?You are listening to the reality. Steve podcast with your host reality. Steve, he’s got all the latest info and behind the scenes juice on grants, upcoming season of the bachelor and interviewing some of your favorite reality stars now here’s reality.
What’s up everybody. Welcome to podcast number four 24. I’m your host reality. Steve, thank you all for tuning in a good one for you today. You might’ve already heard it though. It’s with Dave Neal. Although I was on Dave Neal’s podcast. We’re just using it as my podcast as well. He posted it yesterday on his.
Rush hour podcast. If you want to just listen to the audio, you want to give him a view on YouTube. Go check it out there at Dave Neal there, or is it D Neal’s on YouTube? I think it might be D Neal’s on YouTube. Either way, just go to YouTube, type in Dave Neal and you’ll find it. But as also you want to support me, listen to it today on Apple podcasts or Spotify, or go to my YouTube channel, 9 15 AM Eastern time.
It’ll be up on my YouTube channel from there. And you can like, subscribe, comment, all that good stuff. Conversation with Dave Neal coming up momentarily. So I just wanted to give you a little heads up, like I said. I recorded this with Dave earlier this week, and he posted it yesterday. And We do talk about some personal things on here.
We talk about the Las Vegas party, which is May 31st, 2025. It’s also happens to be the day of my 50th birthday. It is first come first serve. Anybody that wants to come still spots available. If you’re out of state, your confirmation into the party is just send me your flight itinerary, or if you’re driving in hotel itinerary, or if you’re a Vegas local, just promise me you won’t flake.
Tell me the names of everybody that’s going and where you’re coming in from. Email me at steve at realitysteve. com this year or next year’s party this year’s party and keep thinking we’re in 2024 This year’s party gonna be a little bit different in that it’s going to be an extra hour because we’re starting at 7 p.
m And there’s going to be a live podcast from 7 to around 8 ish But you’re also gonna have open beer and wine bar. You’re also going to have appetizers as well. So it’s just like all the other parties in the past, except this is the biggest venue we’ve ever had. It’s going to be at the house of blues at Mandalay Bay, and it is going to be more people than we’ve ever had.
Like I said, I think we’re already up to 80 people that have RSVP’d and I can take another, probably 70. So plenty of room left and we got five months to book it, but I would just tell you. Soon as you can book it as soon as you can, just because I don’t want anyone to miss out. I’ve been promoting it for a few weeks now.
Like I said, we’ve already filled up over half of the spots already, and it’s just a good time. Once a year, it’s a party I throw for you, the listeners, the viewers, the readers of the website, as a thank you for being a supporter of the Reality Seed podcast. And because my 50th birthday is on May 31st of next year, I was like, all right, I’ll move the party up a week and have it on my birthday.
And it is going to be an eighties themed party as well. So costumes are encouraged. So when you talk about that, we talk about a little bachelor stuff. We give out roses for the best thing that happened to us in 2024, the worst thing that happened in 2024 and what seeds were planting for 2025 also on the daily roundup.
Earlier, the, that I posted we talk about, I talk about Blake and Justin, more coming from that. There is so much back and forth now, it’s almost hard to know what is actually true and whatnot. Cause you, you read Blake’s complaint and you’re like, wow, Justin, real asshole. And then you read Justin’s complaint and you’re like, wait a second, is this true too?
Because now it doesn’t seem like someone’s not talking to the other person or somebody’s just flat out lying in this because there are things that are 100 percent the opposite of what Of what is being reported in each complaint. And I haven’t read Justin’s complaint yet. I plan on reading it today, but once I read that, I’ll have a little bit more details, but I do talk about it a little bit on the daily roundup Devon straighter, you know, Jen trans X Devon straighter.
He’s back in the news, making a fool of himself, the traders trailer. Not even a trailer. The first seven and a half minutes of The Traitor season three was released on Peacock yesterday. I discussed that a little bit and also a Netflix documentary that has me just scratching my head. I don’t understand this whatsoever.
Anyway, that was what was on the Daily Roundup. All right, let’s get going. Podcast number 424.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Dave Neal here, Stand Up Comic, and this is the Rush Hour Podcast New Year’s Day edition, and what better way to ring in the new year than with the reality Steve, Steve Carbone himself.
How are ya?
