Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/22 – Grant’s Overnight/Final Rose Ceremony Location & How It Plays Into The Best Spoiler I Ever Had, Tiffani Amber Theissen’s Daughter Doesn’t Like 90210, & What I Found Re-Watching “Back To The Future 2”

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in. A good Tuesday show for you. We’re going to talk about grant season, where they are at for the overnight dates and final rose ceremony location, which ties into the best spoiler I ever had.

I’ll tell you about that. We are going to talk about me having a major issue with Tiffany Amber Thiessen’s daughter. She might be 14, but I’ve got a bone to pick with her. I’ve got a story that appeared on the front page of people. com yesterday. And I don’t even know if it’s true because nothing in the story proved to me that it was true.

We’ll discuss it. And then yesterday I told you was back to the future day, October 21st, 2015 is from back to the future to when Marty and doc and Jennifer went to the future. That was the date in the future. And I told you yesterday. When I watch the movie now, all I look for is stuff in the background because I know all of the dialogue.

So I’m just looking for maybe little things that I missed. And I told you basically when they came back to 1985, alternate Biff had made it into basically a porn city, just nothing but X rated movie theaters and porn shops, so I went and just went to that scene yesterday, I will read you some of the things that were on the stores that were in alternate 1985.

You’ll get a kick out of this. We’ll get to all that momentarily or let’s start in Bachelor world grant season down to his final three They are currently filming the overnight dates in the Dominican Republic with Julianna Zoe and Latia now I say Dominican Republic that night. That might not mean a lot to any of you, but if you’ve been around and you’ve been a longtime fan of the show, as far back as I can remember, at least I’m talking about once the show became popular again, and I take that from essentially Jason Mesnick season on the reboot of the franchise, because Jason Mesnick season, and it’s not just because that was the first season I had a spoiler, but that’s season with that.

Wacky ending was the first time they really had anything crazy happen at the end of the show. And that’s what I call the reboot of the franchise and where people started to pay more attention to this show. Well, ever since Jason Mesnick season, the only time I can ever remember them being in the Dominican Republic was.

Andy season. And we all know what happened at the end of Andy Dorfman season, right? I’m talking about not the ending where she got engaged to Josh Murray. I’m talking about the ending that got me the greatest spoiler that I’ve ever gotten. And not just because I got it right, but how I got it right. And the fact that I was actually able to share where I got this information from.

I will. Go over this briefly for those who haven’t heard the story. It’s actually still up on my YouTube channel. You know, my YouTube channel went away for so long. It was, well, I shouldn’t say it went away. I didn’t post a video for seven years on my YouTube channel until I started doing the Thursday podcast on there back for episode 400.

So I used to post spoiler stuff on my YouTube channel, videos, pictures, stuff like that. Well, you can go on my YouTube channel, youtube. com backslash reality, Steve, and just scroll down and you can find the video where. Andy season ended filming in the Dominican Republic. She chose Josh Murray over Nick Viall, obviously, and Nick’s first season.

And on the plane ride back, the video that I have is Nick on a plane from, I believe Miami to Charlotte, and then it was going on from Charlotte to Wisconsin for him, but somebody from my past happened to be sitting in the seat behind Nick Viall. Yet this person had no clue who Nick Vial was because while they knew that what I did, I hadn’t spoken to this person in five years, I didn’t even have this person’s number still in my phone.

I get a text message from this person and it just comes across as their phone number and they said, essentially, Hey, I think I’m on the plane. I’m sitting behind somebody who was just on the bachelor or bachelorette. And they sent me the video right before they took off. And so I didn’t get to talk to them until after they had landed.

But essentially you’ve seen the video. I’ve talked about it. It’s on my YouTube channel. It’s of Nick on the plane, clearly talking to somebody back at home. I think it ended up, we ended up finding out, I think he’s talked about it. It was his dad and basically telling his dad what happened at the end of filming that Andy chose Josh and Andy just does whatever Josh says.

And. She’s so stubborn and all Josh cares about is whatever, sleeping or whatever it is, whatever it is. He said, but this person sends me the video and it’s just random because this person told me after the fact, like they sent me the video right before they took off and I talked to him after they landed and she tells me, she’s like, Hey, honestly, I don’t follow the show anymore.

