Reality Steve


Podcast #413 – Interview with Chad & Lizzy from “Game of Roses” Podcast (including transcripts)

I think we’ll get married.

Yes. And I think I think a lot of people think that this couple is they were the 1st ones to get engaged in the pods.

And seemingly up until this last episode, we never really saw too much conflict to where. Yeah, they talked about certain things and you know, the whole San Diego thing versus DC and, but Garrett has been like, yeah, I’m, you know, I’m, I’m fine moving to San Diego. And her parents not wanting to be on camera, her dad, not want to be on camera.

Cause we did see her mom last episode, but then they throw in before they meet they had the flapper party, the twenties party, they show them talking outside. And she says, saw a text from your ex you and you liked it and left it at that. But then inside he tells others. No, I responded to her. I kind of, this kind of reminded me of again, stuff that happens in the bachelor world where they have to show when you get to the hometown dates or even in the overnight dates, they always have to show a conflict.

Even if the, even though the couple that ends up getting to the end and we know ends up together, they have to show some conflict. For the 11 episodes, Taylor and Garrett were literally the couple that everybody, I think thought, okay, they seem the most combative, not combative compatible. And they seem to be the ones that are going to get married out of this thing.

So they had to show some sort of kink in the armor there by showing us that conversation, but it seemed like while Garrett. Kind of omitted or lied. What he did end up saying to the ex was in a relationship, I’m engaged. No reason for us to talk anymore. I kind of was like, I don’t know why Taylor is getting so bad.

I would certainly check out those


Yeah. I want to see like when she’s like, show me the phone and he’s like, it’s all the way over there. I can’t

right now. It’s crazy. That’s what I’m saying. If he didn’t, if he was lying about that, then yeah, she has every reason to call him out. And she has had cheating in the past.

So I get her. Trepidation, but when he explained what he did, I guess she just didn’t believe him because he said, what I did say was nice hearing from you, but I’m engaged. We, yeah,

but he knew the difference. Like our generation all knows there’s a difference between liking something and, and responding to it.

I, I do think that they are still going to get married. I think they need to have at least one hero couple. And I think they are it this season and from what I’m remembering in the earlier episodes, there was maybe like they used part of this in the trailer to be like, even the couples you think are strongest, they did this with Brett and Tiffany, they made a whole storyline about their conflict was that his Pants.

Taylor wasn’t going to get the pants done in time.

Yeah. And that was the hurdle they had to come up with. I, I agree. I don’t think this is like a huge deal, but the, the nature of the game of this is like, if you really are going to marry this person again, you are just looking for any reason not to.

Literally anything because it’s such a contrived, weird situation you’re in. So if you’re like, Oh shit, one red flag, I’m out. Fuck this. That’s kind of, I think the default mentality of most players. And for her, that was potentially that red flag that he got this text, withheld it from her all day long, then lied about his response to it and then revealed that truth.

In front of other people first on camera, instead of telling her all the stuff. Like those are, in my opinion, red flags that are a viable choice would have been for her to, to end the relationship there, but she didn’t. Have you seen, I do think like

they, the producers try to act as matchmakers and like specifically set them up to be together though, all the similarities, the tattoos, et cetera.

Have you seen the pictures floating around of Garrett in current day? With his long

hairdo. Yeah.

Oh, no. Looks, looks completely different than he did on the show. Yeah. But it’s got on the show. Now his hair is past his ears. Yeah. He looks very model esque model esque. And, and so people have that have seen this picture cause it got floated around like within the last week are all saying, Oh, he’s totally wifed up.

That’s why he looks like this. Now. I guess you could look at it two ways. He could be single and wanting to look different than he did on the show, or he’s wifed up and what, and. And she’s styling him. Taylor has made him, Taylor has made him appreciate his looks more or something like that and, and likes this, but he looks


degrees different than he did on the show.

So you’ve seen it, Chad, but you haven’t seen this picture, Lizzie.

No, I mean,

it’ll be, it’ll be fascinating. I think the reunion, obviously. So going in our final predictions, I’m going to go. Cool. I’m going to go Taylor and Garrett definitely get married and are still together this day. I think Alex and Alex and Tim, they’re obviously done. I think Tyler and Ashley get married on the show, but I do not think they are together in present day.

And then I think, and then I think Ramsey’s and Marissa are, one of them says no at the altar. Those are my predictions heading into the finals.

Yeah, I feel like everyone will say no at the altar. I give a a slight advantage to Taylor and Garrett as maybe saying yes.