Dave, almost happy. It’s going to be airing on new year. So I should say happy new year, even though we’re recording this before new year. Oh,
don’t ruin the alert. We’re alive on New Year’s morning. What’s your big new year’s. Do you do new year’s or are you just like,
I’ve never been a big new year’s guy.
is all of garden open on new year’s.
Oh, damn right. It is. And the amount, the amount of olive garden gift cards that I got for Christmas. I think it’s over 200 in Olive Garden gift cards. So they have some sort
of reward program.
I, I think they do, but I have never, I don’t know, maybe I should look into it.
But honestly, at this age, at my age, I don’t. I don’t get anything for obvious. I don’t have a significant other or whatever. So I just have family and every year I just say, just get me, just give me gift cards. Like, I can’t think I got a, I got a pair of shoes and that’s it pair of shoes and about eight to 10 gift cards for different restaurants and Amazon and.
That’s it. That’s all I get. I
mean, what do you get the guy who’s got everything? You’ve got bachelor nation empire, a hit podcast. You get to live by yourself, which by the way, I mean, God bless. Like I love my family, but I can just imagine what the reality Steve compound looks like. Multiple TVs on the wall.
You’ve probably got speed dialed every Chinese food place in town. I mean, it sounds like a good life. Yeah. I mean, I like,
I like my single life. There are times where I’m just like, man, I can’t imagine living with somebody and having somebody. Ruin this routine. And then sometimes I’m like, man, I’m lonely.
You know, you’d like to, you’d like to have somebody lonely until my dog starts barking,
right? You just, I feel like relationships are not about settling. It’s about having somebody that you’re willing to tolerate. You know what I mean? That’s what it is. People from the bachelor world. I mean, how, no, no, you’ve never dated anyone from the bachelor world.
I’ve never even hooked up with anybody from the back. I
thought you dated an alumni. Maybe it was like, Oh, that was a big brother.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Done from big brother. How does that even go down? That came, that came from my podcast. As you pulled
a Caitlin Bristow there.
Yeah, it literally and it, but it was during, it was like a month into COVID.
And she had reached out to me from her, her team that was trying to get her interviews, reached out to me to have her on. And I had watched her season, but I did not, I hadn’t thought about her since the season ended. And someone sent me an email saying, Hey, would you like to have cat done on your podcast?
I’m like, sure. I watched big brother. I can talk big brother with her. And then after we were done recording, I didn’t, I had never spoken to her until. The time she called, like I didn’t even prep her. They, she, she just said she was calling in at a certain time. Her, her person said she’ll be calling in at, you know, four o’clock.
Okay. We recorded the interview. It went well. And then we had exchanged numbers and we just started texting back and forth. I didn’t really think much. I wasn’t like, Oh, I want to get with her. It wasn’t anything like that. It just kind of naturally developed. And it was during COVID. And I will say, you know, looking back on the relationship now, I, I definitely think it was a COVID.
Relationship. I don’t think it would have happened if we weren’t in lockdown and her and I didn’t live 20 minutes from each other.
Right. Oh, so you had that, yo, that’s yeah, you had that pandemic proximity thing. Yeah, that’s what it puts everyone up two degrees of hotness right there.
I’m not, I’m not saying she wouldn’t have been into me otherwise.
I just, you know, looking back on it and looking at the relationship and how things ended. I just get a sense that we probably wouldn’t have made plans to see each other. If we weren’t, I mean, this was three or four weeks after we were in lockdown, so nothing was open and she was just like, when do we, you know, we should hang out sometime.
I’m like, sure. And you know, I hadn’t seen anybody and she hadn’t been around anybody. So I was like, okay. And then it just kind of developed from there. But yeah, I mean, and that’s not to diminish the relationship. I just think it was definitely a COVID relationship for sure.
Has there been anyone on the Golden Bachelorette that was in their fifties?
And you might know where I’m going with this.
No, everybody. On every woman on golden bachelor on Gary season and every man on Jones season was 60 or over except for Kelsey’s dad, who was 57,
right? Everyone was 60 year old. So we did have someone in their fifties and I, well, I say that because you’re turning 50 this year, but there’s no way you’re, you’re kind of in that.
