Let’s talk about the challenge last night. We are down after Aviv was eliminated last night.
We are down to about, I believe, 10, right? And look, Aviv’s a fighter. She’s a former winner. Granted it was years ago. She’s now 40 years old. But when you saw that arena challenge of a 10 pound ball in a, an enclosed triangle, and someone had to get the ball and throw it over the board, Did anybody honestly think that Aviv had a chance in hell to win that?
Let’s look at it seriously. Jenny is, I, you can say like, well, you can’t just go by strength. It’s like, guess you can. I don’t think Aviv ever would have gotten a shot off if they played that game up to 10. It was never going to happen. She’s smaller than her. And she’s not nearly as strong as her. And that’s essentially what you needed to win that.
Look at what Aviv was doing. Jenny had the ball. Aviv couldn’t do anything. She’s jumping on her back. She’s doing whatever she can to knock the ball out of her hand. Hell, Jenny missed landing it in the target. What? Three times, four times. It just, it was, you know, I don’t know how they do it in terms of this show.
I don’t know if they’re like, Hey, we know Jenny and Aviv are going to be in it. Let’s we want to keep Jenny in this game. So we’ll, we’ll make an arena challenge. So. So much geared towards Jenny. It’s very possible. That’s how they do it because they can say, Oh no, at the beginning of the season, we know we write out what every challenge is going to be on week one, week two, week three, week four, but we have no idea if they’re actually sticking to that and they don’t have to, there’s zero transparency there.
So we have no idea they can say, Oh no, these are all thought out beforehand. And we already know before week one even starts what the challenge is going to be in week 10. There’s no transparency there, so you can’t just take them at their word. That seemed so in favor of Jenny, just absolutely boat racing Aviv in that.
Like she wiped the mat with her. It wasn’t even close. And you know, I appreciate Aviv fighting, but she had no chance. There was no puzzle involved. There wasn’t anything where if it was something to where you had to, it was like a timed thing, And you had to get something done in a matter of time and there was puzzles involved.
Yes, but this was basically all speed and strength. Jenny is built for stuff like that. Aviv is just too small. She just didn’t have the strength to possibly keep up with Jenny in that particular challenge. So we’re down to the final 10. This certainly looks like this is Kylan or Jordan’s to lose because they’re the two best competitors.
Bananas obviously is there. So it’s the five men left are. Bananas, Kylan, Jordan, Corey, and Derek, right? I just bananas has been terrible. And some of these challenges, he, he even said it last night. I start out well, and then I just shit the bed essentially. And basically timed out in the daily on last night’s episode.
So this seems like if I don’t know, I can’t remember if there’s one winner or two winners this season, if there’s going to be a a male winner and a female winner, I can’t remember what they said, or if there’s going to be one, this looks like Kylan, Jordan, Tori, maybe,
maybe car Maria, maybe Jenny, but Michelle not going to win this thing. So I think maybe three or four people can win out of the 10 that are left. But yeah, that last night was, I, they got to that. Yeah. They got to the arena. I’m like, Oh gosh, this isn’t even going to be close. And it wasn’t, did you see the hard launch yesterday from the BB 26 cast?
This was hinted at while they were in the, on the show. And even though he was only on the show for, I think, 10 days, Matt. Our first one out crazy eyes, according to Angela, Matt and McKenzie hard launched yesterday on Instagram. I can’t, I, I want to say I’m surprised only because I could have sworn I was watching stuff during the season.
Once McKenzie was 50, 60, 70 days in. I thought I remember seeing stuff from the live feeds of her talking about the fact that Matt was saying, like, he knew that they were going to be together when this thing was over. And she was saying like, how can he say that? And he know it right away. And I thought she was literally in, I thought she was making fun of him on some of the live feed clips.
Now, obviously she might’ve. And I might have, I might be right in saying that and saying, I could have sworn I saw that, but then she got off the show. She spent time with him and she changed her mind. I guess, I guess that’s possible. So I’m not stunned because they were flirting on the show. Do I think they’ll last?
I don’t. I,
in every reality show where there’s eliminations, there’s definitely always been a pecking order. McKenzie is final two. Matt finished dead last. I don’t know in big brother history, if you’ve ever had two people that dated from the show that have that big a discrepancy of where they finished on the show, they’d be like, Steve, that’s a really stupid thing to base a relationship off whether or not it’s going to last.
I understand. But when you can’t name that type of discrepancy in any reality show, I sure she’s giving it a try, but you got to also remember Mackenzie is very young. What is she? 22, 23, maybe at the most she’s young. Matt’s a good looking guy. He was on the show with her. They flirted. Now they’re flirting off show.
Now they’re going to hard launch. I get it. I just know Mackenzie’s young. Mackenzie’s going to end up in the challenge world. She ain’t going to be with that very long. It’s just my prediction. Maybe they will get married and prove me wrong and stay together until one of them dies. I love saying that line, especially when it comes to reality show couples, because you’re pretty much going to be right.
