Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/21 – (EXCLUSIVE) Who Is Grant’s Final 3, Tyler From LIB’s “Ex” Sheds Light On Tyler’s Misrepresentation Of The “Sperm Babies,” TSwift Tour Winding Down, Today Is Back To The Future Day, & My New Pillow Review

All right. A few things to talk about here. I spent a lot of time this weekend on my Tik TOK and a lot of it on Thursday and Friday night was looking at Miami. I think it was hard rock stadium where Taylor was performing and watching people going live during Taylor’s performances in Miami, it was definitely raining, I believe Thursday night for sure.

Maybe it was Friday night. I think she was only there Friday, Saturday, and then last night. So maybe it was Friday night that I was looking, but yeah. You know, It is amazing that Taylor started the era’s tour in March of 2023, and she’s only got four places left. She’s in Indianapolis this upcoming weekend, then the, or excuse me, New Orleans this upcoming weekend, then in Indianapolis the following weekend.

And then she takes a couple of weeks off. Then she’s in Toronto and Vancouver, and that’s it. It finally comes to an end a year and a half tour. It’s like the craziest thing ever. And. Have you seen some of the prices online? Now this is just secondary and secondary market. And this is like seat geek and ticket master and all that.

But for new Orleans this weekend and Indian two weeks, I mean, I’m seeing tickets for 15, 20, 25, 000. I even saw someone take a screenshot. Now this was on Tik TOK. It could have been completely made up. But I saw one ticket and I didn’t even see what location it was, but it was just a screenshot of tickets either in New Orleans or Indy for 95, 000.

What? Look, I love Taylor as much as the next person. And you know, if you want to pay 95, 000 for tickets to her concert, clearly money isn’t an issue for you. But for 99 percent of Americans, they’re not spending 95, 000 to go see Taylor Swift in concert. I can’t believe some of the prices that I’m seeing here.

You know, when I, when I purchased these tickets, when I bought my tickets back in March of 2023, it was actually, what did I go March? 31st show in Dallas. It was like her fifth stop. I believe the fifth city that she did on this whole tour. I paid 1500 a ticket and I thought that was astronomical yet.

Totally worth it. But would I pay five grand a ticket? Absolutely not. By the way, the other thing I was looking at that went on sale this past weekend, WrestleMania in Las Vegas in April of 2025. Top deck WrestleMania. WrestleMania is over two nights. So you can get tickets for both nights. Top deck 1, 600.

I mean we’re talking the top deck at Allegiant Stadium is 1, 600. So 800 and I get you both nights. So 800 a night. Lower level tickets for WrestleMania five grand I mean, this is for wrestling now granted it’s the biggest wrestling show every year and they’re gonna do it up good because it’s Las Vegas, but 2, 500 a ticket to sit in the lower bowl at WrestleMania?

Hmm. No, thanks. If you saw my social media Saturday night, you know, I attended the 35 year anniversary showing Fathom events. I’m pretty much keeping Fathom events in business because only 12 of us went to the movie theater that night. I think there was about 10 or 12 people in the theater. Wasn’t packed to say the least, but.

35 year anniversary of Back to the Future 2. And the reason it was shown Saturday night was October 19th. Tonight is October 21st. You realize today is Back to the Future 2 day. And why? Because October 21st is the date that Marty and Doc and Jennifer went to the future. That’s the date they arrived when they went to go clear Marty’s child.

That’s why doc said, you got to come back with me at the end of the first one. You got to come back with me back to the future. They went ahead to the year 2015 and the date was October 21st, 2015. And that’s today. So that’s why they re released it this weekend as back to the future day. It was just as good this time as it was.

The previous 500 times I’ve seen it. I guess one thing that I do when I look and I, when I watched the movie now, I’m looking for things in particular that I’ve never seen before, because I pretty much know all the dialogue. So when I watch it now, I’m trying to watch for stuff that happens in the background and stuff, maybe that I didn’t notice, like a lot of newspaper reading in 2015, one of the things that I did notice this time around.

Is when they’re in the future in 2015 and they look at the USA today. One of the headlines at the top of the page says slam ball finals. Well, this movie was came out in 1989. There was slam ball, slam ball actually became a sport. When early two thousands, mid 2010s, something like that. Slam ball actually became a sport.