Are you jet your gen X, right? You’re, you’re between the boomers and the millennials, right? I
mix up which one is gen X. And I. I was born in 75. What does that make me? I
think that’s Gen X. You’re not a book. You’re definitely not a boomer, but but you’re, you’re, you’re obviously way too young to be on the golden show, but kind of, you know, and I’m in the same way too old to be, I mean, was there even anyone in their forties on the bachelorette, you know, or bachelor, I guess there’s probably no,
the oldest contestant they’ve ever cast for bachelor bachelorette has been the leads, Brad Womack.
Second time around was 38. I think Nick Vial when he was bachelor was 35 or 36 at the time. I’m an Ari. When he was bachelor was 35 or 36, but they have never had a contestant back in the day, way back in the day episode. Season like six when they had the double bachelor and the women had to choose on night one, which one they wanted to be.
The bachelor Byron Velvet was 41. I think they haven’t done that since.
I think it’s in today’s world, people are getting older and older. I think you could, I think you could easily find men in their forties that want to do it because when you take someone like the upcoming bachelor grant, he’s so young.
I mean, not like he’s not any younger than the normal guy. He’s probably what? 28, but it’s like, You’ve got your whole life ahead of you. I, I I mean, I guess 28 was the age I started. I kind of settled down with Tasha. So I guess it’s not that young, but I just, I think it’s also, you know, they find these people that kind of don’t have their career, you know, in a stable place.
How did Kat feel about you having your job? Like how, like what do people think when you date, who’s the last person you dated and how do you explain this bat cave known as the reality, Steve layer?
She was the last person I dated seriously. We dated for about nine months. We broke up toward, we started dating in April of 2020 and broke up right around the end of 2020, but that’s the last person I’ve seriously dated.
I’ve been out on dates since 2020, but nothing to where it was nine months with her and her and I talked and saw each other every day or saw each other a lot, but talk had some sort of contact every single day She was actually cool with it because she understood she was a reality show contestant.
She understood it She never tried to be like cuz she knew nothing really. She didn’t really watch The Bachelor She was very into the Big Brother world. So she had no idea so it was it was cool in that aspect I didn’t feel like I mean I there were a lot of people that came out right when they found out that we were dating Who said that she was using me and I was like Using me for what she doesn’t, she’s not, she’s not using me for information.
I mean, I, I’m, she’s not using me for any sort of clout. And if anything, she’s more known than I am just because she was just on big brother the previous year, I think just as many people knew her than knew me. So I didn’t really buy that narrative, but I also think that she was, she was cool in that.
She never asked about anything. Yeah. If I get information or I was on a phone call, I would tell her first, but it’s not like it registered with her because she wasn’t following, she didn’t know the show, she didn’t know the contestants. And so it wasn’t a big deal, but she was cool with it.
I want you to know full transparency.
I’m using you for your poolside cabana, but I did, I was friends with you before I knew you, I knew you had that access. I’m looking forward to this year. You’re going to have your big five zero has you. And by the way. What, what’s stopping us from having our own bachelor season with you? You know, you’ve, you’ve lost a good amount of weight this year.
You’ve got this awakening happening. Let’s, let’s get the Texas ladies out there and, and do some live shows. You can run it through your podcast.
You know, I did that years ago, actually. I did a reality. I did a reality, Steve dating contest. Gosh, back in 20, 2010, it was, I mean, it was a long time ago. Yeah.
And you
would never want to date the person that would want to enter a reality. Steve dating and
the weird thing was like, I had, there was, it was like sending an email. Give me a brief description. I had someone else screening the emails. Cause I was just like, well, if I screen it, that’s Someone that knew me, you, you screen it.
And I had five women send me email or not five. I had over 75 emails. Wow. And they had to pare it down. So they pared it down to 15 and it was strictly like, Hey, I mean, I can’t, I’m not gonna meet 75 women. Like, let’s make it down. Let’s get down to 15. And then I sent those 15 a questionnaire. I sent them like a 10 question questionnaire.
And then based off of those answers. I, I narrowed it down to five and all five of those women I said to come out, they came out to Dallas all different weekends. So it was like my own mini bachelor and I told them I would put them up. They would just have to get a flight out here. I put them up at a hotel on all five women and they all came out for like two or three days.
And it just, it just failed. It was just, wasn’t, I don’t know. I don’t know if the women got out here and them weren’t interested or what, but there was really no connection with any of them on my end. And I think on, I’m not saying like, Oh, I’ve, they weren’t good enough for me. I don’t think I was, they weren’t feeling me.
