You are listening to the Daily Roundup here as part of the Reality Steve Podcast. I am your host, Reality Steve. Thank you all for tuning in on this Friday. As we head into the weekend, good show for you. Yes, a little more Justin Baldoni, Blake Lively talk. I’m going to talk about the Challenge Finale Part 1 that aired on Wednesday night.
Haven’t talked about that yet. So I want to give my thoughts on it. I’ve got another wicked story, this one involving Ariana Grande, and it is something that I have noticed. And I didn’t think this would ever come out in some sort of story, but it is now a thing, and I knew I was right about this. And then there’s another young, probably the same age as Ariana kind of grew up Lovato.
I got a question about her. Not necessarily about her. Maybe more about her relationship. We’ll get to all that momentarily. So what is the latest in the Justin Baldoni Blake Lively case? You ask Steve, you talk about this every day. Well, that’s because it’s going to be the biggest story in Hollywood for probably the next few months until a, this thing goes to trial or B there’s a settlement that happens.
It’s starting to get ugly. And according to Justin Baldoni’s lawyer, Brian Friedman, who is one of the more heavy hitting lawyers in all of Hollywood, some call him the biggest Hollywood entertainment lawyer out there. After we know that Justin Baldoni filed a 250 million lawsuit against the New York times, his lawyer, Brian Friedman now says he’s going to sue Blake Lively.
And it’s going to be soon following her sexual harassment complaint. He told NBC news quote, we plan to release every single text messages between the two of them. We want the truth out there. We want the documents to be out there. We want people to make their determination based on receipts and quote, you know, I can’t agree with him more.
That is what the public wants, because in Blake’s complaint against Justin Baldoni, there were plenty of texts and emails that we saw. In Justin’s lawsuit, which by the way, I’ve gotten through about half of it, and I don’t know if I’m going to get to the other half the rest of this weekend, and here’s why I’ll tell you why.
Because, Just through the first half that I’m reading, the timelines aren’t matching up to me. This is turning into a he said, she said. So I don’t think finishing that is going to be like, oh, this is crystal clear. It’s not crystal clear. If you look at and read Blake’s complaint, her 80 page document, and you read Justin’s 87 page, Lawsuit against the New York times.
Some of these timelines aren’t adding up. It’s like who knew what and when, and it’s very, very confusing. There isn’t a, this is exactly what happened. If you read both her complaint and his lawsuit towards the New York time, there is no definitive answers. And unfortunately we, as the public. Would rather have definitive, definitive answers than just having to kind of speculate here on who is telling the truth.
Because there are some things that are 180 degrees different from each other. That’s just the way it is. So I told you, to be fair, I wanted to read Justin’s lawsuit against the New York Times. And the more I read it, the more I got confused. Which isn’t a good thing. I wasn’t confused by the legal mumbo jumbo and the legal wording in his lawsuit.
I was confused by the legal mumbo jumbo and the legal wording in his lawsuit. What I was confused by is him saying things that didn’t line up with what Blake said in terms of the timeline itself. Very, very confusing. So maybe I’ll get to the last half, the last 40 or so pages of his lawsuit, but probably not.
But as he told NBC News in this quote, yeah, If he plans to release every single text message between the two of them, we want the truth to be out there. We want the documents to be out there. We want people to make their determination based on receipts. Absolutely. That’s how people are going to make their determination on this case.
I say this all the time, especially when it comes to, when I talk about bachelor nation and we talk about some of the contestants on this show and what they did pre show you got to show receipts in 2024. Well, now we’re in 2025. See, I already forgot. We’re in 2025. Now you got to show receipts. If you really, really want to get someone to believe your side, unfortunately, he said, she said doesn’t work anymore.
You have to be able to provide something that’s believable. If he’s got text messages between him and Blake, Then we need to see them. Now, I don’t know if we, as the public are going to be able to see all of these, because if there’s lawsuits filed, they might do it under seal, all this different type of stuff that could possibly go on.
I don’t know, but that’s the really, the only way people are going to believe just inside, because right now we’ve seen, I think three text messages and Blake’s complaint had way more than three. So, Hey, Justin, if you want people to believe you come with those receipts, come with those text messages. And we’ll take it from there.
But until then, I don’t know, I don’t think I’m going to have much to add to this case until more comes out just because I’m so confused now and it’s turning into way too much of a, he said, she said, so I don’t even know how anybody can have a hard stance on Blake or a hard stance on Justin, unless you already have a narrative in your head where you’re not going to believe the other side, no matter what happens.
I say. More needs to come out. We need more information because some of this stuff just is not adding up. Part one of the challenge aired on Wednesday night, by the way, if you don’t remember the challenge started on MTV in August, the fact that we’re in January and we’re finally going to see the finale next Wednesday night is kind of amazing when you think about it, but that’s when we’re getting it next Wednesday night is part two of the finale.
