Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 10/22 – Grant’s Overnight/Final Rose Ceremony Location & How It Plays Into The Best Spoiler I Ever Had, Tiffani Amber Theissen’s Daughter Doesn’t Like 90210, & What I Found Re-Watching “Back To The Future 2”

So I told you in the open, I am not happy with Tiffany Amber Thiessen’s daughter.
Yes, I know she’s 14. Actually, when I read the story, I kind of eased up on her a little bit when I, but when I saw the headline that read Tiffany Thiessen’s teen daughter thinks 90210 is too slow. Even though the boys are quote, kind of cute. So I read the story and they were at a fundraising event this past Sunday.

And I guess they asked Tiffany and her daughter, Hey, have you started watching it? And she says that she’s actually obsessed with friends now, and she’s almost done watching that and they watch it together. But she said, we tried doing 90210. She kept looking at me and going, when is anything going to happen?

So. She told her actually don’t watch her episodes. Cause remember Tiffany, Amber Thiessen didn’t join till season five, but to watch it from the beginning. And I’m like, Oh, okay. That’s why she’s saying it’s super slow because it absolutely, you know, me, I’m more of a college guy than I am a high school guy.

And those early episodes, which by the way, are running right now on BH and I know two and O restored Instagram page, they’re showing clips from season one and they’re going in order of episode one. That pilot episode looks so outdated. The filming of it looks outdated. The music looks outdated. It is so slow and yes, maybe watching it in 2024.

You’re watching it going, this is nothing is happening here, but. In 1990, maybe that was a thing. It was just like, Oh, wow, this is, this is new. And it’s a bunch of good looking high school people. Who knows? I wasn’t watching it at the time it was airing. I didn’t start watching nine Oh two and Oh, until the college years.

And then I went back and watched the high school years. It’s funny to think that her daughter thinks it’s slow. So she’s right about that. But when I read the headline, I was like, what is she talking about? Because certainly when Harper, her 14 year old daughter gets to season five, if she ever gets that far, she’s going to see mommy.

Doing some things that maybe a 14 year old doesn’t want to picture her mommy doing. And yes, I know it’s acting. She wasn’t really doing this in real life, but when at the end of Tiffany Amortheason’s first episodes, she’s smoking pot out of Brenda’s old room. And by the third episode, she literally is having sex with Dylan and he’s asking her where she learned those tricks in bed.

I’m, I want to know Harper’s reaction to that. Not what she thinks of crappy season one, episodes one and two, you know? So please, Tiffany, keep us updated on what Harper thinks of your performances on Beverly hills, nine Oh two and Oh, because it is light years above what is she’s watching now. And Oh yeah.

If you want to know her opinion on saved by the bell. Tiffany said, she was like, this show’s kind of dumb, mom. She was real honest. And she found it more funny just to watch me at that age and the way I dressed. Yeah. Nobody ever thought that saved by the bell was high comedy and was smart comedy. Yes.

Watching it now is so dumb, but yeah, nobody in 2024 is going to think that saved by the bell was watching it. Now is going to look back on it. I was like, wow, that was hilarious. Watching it when we did. And for those of you that did watch it, and it was part of your Saturday morning routine, it was, you would never think of saying that maybe we didn’t think it was the funniest show, but it was a comfort show for everybody.

And I think it had an impact on a lot of people. So Harper, you’re forgiven. I get it. You’re a 14 year old in 2024. Shit. I had to pay my niece to watch the college years of 90210 with me, just cause I wanted her to watch it. And she just had no interest because if cell phones aren’t involved or Instagram, she thinks it’s so outdated.

That’s what I had to do. At least Tiffany doesn’t have to pay her daughter to watch her old shows, but please, please, Tiffany, keep us updated when Harper watches season five of 90210. I need to know that I’m going to save this story. I saw on people. com until tomorrow, because I want to kind of go over this.

It’s I kind of want to read the whole story, even though I have no idea if this story is true or not. And it’s even being doubted in the comments of the story. So I do want to move on to one last thing. And it was what I talked about in the open. And I talked about it yesterday on the podcast yesterday, back to the future day, October 21st, 2015, that was the day that Marty and doc and Jennifer went to the future and saw.

In 1989, what they thought the future was going to be, got some things right, got some things wrong. When I told you I went and saw the movie in the theater this past weekend for the 35 year anniversary, I told you when I watched this movie now, and even though when I watched the first one or the third one, I know the dialogue front and back, nothing in the dialogue ever surprises me.

So I look for things in the background and I look for things that maybe I missed the first hundred times I viewed the movie. And one thing that I noticed was when Marty goes back to alternate 1985. After Biff had given the sports almanac to his younger self in 1955. And he goes back to a completely altered version, altered to just him and doc.

Everyone else was living that reality. Quote unquote, he’s walking around hill Valley and in the background. All these stores that were in 1985, Statler, Toyota, Texaco, all these stores now are literally porn shops. So I took a screenshot, I was sending it to friends yesterday. And I was like, look at how much porn was in hill Valley.

Basically Biff Tannen was running a brothel in alternate 1985. These were some of the things that you saw. On the marquees of stores in the background, when Marty’s just kind of walking around and in a daze, like, where the hell am I? There’s all these bikers, there’s fires. He sees a giant hotel with named Biff’s pleasure paradise.

And he’s walking around, but in the background, if you pause it and zoom in, one of them says. Hell hole, triple X. Another says peep show live sex acts on video. Another one says Bangkok, sauna, and Asian massage. Another one says hardcore movies. That’s the little movie. There’s a little movie theater where it says hardcore movies.

And right underneath that, it says X, X, X video porn, another. And right next door to that is an adult toy store. It says adult toys, love tools. And then. Remember yesterday in my podcast, I said there was even a store that had a woman’s name on it. I thought it was Jasmine. No, it was Tanya. And on the store, on the storefront, it says Tanya, exotic sex goddess.

And right underneath that in quotes, you worship her. She worships you. This is what we were looking at in 1985 alternate 1985. So one of the people that I was texting this with yesterday comes back to me and says, You should see regular 1985 from the first movie when Marty and Jennifer were just walking around after his band didn’t get taken for the talent show.

And whatever. If you look at the stores there, there is a store there that is basically selling nudie magazines and you could see that it’s like, what my image of hill valley is totally blown. Now what the hell happened to that city? I mean, I guess Biff just made it worse. When he became rich and powerful and famous, but my gosh, Bangkok, sauna, an Asian massage, peep show, live sex acts on video.

All right, whatever. Hill Valley, Tanya, the exotic sex goddess. See, when I see something like that, you know what immediately comes to my mind when Marty had to go confront alternate 1985 Biff and ask him. About the gray sports almanac. Remember when he snuck into the penthouse and Biff is in there with two naked women in the hot tub.

Now I need to know is one of those naked women, Tanya, the exotic sex goddess, that if you worship her, she worships you. These are the questions I want answers to. I really need to find somebody from back to the future. One of the directors, one of the writers, and just, Have a full deep dive with them on a podcast.

One of these days I’m going to do it. I’m absolutely going to do it anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts also rate and review, but you gotta hit play. It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily. We’ll be up in an hour from now. If you want to check that out again.

Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it, and I will talk to you tomorrow.

See you.

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