And if they were, they certainly weren’t acting it. They, it was just, It was awkward. It was just well, it’s because they were in my backyard and maybe if I should have gone out there, I don’t know. It was just poorly done. I never should have. Would you
move for it for anybody? Are you stuck where you are in Texas?
I wouldn’t say that I’m stuck. And I wouldn’t say that I wouldn’t move, but I don’t think I would for a few years, I think just with family being here, I, I think I’d have to stick around a little bit longer.
Well, okay. So like, let’s take online dating out of the question. What would you do to meet somebody where you live?
Is there like Tuesday night trivia at Applebee’s? Like what’s, what’s going on?
I don’t. I don’t meet people on a daily basis because I’m home all day. I don’t go out walking
now though. You meet someone walking.
Yeah, I could. I bite in the neighborhood that I live just seems to be all families. I live in suburbia.
It’s, it’s mostly families here. I don’t go to bars. All my close friends live in California. I just, I, I don’t put myself out there. I’m very private about my personal life. I just don’t like it out there. And I I don’t know. I just, I certainly am not putting out the effort to meet people. I will say that I’ll be the first to admit I’m not on dating apps.
I don’t, and I, it’s just with just the way social media is. And I’m not going to say Laura Owens has ruined it for me, but it’s, but it’s people like, it’s people like that, that do kind of freak me out a little bit. Oh, you need a body cam.
You need an alibi. You need a body cam consent forms. And I don’t mean that in like to trivialize it, but yeah, as we’ve talked about with Laura Owens, you can literally, I mean, most people can be trusted, but if someone was going to target somebody, they’re going to go after somebody who has something to lose, which is a little bit of a public figure.
And I, I just. I just, I don’t want to say it like right off the bat when I am on a first date with somebody, but I also just get this sense of, you know, the other thing is the, the first girl that happened with Clayton, the one who thought she slept with him and then, you know, ran to tick talk and, and, and did a tick talk about it.
That just freaks me out in general, that somebody is, you know, after, if we break up, whether it’s an amical breakup or it’s not a good breakup that my relationship is going to be talked about. Like, it’s just like, why do you have to talk about, and, and it’s because I am a public figure to, to a very niche audience.
I’m not a public figure like Clayton was, who was the bachelor, but it just freaks me out that somebody is going to go to Tik TOK or go on a message board and talk about Anything that’s involving our personal life. And it’s always freaked me out. It’s prevented me from dating and maybe I should just get over that and just realize that if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen.
There’s nothing I can do to control it. Even if I tell them. Not to do it, but it’s definitely played a role. Yeah.
You know, what’s funny, what’s so funny about that sort of world we live in, where women will sort of tell you the tea about their relationship is it’s kind of a one sided gender thing. I don’t know any scenario where a guy’s like, all right, fam, I’m going to tell you about that date I went on with Rebecca.
I don’t know. Why do you, like, why do women get to do it? Is it because women are trying to warn other women of F built boys? That might be it. But as we see it play out, there’s just so many missed shots on TikTok of people being like, I’m going to expose this guy why he’s the worst. And it’s, and everyone’s like, Honey, that was just a normal thing.
Like I’ve had one old lady, that one lady as old lady, older lady who said I think it was guy from golden bachelor, how gross he was because he licked her finger at the movies, but she redacted the part of the conversation where he asked her beforehand, Hey, I’m going to lick your finger. And she was, and she responded with like a flirty emoji.
Which one is it?
Well, I, yeah. And I, and I think that, you know, there’s a lot of podcasts out there where they’re just strictly talking about their dating lives. I mean, call her daddy used to be that way. She’s more of an interviewer now. But there’s you know, there’s that one podcast what’s it called?
Guys we fucked. I mean, it’s just, it’s just women love talking about their dating lives publicly. And. While I’m sure it gets great engagement from other women and other women like hearing about other women’s horrible dating stories. So because it’s, they find it relatable us guys on the other end, we don’t really appreciate it, but obviously you look, it’s a case by case basis.
was like guys like fucked cause I actually did comedy with Corinne before, before that podcast. And they’ve made a great career out of it. And it was a precursor to call her daddy. And I think with, I think there was an underserved market of like, it was taboo for women to. Talk about anything sexual.
