Joined today for the first time on the weekly podcast by DWTS journalist Kristyn Burtt, as we do a wrap up on this season of “Dancing with the Stars.” Kristyn brings up some changes she thinks the show could implement after a rough year for the judges. Even I had a brilliant idea I thought of in the moment – until I realized it was something they’d done once before. Hey, whatever. Bring it back and give me full credit. Either way, a great talk with Kristyn about this season, best dancer vs best story argument, the judges rough season, will we see them ever go back to two seasons in a calendar year, and much, much more. Before that, I talk about what’s on the Daily Roundup including a major game changer on Survivor last night that was one of the best episodes this show has seen in recent memory. Absolute TV gold. What an episode. Anyway, thanks again to Kristyn for coming on. Always enjoy talking to her.
Today’s podcast also now up on my YouTube channel. You can watch, subscribe, like, and comment here:
You can listen to today’s podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in by clicking the player below:
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Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
(SPOILERS) I begin by going over what’s on the Daily Roundup including an absolute brilliant game move on “Survivor” that has everyone talking. Then Kristyn joins me (7:48) to talk about this season of DWTS, best dancer vs best story debate, the judges rough season, changes she thinks they could make, future seasons, and much, much more.
Instagram – @thekristynburtt
(SPOILER) Your Daily Roundup covers an absolute genius move pulled off in Survivor last night, the Challenge was a mismatch, a hard launch in the Big Brother world, Spotify Playlists everywhere now, & a blast from the past gets married.
You can listen to that podcast on a number of platforms, but you can also tune in here:
Subscribe: Apple Podcasts,RSS, Stitcher, Spotify
Music written by Jimmer Podrasky
(B’Jingo Songs/Machia Music/Bug Music BMI)
You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I’m your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Thursday. Good Daily Roundup for you today. We’re going to talk about Survivor. Because last night, I think, I’ll give you my thoughts in a second. But there was a lot to last night’s episode.
Also going to talk about The Challenge. There was a hard launch. In the big brother world yesterday. We’re at that time of year where you’re seeing a lot of people do the same thing on their Instagram stories. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. We’ll get to that and somebody whose name I hadn’t heard in probably 10 years is back in the news.
And we’ll get to all that momentarily. So I wanted to start out with this podcast and number four 20 coming up in a couple hours, 9 15 AM Eastern time to be exact. It will be released on my YouTube channel and it should be in your podcast feed by then. It is with journalist, Kristen Bert, as we go over kind of a wrap up of dancing with the stars as she covered it very extensively predicted the final five in order before the finale and just an overall good conversation.
We talk about the judging. We talk about. Does she think Carrie Ann might get removed? Is there a possibility they go back to two seasons a year, a spring season and a fall season? What suggestions we have for possibly changing the scoring system on the show? So a lot of good talk dance with the stars talk today with Christian that’s coming up at 9 15 AM Eastern time.
Also, you’re going to start seeing more video clips from my interviews. Those will be posted as well on your Instagram reels and your shorts on YouTube. So if you see those pop up on YouTube or Instagram reel, like them, leave a comment, subscribe. But those are going to be coming more video clips every week of just my Thursday podcast.
Don’t know if I’m going to get into doing video on the daily roundup, at least not yet, but the Thursday interview will always have clips that I’m going to be releasing usually between three and five of both. Instagram reels. Maybe I’ll do it on Facebook too. Maybe I’ll do it on Tik TOK as well, but definitely YouTube shorts and Instagram reels.
All right, let’s get to survivor last night. Anybody that’s been listening to this podcast for a long time knows I’ve said it so many times survivor will always be my favorite reality show. I. Love it. I’ve watched every episode of every season, just enjoy the gameplay of it. I have always been intrigued by playing a game for a million dollars and you vote the people out who ultimately have the say in whether or not they want to award you a million dollars.
So you gotta tread lightly. You can’t piss people off or else they’re not going to vote for you in the end, but you still have to basically lie to them or be shady towards them because you don’t want them to know you’re voting them out. With that said, something that always comes up with Survivor, you can say it at any point during the season, but usually when it gets down to a smaller number, maybe 8, 9, 10, I’ve always said this, it’s impossible to predict who’s going to win this show.
Because you can be like, wow, that guy or girl’s a great threat in challenges, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to win. Oh, they have a great social game. Well, that doesn’t mean they’re going to win. And there’s so many twists and turns and you don’t know who decides when they’re going to flip until you see them decide when they’re going to flip.
And that’s exactly what we saw last night. Cause when I was talking last week about survivor, I said, look, it’s five against two right now. After they got rid of Kyle last week, this was a five on two game. It was Sam and Genevieve against Teenie Caroline, Sue, Rachel, and Andy. Like that’s what the numbers were.
When the episode started out and Sam won the reward challenge and he decides to bring Genevieve and Andy, even if he flips Andy, it’s still four against three. And we see the women that are back at camp, Teenie Caroline, Sue and Rachel all basically saying we want an all women’s alliance and Sam’s gone.