So you think we could come out of note with not with, with no, has there ever been a season with no weddings?

Yes. There has been. Right? Wasn’t last season?

The one season that only had two people go or two couples go to the final thing. Remember that? I think that was season five, maybe.

One of the more recent seasons, I think no one, or at least no one’s together still. And that might’ve been the one where it was bliss.

And there’s still, sometimes there’s couples that come out who aren’t

still, they have, wasn’t Zach have a kid?

That’s what I mean. Like, I think sometimes there’s still couples that come out of it, but they’re not the original proposal couples.

Yeah. I’m not sure actually, if there’s ever been a season with nobody.

There has to have been though.

Yeah. Not necessarily even made it to the reunion show still together, but just nobody left the finale that we watched as a couple. I got to believe there’s been at least one every season. But I, again, I don’t know. I’ve only watched these.

I think I’m going to go with Steve’s predictions.

I’m like, that’s the one I’m not sure about is the Tyler couple. But I think you might be right that they get married on the show. But I think there’s no way they’re still together today. I’d be shocked.

Yeah, I’d be, I’d be shocked.

She has such a easy victimization at it for the reunion that for sure.

Yeah. I think she’s going to there has never

been this is what the internet tells me. My AI overview while no season of love is blind has officially been documented as having no marriages. There have been seasons where couples got engaged in the pods, but we’re not featured on the show. Meaning some potential marriages may not have been shown on screen.

Hmm. Gotcha. The other, one of the thing that I forgot about that it was just kind of weird when it comes to Nick and Hannah. At the flapper party when Nick had the 40 minute conversation with Katie, one of the girls in the pod, Hannah was like, repeatedly telling Nick, this is my best friend. Like,

was that an exaggeration? Did she know Katie before the show? Like, How could that be your best friend if she didn’t know her before the pods even started? And she was acting like this is my best friend in the whole world and I didn’t know if that was just an exaggeration or Yeah, she might have became friends with her after they left the pods.

That’s fine But she obviously had friends before she came on the show. There’s no way katie is her best friend In the world.

That’s what did you mean? I think she met her best friend of the pods. Okay. Is that what she meant? I might’ve just

read it. That’s my guess. Okay. But I was like, this is so weird how she’s going so hard.


was great. She was giving Hannah Brown to me. I was like, she should have, they should have followed her.

Well, now that we know that Nick and Hannah aren’t together, maybe Nick reconnected with Katie and we find that out of the, I don’t know. I

mean, he did everything on Katie’s list.

Yeah. Yeah. Cause she, what was she, what was her thing with him?

She told him, what did she tell him to his face that I,

that he just needed to mature basically like you need to do this, this and this. I thought her conversation with him was like, it was one of the best platonic conversations that we’ve ever seen in the show because she wasn’t mean about it. She was just like, look, I got to a point where I thought you weren’t mature enough for this.

It’s right. Like. Take this advice. I hope you don’t take it the wrong way, but this lead with, you know, how much you like this or how passionate you are about this. Don’t lead with the, Hey, I think you’re sexy type thing. I thought it was a great conversation from her. Unfortunately, she was not one of the main characters of the season.

I think she would have been fantastic.

Yeah, I’m really curious to see if I’m look, I got to believe at the reunion. Nick will at least be asked, did you reach out to Katie once the relationship with Anna ended? Cause you know, why wouldn’t you? You were each other’s number one. You both told each other we were number one for three days.

At least try it, you know, maybe go back to her. I know she said that you didn’t think you were mature. That was just through a wall. Like at least maybe go on one date, two dates and just see, I believe that they at least who do you think

will make perfect match?


another show. It could

be Anna. It could be Anna.

It could be


I don’t know. I don’t know. When does perfect

match? When does perfect match? Has it already

filmed? It’s shot in June.

It’s shot in June. So do we know?

Isn’t there going to be a third wave show? They’re going to have players from other people outside the Netflix reality universe on that show.

Well, haven’t we heard that Blake Moines is part of this

and Rachel recce and Rachel recce. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. I mean, that’s confirmed Steve. I don’t, I know as much as you guys, I saw the, you’re the keeper of the facts. Yeah. I have no idea. I mean, they

were talking to people outside of the Netflix reality universe to cast this season that much.

I can 100 percent confirm whether or not Moines and Rekia wound up being in that cast. I don’t know specifically, but that is the rumor

thinking back on it now. It kind of does make sense. I think Rachel probably definitely, cause I remember there was a time there this summer where she was. Not posting on social media, so it could have been during Blake is obviously very much into wildlife, and I don’t remember.