That’s why people like Maria, it’s so refreshing to hear someone talk about sex or any of the, any of the sex positive people really that come from the franchise. It’s nice because like this purity culture that like, Oh, God forbid you discuss what happened in the fantasy suite, but yeah, there’s a, but, but I can understand that in today’s world.
You know, you, you, like, you would want to be able to go on a date and not talk about it after, but it is sort of like, that’s what’s so funny because we make our living in part talking about people who do decide to go on these shows and analyze it.
And I just, I don’t know, I just get weirded out by somebody, the fear.
I mean, nobody, the thing is, cause Kat didn’t do it. The thing is, nobody has really done it to me. But it’s the fear of it happening of someone going and you know doing a reddit post You know what? I will say this when Caitlin Bristowe had a wine opening at Target five minutes from where I lived I went to it And I met Caitlin that day.
It was very brief, less than five minutes. And I do remember in line, somebody was right behind me, knew who I was and made a little small talk. I made a little small talk back. I might’ve been not rude or short with them, but I was just like, not really engaging cause they were brought up bachelor stuff.
And then that person. Because someone sent it to me, went to Reddit that day and said, I met reality, Steven line at Caitlin’s wine tasting. And boy, he was, they didn’t trash me, but they weren’t really positive. I was like, geez, that’s just a, a meeting in line at target for Caitlin’s wine tasting and someone felt the need to go talk about me like, really?
I barely even spoke to you. We were in line talking maybe two minutes and yet you felt the need to go and talk about it publicly. And that. That’s the stuff that just bothers me. And I didn’t even have any sort of relationship with that woman, any sort of sexual intimacy with that woman. And that’s what kind of, you know, weirded out.
And then obviously the Laura stuff with Clayton is just like, gosh, like why, why is it necessary to talk about this? And I almost feel like. You got to lay down the law on the first date. Like, Hey, if this gets serious or whatever, please don’t ever talk about us publicly.
Or there’s probably a way to find somebody who’s, I think most people aren’t on the internet.
Like most people who go on Reddit have never commented on Reddit. I think the bachelor franchise just attracts people that have a little bit of a voyeuristic, you know, parasocial relationship with the bachelor. So then when they meet somebody, they’re like, I can’t believe I can share. But like, you know, you know, you could just meet somebody out, you know, at some cooking class somewhere who’s like, Oh, cool, you do that, you know, and there’s no idea what you do, like, I feel like most people are not chronically online, the way that we kind of have to be as we’re kind of talking and sourcing content, you know, it’s a weird, it’s a weird world, though, but and I, and I hate to be the person who’s like, I’m gonna have a baby and then tell other people to go on, you know, to go, you know, But I just think, you know, you’ve got I think you’ve probably got more of a demand for people that would date you than you think.
Like I said, I don’t try, I don’t put myself out there. It’s like, I I’d rather it happen. I don’t know, organically. And just, it comes about like usually it’s someone either I meet through the podcast or. I don’t like getting set up. Yeah, that’s no, that’s,
you know, and the, and the problem with that is not, not to beat, beat this topic down, but I find it interesting because it is, it is like, it’s like I was talking to Tasha about this.
I was like, Steve’s having a killer year. He’s got like all these things going on. Like I, it would be hilarious to see the right, the right person, just like where you will, you know, and it’s like, we get, we get kind of scared because sometimes you’ll date someone who’s, To clingy or to, or, or you’ll lose trust because there’s jealousy games that get played back and forth.
But all that aside, you eventually find somebody who’s just like, kind of gets your vibe and it’s like, all right, Steve’s going to do his thing. Steve’s got a breaking news story. I’ll go make the linguine. You need to somebody who can cook good Italian food. That’s what you need.
Yeah. I just, I would love to have somebody to Just be chill with and somebody that, you know, there’s no, I don’t believe in soulmates.
I don’t believe in that at all. It’s just somebody that you can get along with. You’re obviously going to do things that annoy them and they’re going to do things that annoy you, but enough to where you can, you know, tolerate it. And that’s really what it comes down to. And I can’t, I’m not going to sit here and say I haven’t found anybody that I’m able to tolerate.
I just honestly don’t. I’m not a serial dater. I’m, I’m barely a dater. I just don’t go out on a lot of dates. I’m very well. It’s like you just need, yeah, you need at
bats. You need a lot of at bats and I don’t, and it might, and yeah, it might be that you’re just not getting the at bats because you know, you’re in a place and I get it.
