Reality Steve


Daily Roundup 12/4 – More IG & YouTube Videos Coming, Girls Gone Wild Doc, Mattel Being Sued For Wrong URL On Wicked Dolls, T Swifts Perfume, & Latest TikTok Trend

You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the RealitySteve podcast. I’m your host, RealitySteve. Thank you all for tuning in on this What day is it? Wednesday. Gosh, I’m already forgetting what day it is. On this Wednesday, got a couple things to go over. We actually do have a Bachelor Nation story.

We have an engagement of somebody in Bachelor Nation. Girls gone wild has been made into a documentary that was released yesterday. I haven’t watched it yet, but the founder of girls gone wild, Joe Francis, boy, this guy just doesn’t get it. We’ve got an update on the wicked Mattel toys story about, we talked about it.

I think about a week, week and a half ago, how some of their Elphaba and Glinda dolls. Had the wrong website on the boxes. Well, parents aren’t happy. And when parents aren’t happy and Karens aren’t happy, what do they do? They sue. I have an update on the Taylor Swift perfume story from yesterday. And I’m going to get around to that Tik TOK trend that I have questions about.

We’ll get to all that momentarily. I do want to say right off the bat that. You’re going to be seeing a little bit more video stuff from me in terms of small snippets, YouTube shorts, Instagram reels of my Thursday interview, either the day before the interview comes out the day of, but I’ve got someone now that is doing the clips for me.

I can already tell you, I recorded Thursday’s podcast, the weekly podcast with Kristen Burt, journalist who covers Dance With The Stars. She was the one who went on Sheryl Burke’s podcast before the finale and predicted the order of five down to one and got it correct. So we do a wrap up of Dancing With The Stars on the Thursday podcast this week.

I just want to give you an update because I felt I wasn’t doing enough on the video side, but I’m not good at video editing. So somebody else is doing it for me. And you’re going to start seeing me, hopefully. I mean, I don’t even know how the algorithm works on YouTube shorts and Instagram reels. I’m just going to probably put out three to four reels, either Wednesday and Thursday, depending on when I get the interview recorded.

And. Hopefully it’ll just, you know, get more people interested in the Thursday interview and clicking on it and bringing them to the YouTube page, all that stuff. And just listening to the podcast in general, because I feel like that needs to be pushed out there. And you’ll start seeing that this week, since I already recorded with Kristen, I’ve got the videos, maybe today I’ll release one and then tomorrow, a couple more, but.

Just something to add on the video side to the podcast that come out weekly. We have an engagement in bachelor nation. Michelle Young got engaged to her boyfriend. They actually got engaged over a month ago. They got engaged on October 24th. Story was released yesterday by People Magazine. They had exclusive photos So they clearly had set this up in advance to release the photos to People Magazine And I gotta give this guy credit.

His name is Jack. I don’t know how to pronounce his last name. L E I U S. Leus, I’m guessing. Anyway He basically had convinced her and he went through a lot of detail here He convinced her that they were going to film a commercial that she was going to be filming a commercial in Minnesota But it was all set up by an assist from her management team He is the VP of sales for covert edge athletics.

They set up a fake shoot They arranged for Michelle to sign a fake contract and be given a script with lines to memorize for the commercial And he basically fooled her and he proposed. So I don’t know anything about Jack and I have, Michelle’s pretty much kind of fallen off the radar since she moved back to Minnesota and pretty much removed herself from bachelor nation, which was healthy for her.

But not a lot I could add here, other than she’s engaged to Jack. I don’t follow either of them on social media. I have no idea what they do, any kind of content that they put out, if they put out a lot, if they put out minimal, no idea. But, congratulations are in order for Michelle and Jack Lais. Alright.

There is a new documentary that was just released on Peacock called Girls Gone Wild, the Untold Story, and it’s about how Girls Gone Wild became the sensation that it was in what early 2000s. If you were around at that time and you remember, they had so many commercials running late at night. For videos that you could purchase because back then there was no streaming.

You basically had to purchase videos of When you saw the commercials you were just like, okay, it’s a bunch of young hot college girls who are Drunk in Florida on spring break and somebody’s recording them and nobody thought twice about Hey, is everybody here even legal? And Hey, is everybody here consenting to being filmed?

And then it turned into these women were pulling up their tops and girls gone wild. You’re, you’re very well aware of it. The owner and the, the creator of girls gone wild Joe Francis is a 100 percent grade a asshole. And he agreed. To do interviews for this documentary, but he didn’t want to be on camera.

And this is one of the quotes that came from the documentary. He was told like, are you, do you think by filming these women, you are too young, they were too young to be held legally accountable for their actions. And he shot back saying, no, they were 17, just shy of 18. They were the ones that victimized us.

I believe we all believe that they were put up by the Panama city police and it was all an operation. So I believe that that was quite orchestrated. I walked into an effing snake pit. Okay. Now, Joe Francis has moved to Mexico. He has an active warrant issued for his arrest in 2014. That’s why he moved to Mexico.

This quote that he gives though, it’s like. Even if it was, oh, those girls were put there by Panama city police. It was all an operation. Assuming he means this was a sting operation to catch him. And like, if they did do that and you were caught, that doesn’t make you innocent, that makes you guilty. They busted you.

They were onto you and I haven’t watched it, but I’m probably going to watch this one at some point. Because this really seems like, obviously this was during that time, early two thousands where women were getting, getting exploited for sure in the media. And they were just covered differently. I mean, this guy was just walking around with a camcorder during spring break, just filming women and selling videos saying girls gone wild.

And it is hard to believe that every single woman who was on, I shouldn’t even say woman. Basically call them girls. Cause I’m guessing most of them were under 20 at that point. It’s very hard to believe now that every single one that was on those videos drunk, throwing up, flashing, were all consenting to, yeah, put this on video.

I saw one clip where there’s a woman who now a woman years later, 20 years later, who ended up making it on the cover of one of the videos. And she didn’t even know about it until it came out. And then all of her family knew all of her friends knew, I believe she lost her job. And this became just obviously a giant.

Stain on her image because she was now on the cover of girls gone wild. And she didn’t even remember signing anything that even allowed that to happen. So it looks like a pretty interesting look at how things were handled in the early two thousands. There’s not a chance in hell you could get away with something like this now, but.

We’ve talked about this numerous times. It’s just the way the media was in the early two thousands. It was very negative towards women. You could get away with a lot and nobody really said anything. I mean, just think about it in the early two thousands. There were videos called girls gone wild with just random women, random girls on spring break, just being filmed.

Flashing their breasts on camera and being sold in video stores. And that’s really all it was no plot to these videos, say the least. And the commercials ran all the time. And when they ran at night, when you’re watching movies or you’re watching the E channel or MTV, these commercials are running nonstop.

And they were just X ing out the girl’s breasts when they would show like, Hey, here’s girls gone wild for in Daytona beach or whatever, I’m just naming a city. And you would see the commercial and you’d see these girls lift up their tops. And then there was be an X over them. And it was a multimillion dollar industry and this guy ran it.

And now he’s claiming like they victimized me. I haven’t even seen the documentary yet, but dude, shut up. Just admit you’re wrongdoing. Take your L and just go away. This podcast brought to you by Prolon from El Nutra. Did you know there is a nutrition plan that doesn’t just help you lose weight. But actually has been shown to lower your biological age score, and that’s Prolon by El Nutra, and here’s the craziest part.

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