I know I follow him, but I wasn’t, I guess, keeping as much track on him. But yeah, this is I never watched season one or season two of perfect match, so I don’t follow it nearly as close. I know what it is. Very

good. Yeah,

and it’s basically all just rejects from netflix shows that they singles from netflix shows that they put on to date.

Yeah. I mean, I wouldn’t call them rejects. They always usually anchor a season with like a mega star from netflix reality universe. Like this past season, it was harry jowsey for example,

francesca season one is.


one of the best reality stars of all time.

And then Jessica Bestow, she was on season two with, and she’s the one that got with Harry and then Harry started dance with the stars.

And then Jessica, that’s when they kind of ended. Right. And that’s the timeline

of, but she used that connection with him to explode on social media over a million followers. I mean, she played the game perfectly in my opinion.

So I mean, man, I can’t wait. I love the fact that we talked 90 minutes of love is blind.

If we didn’t, I want to say we didn’t talk bachelor, but it seemed like almost every couple was brought back to, well, let’s relate this to the bachelor world. And that’s how I see it all

the lens. We see the world.

Yeah. Yeah. It really is because you know, whatever’s happening with that franchise now is happening.

And you can point fingers at this and that, and the producer’s doing this or that. I always just like to look at these different franchises and how they’re kind of handled by the producers, how the brand is treated by the people that make it, like, it really feels at this point to me, like Warner brothers and ABC just don’t give a shit about the bachelor anymore.

Whereas Netflix reality universe is like, they pump money, time, effort into all of their shows. They’re just doing it better. I think

I’m going to give you This isn’t a spoiler in terms of names or who lasts long on grant season or anything like that. Am I giving you any names or who the final or who the final four is?

They’re filming hometowns right now, but I’m not going to give you any names. I will say this because it goes to what something that Chad just said. So I want to mention it to you guys. Ever since Brad Womack’s second season,

15, there has

always been seven episodes Before hometowns takes place on the bachelor, it’s always been seven episodes, episode eight hometowns.

What about Hannah Brown?

Grant has five. I’m just talking about bachelor. Five? Grant has five and they’re filming hometowns now.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. They gave him five,

five episodes. No, 20, 25 women. They just went through them a lot quicker. He gets three episodes in LA, two overseas. They’re filming hometowns as we speak.

So he gets five. And I went back and looked seven episodes, every bachelor season. So this is basically on par with charity. Charity got five as well, but that’s bachelorette. Bachelorette has been done different. Rachel and Gabby got six before hometowns, but bachelor from Brad Womack season. Up until grants has always been seven episodes.

Episode eight is hometowns grant only had five episodes and he started. Can you tell us whether it’s good?

Right? We don’t know how many episodes that’ll be. If they’re still, well, you gotta figure if

six, if six is hometowns, seven would be overnights. Eight would be tell all. And nine is the finale. He looks like he’s getting two less.

Now. I don’t know the details behind it. Knowing the sports world that I follow, like I do the college football national championship with a 12 team playoff this year, obviously is now extending into January, January 20th this year is the college football national championship. So the earliest grant could start.

Would be Monday, January 27th, which would be the latest they’ve ever started a bachelor season, which makes sense now that he only gets nine episodes because nine episodes out from January 27th puts us around March 20. But it will be Mondays. It will be Mondays. So that’s why I’m saying they have to start it later.

And now it makes sense. And maybe the bachelor going forward. Is going to be always this way because the college football national championship is going to be later because it’s a 12 team playoff instead of four now. So, but yeah, aren’t

those on the weekend? Like those are never on a Monday.

The championship game is always Monday night.


Oh shit.

Yeah. So the, the championship game this year or in 2025 is Monday, January 20th. So you’re not starting grant season on the 13th and then taking a week off. You are not starting. Yeah. ABC has national college football. So he’s, they haven’t announced any start date, but he is starting, you would think January 27th because the college football, that’s fascinating this is the 20th.

So, but yeah, he only shot five episodes, two, three in LA, two overseas, and they are filming hometown number four today. And then Rose ceremony will be tomorrow night. And then they’re headed off to and final Rose ceremony. But without spoiling,

do you think it’ll be a good season and keep in mind?

I need this.

Need it. Need it.


I mean, is there

drama? Yeah. I’m having a hard time with all the restraining orders. I have that part.

I, I haven’t heard about any restraining orders against any of Brent’s women, at least as of now. So I guess that’s a positive.



