Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/16 – DWTS Dedication Night, Previous Hookups I Was Unaware Of, Love Is Blinds’ Tyler’s Baby Mama Has Had Enough, & Answering Some “Yes/No” Questions From A Reader

Now, as I mentioned in the open, going to be all love is blind talk tomorrow. Well, a lot in the daily roundup and then the podcast, the weekly podcast with game of roses, Chad and Liz, you’re going to come on and we’re going to discuss, I haven’t talked to them all season about love is blind.

So we’ll discuss everything that’s happened this season, but we’ll focus mostly on episodes 10 or 11, which by the time you listen to this, we’ll have already been released and maybe you’ll have watched them by then. We don’t know. I’m going to watch them as soon as they come out today. And then I’m going to record with Chad and Lizzie later this afternoon.

And then it’ll be the podcast tomorrow, the weekly podcast. So we’re, we’re probably going to get a little bit more, you know, when they last left us, we find out that Tyler had told Ashley, Oh yeah, by the way. Well, we didn’t see the conversation of how he told her and what he said to her. We only saw her reaction, which is she wanted it filmed of her reacting to him.

And I think he has done an interview since then. He’s like, everybody just wait, you’ll see what happens. And there’s apparently a lot more, and there’s a deep dive you can go into about this whole Tyler and being a sperm donor and all that. And he does have three kids that is indisputable, but. I haven’t done enough of a deep dive yet and I’m going to go into it with Chad and Lizzie because I think they have.

They can probably explain to me better about Tyler’s past. But, the mother of his children, her name is Bree Thomas. And she took to Instagram stories yesterday and she’s kind of fed up with how Tyler is portraying this. This is what she wrote. She said, all I will say is everything being said about me and my children better be cleared up by Tyler, or I will expose everything.

As I’ve stated previously, I am really trying hard not to say anything because at the end of every single day, I have to be strong for my children, but I will not allow my name to continuously be drugged through the mud like this. I did not ask for this. And the kids and I did not. Definitely do not deserve any of it.

Please do not make me take it there. Tyler, there is absolutely nothing. I am not willing to expose and please save all your false promises of clearing everything up. If I do not see actions, I will assume this is where you want this to go. And I promise you, I will take it there. I am tired. So I guess, you know, Tyler can’t speak on the details of this until the finale airs or maybe even the reunion air.

So we got 10 and 11 that were released overnight next week, which is what the 20 On Wednesday, the 23rd is going to be the finale. And then the reunion show is airing on October 30th. I don’t know when the reunion show was filmed. Maybe it hasn’t even been filmed yet. I think it has, but that’s going to be the last episode.

I’m guessing on the reunion episode, maybe we’ll get more of an explanation. Maybe even today’s episodes. They, he gave more of an explanation, but whatever he says on the show and whatever he says on the reunion show is going to determine what this mother of his children comes out and says, because.

Based on what I’ve gotten from Tyler and the impression I’ve gotten is he is not telling the full story, whatever that full story may be. A lot of you that have done deep dives, maybe already know the full story. I just don’t. I’ve heard about an, his ex fiance and by the way, the mother of his children is a gay woman who I believe, I believe she was married.

Right. She has an act or maybe she was engaged, but she’s not, she’s no longer with that person. But there was a time, I think I read there was a time that Tyler. And his now ex fiance were friends with the mother of Tyler’s children and her ex fiance, or maybe it was ex wife. I think it was ex wife. I think she ended up marrying her, but they are no longer together.

So the four of them were all cool with each other. Now, apparently it’s fractured and everything is gone. Haywire and Tyler re I mean, the thing is, I think a lot of us agree. I just don’t know how, anyway, I understand that’s a very tough conversation to have. On love is blind is to tell somebody you have three children, but to you, the fact that you never brought this up in the pods and the fact that you didn’t even bring it up before you went on your honeymoon during your honeymoon or before you apparently either did get married to Ashley or didn’t, I’d say that’s a pretty big thing you left out of your, at your life.

I understand you can’t. Spill everything about your life right away in those pods. But you think you might want to mention to somebody before you ask them to marry you. By the way, I have three kids. I just, again, maybe we’ll have more answers after today’s episodes air. Maybe we’ll have more episodes after the finale airs and the reunion airs.

But so far, Tyler’s done a pretty piss poor job of explaining his life to Ashley. And I don’t think anybody would fault Ashley for dumping him on his ass. Maybe he, she does in these episodes. I, I, I’m not sure, man. He’s got a lot of explaining to do because that is just, it’s just Bush league, honestly. How do you not tell somebody that maybe.

Well, I, it’s, we know the ends of the pods is you propose to somebody. I don’t know. Maybe you tell them I, well, not maybe, yes, you should have told somebody before he proposed to them, I have three kids because I guarantee that changes somebody’s answer. Or they, they at least should know before they give you an answer.

How about that? And finally, I got a email yesterday that has a bunch of yes, no questions in it. And I’m going to answer them. It’s probably 10 yes, no questions in this, but I’ll expand when I need to on some of these and some I’ll just answer. Yes. No. So here are the questions. It’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 questions.

