with the stars? Well, I don’t think sleeper couples outside of Bobby Bones ever win Dancing with the Stars. It’s always usually the best dancers.

Some sleeper couples last longer than they should, but they never end up winning. So I mean, if you want to call Joey a sleeper couple, but how can you call somebody a sleeper couple who’s literally been at the top of the leaderboard every week? I think Chandler is winning this thing and Joey is probably coming in second or Jen is coming in second or third.

Like I think that’s where we’re headed. Maybe Steven gets second. But I don’t know in your opinion, who is worse Jed or Devin and why? Oh, I think that’s a no brainer. I think it’s Devin, you know, while Jed was a complete douche and did stupid shit, Jed really didn’t do anything different than a lot of guys do on this show, which is.

Have somebody back at home and then leave for filming. He was just a little more extreme with the girl back home because he was sending her messages from the plane as he was flying in and then was writing her love letters. And when he came back was basically breadcrumbing her. So yeah, it was a little more extreme because we all know guys on this show.

Literally are hooking up with women the night before they leave for filming. Jed was no different. Devins was a whole different type of manipulation where he was basically just a con artist and everything he said to Jen on the show was more about winning the show than actually believing how much he was into her based on what we found out after the fact, not to mention the whole lying about you had a temporary restraining order taken out against you in college by your ex girlfriend that you stalked.

Yeah, Devin, a hundred times worse. Are there a lot of open relationships in Bachelor Nation? For my husband and me, as well as anyone in our small or large circle that we know, it would never, ever be a thing. But it just seems more common outside my world than I ever would have thought. How do I answer this question?

I absolutely have heard there are open relationships in this franchise. I’m not going to name names because I can’t prove it. I’m just telling you, Have I heard about it? Yes. I’ve also heard there is worse stuff going on with couples in this franchise than having an open relationship. And I’ll just leave it at that.

This next one reads, I have seen many people, including numerous comments on your posts, that say that they want Mark Anderson to be the next Golden Bachelor. Besides the fact that leads are historically pulled from the Final Four, which Joan was not, so perhaps that factor is irrelevant in the Golden Sphere, I want to point out that Mark is 57 years old.

If they did bring him in as the lead, which again, I don’t think is even likely, the women would either have to be all older than him, or the cast would have to skew younger. Gary was 71. Part of what made the first season so successful and well received was that it was shown the It’s shown the spotlight on an age demographic that is not often featured on TV, showing hearing aids, life with grandchildren, physical limitations, et cetera, no disrespect to Mark.

I’m sure he’s a lovely man, but I think to cast such a young golden man as the lead would be veering just a little too far off the path. Well, for that, I would say, first off, I don’t think Mark is going to be the next golden bachelor and that’s just my opinion, but even if they did go with Mark, I wouldn’t call that veering too far off the path.

The path, just because yes, he is the only contestant in two seasons that is under the age of 60, but it’s not like he’s 50 or 51 or late forties. He’s 57 so, and even if they did cast them, I don’t think that means they would cast a bunch of 45 year old women. Going back to my first point, I don’t think Mark is going to be the next golden bachelor.

I would just leave it at that. So I don’t think you would have to worry about that. Next one, who are your favorite or who are your four current finalists on dance with the stars? Mine are Chandler, Joey, and then I can’t pick two between Jen, Steven, and Danny. I’d go with Jen and Steven as the other final two in the final four because I, I don’t think Danny really resonates with the audience, but Whitney is his partner.

So it’s very possible he gets there just because people want to keep Whitney around because she’s always been well liked as one of the pro dancers. But Chandler, Joey, Jen, and Steven seem like a solid final four. You say you, you always say you never share bad information bad information. You know, you will never share bad information you receive about contestants without backup.

Is there some good information you’ve ever received about a contestant? Can you share some? Has an ex of someone ever reached out and said, so and so is such a wonderful person, they just weren’t my person, or so and so was an amazing friend and deserves the world? Friends? Yeah, that happens all the time, but I, that doesn’t, they’re their friends, I expect them to say that.

With me, you know, there’s been 25 to 30 contestants every season for however many seasons I’ve covered. What? 45 of the 47. So to sit here and say, I’ve never gotten one nice things sent to me, said about a contestant that wouldn’t be true, but off the top of my head, I’d have to be talking about somebody that every single person who emailed me about this person had a lot of positive things to say.

Like I never got one negative thing and it was an overabundance of positive things that I got so I’m sure I’ve deaf I know I’ve gotten positive things said about contestants But I’ve never had it where every single thing was sent to me that was sent to me was positive I’ve never and I can’t remember an ex whoever came to me and said oh, yeah I dated her back in college great girl or dated her recently great girl or dated him great guy.

I exes When X’s speak up, it’s usually to say something negative, but you know what? Now that I’m thinking about it off the top of my head. Somebody that I remember in the moment that I got a lot of positive stuff. I can’t remember if every single thing I got was positive, but I remember thinking to myself, wow, this person has a lot of people who think the world of her and it was Susie, Susie Evans.

I do remember that from Colton C Colton, I was still two years later. I’m still mixing up Colton and Clayton. But yeah, I, I remember getting a lot of Susie Evans stuff and people that even, even people that weren’t close to her and weren’t friends with her. They had had a past with her, whether it was in the pageant world or in the restaurant world who came to me and just, just glowing reviews about her.

So she is somebody off the top of my head that stuck out. There’s that. This next one says, what is your favorite board game? Oh, jeez. I can’t honestly, I can’t remember the last time I played a board game. It’s been a long ass time since I played a board game. Balderdash am I, am I dating myself here? I mean, well, yeah, I probably was.

Cause we played that in my family in high school, balderdash. That was like early nineties, but yeah, balderdash, Pictionary, scategories, people don’t play that anymore. Do they? Those are like old school board games. I can’t remember. I’ve heard of all the ones that people play now and now their, their names are escaping me, but I, I don’t think I’ve played them, but I’ve heard of them.

They’re like the adult board games to play where you get like risque answers and stuff, but yeah, for the life of me, I, I don’t know. Gosh, I cannot remember the last board game I played. And here’s the last one. I was just wondering if you’ve heard anything about this season’s temptation Island, is it still going to air? The answer to that is yes. And that’s because I follow Mark Wahlberg on Twitter, Mark Wahlberg, the rapper who sang good vibrations. No, Mark Wahlberg, the host. Because he addresses it. It seems like every tweet from Mark where he Quote tweets, somebody who asks him, I missed the bonfires. When are we going to see them again?

Is temptation Island coming back to TV? And his answers always seem to be, can’t say anything yet, but we’re almost there. Hang on, not too far away. So. It’s definitely already been filmed. It’s definitely going to be airing on, I believe Netflix is the one that picked it up. He, I think within the, I think this week, I remember seeing a tweet from Mark saying, I can’t say anything yet, but just hang in there paraphrasing.

But roughly that was it. So yes, we will be getting another season of temptation Island. It will be on Netflix, but we just don’t know. The start date and when it’s going to air and how they’re going to drop the episodes. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play.

It’s the only way it counts as a download. Don’t forget sports daily coming up in an hour from now. My picks for this weekend in college and pro football, big weekend in college football as the best game. This is the weekend. We’ve all been looking forward to with Texas, Oklahoma, Ole Miss, LSU, Ohio state, Oregon, Kansas state, Colorado.

Very, very good games this weekend. Anyway, thanks again for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you on Monday.

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