Grant? That’s, that’s where we’re most concerned.

Yeah. As far as I know, no restraining orders against him. He you know, the season wise of the things that I’ve heard, you know, pretty standard drama, there is drama, you know, girls saying, you know, stealing him at cocktail parties. I mean, our standard stuff, the travel, like I said, they only had two locations before they got to hometowns.

So they really. Kind of zipped by this from 25 women down to, I think it went 18, 14, 10, seven, four. I think that’s the five episodes. So that’s where we’re at right now. Down to four. Those four have been spoiled who the final four are, but you know, obviously still figuring stuff out, finding stuff out, but we are definitely down to four and he definitely only had five episodes before home down, which is the first time.

Sounds like they’re going to.

Throw in a couple of episodes there in those first five weeks where we’re cliffhanging without a rose ceremony.


I think we’re going to get some of those just like,

unless they’re, unless they’re shortening their orders.

I don’t think we’re getting a full 11 episode season.

I still think you can do what Chad said, which is, you know, cliffhanger in episode two, so we don’t see the second rose ceremony until the beginning of episode three. That’s certainly possible. And into the other countries, but yeah, I, You know, for me, you know, the season’s kind of all run together. It’s the same thing for me every season, just with different cast.

But I have heard the women on this season, there is going to be drama. They do do something a little bit different with first impression Rose, but nothing, nothing. Earth shattering or major, not like

America’s first impression or

no, it’s not America’s first impression. It’s not, it’s not,


not a letter that Leah throws in the fire.

Nothing like that, but it is something they’ve never done before, but I wouldn’t, you’re not going to tell your friends like, oh my God, you got to tune into this. It’s, it’s whatever, but anyway guys, thanks for coming on. I really appreciate it. This was the first time on video, at least you guys on mine, obviously you guys all the time, but yeah, I appreciate it.

And we’ll obviously be in touch. Can’t wait for this finale.

Thanks for having us.

Can’t wait for you to watch the rest of the love is blind seasons.

Oh God. I don’t know if I’m going to go back and watch the first five seasons. I was one in Dallas. Wasn’t there one in Dallas?

Yeah, season one.

Oh yeah.

Season one was Dallas the source. We called Dallas the source because so many important bachelor players come from it. But yeah, that season is like seminal because you get Lauren speed coming out of it, who was a giant social media star.

I mean, heard the name Lauren speed.


No idea. Look her up, man.

You need to know. Okay. Yeah. I might, maybe I’ll watch season one just because it’s Dallas and I’ll be like, Oh, I can recognize that place that they’re hanging out at and stuff like that. But yeah, that would be the, I’m not watching two, three, four and five. I just, yeah, you’re going to get sucked right to the bottom of that.

All right, guys. Thanks a lot. Appreciate it. All right, man. Okay. Thanks to Chad and Lizzie for coming on first time. We had him on the video. Loved it. Great. Love his blind talk again. I, we, we seem to be in agreement on a lot of the things that we saw yesterday. And again, we can only go off of what the show is showing us.

I know a lot of people, people like Tim, people like Hannah, probably me. Not liking the response that they’re getting from America. I get it. Tim’s already taken to his Instagram, Hannah. He’s been a little more serious about it. And basically calling out people who are like, you don’t understand. There was more to this story.

There’s so much you didn’t see. It’s like, okay, but I can judge you based on what I did see. And I’m not going to sit here and say, throw this guy hate. He’s a horrible human being should give him death threats on his Instagram captions. No, I’m not saying any of that, but I’m allowed to have an opinion on it.

And I don’t think he treats women the right way. He certainly didn’t treat Ashley the way she should be treated. He didn’t talk to her like she should be talked to. If there were things that we weren’t shown, I’m sorry, Tim. I can’t comment on that because I didn’t see it. They didn’t show it to us. I understand you want to share your side, but didn’t like his communication skills at all.

Didn’t like Hannah’s communication skills at all. And I didn’t like Ramsey acting like a total Neanderthal either. Those are my short version opinions that you just heard. Anyway, thanks again to Chad and Lizzie for coming on. Thank you all for listening to this podcast. Once again, go to my YouTube channel if you want to watch it.

9 15 a. m. Eastern time reality. Steve 24 on YouTube. Go check that out again for Chad Colchin, Lizzie Pace. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.

Send all links and emails to: To follow me on Twitter, it’s: Instagram name is RealitySteve, or join my Reality Steve Facebook Fan Page. Talk to you tomorrow.

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