First one for the visual aspect of this week’s love is blind YouTube podcast. Will you wear a couple Ramsey style braids? Unfortunately I don’t have those. I don’t even have a love is blind shirt that I could possibly wear. So unfortunately, no, I will not be wearing anything Ramsey related nor Steven related or Garrett related or any of the other dudes.

Next one. Have you watched any of the awesome Love is Blind Habibi episodes? Honestly, I have no idea what that is. Next question. Have you watched the Menendez Brothers or Mr. McMahon episodes on Netflix? Menendez. No, Mr. McMahon. I’ve watched the first three and I watched them the day they came out. And for some reason I haven’t gotten back to watching episodes four, five, and six.

Can’t say I’m surprised by anything that I’ve seen in the first three episodes. And I’m probably not going to be surprised by anything I see in four, five, and six. After two consecutive early exits. Do you still believe Horacio will someday become a champion? Well, if he continues to do it, I think so. I think the early exit this season, I think you and I can both agree.

That was more on a technicality. He was just as it’s not like Derek blew him out. He was just as good as Derek. And that was, he lost on a technicality because he didn’t listen to the rules. If he gets by Derek, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to win the whole thing. But it certainly gives him an opportunity to, and I think I, so I’m not making excuses for also he lost, but it’s not like he’s performing awfully now on the challenge and it’s like, whatever happened to him, I thought he was a stud.

He did just as good as Derek in that competition. He had 40 things and 40 pegs in the wall. And he just didn’t know that it didn’t have to do with your 40 pegs in the wall. It had to do with just getting 40 pegs in there, which is just a stupid rule. Why would you have pegs in a wall, but actually say. No, the object of the game is just to get these pegs across and into that little area.

Makes no sense, but whatever. Will the karma twist mentioned after the first elimination on the challenge be a dud? Well, considering they haven’t even brought it up since then, I, I, I’m surprised they haven’t given us an update. Because it just seems dumb at this point. So, my guess is, it probably will be a dud.

I just can’t see it being all that important. You know, did last week’s challenge make you think about January 6th as the contestants bashed each other with shields? Yeah, it was. Did you notice how flimsy those shields were? I thought they were a little more sturdy than that. They bent a lot, which I guess I get because if they were really hard and so it almost seemed like it was plexiglass, like the, the glass, maybe around that surrounds a hockey arena.

But they bend, they bent a lot, maybe not to cause injury. Should Julie Chen have asked the jurors how they would voted if MJ had taken cam? Probably, but it’s the one thing I don’t like about the big brother finale. Now we can complain all we want about the survivor finale. Of how the survivor finale, usually now the reunion part of it isn’t starting till about 15 to 20 minutes into the third hour.

So we’re only getting 30 to 35 minutes of a reunion show now, but that’s a hell of a lot more to talk to the winners and the people who finished deep into the season than it is what we’re getting on big brother where it’s literally MJ and McKenzie. Walk out with 10 minutes left, but they still have a commercial break to go to.

Yeah, actually it was less than 10 minutes left. I want more conversation. I understand they can all, they all go on podcasts or whatever, but for people who don’t follow podcasts or read interviews that they do post show, you get nothing of, I think it should be more of a sit down. I think they should get to the winner a little bit earlier and do a sit down.

But that’s just me. Did you sample the summit after survivor? No, I have not yet. There’s been what two three episodes. Maybe I’ll get around to it. I don’t know Wednesday nights even with big brother now off the air I’ve still got survivor golden bachelorette. Maybe once golden bachelorette is over, which I think is in about four weeks Maybe then I can be like, okay, let me get caught up on the summit and go from there And then the final question here on this email, aside from the Jennifer Coolidge impression, would you agree that Ariana Grande did some great singing impressions and some really good sketchwork, especially competitive charades mom on SNL?

I thought she was excellent. She was great as a host. She’s a, she’s, she’s done those singing impressions before when she’s gone on Jimmy Jimmy Fallon. So I’ve seen her do those before. That wasn’t anything new. They’re really good. And her sketch work was actually really funny as well. As for the choices that she’s made in her personal life, not a fan.

And. If you don’t know what they are, read up on them. But as for her SNL work, I can separate that from her personal life. SNL. This past weekend was one of the funnier episodes in a while, and like I said, when I was scrolling through TikTok, I swear every third video now is that sketch of the bridesmaids singing the parody song of Sabrina Carpenter’s Espresso.

You know, the mock wedding that they’re at. Funny stuff. And yes, the competitive charades Mom wa was funny as well. Not to mention the quote unquote commercial that she did where she played Celine Dion because it was rather random that Celine Dion did the open for Sunday night football two weeks ago. So they did a take on that and now they have Celine Dion doing the opening for a UFC event.

Very, very funny episode. So yeah, she was great. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me and Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour from now. Check that out if you’re so inclined.

And then tomorrow we got game of roses on the weekly podcast. Anyway, thanks again for listening. I appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

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