Like you, like I just moved to suburbia. It’s like, Oh my gosh, it’s just moms and kids and dogs. It’s just like, yeah, it’s gotta be, it’s kinda gotta be tough. Yeah. But Hey, what, maybe we’ll you know, we’ll we’ll see if anyone, but, but then again, anyone who would DME being like, I would want to date reality.
Steve, I’d be like, Steve, I don’t want you to date. They like, we got to find you somebody outside of bachelor nation. You got that, you know, but anyway, we’ll move on. So I want to talk about 2024 both. And again, and I also want to talk about the upcoming season of bachelor, but let’s go back to 2024. I had this game I wanted to play with you called rose thorns and seeds.
So. Tell me your rose and then I’ll tell you mine. Tell me your thorn. I’ll tell you mine and then tell me your seed and I’ll tell you mine. Rose is like, give me a highlight of 2024, whatever it is. What’s a, what’s something you can think of that was like, dang.
I honestly, I would say my party, my party every year is like literally one of the main things I look forward to all year. I just think it’s a lot of fun. Last year was that the first time we had ever had it at the Venetian. It was, it was a lot better than that because years before I was just in a room and it got too stuffy and got too, it just got too hot in there.
catering, good
food was excellent. A lot of space. There was at least, I think, Could seat like 60. So a lot of people were able to sit as opposed to at the party where you have to, to stand. Yeah, I honestly think my highlight for for my year, for 2024 was the party. And you could probably say that for 2023 and 2022.
It’s literally the one thing I look forward to all year because I, I, I, I appreciate everybody that does tune in and supports the podcast and the website. And that’s, that’s the reason I’m able to throw the party. So it’s like. I, I look forward to it every year and now we’re less than six months away from, from this year’s,
how many people have already committed to going to the 2025?
I think I’m over 80 right now and
and can get up to one, we can get up to one 50 this year. So now I’m
going to ask you this and you, you don’t have to answer. What does the average reality Steve fan appreciation cost
for, for
a guest? No, for you. Oh, you don’t have to tell me, but I don’t
This is,
this is are you Jason Tarnik? Is this a business?
Yeah, I got Jason Tarnik hair. I’m Jason’s older brother.
What’s his podcast called? Business
trading vines or trading off the secrets or something like
that. Trading vines.
It took a while to register. I got it now. So when I was having it in the room, which is always at Mandalay, The room was free because I get my rooms comped at Mandalay.
So all I was paying for was that catering service that came in and that would all be dependent, which was three hours of open beer and wine bar, and then appetizers to feed. You know enough people there that was running me around. 500 a year. Wow Last year’s party at venetian just had a hire because it was at a restaurant You had to do you know service charge staffing fees all that that came to around 9, 500 wow next year’s party is the biggest one i’ve ever had it has more people to it probably gonna have a dj We got The mics set up, there’s going to be a show.
It’s going to be a, you know, a live one hour podcast, maybe 90 minutes, depending on how things go. Probably do a Q and a from the audience. Cause we have wireless microphones to go around. It’s at the house of blues. So that one is costing me. A little bit more than the Venetians last year. Let’s definitely into the.
Five figure range. Yeah. I mean, I don’t even know the exact amount yet, but I mean, it’s, it’s between 15 and 20
this year.
Wow. Yeah, that’s
So, yeah, it’s, but it’s something that I was feeling like, yeah, you know what? This is what I want to do. And you know what? The reason I’m going big for next year’s obviously is because of.
It’s also the date the party is on my 50th birthday. So that’s why next year, I’m probably going to go back to Venetian and just do a hundred people or whatever. I don’t think I’m going to make it this big every year. So that’s why I decided, Hey, it’s my 50th as well. The party has always been the first Friday in June.
And when I looked at 2025 schedule, I’m like, wait, may 31st is only the week before That I usually do it and my birthday happens to fall on a Saturday. So might as well do it on my birthday this year. So, yeah, it’s me on my birthday. We’re going to do a, you know, an 80s theme party as well. So yeah, it’s just costing me a little bit more because there’s more people coming and a restaurant is charging more per head with still going to be for, and it’s going to be an extra hour of beer and wine.
So that adds to the price. The beer and wine is a little bit more expensive at house of blues than it was With the catering service I used and asking for 50 more people. So yeah, it’s somewhere between 15 and 20.