98 percent of the time. But. I just see, I just don’t see it longterm. I think this is puppy love. I think this is, I think she’s just young and she’ll, if she does get in the challenge world, which I fully expect her to get into, I just think she’ll be pulled in different directions. And I don’t see Matt as longterm with her.
We’re at the beginning of December now, and that can only mean one thing. Everybody on their Instagram stories is showing you one of two things. Their Spotify playlist for the year. What album they listen to the most. What artist they listen to the most. What songs they listen to the most. Or, number two, what podcast they listen to the most.
Let me just say this right off the bat. Thank you. To everybody who’s tagged me in their podcast list yesterday and had me in their top five, some of you had me at one, I was the, you know, the most listened to podcasts for some people. I was in top five. I was tagged a lot. This is just a personal preference of mine.
I know everyone else likes reposting and showing other people. Hey, look, I’m a top five podcast on somebody else’s list. Totally get that to each their own. I just don’t like reposting that. It’s just a thing with me. Doesn’t mean I think it’s stupid that other people do it just for me. I personally have never done it.
And every year I get tagged in, Hey, you’re in my top five podcasts, which. Thank you. I appreciate that. I am. And it’s, and it’s nothing against you that I’m not reposting it. It’s just, it’s just always been a thing with me. I’ve never reposted them. I could easily just hit add to my story. Yeah, it could be very easy.
I could just add to my story. I don’t, and I don’t fault anyone who does. It’s just something I choose not to do. So if you did tag me and you’re like, why didn’t Steve add me? It’s just something I don’t do. There’s really no rhyme or reason. I’m just weird like that. So I just wanted to point that out. And finally, a name that I hadn’t heard of in easily 10 years was the name Courtney Stodden.
Remember her? That hot mess express. Well, she was married a while ago and I’m talking about a real while ago when she was 16 years old. Remember she married Doug Hutchinson who was on lost. He was a character actor on television shows, but you were like, who’s Courtney Stodden? And it was just, she was a girl.
She was 16 years old. She had like, had already had major breast enhancement surgery, had a lot of work done. And we wore very skimpy outfits. And as a 16 year old, obviously it became a talking point on the internet. Well, she married Doug Hutchinson and a lot of people were kind of freaking out. Why?
Because she was 16 and Doug Hutchison was 51 and they acted like nothing was wrong. And they did numerous interviews, where the interviewers would say like, Don’t you find this to be a little odd? Don’t you find this to be, I don’t know, illegal? And they just did all their interviews and she said she loves him and all that stuff.
And then obviously it ended up falling apart, as we all predicted it would. Didn’t last very long at all. Actually, I guess they got divorced in 2020. I guess they were married for nine years. That’s probably eight and a half years more than anybody thought they would be. Well, anyway, Courtney Stodden back in the news, she got married.
She married her fiance, Jared Safier. I don’t know what Jared Safier does, but clicking on the story here. How old is Jared Safier? He’s 41 and she’s 30 now. Okay. A lot more respectable in terms of age, but when you’re 16 years old, you don’t need to be marrying a 51 year old. I think they went on celebrity couples, you know, couples therapy.
And you know, just kept, just kept defying everybody who said, this is wrong. You know, Doug, what are you doing with a 16 year old? You clearly have, there’s guys, guys can’t have anything in common. And they just kept shoving it in people’s faces and saying, you’re all wrong, we love each other. I didn’t even realize until I just clicked on the Wikipedia that she was married to him for nine years.
What the hell? They were married for nine years. Am I reading this right? She was on the 12th season of the British version of celebrity big brother. She had a solo sex tape that she released back in 2015.
Yeah. March, 2020 finalized her divorce with Hutchinson and yeah, she’s Now with this guy and clearly, you know, obviously when this was going on back when she was 16, people were just like, he’s a pedophile. There’s a predator, the mother. I’m pretty sure the mother was totally against it. Her father was four years younger than Doug Hutchinson at the time they got married.
So, his family disowned him. Like it was a, it was a whole mess. And yet. God, I didn’t know they lasted nine years, but congrats to them. They’re no longer together. She got married to her boyfriend, but man, that was a name that I haven’t heard in a while. Clearly. I didn’t even know she had gotten divorced in 2020, but if you would have told me before I saw this story yesterday, Hey, did you know that Courtney Stoddard is not alive anymore?
I’d have been like, oh yeah, I think I remember hearing that. Like I did not, I had no idea. Just hadn’t heard her name in a while. And there she is getting married again. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. I really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play.
It’s the only way it counts as a download sports daily up in an hour from now at 9 15 AM. Eastern time on my YouTube channel and in your podcast feed will be episode number four 20 with Kristen Bert, who is a dance with the stars journalist. And we’re going to see, you’re going to see some Instagram reels and YouTube shorts from that interview as well.
So you come across those, if they show up in your feeds, like them, subscribe, leave a comment, whatever you can do to support. Anyway, thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. And I will talk to you tomorrow.