Now that we’re in 2025 brand new year, January, 2025, that means. Three reality shows that I watch and I will cover on this podcast. And when I say cover mean, I will talk about them after the episodes air. Obviously we know bachelor, which starts Monday, January 27th. Next week, we’ve got special forces starting on Fox on January 8th, and then the traders season three, starting on January 9th.
And that’s interesting. Because the traders released the first seven and a half minutes of episode one yesterday on Peacock. And all it is, is just everybody arriving at the castle. And we do have our first, I don’t know what you want to call it. Twist, I guess it’s a twist. And Alan coming to host says he basically has a group of people all dressed in.
Cloak, dark black cloak with masks on. They all leave, but there’s one still remaining, which if you already knew the traders cast list, you knew that Boston Rob was behind that mask. But basically what he said is if you come up here right now and shake my hand, you can then immediately eliminate somebody on the spot.
And this person gets to go in the game. Now, does that mean the first person to shake his hand or does that mean numerous people can shake his hand and go eliminate somebody? I got to believe it’s the first person to do it, right? Because if 10 people went up there and shook his hand, that means 10 people are gone on the first day.
I that’s not going to happen. So it sounds like the first person to go shake his hand can immediately turn around and eliminate anybody they want. And that allows Rob into the game. But does it mean if nobody shakes his hand, Rob can’t get in the game? I think I can’t remember exactly what I said or what was, what I watched, not what I said, what I watched.
So what was said, but it does look like. Okay. I would think somebody is going to use it right now. That person who’s shakes the hand of Alan coming and then turns right around and says, I want this personal minute. Maybe that person doesn’t actually end up going home. Maybe they’re in limbo and they get to come back later on.
Who knows? Because that would seem like a really weak way to leave the game, right? You get cast for this show, but somebody doesn’t like you and says, I want them gone, and then you’re gone. You didn’t even get to play the game. You know, Johnny bananas was gone first last season, I believe, but at least he got to play the game.
People just knew that we can’t keep this guy around because he’s very strategic. So they got rid of him. It would be really weak for whoever, if that hand gets shook and gets, and then turn around and get eliminated. That that person doesn’t even get to play the game. That would suck. Finally, this story, I just got to have a chuckle at a Netflix documentary dropped just a couple of days ago, and it’s called don’t die.
The man who wants to live forever. I have not watched it. I read the story on people. com. His name is Brian Johnson. And he spends 2 million a year trying to live forever. Some of these expenses include a personal health team of 30 doctors and experts who monitor his organs and bodily functions, weekly skincare treatments to repair sun damage and experimenting with other occasionally controversial unregulated avenues to expand lifespan.
He, uh, the documentary followed him to Prospera, a for profit city off the coast of Honduras that’s known for experimental medical facilities. He participated in a round of fully statin gene therapy, which he claimed slowed down his speed of aging, so he celebrates his birthday every 19 months instead of 12.
By the way, full of statin gene therapy, not approved by the FDA. And it just talks, he swapped blood with his son and his dad. He’s got three kids, by the way, he takes 54 pills a day. Eating a few pounds of vegetables. He has dinner at 11 AM. He has an hour long workout and he goes to bed at eight 30 every night.
I’m not going to watch this documentary. Thank you. People. com for alerting me about it so I could talk about it on my podcast. I think the most amazing thing about this when I’m reading it, and I guess this message can go to Brian Johnson. Brian, I think it’s fascinating that you were able to sell a tech company and make millions of dollars and do whatever you want with your money.
Spend 2 million a day so you won’t die. I’m here to tell you something, Brian, Brian Johnson, you are going to die. You know why? Because we all do. And here’s the thing, like, how can he prove what he’s doing? 54 pills a day, going to bed at 8 30, eating dinner at 11 a. m. How can he even prove, since it’s not like We all have an age where we all know we’re going to die.
And Brian Johnson’s like, look, we’re all supposed to die at 85, but I’m going to last till 95 because I’m doing this. It’s like, we have no idea if he can even claim this until, you know, the day he dies. And we look at his age, because even if we look at his, even if he lasts till 97, number one. Are your years in your nineties that great?
I mean, outside of a few people here and there, you see those videos of people online that are 95 years old and are running marathons and shit like that. That’s very, very few people in the what? 330 million people in the United States. You know, how many people are really, truly living and doing fun shit in their nineties?
You know, it’s his money. He can do whatever he wants. I’m just here to tell you, Brian Johnson. What a waste of fucking money. You’re going to die. We all are get over it. Anyway. Thank you all for listening. Really appreciate it. Follow me on Apple podcasts. Also rate and review, but you got to hit play sports daily is coming up in an hour from now.
And then at 9 15 AM Eastern time, my podcast number four 24 with Dave Neil is going to be on my YouTube channel, reality, Steve 24, and on my podcast feed. That’ll be on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Again, thank you everybody for listening. I really appreciate it and I will talk to you tomorrow.