Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/16 – DWTS Dedication Night, Previous Hookups I Was Unaware Of, Love Is Blinds’ Tyler’s Baby Mama Has Had Enough, & Answering Some “Yes/No” Questions From A Reader

You are listening to the daily roundup here as part of the reality. See podcast. I’m your host reality. See, thank you all for tuning in a good Wednesday episode for you. We’re going to talk about dance with the stars last night. Why I only got to see half of it. We’re going to discuss a couple of the dances, some things about that, that I didn’t even know until last night.

We’re also going to discuss Love is Blind. Now, by the time you’re listening to this, you may have already watched episodes 10 and 11, which were released, I think, what, 3 a. m. Eastern Time? I haven’t watched them yet because they haven’t been released by the time I’m recording this, but Tomorrow’s daily roundup and tomorrow’s weekly podcast, which will be with game of thrones will be a love is blind breakdown.

So we will discuss that, but Tyler’s the mother of Tyler’s children has spoken out on her Instagram story and needless to say, she is not happy and I will get to a reader email that has a bunch of questions in it for me to answer. And we’ll get to all that momentarily. Not a lot to talk about in regards to grant season, because we are in the middle of hometown dates, right?

Because they have had now three hometown dates. Only one hometown date had pictures and or video get out of it. And that was Juliana’s on Friday. Sunday’s was with Zoe. Nothing got out there. Yesterday’s was Latiya’s in Wyoming. I haven’t received anything there. And then tomorrow’s is with. Dina in Chicago, maybe something we’ll get out on that one.

Not sure, but isn’t really anything to add right now to that. As I mentioned on Monday’s podcast, I do have more information about this season, first impression, rose dates, stuff like that group date roses. And you know, that’ll be coming in due time, but. Really nothing to go over right now.

Obviously the next thing to find out would be obviously Friday’s rose ceremony, which will be the hometown date, rose ceremony, who gets eliminated at that. And then where they’re headed for overnights and final rose ceremony. Haven’t heard that yet, but it’s definitely coming, but I will update you on all that in due time.

So I wanted to discuss this. Last night, dancing with the stars. I turn it on, you know, it comes on for me, seven to 9 PM central time. So we watch at the same time as Eastern time. And I turn on my TV at seven o’clock and it is the Senator debate between Colin Allred and Ted Cruz in Texas. And I’m like, well, I’m not watching this.

I do not care. And I figured, okay, well, they’re pushing dance with the stars back and it’s going to air from eight to 10 in Texas. Well, They didn’t do that either. We just basically got dance with the stars from eight to nine. So right when it came on at eight o’clock, I hadn’t looked at the guide yet to see that it was only an hour show.

So I just assumed, Oh, it’s an hour show tonight. Nope, that wasn’t the case. They basically just cut out the first hour in Texas because of the senator debate, and right when the show started was the Derek dancing with his wife Haley, which was obviously very emotional. I could have sworn, though, they promoted that like three weeks ago.

And they said, next week, Derek and Haley. I’m sure I didn’t hear that wrong, right? That was supposed to be two weeks ago, and it got pushed back if I’m not mistaken, either way, it doesn’t matter when it was supposed to air. I’m just saying I could have sworn dance with the star says next week, Derek and Haley.

And this was like two or three weeks ago. So regardless, great dance, obviously very emotional. Her first time back on the dance floor since what happened to her. Here’s something that I didn’t know, and this doesn’t mean anything now. Because obviously Derek and Haley are married and they’re happily married.

I did not know that Haley came from the, so you think he can dance world and she dated Alan for a couple of years, way back in the day. I did not know that. And then I was scrolling through Tik TOK. By the way, the new things that are appearing on my Tik TOK, seemingly every second or third post is big brother news and the sketch from Saturday night of Ariana Grande and the other three women from.

Saturday Night Live doing a parody of Sabrina Carpenter’s Espresso as they were bridesmaids and they were doing a song and they couldn’t sing as bridesmaids and they did a song about how the bride cheated on her husband at the bachelorette party that was in Charleston, South Carolina. I swear every third video is a clip from that particular sketch from this past Saturday night.

Regardless, but as I was scrolling through, one of the other clips I saw was a dance with the stars video that talked about Alan and Haley formerly dating. They met on. So you think he can dance? They went on the, so you think he can dance summer tour. And they showed a clip from one of their dances where it was just the two of them and they kiss at the end of the dance.