We will see. And we finally know now there’s going to be one male winner and one woman winner. And I wanted to talk about part one that aired on Wednesday night, just briefly, a couple of things that stuck out to me, both of them involve, well, only one of them involves Jenny, the other one involves, we know that the challenge finale TJ’s finale are usually some of the most grueling things you will ever see anybody have to go through.
I think special forces is tough, which starts next week on Fox. We’ll be watching that. We’ll be covering it on this podcast, but those. Challenge finales are brutal.
I’m not much of a swimmer. I can’t remember the last, I mean, I’ve been in water, clearly, especially recently, every time I go to Vegas, when I go out to the pools, I go in the water, but I’m not swimming laps and I’m not swimming for endurance. I’m kind of just chilling with some sort of frozen drink in my hand anyway.
And I don’t, I think all season I was under the impression that Kylan was going to win the challenge this year, but based on part one of the finale, If every single checkpoint involves them on the Sinister Ship having to swim to shore, do some puzzle, and swim back to Sinister, Kylan has zero chance of winning.
He has finished dead last in the first three checkpoints. And, it kinda sucks for him, but it’s also, hey, you know how this show works. You’re gonna have to be good at puzzles, you’re gonna have to be good at cardio, and you’re gonna have to be good at swimming. At some point, those three will all be incorporated into one of TJ’s challenge finales.
Well, Kylan absolutely sucks at swimming, as evidenced by what we saw on Wednesday night. Now, I know that they still have the karma vote, and the karma vote can come in and I guess possibly change the way the standings are, but even if everyone gave Kylan a five, That seems almost unfair, if he can finish dead last in every single checkpoint, but karma votes bring him to a victory?
I don’t think people would be really thrilled with that at all, but I do somewhat feel bad for the guy because he has zero chance to win when Jordan literally competes in triathlons. If he competes in triathlons, that means he’s going to be good in no matter what final TJ does. And it really points out that the only way he can probably stumble in a final is on a puzzle.
And. He is so good at swimming. He builds himself such a lead that he can struggle with a puzzle and still end up finishing first in a checkpoint. So hell just based on what we saw on Wednesday, it certainly seems like Jordan is going to win on the men’s side. How does he not Derrick’s not beating him.
Kylan’s not beating him. Does bananas have a chance? I just, I don’t understand really how the karma vote is working. I thought they just said the highest ranked points for the men and the highest ranked points for the women, but maybe I heard that wrong. All I know is, Kylan needs to go back to the drawing board.
He obviously has to improve his swimming if he’s ever going to win a challenge season. That’s just a given at this point. But you’re just like, oh my gosh. Kylan is one of the best competitors out there and he’s being made to look like a fool. Because he cannot come close to competing in these swimming challenges.
It sucks for him, but I don’t know how else they can edit this. It looks like this is going to be a Jordan runaway on the men’s side. The other thing I wanted to talk about briefly was Jenny at the end of the show, who they have them doing this count. 30 minutes, then go up on the dock and sing a song for 30 minutes, which seems to be a rip off of the Big Brother, where they had to sing Janky, janky Why am I forgetting the song now?
I love you You love me Janky, janky 1, 2, 3, no I’m already forgetting the song, but you know what song I’m talking about The Janky World song, but now when I think about it The Challenge was filmed this summer, and Oh no, The Challenge would have been filmed before Big Brother took place, so it’s very possible reality TV producers spoke to each other And the challenge producers spoke with somebody who worked on or the big brother producers spoke with somebody who worked as a challenge producer.
And they said, Hey, here’s what we did for one of ours. We had to make them sing when they were all delirious and we wouldn’t let them go to sleep. So it is possible. They pass that off because it seems very, very odd. The challenge made these people sing a song that they made up. And then that very same summer, months later, when big brother filmed this summer, They made the big brother cast sing the janky song.
Anyway, you have to do that for 30 minutes and you go back down, you count coins. Well, Jenny is losing her mind. And I just thought, okay, obviously lack of sleep, lack of food. She’s just probably going delirious. But when I was following on Twitter yesterday, some things were popping up in my for you page about how the fact that Jenny apparently is a big vapor and Jenny.
Is having vaping withdrawals. And that’s why she’s being so cranky when everyone else, while they might be tired and they might be hungry, aren’t struggling as much as Jenny was just counting some coins and singing a stupid song. So I wonder if that’s it. Everyone is basically saying Jenny is having nicotine withdrawals right now.
That’s why she’s going nuts and people are telling her to shut up. I thought that was a very, very interesting note.