It’s four against three, even if they flip Andy, it’s four against three. Well, you can’t know possibly what is going to, I mean, this seems so obvious, but that’s why I say predicting who’s going to win with seven, eight, nine, 10 people left. It’s impossible because one, you don’t know who’s going to win immunity and possibly save themselves in future episodes.
And two, you don’t know who’s going to side all of a sudden to just make a big move. And Andy made one of the biggest moves. Steven Fischbach said it might be the best move and the biggest move in the new era. He knows the show better than I do. I can’t tell you, even though I’ve watched every episode of the new era, I can’t remember one move that was ever made in this game that flipped the game.
Like what Andy did last night, what Andy pulled off last night was mind boggling to me for the exact reasons that Genevieve laid out right before tribal council. She’s like, look, it seems great in theory. But what if one of the other women have an idol? What if they don’t believe my idol? What if they don’t split the votes like they’re supposed to?
Like there were so many things that could have gone wrong yet, man. If they didn’t pull it off and they had, I think they had the audience guessing because they made sure to show us a conversation between Sue and Caroline where Sue was telling her, Hey, I’ll use my idol on you. If I feel that you’re going home, I’ll use my idol on you.
And then they showed us conversations with those women and Andy, the four women and Andy saying, Well, why do we need to put it? Why do we need to split the votes? If we know Genevieve is using her idol, what’s the point of even putting a vote on her? Why don’t we need to split it? She’s using hers.
We’re just wasting a vote. So I, I, I, I totally understood it. It made sense. And that put a doubt in your mind. Like, wait a second. Is operation Italy going to fail now because of what Genevieve laid out? One of these things happens and that operation goes to shit. And Andy is probably the next one out because they realized he flipped, but dammit, if he didn’t pull it off, whereas early on in the season, I think everybody watching the show thought Andy was the biggest airhead out there and.
Everyone’s just keeping him around because they know he’s an easy vote off. Well, shit. Now with six people left, he has the biggest feather in his cap in his resume. He flipped the game last night. This was him saying, I don’t want to be at the bottom of a teeny Caroline Sue and Rachel Alliance because I will be.
If I stay with this five, but not only do I have to flip to Sam and Genevieve, it’s still only makes us four, three. I have to put in plan put in place a plan that makes those other four women think that Genevieve or Sam. And in this case ended up being Genevieve has an idol. So they split the votes because if they don’t split the votes, one of us is out for three and it worked, it was a genius plan.
Like Steve Fischbach said, this is the best move in the new era. I mean, when he, when we have them on at the end of the season, I’ll bring it up again. We’ll have to see how this plays out or whatever, but regardless of, of Andy ends up winning or not, it was a genius move where everything had to go right for them for it to succeed.
And it did. I mean, here’s the other thing that you have to remember. Sam and Genevieve winning immunity absolutely kills operation Italy. So there’s two things here. If Sam or Genevieve win immunity, that plan doesn’t work. So they never showed us a conversation that Sam and Genevieve had before immunity saying, Hey, we can’t win it.
But. It’s clear as day. If Sam wins it, they’re all putting their votes on Genevieve. They can’t even, they don’t have a choice to split votes because it’s like, well, it’s all going to Genevieve now vice versa. If Genevieve would have won immunity. So I’m guessing Sam and Genevieve had that conversation because Sam remember was the first one to the end of the relay race, the end of the immunity challenge, and he didn’t get one ball on the plate.
So maybe he was just doing that on purpose. I’m, my guess is he was because of him and Genevieve him or Genevieve win. The plan is over. Operation Italy doesn’t work. The second thing is even till the very end where the votes are read and Jeff says, if you have an idol or an advantage and you want to use it now, got to use it.
And everyone obviously looks at Genevieve because Genevieve had told teeny who I’m assuming told all the other women, Genevieve’s got an idol. I saw it. Genevieve even sat there and Sam and Genevieve. Obviously put on a great acting job because everyone was looking at Genevieve and expecting her to play it if she just sits there and smiles.
I mean, I guess it didn’t matter. The votes were in at that point and nothing could have changed, but they even kept the ruse up until after the votes were read because she’s just like, No, I’m good. I’m good, and I’m going to stay here with this. You know, I feel like I’m good. And Sam was acting all worried when he pretty much knew we just pulled it off.
Well, I assume he knew they pulled it off. We were hoping that the women split the votes and they did. Two of them put votes on Genevieve, two of them put votes on Sam, and Sam, Genevieve, and Andy put three votes on Caroline. It was an absolutely brilliant move. It was the best move of the season. It was one, it was a game changer because now you’ve got three against three.
You’ve got Sam, Genevieve, and Andy against Teenie Sue and Rachel. So I don’t know what, I mean, people can flip, I don’t know who’s on what side now, and he might flip back to the other three and just said, Hey, I just wanted to get Caroline out now I’m back with you. Would they trust him? I don’t know, but he just pulled off the biggest move by far of this season.
And. I don’t know if anybody can even doubt it at this point. He’s got the biggest resume builder right now in that move in operation Italy. And I can’t wait till the end of the season to see what he says and how he, how people react when he tells them that whole plan, this podcast brought to you by.
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