And I had no idea. I had no idea that they danced. They also referenced the fact that Mark ballast used to date Whitney. And I guess. There was some tension there at some point, and maybe it was while Whitney’s now husband was on his two year Mormon mission and they showed clips of an old dance on Dance with the Stars between Mark and Whitney where he kissed her on multiple occasions during the dance.

I could be wrong on the timing of it, but it definitely seems like Mark and Whitney were together at some point. And they also said that I think way back in the day, Mark and Julianne Hough used to be together, but we all know Mark and Julianne and the Hough family go way back and Derek and Mark are best friends and they’ve been dancing since they were kids, so it wouldn’t be all that bizarre that Mark and Julianne had something way back in the day, but the Whitney and Mark stuff.

Was news to me and I don’t know what season it was. They performed this dance together where he kissed her, but the speculation in this particular Tik TOK video, which I don’t even know, I’m not about to go do a deep dive on it. It seemed to surround a time when Whitney and her now husband, he was on a morning mission.

So maybe they had split up during that time and there was, you know, this wasn’t considered cheating or anything, but either way, very interesting video that I came across because I learned two things that I did not know. I had no idea that Whitney and Mark ever had a past, not surprising. I mean, they’re in the dance world.

They’ve been on the show for over a decade. A lot of people from the show hookup. And number two, I had no idea that Alan used to date Haley, Derek’s current wife, regardless. So. It started for me an hour in and I did not go back and watch the first hour on Disney plus, at least not yet. Maybe I will later on this week, but I did honestly, the people that I want to watch every week are Joey and Jen and.

Not saying I don’t like any of the other dancers, you know, Chandler’s good. Steven’s good. It’s just that those are the ones that pay attention to the most and they both performed in the second hour. So will I go back and watch our one? I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not, but Joey. Killed it again. The judges absolutely love him.

He is a shoe in for the finals. He’s probably going to be in the final two. And it’s just a matter of he can overtake Chandler. I don’t know Chandler before this season. I don’t even think I’ve ever heard of her name, but that happens a lot with me when it comes to the Disney people. I didn’t, I haven’t heard a lot of these people before they come on the show.

And. Maybe her support is huge. Is it bigger than bachelor nation? I don’t know, but maybe Joey does have a really good shot to win this thing. I thought Jen was great last night. Anytime you dedicate anything to Taylor Swift, I’m all in the archer. Great song. Totally understand why she chose it. And it was just, you know, the hour that I saw was a very good episode.

And I can’t say I’m stunned that Gleb and Brooks were eliminated. Yes. Are they the worst dancers left? No, they’re not. They’re absolutely not. And my thinking is, I just don’t think that I almost think Brooks’s looks work against her when it comes to a show like this. She’s too good looking for the show.

And I know a lot of people don’t want to admit this, but women like to hate on women, especially on social media. And I’m not saying people are hating on Brooks and women that vote on this show are hating on Brooks. I just think they would rather vote for somebody that is more relatable to them. And I just don’t think Brooks connects because she is somebody that is a 10.

And let’s face it. Really, really attractive women don’t really get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this show. They just don’t. They want to find people more relatable. And I think most of the people that vote on this show, most of the women who vote on this show, they cannot relate to Brooks Nader.

They can certainly relate to Jen Tran. They can certainly relate more to Joey. They can certainly relate more to Ilona, Ilona, Ilona Marr than they can Brooks Nader, who is a fucking SI cover swimsuit model. It’s like, okay. You know, and look, I think it’s proven the fact that she’s the fifth person out and she’s certainly not the worst dancer that was left by far.

She’s a better dancer than Dwight, but I also think that the relationship with Gleb doesn’t help. It’s like, Oh, great. Two hot people are hooking up on the show. Wonderful. Why do we need to vote for her? You know, just my thoughts. But she is now gone and we won’t see them again until the finale. And maybe by then they’ll talk openly about their relationship or maybe they won’t.

Maybe they’ll just keep it private or maybe this is just a fling for the show and once they aren’t Practicing every day for hours on end. They realize oh well It was it was nothing more than I’m just really attracted to you during the time We’re together But now that we’re not and we don’t have to spend eight hours ten hours a day together Rehearsing and go our separate ways this podcast brought to you by mint mobile When it mobile came to me three months ago and said we’ve got a deal where you can get your wireless plan for 15 a month You Over a three month period I’m like no way there’s got to be a loophole here It’s got to be impossible to get out of my current contract and get into yours I probably have to sign all these documents.

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