There were a lot of things in this movie that did end up panning out. Yes, we’re not flying around in cars and we’re not on hoverboards, but. They predicted that Miami would have a baseball team in 1989. They were one year off on the Cubs, winning the world series. Cubs won it in 2016. They were saying in 2015, the Cubs beat Miami in the world series, basically video phone, being able to see somebody when you talk to them, FaceTime, they had that in 1989.

So they got a lot of things, right? So I give them credit for that. But the other thing that I noticed. When I was looking for things in the background, I did notice that when Marty was walking around, when he came back to alternate 1985, after old Biff had flown back to 1955 to give his younger version, the gray sports almanac, so he could bet and win and become a rich millionaire.

So Marty goes back to alternate 1985, even though he thinks he’s in regular 1985, he realizes Biff is now running the town. He’s like, what, what’s going on here. And he realizes that old Biff had stolen the DeLorean given his Younger self, the gray sports almanac that had all the sports scores in it.

So he could bet on it. Well, when, before Marty, you know, he sees Blyth Biff’s pleasure paradise hotel, and he’s walking around town. If you look in the background, a lot. Of porn shops, a lot of X rated movie theaters, a lot of porn shops. It seemed like every store was related to porn. If you stop now, I couldn’t stop the movie when I was in the theater, but next time I do see it, I will stop it.

And maybe I’ll write down some of the things that were on some of the stores in case you missed it when he was walking around downtown, when it was just. A bunch of bikers and fires and a lot of crime going on. Basically, Biff had turned Hill Valley into a brothel, essentially, because there were so many stores that had some sort of porn or X related movie theaters attached to them.

It was kind of bizarre. We’ve talked about this before. Back to the Future 2, it’s kind of dark. You know, the fact that Biff admits to murdering George McFly, it was, it was just very dark. He’s trying to kill his own, quote unquote, Son his stepson marty mcfly. He’s trying to shoot him. He punches him in the stomach Like it was kind of dark that one.

Anyway it was great. I’m glad I went I did miss the first half of georgia, texas, but I came back and I watched it after the fact But today is back to the future 2 today back to the future 2 day. So, pay Whatever respects you need to pay To back to the future day today, please, on my behalf, just do it for me.

And finally, let me report back to you now on my ergonomic pillow. So I ordered the ergonomic pillow because it was showing up and every third or fourth video on my tick tock for you page. I got it on Thursday. So when I recorded Thursday night for Friday’s podcast, I hadn’t slept on it yet. So obviously I’ve slept on it Friday and Saturday.

Got to sleep on it again tonight. I sleep on it every night. Now, remember, when I told you about this ergonomic pillow and why I got it, it’s not because I’m a rough sleeper, or I have sleep apnea, or I can’t stay, I can’t stay asleep during the night and I’m constantly waking up. I’m a fine sleeper. I’ve never had any issues sleeping.

I just saw it and I go, that looks comfortable. And maybe it’s more of a preventative thing because I’ve never had neck issues about sleeping either, but maybe I saw it and I was just like, this is more of a preventative thing. You know, this is when you get older, you think about stuff like this, you think about taking preventative measures for getting sick or getting injured.

And that’s really all I got it for. And I really like it. Like, I don’t, it’s crazy because I don’t, it’s not like, Oh my gosh, this is the softest pillow I’ve ever slept on. It has nothing to do with the softness. It’s just as soft as any other pillow. But I guess it’s just the way my neck is positioned. It feels.

Different a little bit. It just, I just, I like it. I am not going to sit here and rave about it, but because like I said, I didn’t get it because I was having issues and this stopped my issues. I just got it because it looked comfortable and Oh yeah. Over the weekend I bought another one because I was like, well, what’s the point of having one?

I’m getting two. So that one hasn’t arrived yet, but anyway thumbs up. If I rate it out of five, I’d probably give it a four and a half. I like it. I enjoy my ergonomic pillow and you should too. It’s all over the internet. I would suggest getting one. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it.

Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review. Follow me whenever you can. Follow me, rate and review, but you got to hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download. Sports Daily will be up in an hour from now. Talk about this weekend’s games and how I did on my picks. And of course, I’ll In a little bit, it’ll be up on my Instagram page.

Everything in regards to Grant season regarding the final three. So thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you


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