I don’t follow your stuff, but I still had you in my phone. You could say we briefly dated, but. It didn’t end well between us. This was shocked. She still had my number in her phone. I had didn’t have her in my phone. That’s why her texts appeared as a phone number. But so she texts me and she says, I’m sitting behind him and he’s talking so loud and I hear him throwing out keywords like rose ceremony and final rose.

So I just started recording him and. Then I went to your site and at the time, the last thing that had appeared on my site was, Hey, these are the final four guys or whatever. So she just looked at the pictures and said, Oh, this guy must have made the final two because of what he was saying. And I just saw him on your site.

So that was the crazy part about it. What’s interesting now is. And I’m, I’m completely honest with this now, while this was a great spoiler and obviously anytime I tell you the ending of a season, I just tell it to you and you have to choose to believe me or not. I usually cannot, I can never back it up with, well, I know this because of this, because then I’d be revealing sources this, I was allowed to reveal a source because one, it was on video and two, it didn’t matter who the source was because.

That person was just a random stranger that you didn’t know anyway. So you didn’t know who they were. But my point being is this was what 20 off the top of my head. I don’t know what year this was. I mean, it’s on my YouTube video, but I’m not going to go back and look right now. I want to say off the top of my head, this was what?

2015, 2016, around there sometime. If this exact thing were to happen today, where let’s just say someone on a plane is sitting behind a contestant who happens to be talking loudly to their family, spoiling what happens at the end of the show. And they sent it to me, I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t post the video.

Now, I would just tell you, this is what happens. I might even say I have video of it, but I wouldn’t post it. And not because I’m looking out for Nick, because you know how I feel about Nick. And the fact that Nick has complained about that years later, just is laughable to me because this guy says I made his life miserable during that time.

Yet he takes no responsibility for himself for actually talking as loud as he did in first class to a family member, spoiling his own season. He gets mad at me because I posted a video of someone recording him doing that. Is it, was it right of that person to record him? You know, probably not. Was it the most egregious thing in the world?

No, he acted like it was just totally hell for him. And it’s just like, dude, shut up. Come on now take some responsibility for what you did with that said, I wouldn’t post the video now. If I got something like that, I would just tell you the results of it. Like, Hey, Maybe I would say I got a video, maybe I wouldn’t.

Either way, for me now, a lot of it just comes down to every season. All I care about is getting the spoilers right. That’s all I want to do. I want to get you your spoilers. I want to get you as much as I can. You know, you’re getting spoiled by the final four of Grant’s season in real time, the final three in real time, where they’re at right now.

If I get more, I’ll share that with you. Obviously I want to get the ending right more than anything else. And then I’ll work backwards about the other episodes, which I have a lot of info on. The whole point is I just want to get the spoilers, right? It’s just funny that they’re going to the Dominican Republic because that was anti season and it reminded me of everything that happened during that season and what a great spoiler that was.

And yet, even with that video, I remember sharing it and people were like, this is a plant producers sent this to you. They want you to say that this is. Andy clearly choosing Josh over Nick. I’m just like, That just goes to show that facts don’t matter to people. Shit. They didn’t matter when this happened in 2015 or 2016.

It’s people’s own self truths. If you want to believe something, you will go to all the ends of the earth to defend your opinion. Even if presented with facts and a video of a guy clearly talking about how he was dumped at the end. And yet people still didn’t want to believe it at that point. And it’s just like, that was before the advent of.

Social media really took off. Obviously Instagram and Twitter were a thing back then, but we’re talking about now where obviously facts don’t matter to anybody. You have a stance on one particular thing. You have an opinion on one particular thing. Nothing is going to change your mind, even if you are presented with a ton of facts, because it’s what you believe is that smart is that making yourself a better person is that growing as a person to actually listen to opposite opinions of yours.

No, it’s not very healthy, but we know what happens. So that’s what I mean It’s just like I presented people with that video and it was amazing how many people still doubted it It’s crazy crazier times and I’m here to say yeah, if I got a video like that now, I wouldn’t post it I would just say this is what was in the video This podcast is brought to you by way everybody’s got a type and way is yours They’re shampoo and conditioner are made to deliver What’s just right for your hair type with way you’ll get hydration that won’t weigh you down.

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